#tbb 0101: Aftermath
renton6echo ยท 5 months
Day 1 of 30 Days of The Bad Batch
Season 1, Episode 1: Aftermath
Alright. Let's dive into, probably, my favorite episode of the series so far. It's just such a great opening to the characters and the story. What a way to open a series right at Order 66. I just knew we were in for such a rollercoaster from the start of this show. Really, Order 66? That's where you're starting off the show? Force, have mercy on us all.
The biggest gem of this episode is that it's the only one we get where we get to see Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair just be a squad together. If I had my wish, I would have liked to have seen more of that before Crosshair and the rest of the batch split off. It was harder to see what the loss of Crosshair did to the team on an emotional and military tactics level. We didn't get much in the way of their team dynamic apart from Crosshair just being known as the surly, grumpy one. While I do love all the theories around how it was likely Echo who stepped into the role that Crosshair had like like being the peacekeeper between Tech and Wrecker's, it would have been nice to see more of that so we had an idea of what the Batch lost.
I've put my live musings of the episode under this thread for the sake of my followers. Sorry, not sorry!! Ya'll knew what you were getting into following me ๐Ÿ‘€
Not sure if anyone else is interested in doing this but if you're also re-watching TBB before the season 3 premiere be sure to tag all your musings in the #30 Days of The Bad Batch so I can read them!!
@floundrickthewayfarer @saturn-sends-hugs @the-bi-space-ace
First off, Captain Grey, I wish we had gotten to know you more before your chip activated because you seem like a sassy and salty man. I'm sure you and Rex swapped lots of stories.
Wee Kanan. I remember watching this the first time and having just finished Rebels. I saw and heard Kanan and literally said, "Oh, shit. Please no!! This is so mean." Good times. Good times.
So at what point did they realize they could use Echo's scomp as a melee weapon? It is so badass.
Oooff. That shot of the large canyon separating Kanan and Hunter that symbolizes the break between clone and Jedi *chefs kiss*
I really wish we had more scenes take place in TBB's barracks. So many fun details to dissect.
Will never get over Tech's matter-the-fact "My exceptional mind." Legend.
LOL. Echo's put-out expression when Wrecker notes how ugly Palpatine is! I've never noticed that.
Wonder how well the clones are informed in intergalactic politics. Echo seems to have a real knowledge of the larger political nuance more than the others. He is the first to openly question clones as soldiers of the Empire versus the Republic. I assume the Kaminoans would not have spent a lot of time educating clones on political structures and more on just being compliant with the system they were born into. For most clones, the transition from republic to empire is more or less just a name change, but Echo clearly takes issue with the implications.
Battle simulation time! Honestly, I could watch a whole series of clones just bantering and comming each other in battle. Such a fun, creative way to learn about characters and see them interact with each other. Wrecker and Tech sniping at each other is the best thing ever.
ALSO, Hunter why you whistling at them? You got comms for a reason you dramatic punk.
The implication that Crosshair also cried after seeing a fully stocked armory is just...I need that footage.
I never noticed that most, if all the weapons the Onderon insurgents have are Republic-issued.
Omega liking the batch's smelly barracks? Yeah, she's one of them.
Freaking Tarkin. I'm assuming he was just going to fry all their brains to make the whole batch compliant. Ugh. Poor Crosshair.
Oh, Shock troopers. Worst jobs with the worst rap. Do you think we will get to see Commander Fox in the last season? ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ
"You were down!" Echo has the best sense of humor.
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