#tbh i think finland is 100% qualifier
lady-arryn · 1 year
Finland 🙏 Czechia 🙏 Moldova 🙏 Serbia
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jinnto · 1 year
so my biggest growers tonight were malta and switzerland, but i was pretty disappointed by norway and czech republic
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residentraccoon · 2 months
Running order thoughts below!
Cyprus is...kinda bye I guess...
I know Serbia was given the 2nd spot but I can still see it comfortably qualifying, there's no way it won't with both Croatia and Slovenia voting in this semifinal.
Lithuania 3rd...........no comment. I know he's one of the main faves of this semifinal and will still qualify comfortably because of that but come on, 3rd?? 😭
Mmmm I don't know if I should be worried for Ireland, 4th is a pretty risky spot (and gave me huge Latvia 2023 flashbacks) but it's kinda being preceded by UK? Who isn't that hyped from what I've seen...but also Ukraine is after and might get all the attention from literally anyone who's around their spot?? Prayer circle for Ireland...
Poland is also sandwiched between two big faves, Ukraine and Croatia...that might hurt them a bit, I don't know...
Slovenia has a good draw I think. I think she will also qualify. Plus being helped by Croatia and Serbia.
Ok, beautiful to see how they just basically boosted Luxembourg's chances to the stratosphere, I definitely see them qualifying now.
oOOOF Malta...being 1st idk what to say...
Albania DOA 100%
SWITZERLAND TF IS THAT SPOT?? Look how they massacred my Switzerland...but judging how liked this is I have faith that this will qualify, it's like one of the biggest favorites of this semi right?? Also Greece
Mmmm Czechia between fan fave Switzerland and semi fan fave France, I don't have a good feeling about this.
I had this eerie feeling that after Czechia we'd get Austria AND IT GOT CONFIRMED FFS ofc they're giving the best spot for Austria like being after an unpopular entry bcs she fan faaaaveee~~~ 🤪💅👌💥✨️ slay guuurl- okay enough with the shitty fanwank impression, moving on
Denmark imo has a pretty good spot?? MIGHT get a bit hurt from Austria but...Also Armenia seems to be good.
...Latvia I'm so sorry honey...EBU tf you doing, this is literally the shittiest placement for them, they had the entire 2nd half for them to give, and EBU chose 9th.
San Marino not 11th?? Blasphemy.
Mmm Georgia before Belgium might not be that good...but also Georgia is after 2 unpopular entries so who knows...
Estonia 13th...ok
I was worried that Isr might be given the last spot which would help them a lot but the fact that they're literally after 2(3?) big entries this year (Belgium, Estonia and Italy who's from Big5) might not help them that much. But knowing how many supporters they have...I really don't know what to expect. I still hope for an NQ.
NORWAY 15th!!! What a great placement for them!! Also succeeds Isr which helps them a lot, I'm the most happy with their spot tbh!
Netherlands also, best spot. Congrats to them
Okay, I'm going to write my predictions here, after the running order. Will most likely change after the preparties or rehearsals, but here they are:
Q(1ST-3RD): Ukraine, Croatia, Lithuania
Q(4TH-7TH): Serbia, Slovenia, Finland, Portugal
BORDERLINE(8TH-12TH): Ireland, Poland, Moldova, Australia, Luxembourg
NQ(13TH-15TH): Cyprus, Iceland, Azerbaijan
Q(1ST-3RD): Austria, Belgium, Netherlands
Q(4TH-7TH): Greece, Switzerland, Estonia, Norway
BORDERLINE(8TH-12TH): Denmark, Armenia, San Marino, Georgia, Israel
NQ(13TH-16TH): Malta, Albania, Czechia, Latvia
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unibrowzz · 3 years
Mod (finally) reviews all 67 winners of the Eurovision Song Contest Part VI: The 00s
So I gave the 2000s a lot of shit back when I was rewatching them, mainly because the contests became much longer now with the introductions of so many more participants that semi finals had to be introduced, and also because the song quality nosedived. With the televote now in full control of who won, all you really needed to do to get a good result was either send somebody well known in your geographical area, and/or send something weird that would stand out amongst 40+ participants.
This is where the illusion of “bloc voting” came from.
So song, quality for the most part, was compromised in favour of either sending an attention-grabbing vote trap or just somebody famous. But that’s enough about the contests overall, how’s about them winners?
