#Interfaced With Reality
tottwritesfanfic · 7 months
Random question, no reason at all, but...how much body horror is too much in a fic?
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scipunk · 2 months
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The Animatrix (2003) - A Detective Story
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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Diana Novich - Heavy Rain (2018)
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fauxbia · 8 months
I lied actually I’m not normal at all
#GrrhrhHRHRG#something something#the puppet of the iterator is the first thing we think of#when i design my iterators I do the puppet first#we don’t talk to pebbles until we reach his puppet#and isn’t that something#a tiny itty bitty sliver (heh) of a fraction of the iterator’s wider self and here we are focusing on it#which is the intent! That’s what it’s there for. but it’s so… ough#like it’s so easy to see moon’s puppet and think of that as the extent#when she’s in reality miles and miles of decaying metal under the sea#(I’m normal abt submerged superstructure)#and it’s like … thinking abt “godlike in comparison”#if iterators are gods#then puppets are their avatars#avatar. a god’s way of interacting with the world#avatar. our way of interfacing with technology#avatar. an iterator’s face.#all but the tiniest fraction meant to represent the whole#isn’t that so …. Hjhdhdh#and like … the way that some iterators clearly project onto their puppet#calling themselves trapped in a box#and like yeah that makes sense#you’re a monolith of metal and flesh and wires and electricity#and you were given an avatar. a face. why wouldn’t you invest yourself into the representation of yourself#kind of like how we might project on our gaming avatars or online personas… I digress#without that avatar—without that Focal Point—would an iterator get lost in their own enormity?#would it be so much easier to think of themselves as Just a machine?#and the other way — w off the string stuff#an avatar is only meant to Represent the higher being behind it#an avatar can never truly contain it
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tmarshconnors · 8 months
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Cybernetics Girl
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objectspacegraphics · 2 years
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officialralsei · 2 years
What do you think would happen if you played a song that you can’t comprehend? Would you just not hear it? Maybe if you change it slightly you’d be able to hear it?
Um... well, I would hear it! It might not even hurt me. Umm...
...this is just a guess, but if I'm right about that song I can't perceive being from UNDERTALE's interface, then that would explain the limitation, haha! If you try to make me perceive that reality the way that you PLAYERs do, it would be impossible. I, um, already have trouble understanding that world as someone who actually lives within it might. Since my own reality is based on it, it's so significant to those who exist in my own reality to the point of being almost incomprehensible!
I can hear my own soundtrack though! Um, but only the song specific to Castle Town. It's been looping for most of my life, haha...
If you sent me an arrangement of that song, or a cover, I, um, might be able to hear it... I'm guessing that the limitation might only exist for the exact forms of the songs that you hear as PLAYERs? If I'm right, I should be able to comprehend those songs if presented in another format.
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retrocgads · 1 year
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UK 1985
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artemis-pendragon · 7 months
Breaking news my programmer dad got the latest vr headset and is experiencing every stage of grief plus some he just invited trying to figure out how to use it
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waterbearable · 1 year
favorite part abt scrivener (joke) is that i can make the layout. a very nice lilac.
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tubapun · 1 year
Gotta not think about the state of the franchise I love gotta think about how another thing I love is coming to me in a nice hardback physical collection
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tottwritesfanfic · 8 months
alright i want to apologise in advance a bit, because I recently tripped and fell into another BNHA fixation, and it's sorta getting in the way of my other stuff.
So. If I look as if I've jumped fandoms for the next however long...I really haven't. I just added to the pile, and I'm returning to my old VR AU because holy ensemble cast, it sure does scratch that itch.
...is it bad that ensemble casts are basically a prerequisite for any fandom I might get invested in enough to write for?
Anyway, not the point. The point is that I'm channelling my current obsession into NaNo this year (as co-ML for Kent's region I try to give it my all when I participate!), so I'm afraid everything else is probably not going to get much love for the next few weeks or so.
Probably. I know what I'm like, and I usually find it hard to stick to one project at a time, especially if I don't want to burn out. TBH, that's the other reason I'm doing this - so far, the only part of this AU i've posted is a standalone prequel fic which no one really cared about anyway because it had no ships. So if I burn out and this goes nowhere, at least I haven't left anyone hanging, right?
Also, if you want to take a peek at any of the decidedly excessive worldbuilding notes I've been putting together for the last couple of weeks, just hit me up. So far there's like...10k of it, including my musings on how the hell to turn quirks into VR hacks which make sense on a digital platform. Some of these are more straightforward than others, let me tell you.
