#tbh 15 like i’ll defend most women no matter what give me a name and im there
sieglinde-freud · 1 year
For the ask game 3, 6, 7, 15 :)
omg hi stedy!! 💙 putting under read more again cuz it got long whos surprised
3. What’s a female character you look up to?
kind of embarrassing but elle woods lmfao. i dont talk too much about myself outside of liking video games but generally speaking i really likes presenting pretty girlish and feminine, and where i live it gets me a lot of grief and people looking down on me. so seeing someone like her who is sooo unabashedly pink and pretty and going to fucking harvard law changed something in me. because i absolutely did have a ‘not like other girls’ phase as a kid but characters like her helped me out of that. realistically as an adult i can see its different for me than her, given shes a rich white woman whos also not real, but still! shes very dear to me. when i was thinking of other characters to put here my other thought was maribelle fire emblem so can you guess i have a type?
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
celica fire emblem in echoes specifically. i didnt play gaiden because i dont hate myself but i dont know the differences in plot. but in echoes its just like. i love conrad but why is he here? so he can take the spotlight away from celica and solve her problems when she was just fine without him in then original! and then alm has to come save her, and then guess who gets the cool final hit animation at the end of their dual narrative? not her! its like. man. what the hell. i like celica and everything, shes a great character, but intsys does not respect her enough. i will tho. give her to ME.
7. A female character the narrative wound up being much better to than you’d thought it would be?
ivy fire emblem. honestly, like a lot of people, i had a really sour first impression of engage just based on the trailers, and also like a lot of people, i thought ivy was just gonna be camilla 2.0 seductress on a wyvern they’d use strictly for fanservice and cast any interesting traits away. happy to say i was wrong! i loved her character arc with her turning against her father, watching him die, and then fleeing the country everything riding entirely on the hope that the divine dragon can still accept her offerings. and then having to face hortensia and face the fact that ivy left her behind and still get hortensia to come with you its just… ugh. ivy fire emblem. its been a while since i read engages story but her individual character story specifically was just. so fun. i love her very much.
15. Female character you would defend with your life?
lucina fire emblem. same issues as with severa tbh in the sense that in my happy little tumblr bubble i see nothing but complete love an adoration for her, but if i step out and see a twitter/reddit nerd’s opinion on her i lose my mind. “shes boring shes just a forced love interest for male robin her story is poorly written shes shallow” im gonna kill you. god forbid a young woman go through struggles the likes of which none of us will ever know and finds it hard to tell a joke. fucking christ.
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