#tbbc 5
ranger-raziel · 2 years
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Damn what does Flanagan have against theatre actors
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last one, i think! this is the one that annoys me most i think. a lot of important characters don’t get a backstory! it’s especially noticeable in tbbc. the only fleshed out backstory we get is hal’s. a lot of characters have so much potential and yet they’re basically swept under the rug. personally, i’d love to read about karina, hal’s mom, more. she seems badass! she was kidnapped and enslaved in an enemy country, and survived. how is she not a role model for the girls in hallasholm?
oooh. this. t h i s. AND THIS
the books are literally full of characters i would like to know more about! how did jesper learn how to steal? from where came stefan’s imitations skills? does anyone in ingvar family has problems with their sight too? i could go on and on!
i have to say i thought about karina a lot. mainly because i want to know why she didn’t come back to araluen... because... that’s the most presumable thing she could do?!
i think this could become an amazng discussion! does anyone have any headcanons about any character?
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captainkrishmashah · 5 years
The world always seems to find itself in a fix whenever it has tried to understand the mind of a workaholic person, especially when one exists in your social circle and you’d wish to present them with something that’ll hold significance to your friend despite their obsessive-compulsive flaws. Although, we must first address the elephant in the room that is the typically-perceived image of a workaholic person, which is of a miserable man/woman who is aimlessly draining oneself because they’re addicted to working like an alcoholic is glued to his liquor. Well, that’s not true. A workaholic could be any random person who finds solace in what they do because they are certain that every day of their labour gets them closer to their goal, so aimlessly is out of the question because only when things work in an individual’s favor is when he or she can be passionate about what they do.
For some it is about money and stability, for others it is about building an empire, many simply do it for the joy or sense of purpose it brings them, for example; animal rescuers, who do what they do because of the connection they feel towards animals, social or wildlife activists, who are the voice of the people that speak of what seems larger-than-life agendas, however, necessary for maintaining the delicate balance that augments us from the wild while ensuring the welfare of the ecosystem that supports life and its thriving nature in general.
Simply put, workaholics come from all walks of life and in all shapes and sizes who are regular people, however, with a certain clarity of purpose, so the odds are the same as always i.e they may either view your choice of gift from a practical stand-point or simply appreciate the gesture of thoughtfulness.
However, in most cases workaholics are in a constant battle with time when it comes to distributing it for other social and personal activities, some barely manage to make it through the five-hour-long shuteye but one needs to understand that a person willingly prioritizes and makes the necessary adjustments that others may prefer to call sacrifices, nonetheless, it is only a matter of perspective. One may be a wellwisher in their intent to coax their workaholic friend with their suggestive opinion about socializing or with holiday packages, tickets, etc for only getting their compulsive friend to relax and have a good time for once but they know well that it’d only mean getting in the way and slowing them down because that’s how a person who is passionately working towards their goal would perceive these gestures, as hurdles. Plus, there’s a time for everything, even gifts, although one may seem to be engrossed in achieving their goal, on its attainment the person would likely have a brief moment of silence which could give the individual’s life another turn.
So, if you wish the very best for your Bee-Buddy then the best offer to present to them would be the ones that ease their effort by promoting efficiency and longer sustenance while helping them reach their goal faster.
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Everything today as we know it to be is driven by our tech which brings together different branches of science for setting various facets of our infrastructural system in motion; from exchange, trade and commerce to even communication and socialising is both securely and conveniently carried out via our internet-gateway devices, especially our smartphones and PCs that enables us with an overview for helping the overall management and execution of the same. However, even in the world of 2FAs, one still has to worry about tangible tools and keys because living life like the Jetsons (if any of you get the reference) is still far fetched, unless your workaholic friend is Elon Musk or within the same category as his, worrying about tangible old-school metal keys and knowing what key fits where is always going to be unproductive tasks that get in their way.
So to help our sleep-deprived warriors for keeping their composure intact with solutions for instances just like these, we’ve brought our very own personalised key holder to the conversation table. Our keyholder is a carefully crafted and finished leather product which is made from cruelty-free synthetically procured material called faux. The material is known to withstand conditions like humidity, friction, heat, cold with ease and is one of the most popular go-to options for people looking to own sustainable goods. The personalised key holder comes with a name tag that can be customized to satisfy the user’s needs and is available in shades of grey and blue which enables you to color-code and name the various key sets as per one’s liking.
