#tbf this is how i wake up from a hangover
crowlixcx · 7 months
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Broadchurch | S2EP4 | Alec Hardy's Wettest Moments (Part 1)
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nerdhorde · 7 years
🌻 questions tag 🌻
I was tagged by the lovely @fsstudies to answer all of these questions. Thank you very much! I shall attempt to make myself look interesting, haha. 
I tag @affinityscience @hayley-studies @my-little-studyblr @georgestudies @raven-studies. I don’t talk to very many people on here so you have been chosen at random (mostly). If you don’t wanna do it, then ofc that’s chill. I also tag anyone who sees this n kind of fancies doing it. Go wild, kiddo. 
1. Drink: water, and before that, tea. 
2. Phone call: probably my best friend
3. Text message: well, the last time I messaged someone was on facebook (my friend from uni), but the last time I properly texted someone it was probably my best friend, again.
4. Song you listened to: la devotee - p!atd
5. Time you cried: watching a film. I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. I cry a lot, tbf. 
6. Dated someone twice: no 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t think I regret any of them, no. Well, I’ve kissed someone and regretted it months later if that counts. 
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes, I suppose so. 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes. All of the time. My stomach is very bad at handling alcohol, so tactical chunders are usually the way to go. I’ve never been absolutely plastered though, and vomiting not by choice; I’ve usually always chosen when I’m going to throw up (usually to make myself feel better/avoid a hangover). 
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Grey
15. Made new friends: yes, I started university last September so I made a fair few. 
16. Fallen out of love: not in the romantic sense, no. 
17. Laughed until you cried: yes, a week ago, actually. 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: oh lord, yes, haha. It’s been the cause of all my problems, this past month or so. 
19. Met someone who changed you: no.
20. Found out who your friends are: most bloody definitely!
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes, I think I did. I regret it now, haha. 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: The vast majority of them I’d say. Most of them are people I went to school with, and if I didn’t go to school with them, they’re people I’ve met drunk on a night out. There’s only a handful on there who I’ve not met. 
23. Do you have any pets: yes, we have a black labrador, called Breeze. 
24. Do you want to change your name: I’ve never really been fond of my name, it was very popular the year I was born so I always find a lot of people my age called Sophie. If I were to change my name I’d change my last name. I’d make up something completely new so I wasn’t associated with either side of my family. 
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I went to see Morrissey live in Manchester with my best friend, that was a brilliant weekend, one of the best experiences of my life. And with my family I think we went out for a meal? It was so long ago now I can’t even remember properly, haha. 
26. What time did you wake up: today it was 6am, because I’ve got to travel 180 miles North to move some of my stuff in to my new uni house. Usually I’m very bad at getting out of bed before midday, but if I’ve got stuff to do I can wake up any time.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Probably watching old Whose Line Is It Anyway  episodes. The UK ones, of course. 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: going back to university in September, though I’m going to miss my best friend desperately. 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: I saw her 8 hours ago, I think? Just before she went to bed. 
30. What is the one thing you wish you could change in your life: my anxiety (lol, #deep). Deep down I know I’m supposed to be a very extroverted person, but it prevents me from being that. 
31. What are you listening to right now: other than the noisy sodding birds outside my window? Nothing, lmao. 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes? I knew two guys called Tom in middle school. 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: probably one of my ex-friends (that sounds dramatic af). She’s been very irritating recently and I wish she’d just stop being such a child and leave me the hell alone. 
34. Most visited websites: twitter, facebook, tumblr, youtube. The usual suspects, haha. 
35. Mole/s: yes. Lots. According to my mum they’re a sign of strength. That might well be bollocks, but who knows. 
36. Mark/s: I’ve got a scar on my right eyebrow from when I ran into the corner of a wooden table as a child. I used to get called “Sophie Potter”, Lords knows why cos it ain’t bloody lightning shaped. 
37. Childhood dream: when I was 5, probably just owning a tractor would be enough for me (a Ford one, because they’re blue); when I got a bit older I wanted to be an author, or an illustrator, or an author who illustrated her own books. 
38. Hair color: brown
39. Long or short hair: long. I only had it cut for the first time in 2 years a few months ago. It was ridiculously long then. 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no, not a crush. That’s the wrong word.
41. What do you like about yourself: I actually quite like my appearance nowadays. I’m very proud of my intelligence, my knowledge of useless facts, my sarcasm, how funny I can be, and my art.
42. Piercings: ear lobes and my nose. I’d love to get more done. 
43. Blood type: I have absolutely no idea, not even my own mother knows. 
44. Nickname: I don’t have one. Some people have attempted to call me “Soph” in the past and I’ve quickly shot them down, only my dad gets to call me that and even then I don’t like it, haha. Occasionally I’ve been called by my last name, and some jokes have been made out of my last name but nothing’s ever really stuck. 
