#tbh i just love posting snippets from the logs
3vocatio · 2 years
peeped here out of curiosity (i know u have good takes and rb good/interesting takes + filtered words don’t work when viewing blogs and i’ve filtered every single om tag ever) and uknow what? while there’s aspects of the (supposedly) satan-focused i greatly enjoyed (mostly as writing inspo and just the enjoyment of the moment itself more than its part in the overall narrative tbh) i was endlessly frustrated by the fact that diavolo got the true highlight. i couldn’t place why the hell it made me so annoyed but you’re right—the real main character of the story was diavolo and it annoys the hell out of me that satan was painted as more of the bad guy. despite having the most screen time, satan felt like he was simply a means to an end, with the end being some way to show/remind the audience all of diavolo’s princely qualities that often get sidelines in favor of his usual behavior in events.
like. i greatly enjoyed seeing satan lose his shit to the point of terrifying crowds of demons. i liked seeing him lock himself away after to try and process everything by himself. the bits of vulnerability when mc finally manages to speak to him? love. (not that much of it is actually new info but i do enjoy that it’s there)
but the rest of everything else has me pulling at my hair. especially the ending… i wanted mc to ask for something that would be primarily to satan’s benefit after all the bullshit that happened. (and also satan thanking diavolo for giving mc his stars felt… idk. it felt like it encapsulated how a lot of the story key part felt; reminding us that diavolo’s the actual ‘hero’ here and not satan.)
ahdksjakdja so yknow. just some thoughts i wanted to send you. i didnt wanna log into my om blog even though i probably should for thoughts like this >.>;; once again a majority of my real fun came from rewriting everything, which i guess is something since almost all of the non-bday om content for the last several months hasn’t even gotten me inspired enough to bother rewriting anything.
/end yet another rant abt om content shdjssjs
hello...pretend i responded to this first /j
to validate what you mentioned, i also only enjoyed snippets of that event (though as we know, it's been like this for most obey me events for a long time); diavolo aside, witnessing satan compose himself with such sincerity and generousity felt like a blessing tbh. he knows his limits, he knows what upsets him and he should be listened to, even if he gets emotional about it. so what! most of us become emotional when defending something we hold close to our hearts, and satan was no different.
i've said this in the other ask you sent, but you came back right on time as the new lore-focused obm game has been announced! satan was one of their focal points that they mentioned, as well as lore surrounding the (pre & post) celestial realm, solomon, and the attic. it's gotten the entire fandom riled up including myself, and everything looks promising so far :)
i was wondering why the spacing between events in-game have been getting longer and longer, and i'm glad to know it's because they're putting importance on quality over quantity. they began making baby steps in the previous "single character-focused" events, but i'd like to mention that i am very satisfied with the release of simeon's new birthday event, especially when you compare it to the first one for symbolism reasons.
i won't go in-depth about it now unless someone asks me to share my thoughts, but it was the right amount of promising writing i needed to give me hope. for you specifically, satan didn't delve into any cat shenanegains and when he confronted lucifer & brought up a good point, he was acknowleged and listened to. everyone did such a good job...aaaa <3
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silly-bean · 4 months
Thank you for the tag, lovely! @ofmonstersandpen 💜💜💜
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
For the purpose of this and from what I see yall doing with it I'm going to assume that by WIP you mean un-posted stuff. Which... tbh barely helps me 😅I have the chronic inability to stop thinking about shit and thus have a zillion things started, but I'm just gonna share the ones I have actual writing for and not anything that's just discord chat logs or paragraph summaries.
You can def send asks about all of these, but be prepared for a lot of over-explanation 😅
The fics I have actual writing started for:
Redux au
Cloud starts a cult
god fucking dammit wolf
mmmm body horror
kunsel and aerith drabble
Kunsel Origins (Windows)
Leviathan's Emissary
Fool's Gold (WEAPON Cloud)
Phantom Be Still
Calamity's Fool
Calamity War Fic
Old Man Cloud
Approaching Storm
Everything else I do consider a WIP doesn't actually have any writing done, just notes and such, but if any of yall are curious I can def share those as well.
I will not be tagging as many people as I have WIPs because... no. I will not be tagging 18 people.
@emrald-writes @wolf-pearl @nexomify @alpharaposa @traykor @whimsicmimic @bbirbb @darktiger57
there I did 8 😭 Anyone else who wants to do it that I forgot, feel free!!
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tottwritesfanfic · 11 months
alright i want to apologise in advance a bit, because I recently tripped and fell into another BNHA fixation, and it's sorta getting in the way of my other stuff.