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Having earlier mentioned the dominance of technology in our daily lives, it is impossible for one to think of a scenario where someone is still relying on sticky notes or notepads, precisely why it is bound to grab attention which serves the purpose in case you wish to ensure communication, for example; leaving a caution note at your desk which says “Don’t touch anything” or otherwise. However, in this case, our personalised notepad is dedicated to folks who’ve always been a little uncertain about technology and prefer having physical, hand-written reminders, jots, ledgers, etc with a rationale focused on our technology’s dependency on energy or electricity and technical unreliability because gadgets may render themselves useless in case of power failure, data loss, technical failure and so on but notes penned down on a piece of paper will be accessible at any point in the day. So, if you know a workaholic friend who happens to share the same school of thoughts then this is the apt gifting option for them. Plus, it is also classy thanks to its built which is all-vegan leather and they’re also available in shades of brown, tan and black.
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On similar lines to our previous product, however, The BlackBox.Co (TBBC) rendition of a folio is not just a note pad but, as the name implies, is a folder that is the go-to solution for organizing all your paper-backed activities. For somebody who is always on-the-clock and on-the-go, organizing paper-work is the most feared thought that even haunts them even while they’re asleep. Some may arguably agree that it is their worst nightmare but that doesn’t stop our on-the-clock warriors from working their way through situations like that as we all understand the necessity of paper-bound documentation and there is no way around that. Which is our cue for flaunting our premium product, our personalised folio which is specifically crafted for A4 size sheets, neatly stitched all-vegan leather built also ensures water repellency and sustainability? The Folio comes with an embossment option that enables users to feature their name on the folio or a text of their choice for labeling the same.
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Here is something that Workaholic person would love to sport. When it comes to personal laptops, everybody tends to reveal a glimpse of their persona in their way. Some tend to showcase it with stickers that are relevant on their end others tend to push a notch with fancy laptop skins that shows youthfulness and creativity, some simply let their machines be the way they are and tend to it with great care which leaves them with limited options for a laptop case, most of which are bulky and repulsive. Nonetheless, TBBC extends itself to such individuals who have high regard for their machine which is why this time even the sophisticated ones walk out in style. With our collection of laptop pouches, one needn’t worry about being startled with something gaudy which would even hurt the eye of somebody sitting up in a space station. Our sleek cruelty-free leather zippered case is enforced with foam-safety for protecting that which is dear to you, yes we’re still talking about your laptop. Plus, the laptop cover comes with customization options like featuring a metal charm on the front of the case along with getting your name embossed on a faux leather strap which is again vegan leather.
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We’re all aware that a person who is passionate about their work simply cannot be talked into taking time off, the best one can do is facilitate their environment with certain adjustments that are conducive for your workaholic friend in the context of efficiency. However, like we earlier said; there’s a time for everything, similarly once you’ve ascertained the fact that you aren’t trying to be a hurdle in your compulsive friend’s rat race, it is safe to slip-in some motivation for something as fun as travel and our personalised travel wallet is just the motivation your friend needs. Needless to say, most of our products are leather finished and rely thoroughly on vegan leather and we’re proud to say that our faux leather texture has put conventional leather to shame. The travel wallet comes embossed with its user’s name and is available in various shades, neatly compartmentalized to encase a passport, boarding pass, cash, credit cards with a dedicated secured pouch for coins.
With that, our list of personalized gifts for a workaholic person comes to conclusion. However, if our concepts and renditions appealed to you then you must not think twice to look into our personalised Gifts.
If you found our gifts ideas for a Workaholic person interesting or if you are looking for something else on the similar lines or otherwise, look for more of our personalised products just at The Black Box Co.
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ranger-raziel · 2 years
Still reading tbbc 5 and how to did I forget that Hal basically invents the car like wtf can’t he do
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ranger-raziel · 2 years
So I’m currently rereading tbbc 5 and Im at a scene I fucking forgot and oh my god I’m traumatized???? (Spoilers below the cut)
Ulf nearly fucking died???? Like he’s ok but still???
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flanagan definitely showed us that the herons worry for each other but only very superficially. he showed us body language and words (which some of us suck at deciphering) but gave almost zero emotions. yeah, one could argue that tbbc is for kids but that’s not an excuse to omit emotions (especially when there’s topics like death, torture, slavery and all that). also, i refuse to believe that the characters’ personalities stay the same. humans are ever-changing, after all!