I am also decidedly in love with how OFA/AFO works in this setting, but that's for me to know and you to find out if I ever get as far as posting this damn thing.
also also dropping this here because I can and it gives you a bit of an idea of the setting: In the AU, basically the surface of the planet got screwed over a couple of hundred years ago, and everyone lives underground, logging into a VR world where they can roleplay as pre-disaster humans for the sake of their sanity for their waking hours. Quirks are basically government-sanctioned hacks which people apply to their VR accounts, because ultimately it was easier to legitimise and legislate them than try and get people to stop doing that. A chief problem in the story is dealing with the fallout of an entire world of people who no longer remember how to touch grass. (It's a lot more serious than this, but basically my planning seriousness is inversely proportionate to the tone of the fic itself, and I just. I cannot talk about my work in any other way.)
Here's a snippet from my planning document to give you an example:
Aizawa is just a regular-ass dude who got his hero licence in spite of his Exploit rather than because of it. He’s also IRL ripped because his eye problems aren’t exactly conducive to 16 hours of screentime a day. This is why no fucker has heard of him, because all his heroics happen in short, irate bursts before he logs out to dose up on fucking eye drops.
His chief strength in this AU is not a borderline gamebreaking exploit, it’s the fact that he can, like, actually function in the real world a hell of a lot better than most folks.
Which meeeeeeaans, that he becomes 1A's teacher in the real world, after they all realise they need to buff up for this shit because they’re (mostly) totally clueless on how to function outside of the Interface. In this fic, UA is basically 1A's super secret offline school where they learn proper fitness and agility, and the physical, mechanical skills they’re gonna need in order to pull off the heist of the century. Hahaha, Aizawa is gonna be That Guy who is super strict about everyone’s screen time lmao.
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How Do Hi-tech Human Machine Interfaces Revolutionize Interaction and Efficiency?
Human-machine interface or HMI is the technical way humans and machines connect and interact. This technique gives access to control the machine and use it as needed. It is a necessary piece of current technology because it helps a lot of different businesses improve their productivity, security, and user experience.
Some recognized high-tech machinery and parts suppliers come with training programmes such as virtual reality training to teach how to get advantages of digital interfaces for communication to provide immersive user experiences.
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Benefits of HMI Across a Range of Industries
Some renowned businesses come with advanced pieces of HMI that are used in a variety of industries. For instance, the medical or healthcare industry uses HMI-integrated machinery to monitor patient data, operate machinery, and support telemedicine.
Also, with the use of in-home automation technologies, homeowners may operate smart homes by managing appliances, lights, and security.
Well-established manufacturers understand how to make the machinery pieces user-friendly so that operators can track and regulate industrial processes easily.
For instance, they deliver a range of digital interface devices such as Programmable Logic Controllers or PLCs; HMIs; Operator Interfaces or OIs; Sensors and detectors such as proximity sensors, and temperature sensors; Motor control centres or MCCs; Industrial robots with integrated control systems; Control panels and operator consoles, and more to enhance industrial communication.
Is Training for Virtual Reality Helpful for Industrial Progress?
Well-established businesses deliver training for virtual reality or VR training which is highly beneficial for the advancement of industries. Workers can participate in realistic training scenarios in a VR environment without running the danger of injury from traditional hands-on training.
Additionally, VR is used in the manufacturing, construction, and healthcare industries to instruct workers on complicated tasks, how to operate machinery, and safety protocols.
VR training increases overall efficiency, strengthens decision-making abilities, and retains knowledge better. Immersion and interaction are made possible, which speeds up skill development and lowers training expenses.
Find Renowned Businesses for Advanced Technology and Training
To find a well-established business, people should search online, forums, or colleagues in the sector for recommendations.
Find out businesses that have a track record of innovation and proficiency in the field of training or the desired technology.
Examine their qualifications, including their honours, certifications, and customer endorsements.
Take into account also their dedication to lifelong learning and career advancement.
Seek companies that provide extensive training programmes catered to particular requirements and proficiency levels.
Contact a trustworthy business with a track record of success in training and technology to ensure a fruitful and satisfying collaboration.
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tmarshconnors · 8 months
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Cybernetics Girl
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webstoriess · 4 months
Depth and Dimension: Integrating 3D Graphics in UI/UX
User interfaces and user experiences are evolving at a rapid pace with new technologies. As digital experiences become more immersive, three-dimensional graphics are being integrated into apps and websites to create a sense of depth and realism. 3D effects allow designers to build interfaces that feel more natural and intuitive to use. A UX Design Course can help you learn skills for crafting…
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blackoutthewhiteout · 4 months
Accessible art for everyone. It's A Cool Cool World, A Healing Art Space.
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