2000- Fly on the Wings of Love
Country: Denmark
Artist: Olsen Brothers
Language: English
Thoughts: I wonder how it feels to wait nearly 40 years to win again only to win as a complete surprise with a song 100/1 in the odds. Must be weird. My feelings towards this song are… kinda mixed. It sounds like the kind of song you swear you’ve heard before over a million times, be it in advertisements, on the radio, being played by buskers or bored guitar kids at parties. But at the same time it feels so completely different compared to other winners and, Hell, even other Eurovision songs at the time. It’s a very striking and recognisable song when talking about Eurovision music, sure. It’s very chill, and relaxed, and the singer has a bizarre voice which somehow sounds heavily autotuned even when he’s performing live.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Sweden- Roger Pontare- “When Spirits are Calling my Name”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 46th
2001- Everybody
Country: Estonia
Artist: Tanel Padar & Dave Benton
Language: English
Thoughts: And this folks, is what you call a guilty pleasure. I avoided this song for a while because I just knew it was objectively terrible. I knew this barely qualified as a song, that most of it was just two mismatched dudes shouting at each other over a disco track, that the lyrics aren’t that great at all… Et cetera. And yet, trashy as it is, I still really like this song. I don’t really know why, maybe it’s my barely-hidden desire to be an obnoxious contrarian, maybe it’s because the chorus has some fairly decent lyrics (especially for an eastern European entry), maybe it’s because it’s catchy… Or maybe because it’s fun, I dunno.
Is this my personal winner for this year? 2001 really sucked tbh
If no, what is? Honestly yeah, this song shreds
Personal ranking (out of 67):  13th
2002: I Wanna
Country: Latvia
Artist: Marie N (Or, Maria Naumova)
Language: English (I think…?)
Thoughts: You want a song which hasn’t aged well? Well here you go.  I’m sure this song was MUCH more bearable back in 2002, but listening to it now is just... What on Earth is she even saying?? I don’t think I’ve heard a song with such garbled lyrics before. On my first listen, I couldn’t even distinguish what language this song was in, and when I finally realised it was in English… good Lord, the lyrics are complete nonsense. And the rhyming? It’s non-existent. The funny thing is Marie herself speaks really good English, so why this song sounds like it was run through Google Translate five times and sung by someone who only started learning English 5 minutes ago is beyond me. But enough about the terrible singing, lyrics and butchery of the English language, does this song have anything else going for it? Not really. I’d put this song into the same category as “Diva”, in that it’s trying desperately to be the next big disco track of its decade, but it just never reaches the crescendo it sets out to achieve. It just drunkenly fumbles around until it ends. What a graceful entry.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? United Kingdom- Jessica Garlick- "Come Back"
Personal ranking (out of 67):  59th
2003- Every Way that I Can
Country: Turkey
Artist: Sertab Erener
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the original ethnopop winner. I’m still not 100% sure what ethnopop is, but I’m guessing it’s just slang for the kind of music you’d hear in a gay bar whilst on your holidays. Not that I would know. This is yet another winner where it took me a good few listens to properly enjoy it since I thought the lyrics were a bit… bad. But unlike those other songs, I got into this one way back in (checks playlist) 2014, and I still haven’t managed to fall out of love with it, so to speak. I still really like this song, I’d go as far as to say it’s in my top ten favourite winners in fact. A statement which still hasn’t changed after I watched the 2003 contest recently in July of 2020, so hooray for that. And ethnopop isn’t really a genre I tend to gravitate towards, but I think what makes this song stand out to me at least is how heavy it is. This is a very slow song when you look at its BPM, and the beat just pounds loud and clear all throughout it. It’s not as obnoxious or in-your-face as other songs of its genre, it’s its own thing and that’s what makes it a cut above the rest for me.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67):  5th
2004- Wild Dances
Country: Ukraine
Artist: Ruslana
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the superior Ukrainian winner. This song is kind of similar to the one above, in that just like “Every Way that I Can” this is a big, stampy dance number, only this time with the distinction that the lyrics were written in 30 seconds rather than a few minutes. It doesn't get lazier than this folks. But I'm willing to forgive lazy lyrics if the song can distract me from them, and thankfully this song can. Plus it’s not like this song needs good lyrics anyway, I get the feeling the focus is more on the beat and instrumental more than anything. And luckily I’m a sucker for that.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67):  7th
2005- My Number One
Country: Greece
Artist: Helena Paparizou
Language: English
Thoughts: I’ll give you “My Number One crawled so Fuego could run”, more like My Number One won so Fuego could pull up the rear in second place behind a song full of chicken noises. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This song I feel is the one which really popularised that… certain brand of Eurovision song. The female-led, east Meditteranean origin, “Yas queen slay” brand of Eurovision song. Yanno. The true gay bar song. Which is, as I said earlier, not really a genre I like nor care for. Do I like this song? Eh. Kinda. I can’t really bring myself to hate it, since I have some good memories associated with it, but... … Well, I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it, put it that way. It feels kind of aggressive, and not in a way I’m all that comfortable with. The way she snarls that she’ll “get vicious” if her love isn’t reciprocated especially doesn’t sit right with me. Like I don’t want to be a That Guy™ who says people would get offended if a man sang that line, but it still puts me off a bit.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Hungary- NOX- “Forogj, Viláj!”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 36th
