#tbh i developed second-hand aversion to fan-characters shipped with canon characters like this
katyspersonal · 2 years
Also I have a guilty pleasure of watching Miraculous Ladybug whenever I catch it on the TV (guilty because writing might be... better, in many places, but I still enjoy the show). And tbh Wishmaker is one of my all time favorite episodes yet, because it is just SO important.
Without much spoiler, core thing is that the guy that made one of the shows on bullying “pointless” and “dumb” professions ends up having a crisis because it is revealed he just been jealous because HIS identity was screwed up since early childhood thanks to mocking of the society - but here are some people still able to enjoy who they are! And it just got me thinking for a while.
To think of it, so far everyone who called my art ugly had that... saccharine, polished, pretty neat art style where every woman looks like a Barbie doll and every man looks like a stereotypical elf. And all art styles have their merits, but that’s an interesting point - such art lacks nerve. Nobody will feel irritated by it, it is just on the mark with what people who seek beauty EXPECT to see. So this stuff got me thinking - maybe once they did have a more quirky, ““unattractive”“ art but feared mockery and neglect for it, so they ‘polished’ their art. And negativity towards ‘weird’ art might be envy of seeing someone who preserved artistic identity when they had their taken away.
Heck, this could be considered for many things. People who hate body-positivity might be just ones that were pushed into feeling bad about their own physical imperfections and feel hurt to see those that are happy instead. People who cringe at self-indulgent fandomry maybe once shipped their OC with a favorite canon character and got bullied HARD for it, so seeing those who still enjoy what they lost is... hard. It is just hard.
I know it is a no-brainer that NO person who is truly secure about their life choices will feel bitter and petty seeing someone with different choices, but stuff like this just really makes you FOCUS on such sentiments. To really THINK of people in more optimistic light, but also more sad light (so... bittersweet?), than just ‘they are mean because they just are’.
I just think it is good when a casual show for teens encourages peering deeper into motivations of people. It is... kind. In a good way, in a ‘reflect and change’ way rather than ‘forgiveness fixes everything uwu’ way. Though sometimes it is too bad that in reality a single crying fit is not enough to realise you haven’t been very nice, and WHY you haven’t been very nice. xD
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