So. If I look as if I've jumped fandoms for the next however long...I really haven't. I just added to the pile, and I'm returning to my old VR AU because holy ensemble cast, it sure does scratch that itch.
...is it bad that ensemble casts are basically a prerequisite for any fandom I might get invested in enough to write for?
Anyway, not the point. The point is that I'm channelling my current obsession into NaNo this year (as co-ML for Kent's region I try to give it my all when I participate!), so I'm afraid everything else is probably not going to get much love for the next few weeks or so.
Probably. I know what I'm like, and I usually find it hard to stick to one project at a time, especially if I don't want to burn out. TBH, that's the other reason I'm doing this - so far, the only part of this AU i've posted is a standalone prequel fic which no one really cared about anyway because it had no ships. So if I burn out and this goes nowhere, at least I haven't left anyone hanging, right?
Also, if you want to take a peek at any of the decidedly excessive worldbuilding notes I've been putting together for the last couple of weeks, just hit me up. So far there's like...10k of it, including my musings on how the hell to turn quirks into VR hacks which make sense on a digital platform. Some of these are more straightforward than others, let me tell you.
I am also decidedly in love with how OFA/AFO works in this setting, but that's for me to know and you to find out if I ever get as far as posting this damn thing.
also also dropping this here because I can and it gives you a bit of an idea of the setting: In the AU, basically the surface of the planet got screwed over a couple of hundred years ago, and everyone lives underground, logging into a VR world where they can roleplay as pre-disaster humans for the sake of their sanity for their waking hours. Quirks are basically government-sanctioned hacks which people apply to their VR accounts, because ultimately it was easier to legitimise and legislate them than try and get people to stop doing that. A chief problem in the story is dealing with the fallout of an entire world of people who no longer remember how to touch grass. (It's a lot more serious than this, but basically my planning seriousness is inversely proportionate to the tone of the fic itself, and I just. I cannot talk about my work in any other way.)
Here's a snippet from my planning document to give you an example:
Aizawa is just a regular-ass dude who got his hero licence in spite of his Exploit rather than because of it. He’s also IRL ripped because his eye problems aren’t exactly conducive to 16 hours of screentime a day. This is why no fucker has heard of him, because all his heroics happen in short, irate bursts before he logs out to dose up on fucking eye drops.
His chief strength in this AU is not a borderline gamebreaking exploit, it’s the fact that he can, like, actually function in the real world a hell of a lot better than most folks.
Which meeeeeeaans, that he becomes 1A's teacher in the real world, after they all realise they need to buff up for this shit because they’re (mostly) totally clueless on how to function outside of the Interface. In this fic, UA is basically 1A's super secret offline school where they learn proper fitness and agility, and the physical, mechanical skills they’re gonna need in order to pull off the heist of the century. Hahaha, Aizawa is gonna be That Guy who is super strict about everyone’s screen time lmao.
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kikis-writing-world · 3 years
Hi!! I hope you having a good day!! I was just wondering if you wanted to share a bit more about When the sky touches the sea :) I love reading all of your stuff 🥺💗
Hi there, thank you so much!! I’m happy to talk about it a bit!
So I posted a prologue to it (and tbh I feel bad for having uploaded it when I have so little work done on the series, and I’m focusing on Whiskey Straight. It’s just not getting any of my love right now...) that I haven’t touched in forever.
Essentially Frankie moves to a small cabin near a lake to get out of the city and ends up meeting a mermaid. Of course he’s absolutely freaking shocked at first, but he gets to know her and they start to fall for each other. (I have one scene largely plotted out where his daughter is visiting him and she gets down to the lake when Frankie isn’t looking and falls in, but the Mermaid saves her.) Not only is he fascinated by her, but she’s fascinated by him. Life on land was always told to her to be dangerous for her kind... but also he flies?! Like whaaat!
Of course though, this comes with plenty of angst because like, how the hell are a mermaid and a human supposed to be together??! (Which there’s the rub... part of why I’ve neglected this story is even I don’t have the solution to that 100% nailed down yet. I have some thoughts but I’m not totally sold on them yet.)
Also Santiago is hilarious in this, he’s the best friend who knows all the superstitions and legends of the area. He’s going to absolutely come in handy when Frankie needs someone to talk to because he’s going to be scared at first, having grown up hearing stories of cannibal, murderous sea people - but he believes Frankie when he tells him there’s a mermaid in the lake.
Under the cut, I posted an (uneditied) snippet from when Frankie meets the mermaid for the first time:
Check out my WIP list over here, and ask about any that interest you!