2006- Hard Rock Hallelujah
Country: Finland
Artist: Lordi
Language: English
Thoughts: My mother always asks me “how did this win?” And I always tell her, “Well it’s been nearly 15 years since it won and you still remember it, so clearly it left an impact on people.” So, obviously, this is a gimmicky entry; without the giant monster costumes I highly doubt this would’ve even qualified, let alone won with what was then a record-breaking score. After all, rock/metal songs don’t tend to fare well at this contest. Even with the drunk European public in full control of the vote, most of them are lucky to even make it onto the left side of the scoreboard, and getting into the top ten? Forget it. It's too niche of a genre for it to have broad appeal, especially given how a lot of viewers (in my experience at least) DO tend to be older and more conservative, shall we say.  Now, I'm not an expert on rock or metal myself, so I can't really say whether this is a good representation of the genre or whether this is what outsiders THINK it's like, but even to my untrained ear this does sound very tongue-in-cheek. Like I don’t want to go so far as to say this is a parody of metal music, but it definitely doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously. The song, I mean. Apparently the band is very serious about their monster aesthetic; but I digress. That said, I do have a soft spot for whatever sub-genre of metal this is, so I don’t mind this one in the slightest. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Croatia
If no, what is? Croatia- Séverina- “Moja Stikla”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 30th
2007: Molitva
Country: Serbia
Artist: Marija Serifovic
Language: Serbian (Translation: “Prayer”)
Thoughts: Ah, this one takes me back. This was one of the first Eurovision songs I remember truly falling in love with way back in 2013. I must’ve been about 16 or 17 at the time, heavily into dark, edgy music, and this song was just pure heaven for me. Ticked all the right boxes. It’s dark, it’s brooding, it’s sultry, the vocals are stellar, the lyrics are incredible; like, I wanted the title of this song tattooed on my wrist, I loved it so damn much, I just wanted to declare to the world that I loved this song. But that was then, how do I feel about it today? Obviously not the same, tastes evolve over time and after a while I wasn’t so easily suckered into this song’s spell like I used to be. But at the same time, I can’t deny that this is a fantastic song across the board, and one I still like despite it being my edgy favourite from back when my taste in music was terrible. Plus this is also the best-sung song of the 2000s, but that’s like being the tallest person in a room full of toddlers.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal Ranking (out of 67): 3rd
2008: Believe
Country: Russia
Artist: Dima Bilan
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes. The song that finally made Terry Wogan quit after 30 years of “commentating”. The song that proved to the people of the UK once and for all that the contest was rigged to favour certain countries and that countries in western Europe would never win again. Was it worth it? Not really, but I’m not complaining.  Now, I don't like Wogan's commentary at all, but really? This song? This is the straw that broke the camel’s back? This song isn’t bad per se, it’s just… Very underwhelming. And outdated. Like I can smell the 2000s off this one and it smells like Lynx body spray and hair gel. It's stuck in that awkward phase where it's too old to be cool, but not old enough to be retro, and it’s forever doomed to be a product of its time. It’s just an average, generic, “I have a dream and I can achieve it” pseudo-ballad; nothing outstanding or special. The performance feels very stale and formulaic too. The only way to describe it is it’s what I imagine an American person would THINK a winning Eurovision song would be like based on what they get told by their European pen pals. Dated music, hot Russian men, over the top presentation, like this just reeks of what outsiders (or British people, for that matter) think Eurovision is made of. On a different note, mediocre and dated as this song may be, I can still kinda see how it won (and no, it has nothing to do with Russia’s international relationships). Dima himself is a very… unique performer; one who performs with the questionable energy of an overexcitable children’s YouTuber, and his dramatic and exaggerated movements make this whole performance a bit of a blast to watch. But that doesn’t really save how painfully bland the song is.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Latvia- Pirates- "Wolves of the Sea"
Personal ranking (out of 67): 48th
2009: Fairytale
Country: Norway
Artist: Alexander Rybak
Language: English
Thoughts: I’m not going to lie, my feelings towards this song are incredibly mixed. There’s a lot of appeal here, with wild violin solos, swooping vocals and a pounding beat, as well as a very singalongable chorus; like, this is a good, solid song. But… something here just doesn’t gel with me. This, to me, is one of those “good by default” songs that’s a solid ‘A’ across the board, but something’s just… missing for me. There’s not enough here for me to go out of my way to download and listen to this on a regular basis. It's in the same boat as “Waterloo” in that I don't dislike it, because it’s still a good song, but I can't say I like it either, because it’s such a default "best Eurovision song”, so I can’t sincerely say I like it. Am I making sense? Probably not. But basically my thoughts are “it’s good, but it’s not my kind of good.”
