#taza episode 32
cardboardqueen · 5 years
so Billy’s dead and I have some thoughts
hey. hey guys. 
Billy’s death was tragic and beautiful and I cried, but now I have some thoughts that I simply cannot ignore.  so here’s a long meta post about it
First, a few Facts™ 
Indrid predicted that Billy would be important
the mimic abomination referred to him as “the partition”
When Ned was in that digital dreamscape, he read the words “Duck” “Pizza” and “Run” on the command line thing 
In Billy’s TV dust illustration of earth and sylvain, he depicted himself as from a place/planet between the two, and then drew dozens of other circle pairs with his place/planet between the two
All of the abominations, regardless of form or function (Billy was technically a minion, I think) have been the same kind of four-armed light-creature
The mimic compared humans to spiders, and itself to a boot, and implied that there was a bigger picture that Ned didn’t understand
we have significant evidence that those creatures are intelligent, but also that they don’t necessarily mean humans harm.  Before the water elemental dies, Griffin says “And you instantly know that this being, whatever it is, it means you no harm”
Eugene claims to been sucked into a wormhole by “ephemeral beings”
Minerva, when she names Duck a Herald of the Astral Mind, says “By the light inside, between, and around”
so I have a theory
Billy (and the other creatures of light) are from the liminal space beyond reality, and are connected in some way to the magic of the archway.  It’s been a long ass time since I read The Subtle Knife, but kind of like how whenever Will made a cut, he released demons? Because clearly the archway has magic that can disregard spacetime and reality, and the easiest way to thread a needle through opposite ends of a piece of paper is to fold the paper in half, ie, go between/ beyond our plane of reality.  
Minerva knows at least a little about this.  She found earth and sylvain because she was doing research on her own planet’s archway, and nothing says “liminal dimension of light” more than the combination of the phrases “astral mind” and “the light inside, between, and around”. 
The abominations aren’t wreaking havoc for havoc’s sake.  The mimic had a goal, made complex plans, and was frustrated when they didn’t work.  I think it was Aubrey who said that there was no better way to start a war with sylvain than to convince a bunch of scared earthlings to storm the gate.  I don’t know if they want to destroy earth, or sylvain, or both, or the connection between the two, but they have a specific goal and a specific plan
and here’s where I pull out my tin hat
All planets have an essence.  The essence of earth is a suitable substitute for the light of sylvain in a pinch.  Sylvain and the quell have a yin/yang kind of relationship, implying that earth may also have a quell type essence, it’s just well balanced, so we don’t notice any negative effects.  Every other life bearing planet probably also has a life/death pair, and most are probably in good balance.  But sylvain’s isn’t, and it’s earth’s fault.  And, if I’m right, then a constant between all planets, and all these connections, throughout all of reality, is the four-armed light creature.  If they’re filling all the space between reality, then they’re probably pretty invested in an imbalance like sylvain’s, and they would be invested in fixing it.  
What if the abomination’s presence on earth is trying to find sylvain, or punish earth, or destroy the worlds so that at least everything is balanced again, even if this two little worlds have to die? So much chaos has been caused by the earth/sylvain connection, from the shattering of the crystal, to the “draconian” laws and whatever caused them, and now the shattering of Mount Kepler, in addition to whatever the fuck happened on November 15, 1988 (ephemeral beings through a wormhole sure seems like the light creatures).  The mimic, when it confronted Ned, seemed to have orders from a higher authority, and implied that there was a larger plan being carried out.  What if they’ve been trying to fix the chaos, or at least stop it?  That’s why the abominations have been getting smarter recently, because the quell’s been getting stronger, and they’re trying to stop the quell too, in their own way.  
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iamalivenow · 5 years
taza 1: haha fun adventures with big foot
taza 32: euthanize you friend or he’ll slowly and painfully decorporealize and it’s all your fault for keeping him here so his pain is entirely in your hands so give him a good last few moments by lying about the end of a videogame because it’s the only solace he has found in his lonely passing. this is the first twenty minutes of the episode.
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