2/5  O I II III IV V
you have a point! it doesn’t matter how much i love bb characters, almost all of them are canonically based mostly on their skills (i know, the twins are playing tricks on someone all the time, edvin is clever, jesper has tendency not to follow orders... yeah but those are just unchanging facts that were given to us in the beginning and still last.) and i had to make their natures mostly by myself. (i guess we all did.) the small amount of traits that appear in the books do not change (well, stig did but we leave him out of it this time.) which, how i already said is so unrealistic. (can i get a scene when jesper actually does what he’s supposed to and hal doesn’t expect it and is actually suprised when he finds out? thanks xx)
i would sell my soul to get some emotions to the books. one smile or any other expression or concerned question on every few pages would be enough for me. then, maybe, i would not have been holding that much on the scene in the newest book when stig is helping hal to get on heron... one look, two hands, helping gesture and it took me ten minutes to get over it. oh shit. i have to read it again.
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captainkrishmashah · 5 years
The world always seems to find itself in a fix whenever it has tried to understand the mind of a workaholic person, especially when one exists in your social circle and you’d wish to present them with something that’ll hold significance to your friend despite their obsessive-compulsive flaws. Although, we must first address the elephant in the room that is the typically-perceived image of a workaholic person, which is of a miserable man/woman who is aimlessly draining oneself because they’re addicted to working like an alcoholic is glued to his liquor. Well, that’s not true. A workaholic could be any random person who finds solace in what they do because they are certain that every day of their labour gets them closer to their goal, so aimlessly is out of the question because only when things work in an individual’s favor is when he or she can be passionate about what they do.
For some it is about money and stability, for others it is about building an empire, many simply do it for the joy or sense of purpose it brings them, for example; animal rescuers, who do what they do because of the connection they feel towards animals, social or wildlife activists, who are the voice of the people that speak of what seems larger-than-life agendas, however, necessary for maintaining the delicate balance that augments us from the wild while ensuring the welfare of the ecosystem that supports life and its thriving nature in general.
Simply put, workaholics come from all walks of life and in all shapes and sizes who are regular people, however, with a certain clarity of purpose, so the odds are the same as always i.e they may either view your choice of gift from a practical stand-point or simply appreciate the gesture of thoughtfulness.
However, in most cases workaholics are in a constant battle with time when it comes to distributing it for other social and personal activities, some barely manage to make it through the five-hour-long shuteye but one needs to understand that a person willingly prioritizes and makes the necessary adjustments that others may prefer to call sacrifices, nonetheless, it is only a matter of perspective. One may be a wellwisher in their intent to coax their workaholic friend with their suggestive opinion about socializing or with holiday packages, tickets, etc for only getting their compulsive friend to relax and have a good time for once but they know well that it’d only mean getting in the way and slowing them down because that’s how a person who is passionately working towards their goal would perceive these gestures, as hurdles. Plus, there’s a time for everything, even gifts, although one may seem to be engrossed in achieving their goal, on its attainment the person would likely have a brief moment of silence which could give the individual’s life another turn.
So, if you wish the very best for your Bee-Buddy then the best offer to present to them would be the ones that ease their effort by promoting efficiency and longer sustenance while helping them reach their goal faster.
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Everything today as we know it to be is driven by our tech which brings together different branches of science for setting various facets of our infrastructural system in motion; from exchange, trade and commerce to even communication and socialising is both securely and conveniently carried out via our internet-gateway devices, especially our smartphones and PCs that enables us with an overview for helping the overall management and execution of the same. However, even in the world of 2FAs, one still has to worry about tangible tools and keys because living life like the Jetsons (if any of you get the reference) is still far fetched, unless your workaholic friend is Elon Musk or within the same category as his, worrying about tangible old-school metal keys and knowing what key fits where is always going to be unproductive tasks that get in their way.
So to help our sleep-deprived warriors for keeping their composure intact with solutions for instances just like these, we’ve brought our very own personalised key holder to the conversation table. Our keyholder is a carefully crafted and finished leather product which is made from cruelty-free synthetically procured material called faux. The material is known to withstand conditions like humidity, friction, heat, cold with ease and is one of the most popular go-to options for people looking to own sustainable goods. The personalised key holder comes with a name tag that can be customized to satisfy the user’s needs and is available in shades of grey and blue which enables you to color-code and name the various key sets as per one’s liking.