Is this my personal winner for this year? Ehhhhhh
If no, what is? Germany- Alex Swings, Oscar Sings- “Miss Kiss Kiss Bang”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 29th
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pandarth-omega · 6 years
ok, time to write some coherent thoughts about this first semi. first off, wow. people have been calling it the best, strongest semi of all time since the participating countries were announced, and i always just sorta nodded my head along with that. it’s only now, when i’m seeing for real who missed out on the final next to who made it that i truly understand this statement and stand by it. the quality of music tonight was mostly excellent, even if a couple of the vocals weren’t quite there.
DISCLAIMER: i know jack shit about music and i’m pretty sure i’m at least somewhat tone deaf, so you can take anything i say regarding music/vocals with a handful of salt.
so with that out of the way, let’s do a country-by-country breakdown.
decent staging, but a bit bland since she didn’t really move a lot after the first chorus. vocals seemed a little bit wobbly to me but nothing too bad. i enjoyed it. too bad it broke azerbaijan’s perfect qualifying streak but i can’t say i’m surprised given the other songs in the semi. maybe if it had a better position it could have sneaked into the final.
staging was pretty appropriate to the song, i liked the background changing colour. glad he ditched the metronome dance from the national final. vocals seemed pretty strong to me. overall a good performance but never a qualifier, especially from this semi. you can do it iceland, just keep trying!
if you’ve been following me for a while (or just looked at some of my older posts) you’ll know i had very mixed feelings about the revamp. no longer. eugent fucking killed it tonight and my biggest fear was that he wouldn’t qualify. if i had to suggest an improvement, i’d say his staging was a little static when compared to the original music video (not the new weird one) but honestly that didn’t bother me too much. so hyped to see albania in the final WITH AN ALBANIAN SONG. this could lowkey be a dark horse this year.
staging was pretty good, i’m a fan of how she started off like in the music video with the strip of light. vocals seemed pretty strong in the verse but faltered a bit in the chorus. honestly suprised this didn’t qualify given all the pre-show hype around it. it was never one of my favourites but i thought it would be one of the conteders for the trophy. guess i was wrong lol.
great performance. i’m interested to see what it would have been like if he hadn’t hurt his back, but the final result feels full. like, if i didn’t know they had to change it i wouldn’t have guessed that they did. i do, of course, have to mention the fact that the dancers dabbed. memes in eurovision continues! a little bit surprised that this qualified to be honest but i look forward to seeing him again in the final
in all honesty, one of the most beautiful entries in eurovision ever. like, i almost started crying towards the end there. loved her vocals, staging was simplistic but perfect and that one sentence in lithuanian was more than i hoped she would go for. so thrilled that this qualified.
well let’s just say i’m not even remotely surprised that this qualified, though i kinda suspect it might not be in the top 3 of the semi. idk, just a gut feeling. performance was pretty much spot on although i think that the fast paced, erratic nature of the song makes it suffer a little live as it can never be as smooth as the studio version (obviously, but still). dancers in the background were great, chicken noises were great, just such a fun entry.
i have mixed feelings about this performance. overall the song has grown on me and while i liked certain aspects of his staging (quivering hands, rose on the camera, bow and arrose) certain other aspects were less appealing. looking at you, flowers growing out of spine. again, not surprised that this didn’t qualify.
yeah, she gonna win.
in all seriousness, this was astounding. i wouldn’t put the song in my top 10 and probably not my top 20 either but i can’t deny a brilliant performance when i see one. everything from the dress to her vocals was spot on and i would honestly have been shocked if this hadn’t gone through.