45. Relationship status: single… as a pringle..?
46. Zodiac: I don’t know much about this. I know I’m a Leo… 
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: Doctor Who, TLOG, anything Reece Shearsmith & Steve Pemberton write, Green Wing (recently), House, Lie To Me… There’s loads more but I can’t list them all, I’d be here all day. 
49. Tattoos: I have a tattoo of some planets and stars over a mountain on my inside left wrist. I got it about a year ago. I want lots more!
50. Right or left hand: Right. Though weirdly I started out life left-handed and then switched of my own accord when I was about 5. Unfortunately that doesn’t make me ambidextrous though, dammit. 
51. Surgery: twice. Had my tonsils removed as a kid, and then I used to be tongue-tied so I had to have that sorted a few years after. 
52. Hair dyed in different colour: not yet. I’m planning on it soon though, my hair’s a little drab at the moment. 
53. Sport: I used to love football (soccer) as a kid and I was fairly good at it, mostly because I was vicious, and at school I was on various sports teams but nowadays I rarely do any. 
54. blackpink in your area???? I’ve no idea what this means, so I’m gonna skim past it. 
55. Vacation: as a family we’ve been to Greece together (Kos, specifically) and it was wonderful, and we’ve been caravanning on the coast a few times. We haven’t been on holiday in years, but we’re all going to Jersey next month, unfortunately for some not good reasons. 
56. Pair of trainers: two pairs of grey converse, one very new, one very tatty. And a pair of grey generic trainers for the gym (I like grey, apparently)
57. Eating: mashed potato, gravy, pie, cheesy chips, my mum’s roast dinners, my grandma’s baking. 
58. Drinking: tea, always. I bloody love tea, not that I’m upholding a national stereotype there, but oh well. Wine is lovely, but vodka is my absolute favourite when it comes to alcohol. Or gin, though I can’t handle it very well. Tequila shots, yes, jaeger bombs, always. 
59. I’m about to: get dressed and go to my grandma’s for an hour before we drive up North to my new house
60. (there is no 60, this is odd)
61. Waiting for: my exam to be over (it’s on Tuesday, send help). 
62. Want: to be at the pub with my friends, and a night out at Welly (the best club ever, pop punk and indie trash on a loop).
63. Get married: I doubt it. I’m not interested in marriage really. 
64. Career: my dream career would be artist. Quite possibly a portrait artist. But I know that’s not exactly a safe bet, so I’ll save that until I’m financially stable. I’m doing a chemistry degree at the moment, so I suppose I’ll get a job using that. In research, maybe. 
65. Hugs or kisses: depends on the person. Hugs from everyone. Kisses are also wonderful too, though. 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes. 
67. Shorter or taller: neither. I’m tall compared to most of my friends, but not too tall that I can’t get away with wearing heels, so I’ll stick to where I’m at, cheers. 
68. Older or younger: younger I think. I miss being so carefree. 
(dammit why is there no 69 ffs)
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: on me? Stomach probably. But both I think. My arms are odd, I’d like to edit them a little. 
71. Sensitive or loud: both. Loud, naturally, I think. Sensitive not entirely out of choice. 
72. Hook up or relationship: hook up. I think I have commitment issues, I couldn’t be in a relationship with someone. 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: depends. Mostly troublemaker. If I’m hesitant it’s only usually for a few seconds before I go “fuck it” and do it anyway. 
74. Kissed a stranger: yes. Many a time. 
75. Drank hard liquor: yes. It’s lovely. 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses:  nope, never, thank god. Let’s hope this continues. 
77. Turned someone down: yes, very gently. 
78. Sex on the first date:  I don’t think you could call it a date, but I’ve had sex with someone the first night I’ve met them? If that counts?
79. Broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so, no. Not that I’m aware of anyway.
80. Had your heart broken: no.
81. Been arrested: never. 
82. Cried when someone died: yes, of course. 
83. Fallen for a friend: no. Not really. I had a brief crush on a friend, but it didn’t last. 
84. Yourself: sometimes yes, sometimes no. I can be very arrogant depending on my mood, so in those moments I do, yes. In the more anxious ones, definitely not. 
85. Miracles: no way
86. Love at first sight: no, I think it’s unrealistic. Lust at first sight, certainly, but not love. 
87. Santa Claus: hahah wait why is this even up for debate?? Duh. 
88. Kiss on the first date:  yeah, sure, why not, if I liked the person enough I certainly wouldn’t be averse to it. 
90. Current best friend name: Amy
91. Eye color: brown
91. Favorite movie: reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, anything tarantino, leon: the professional, so many of them
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