The mutt zipped back and forth over the path, moving steadily along with Frankie but making frequent pit stops to smell around and mark his territory. He only had to call after the dog a few times when he was worried Charlie was about to start chasing after a rustling in the bush.
They got down to the lake, Charlie running to wade along the shore while Frankie spotted an ideal spot to set up for the morning. There was an old, fallen tree that would be perfect for him to sit on as he fished. He put down the cooler as he laughed at Charlie, sloshing the water around as he drank while walking.
“You’re gonna scare away all the fish, boy.” Frankie admonished, knowing the dog didn’t understand him. Even if he did, he probably wouldn’t care. “Just don’t wander off too far.”
He enjoyed the relative silence as he prepared his rod, the sounds of nature around him. It didn’t take him long until he was casting his line, keeping an eye on Charlie as he did. Once he was happy with the position, he sat on the log and cracked open a beer.
He caught a few small fish that he released back into the lake. Charlie tried to chase them, but they held the advantage against the clumsy dog in the water.
He’d been sitting for about an hour and a half when he thought he saw something further out in the lake. He watched for a second, trying to figure out what he’d spotted. It disappeared pretty quickly in a subtle wave of water and he figured it must just be a piece of driftwood. He glanced back at Charlie, who had made his way into the bush behind him. The dog was nosing around the underbrush but keeping out of trouble.
When he turned back, he saw it again. Something moved, almost a flipping motion, but it wasn’t moving in an organic way compared to the water. His instincts told him something wasn’t right. A long, thin limb of sorts came up shortly after, and Frankie could only think it looked almost like an arm. Was it a person out there?
“Hello?” Frankie called out. It was still early, probably about 7am by this point, and he hadn’t seen anyone go into the lake. He waited, straining his ears to listen for a response. He didn’t get one.
It appeared again, several yards closer than it had been moments ago, and that shape definitely looked like a head.
Charlie started barking, running out into the water. The noise startled Frankie and he sprang up from the log. He maneuvered his line, reeling it in to try to keep Charlie from getting tangled into it.
“Is someone out there?” He called. The shape disappeared once more, but Charlie kept barking, swimming out a little way before circling back so his paws were still on land.
“What is it, Charlie?” Frankie asked him, dropping his fishing rod on the ground as he walked closer to the water. “Is someone out there?”
He kicked off his shoes and socks quickly, taking a moment to toss his wallet and phone towards his cooler as he stepped into the water, ignoring the hem of his jeans wetting.
The arm appeared again.
Frankie cursed under his breath, running forward as Charlie started barking loudly again. The water resisted his movements and his jeans started to soak up more water, weighing him down uncomfortably as he rushed forward.
“Are you okay? Just stay above water!” Frankie called to the figure. He barely thought to toss his hat back towards the shore as the water came up around his thighs.
“Charlie, stay here.” He ordered the dog as he passed him. “I’m coming, just keep swimming!”
Frankie shivered - both with the temperature of the water and the thought that someone out there was drowning - as the water reached his waist. Charlie was barking and whining behind him, not liking that Frankie was heading into the water past where the poor dog was comfortable going.
The head appeared again as water passed his belly button, and Frankie called out to them again. “Are you okay? Do you need help?” They were still a ways out into the water, and Frankie couldn’t really make out any distinct features, but he did recognize a face. The person’s hair was wet, clinging to their head.
“What is that thing?” A feminine voice called back to him. She sounded unsure, but not panicked. The tone of voice surprised him, making him slow down as the water rose to his chest.
“What thing?” He called back, watching as the woman’s head stayed above water. She seemed to be treading water just fine.
“That.” Her arm came out of the water, pointing back towards shore. 
Frankie looked over his shoulder, only seeing his things back on shore and Charlie pacing the shore as he barked. “My dog?” He guessed.
“It’s angry at me.” Her arm disappeared back under the water.
“I think you scared him.” Frankie tried to explain. “And he doesn’t like that I’m this far out.”
The woman didn’t speak for a moment, but her stance never faltered. She seemed to be swimming just fine. “Why are you this far out?”
“I thought you were in trouble.”
“Why would I be in trouble?”
“You’re out pretty deep.” Frankie answered sheepishly. He was starting to feel silly, standing in chest-deep water, fully clothed. He could feel the water soaking into his clothes, weighing down on him uncomfortably. “You disappeared under the waves a few times.”
“Oh.” She sounded surprised at his concern.
“You good?”
“Yeah.” She confirmed.
“Okay.” Frankie nodded. A moment passed between them, neither saying anything. The awkward silence only being broken by Charlie. “Uh, be safe.”