this was a great performance. i loved the effects and the different members’ roles in the song. i honestly can’t really find many words to describe this. just great. see ya on saturday.
pretty generic staging tbh but not in a bad way. wardrobe was - uh - interesting (do i smell a barbara dex award?) but vocals were pretty decent overall. not surprised we had to say goodbye but sad nonetheless. another nq year for macedonia. ~~just send crno i belo again, you got this~~
this has grown on me a lot since i first heard it and franka had strong vocals tonight but i found the staging to be a bit lacking. i mean, i’m no choreographer but i feel more could have been done with this. shame we won’t see croatia in the final but again, no real surprises there.
pretty solid staging. i’m sure that platform means something but idk what. he had strong vocals and was energetic, no surprise he qualified.
i really liked this. her vocals were on point and the staging was pretty damn good, though it could have been a bit more dynamic at times. i thought for sure greece was a safe qualifier and i am in shock that gianna didn’t make it! i mean, how can something like “oniro mou” miss the final and then something like “rise up” make it? no hate against “rise up”, that was a bop, but seriously. this is probably what made me the most salty today. not just that greece’s 100% qualification streak is well and truly done but that a masterpiece like “oniro mou” now lies in the history books next to grimaces “utopian land”.
what a performance this was. glad to see she changed it up from the national final, though i’m not sure why she enjoys being upside down so much... i will admit i lowkey miss the neon colours a little. vocals were excellent, as expected and she qualified, as expected.
ah yes, super salty vol 2. i don’t think i ever listed armenia as a sure qualifier but i always assumed it would reach the final. this is just such a powerful song and his vocals are just oh my god. i’m not sure what the significance of discount stonehenge was but it for sure looked in place. i just don’t know how this failed to qualify. speechless.
i think it’s almost a tradition by now for switzerland to send something great and get robbed. i’m just saying if this were in semi 2 it would qualify for sure. i’m sad they decided to drop their neon triangles from the national final but i enjoyed their performance nonetheless. the ending was especially cool.
another song which has grown on me a lot. the performance was sweet and the dancers were great. the girl at the piano reminded me of molly sterling (ireland 2015 robbed fucking blind). i will admit i was surprised to see it qualify but i can see this being a dark horse as well.
wow. what a way to end a show, right? she absolutely owned the stage and i am in love with the choreography. vocals were also fantastic, like how do you do all that dancing and are still able to sing??? this is definitely a contender for the trophy and to be honest i wouldn’t mind nicosia 2019. that much.
whew that took way longer than i expected. i think for a first attempt at a detailed breakdown that was pretty decent. hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts and maybe i’ll do another one of these thursday night, depending on if i feel like it or not.
have a good one!
NOTE: the app won’t let me put more than 30 tags on this post for some reason so i’ll have to put the rest on from the desktop site but i cba to do that now so it’ll happen tomorrow this has now been done
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theonstyles · 7 years
Eurovision 2017
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sanaseva-archive · 7 years
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it was just a post abt esc and i asked abt finland not qualifying for the finale when she said the scandi countries were all qualified
which is true
kinda,,, if u don’t consider the way many finnish and some swe-finn ppl consider them part of scandinavia mostly bc of shared history and similar cultures so
on the whole, it’s just swedish denmark and norway which is scandinavia
but also consider that what’s written about this isn’t always 100% truth bc especially in the north u integrate and like. my paternal grandmother was from finland but considered her roots scandinavian too
so it’s more of a cultural thing nowadays than a geographical outlines stating: this is the area
the confusion is bc there’s a difference between the nordic region and scandinavia and there’s a lot of internal discourse from these regions what is what too. its just a pet peeve for me, whose dad had finnish roots and lives up north in sweden quite close to the border, when ppl exclude finland entirely bc in some contexts (for example esc) it is more than ok to include finland to the word. im not saying that all finns agree or even have to agree, im speaking from my own experience and from what finnish friends have said about this before
but it’s not like. a Known thing bc it’s not taught this way. which is weird bc. well. it’s our buddy finland to me u know? so i just threw in my cents and kept doing it bc i didn’t think other ppl were gonna get involved and it’s like
not a thing to get involved with rly bc it was, to me, just a curious discussion between us two tbh
so just let it rest pls im not answering anything abt this bc it wasn’t meant to be anything more than a simple conversation between me and tova
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