#tbh i think lucifer would have been even cooler if they had been brave enough to play around with his gender
other half of the last metaphorical kitkat
absolutely avalil could probably teach a dancing class for dancing around issues
Feel like avalil defo also have a tendency of bringing in distractions when beatrice tries to talk to em about issues as well
it’s not at all on purpose, they don’t even realize they’re doing it, but obviously that doesn’t change they’re doing it
as a matter of fact, that’s actually what i was thinking is the main or one of the main reasons for beatrice’s running away and then getting mcdonalds n stuff, but then lilith found her and sat down and communicated with her and while avalil still have heavy avoidance habit and are unaware, it gave beatrice hope
oh yeah defo on mary & shannon’s concern regardless of whether or not they’ve had past bad experience with vincent. it’s defo also just a basic stranger danger thing, even without all the supernatural stuff & reputations, because your friend going through a major traumatic event & upheaval to their life, and then suddenly shacking up with a couple of people who not only are strangers to you, but are/were complete strangers to your friend before they shacked up? not just red flags galore right there, they’re bathing and swimming in a pool of red paint
i’m 👀👀👀👀 at the concept of ava having unwittingly stolen what was gonna be reya’s method of becoming immortal. ooo wait hold on up, what if she’s an even shadier parallel to jillian, but instead of all her shady and morally dubious being for someone else, it’s all for her (reya’s) own sake
probably took ava in under her wing and became a mentor and/or motherish figure to her, but unknown to ava until too late, it was just to boost reya’s pr image so she wouldn’t have as much scrutiny on her and her shady actions
Also q q, would you say lucifer’s a good and/or least a fun show, or?
Yeah, it's not intentional, it's just the habit they've formed over millennia. Neither of them like to talk about their problems, so they changed to adapt to each other's coping mechanisms. Lilith participates in whatever zany antics Ava needs to distract herself, and Ava makes herself a reliable but quiet safe zone for Lilith to hide in. It's all done with the utmost love but it's soooo unhelpful in the long-run. And it all comes to a head when Beatrice, young, lonely, modern (She's a modern woman, Lilith, modern women talk about their feelings, isn't that horrifying?) gets involved. Bea has spent her entire life feeling ignored and like she has to repress herself, and it's not great when she thinks Ava and Lilith are doing what her family did: ignoring her needs and fears. So things come to a head when she runs away, and Lilith goes to get her, and after the mushroom-fueled binge they have their talk and Lilith actually makes an effort to be open with Bea and let Bea be open with her.
Ava is a tougher nut to crack because she'll let them open up to her, but she won't reciprocate, not until things really boil over and she can't distract herself anymore and just breaks down one day (maybe when Jillian asks Bea to turn Michael into a werewolf and all of Ava's Diego-based trauma comes back in full-force). I really think Ava has had to deny herself the chance to heal from things as a means of survival. Sure, she's immortal, but time can kill where normal means won't work, and when you experience the kind of things she has, alone and surrounded by danger on all sides, time can drive you mad if you let it. Of course, spending literal thousands of years with these untreated psychological wounds will also drive you mad, you just won't realize it.
When Beatrice decides to live with Ava and Lilith full-time, Shannon and Mary both show up to give the Shovel Talk of the century. We're talking claws and fangs out, eyes yellow, every word comes out as a growl, the works. Ava and Lilith are not really impressed, but they do swear an oath to take care of Bea and treat her well. Shanmary are still wary of them, and they take measures to ensure that Beatrice gets plenty of non-girlfriend time to keep her balanced.
I have so many ideas for Reya's whole deal, generally. Since we never got the chance to really know anything about her, the field is wide open for any interpretation. Maybe she's an amoral sociopath who manipulated Ava to get the philosopher's stone. Maybe she's a morally dubious pragmatist who thought her becoming immortal (through whatever means necessary) would be the best thing for everyone, including Ava. Or maybe Ava swallowing the stone wasn't an accident but exactly what Reya wanted. Maybe Ava was a test subject, or (if Reya is Worse JillianTM) she's like Michael and Reya was trying to save her. Who knows? Certainly not us. And probably not Ava either, because I can't imagine Reya was very forthcoming with answers regardless of the truth, and she also may not remember everything after so much temporal separation.
The real question, then, is whether Reya managed to find another way to become immortal or otherwise persist into the modern day. And if so, where is she and what the fuck is she up to now?
And I would recommend Lucifer, it's very fun! I love the characters and the take on biblical lore. It is a police procedural too, so if that's not your jam, then don't feel like you have to watch it. But Lucifer as a snarky, bisexual menace in LA is very fun.
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