#tbh my art motivation is kinda random and complicated. i was kind of exclusively drawing my ocs from 2010 ~ 2020
xmoonlitxdreamx · 1 year
How'd you get into overwatch ships? I saw you mention that you haven't played any ovw so it got me curious!
tbh i have no idea LMAO;; I've been drawing pokemon swsh ships for the past 2-ish years, then my sister mentioned something abt overwatch 2 back in December so I decided to look up the ow2 designs, drew junkrat, then abruptly fell head-first into drawing roadrat again fjndngndn;;; and then I guess my brain is just used to multishipping (I ship a ton of the gym leaders w each other in pokemon swsh for no discernable reason), so I ended up imagining a lot of random junkrat n roadhog pairings (??????). Idk I think my brain kinda just wanted a break from drawing pokemon fsr.
I actually used to be interested in Overwatch back in 2016~2017 when it first came out (I was in college at the time), which is when I watched some of the official animatics and read some of the comics (basically only the stuff w Junkrat and Roadhog). I also looked at/read a lot of roadrat art/comics then too so that's kinda when I got interested in Junkrat and Roadhog as characters. Ovw was like HUGE back then, like even if u didn't play most ppl knew the characters... feel like it wasn't particularly uncommon for ppl who didn't play to draw fan art/etc.
I think I gravitated toward Junkrat and Roadhog bc they reminded me of my OCs Lafayette and Dmitri (short character who gets into trouble + tall character who keeps them in line kinda thing). I think the way I draw them has changed since 2016, but yeah.... I think that was the true initial reason for why I started drawing them.
Anyway overall............ who knows. Idk what motivates my brain to draw, all this stuff kinda comes out of nowhere LMAO;;
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