Not really sure what to do next, Frankie waved awkwardly and started walking backwards, watching for a few more moments to make sure she was fine. She waved back, her arm cresting gracefully out of the water. He turned and sludged back to shore, grimacing as his wet jeans stuck to his legs.
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tahthetrickster · 5 years
author ask game
tagged by: @luthorao3​ [slav squats]
author name: its. im just tah. tah the trickster. tahthetrickster
fandoms you write for: literally whatever my current hyperfixation is (rn its league) but has in the past included rwby, overwatch, and skyrim
where you post: on ao3 mostly but i sometimes crosspost them here, or at least link to them here
most popular one-shot: god it really still is heat.............. thats literally what i get for writing the literal first two bmbleby smutfics in the fndm huh
most popular multi-chapter story: oh wild its bounty! a fic from my extremely self-indulgent series of my idiot dovahkiin dar’zahyla with her eternally devoted and exasperated housecarl lydia
favorite story you wrote: hh for sake of keeping things tidy ill keep it to fanfic only and say that its call log aka the experimental epistolary mercymaker story that decimated every reader it every had. that said,,,,,,,, moonstruck is my fav in-progress story :V
story you were nervous to post: god. either vermillion (mercymaker, extremely nsfw) or lay your head down (miss fortune/katarina, also extremely nsfw) tbh. one’s a lengthy self-indulgent bdsm fic and the other is... also that but Now With Knives. its always a toss-up abt reactions to that kinda foolishness LMAO
how do you pick your titles: shit dude i literally just stare at the blank title input field on ao3 till i think of a word or phrase or lyric or song title that seems tangentially related and i slap it on there
do you outline: what the FUCK is an outline (which is to say no except on moonstruck and only because moonstruck is an enormous undertaking and @xhuuya​ and i have terrible, terrible memory problems)
how many of your stories are complete: 57 according to ao3! the trick to completing things is to deal exclusively in one-shots
in progress: ao3 says 19 and i am EXTRAORDINARILY unwilling to tally up all the clips and bits and pieces i have lying around because its just not worth the effort to even begin scrounging them all up let alone taking count 
coming soon: with enormous air quotes around the phrase heres the current shit im like,,., actively working on
more of moonstruck with my favorite partner @xhuuya​ because who DOESN’T want an action/adventure/romance story featuring heavy celestial symbolism, puppet-mastering, pining, polyamory, and pirates??
a v nsfw 3-part mf-centered story ft mf/janna, mf/diana, and mf/illaoi stop looking at me like that just trust me ok
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a goofy one-shot wherein a young mf accidentally adopts the world’s ugliest street cat, who later gets promoted to first mate (and by first mate she means ship mouser)
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a series of just.............. the softest diana/leona content youve ever seen. so soft. theyre babies at the solari temple and theyre shy and gay and in love. its so soft. itll be real good just trust me.
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gun goddess miss fortune/PROJECT:leona au fic wherein ashe needs the very specific skillset of one sarah fortune to help further the gnetic rebellion’s cause, and also leona has been tasked as fortune’s escort. features fake dating and also a very, very flustered cyborg (it’s leona)
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Local Friends With Benefits Sarah Fortune And Katarina Du Couteau Terrorize The Absolute Hell And Shit Out Of Every Tavern In Bilgewater (And Then Make Out And/Or Fuck, Probably)
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do you accept prompts: i mean yall can send me league thoughts/prompts all you want and if theyre funny and/or catch my intrigue enough ill prob do at least a snippet or smthg lmfao
upcoming story you’re the most excited for: MOONSTRUCK!!!!!!!
tag five fanfic authors to answer these questions: fuck uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @xhuuya​ @proudlyunicorn​ uhhhhhhhhhhhh shit fuck who else writes fanfic these days
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kinetic-elaboration · 6 years
I just logged in after a while and one of the first posts I saw was the second excerpt from your briller fic. I loved both snippets so much and I'm happy to hear you're writing my prompt. You just made my d̶a̶y̶, no, my week. I'm super excited to read the full fic! Thank you!!
Thank you so much for sending me this message, anon. Tbh I’m a little stuck on the fic as it now stands (at about 1500 words) because when I started it, I really only had an idea for the intro, so I’m not sure exactly where I want it to go or how long or involved I want it to be. Plus I’m pretty busy at the moment and I don’t have a lot of time/energy to write anyway. I’m basically taking a short, unofficial break from all my projects and I’ve been on the fence about how much effort I want to put into the Briller fic when I do get the chance to write again. But if you’re still around and you like what I’ve posted so far then I’d really like to finish it and post it for you. I don’t know when I will (aforementioned hiatus and all) but I will!
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