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Having earlier mentioned the dominance of technology in our daily lives, it is impossible for one to think of a scenario where someone is still relying on sticky notes or notepads, precisely why it is bound to grab attention which serves the purpose in case you wish to ensure communication, for example; leaving a caution note at your desk which says “Don’t touch anything” or otherwise. However, in this case, our personalised notepad is dedicated to folks who’ve always been a little uncertain about technology and prefer having physical, hand-written reminders, jots, ledgers, etc with a rationale focused on our technology’s dependency on energy or electricity and technical unreliability because gadgets may render themselves useless in case of power failure, data loss, technical failure and so on but notes penned down on a piece of paper will be accessible at any point in the day. So, if you know a workaholic friend who happens to share the same school of thoughts then this is the apt gifting option for them. Plus, it is also classy thanks to its built which is all-vegan leather and they’re also available in shades of brown, tan and black.
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On similar lines to our previous product, however, The BlackBox.Co (TBBC) rendition of a folio is not just a note pad but, as the name implies, is a folder that is the go-to solution for organizing all your paper-backed activities. For somebody who is always on-the-clock and on-the-go, organizing paper-work is the most feared thought that even haunts them even while they’re asleep. Some may arguably agree that it is their worst nightmare but that doesn’t stop our on-the-clock warriors from working their way through situations like that as we all understand the necessity of paper-bound documentation and there is no way around that. Which is our cue for flaunting our premium product, our personalised folio which is specifically crafted for A4 size sheets, neatly stitched all-vegan leather built also ensures water repellency and sustainability? The Folio comes with an embossment option that enables users to feature their name on the folio or a text of their choice for labeling the same.
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Here is something that Workaholic person would love to sport. When it comes to personal laptops, everybody tends to reveal a glimpse of their persona in their way. Some tend to showcase it with stickers that are relevant on their end others tend to push a notch with fancy laptop skins that shows youthfulness and creativity, some simply let their machines be the way they are and tend to it with great care which leaves them with limited options for a laptop case, most of which are bulky and repulsive. Nonetheless, TBBC extends itself to such individuals who have high regard for their machine which is why this time even the sophisticated ones walk out in style. With our collection of laptop pouches, one needn’t worry about being startled with something gaudy which would even hurt the eye of somebody sitting up in a space station. Our sleek cruelty-free leather zippered case is enforced with foam-safety for protecting that which is dear to you, yes we’re still talking about your laptop. Plus, the laptop cover comes with customization options like featuring a metal charm on the front of the case along with getting your name embossed on a faux leather strap which is again vegan leather.
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We’re all aware that a person who is passionate about their work simply cannot be talked into taking time off, the best one can do is facilitate their environment with certain adjustments that are conducive for your workaholic friend in the context of efficiency. However, like we earlier said; there’s a time for everything, similarly once you’ve ascertained the fact that you aren’t trying to be a hurdle in your compulsive friend’s rat race, it is safe to slip-in some motivation for something as fun as travel and our personalised travel wallet is just the motivation your friend needs. Needless to say, most of our products are leather finished and rely thoroughly on vegan leather and we’re proud to say that our faux leather texture has put conventional leather to shame. The travel wallet comes embossed with its user’s name and is available in various shades, neatly compartmentalized to encase a passport, boarding pass, cash, credit cards with a dedicated secured pouch for coins.
With that, our list of personalized gifts for a workaholic person comes to conclusion. However, if our concepts and renditions appealed to you then you must not think twice to look into our personalised office collection.
If you found our gifts ideas for a Workaholic person interesting or if you are looking for something else on the similar lines or otherwise, look for more of our personalised products just at The Black Box Co.
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😱$5 OFF ON WEDNESDAYS😱 ❌SERVICES ONLY ❌ 📲FIND @slikrbarberapp ON THE APP STORE AND QUEUE AHEAD #thebasementbarberco #thebasementbarbercobne #TBBC #brisbane #barber #bne #brisbanebarbers #bnebarbers #thebrisbanebarber #westsidebarbers #barbergrind #barbersworld #grind #barbersfromaus #australia #sharpfade #thebarberpost #barbersinctv #barbersinc (at Brisbane's The Basement Barber Co.)
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❌$5 OFF SERVICES WED ONLY ❌ 🔥GET ON IT 🔥 📲FIND @slikrbarberapp ON THE APP STORE ➡️ https://app.slikr.com.au/shops/1 # #thebasementbarberco #thebasementbarbercobne #TBBC #brisbane #barber #bne #brisbanebarbers #bnebarbers #thebrisbanebarber #westsidebarbers #barbergrind #barbersworld #grind #barbersfromaus #australia #sharpfade #thebarberpost #barbersinctv #barbersinc (at Brisbane's The Basement Barber Co.)
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