#tbh part of the reason i stopped drawing him fluffy is simply bc it was hard !
greennjayy · 2 years
changed how i draw red guy again oops !
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espships · 6 years
Kpop Ship for Soft(anon)
So during my wild weekend, I was only able to get one request written out, and I have that request right here! This was a request from an anon known as Soft. Hopefully you’ll be able to see this post asap Soft, but your wait is finally over! 
Based on your request, I have taken these traits about you to help me ship you: 
You’re very very affectionate but like same
And you’re known to look soft and pure
As well as childlike 
Protecc but also attac
Will protect your family and loved ones 100%
Can fall asleep anywhere jealous and has smooth roasting skills, out of love of course 
Enjoys drawing, reading, and walking to help clear your mind 
Good at cooking 
Can get very clingy okay but same again 
Mentally strong but people like to take care of you
And you always like to help others, and you love to get people to smile 
And based off of your request, you have asked me to ship you with Monsta X and NCT! Once again, I’m excited to be shipping you, and I hope you enjoy! 
Monsta X: Jooheon
So right off the bat, you and Joo would be a soft and cute couple with a lot of PDA. Loving smiles, holding hands, literally y’all would be one of the softest couples out there. There is never a time when you two are sad tbh, you would always want each other to be smiley and happy and you're not afraid to be goofy and weird to get there. I also can see Jooheon being very gentle with you, hear me out. He would really enjoy taking care of you. Not so much babying you, but rather by helping you stay organized when life gets hectic, or he will be right by your side if you need a pick me up. He’d also do really cute things like bringing you lunch every now and then, or surprising you with a little gift when you would see something you really liked in a store. And a really cute thing that you and Jooheon would do, would be going for walks and talking when life get’s a little rough. Holding hands, walking trough a park, it’s a perfect way for the two of you to let off some steam. And then sometimes you will talk to each other, and sometimes you simply hold hands and enjoy the scenery. And then after you’ve wondered off to another part of town, stopping somewhere to get a quick bite to eat is always a cute cherry on top while you’re out. You’d cuddle up in the booth or on a park bench if you eat outside, and sometimes you’ll be extra cute and share and feed each other. And if you really need some get away time, you two will go to the closest state forest you can find. Getting close to nature, with no cell service and little people is always an amazing way to relax and heal and a few hours away is much needed sometimes. Moving on to something even cuter, you gotta be sitting down for this one. You would be at the dorm and you’d fall asleep on the couch. Jooheon would be out with the boys working on a new album or the practice studio. Jooheon and the guys would come home while you’d be fast asleep on the couch, Jooheon would pick you up, bridal style to be specific, he would carry you to his room, and he’d want you to rest where it would be more quiet. Of course you would be able to sense that it was Jooheon carrying you, and you’d do the cute little thing where’d you latch onto his neck and whine that you didn’t want him to leave. Of course, Jooheon can’t say no to you, and he would crawl in the bed with you, and he’d keep you close to him and you two would fall asleep happily in each others arms- it’s such a look. Then there would be other times where’d you two would get really lovely and attached to each other and the members would wanna tease you two. You’d always have some kind of comeback to tell them and their jaws, including Jooheon’s would drop from the very sassy comment. Of course you wouldn’t sass them back to upset the other members, so you always get a laugh out of it.
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NCT: Taeyong
Onto the next ship, of course there was a lot of members to choose from, but you and Taeyong sound really cute to me. The first reason why I ship you with Taeyong is because you two would be very protective of each other. You’d always be right on any haters that want to talk smack about Taeyong, or NCT tbh, and Taeyong is always ready to throw down and stand up for his love, you best believe he’s got you. Aside from the possible haters that would come your way, there would be a lot of cute bonding time between the two of you. When Taeyong wouldn’t be an amazing leader moming it up with the boys, he’s with you. You two would be seen cuddled up together on a bench at the park, or in a field on a blanket having a cute little picnic, it’d always be lowkey aesthetic and really super soft. Especially when it’d be fall and it would get colder outside. Any large gust of wind that would make you cold, Taeyong would have his jacket ready to give to you, and his jacket would be like a full on dress with your size, it’d be so freakin cute, you’d be all over social media, and everyone dies. Moving on, you would also have amazing relationships with Tae’s fellow members. You would help out with the Dreamies, cooking for them if they needed the extra hand, and you’d be over at the dorm a lot with Taeyong, and you’re so lovable and sweet, Tae’s fellow members would swoon over you. And I can see you and Tae always right there to help the members feel better if they’re having some issues. Or if some of the members are feeling stressed out, you’ll all get on one of the game consoles and have a video game tournament with snacks of course. You and Tae would be cuddled up on one side of the couch, honestly watching from afar and enjoying the members being goofy and having fun. It would be a victory for the both of you to see the other NCT members happy and less stressed, and that’s a big part of my evidence on why you and Tae would be amazing at moming the other NCT members. And when things would be a bit more chill and when you and Taeyong are cuddling on the couch, sometimes the members will tease you two for being so soft and squishy. Of course they tease just for fun and not to hurt either one of you, and of course you can get sassy back, and I can see members like Ten or Yuta getting into a big sass fest with you, it’d be hilarious. Also, no matter if you two would be in the practice room or at the dorm, or even having that cuddle time in the park, you both can fall asleep together, it’s wild. Your body heat would act as a blanket for you both, and you can just fall asleep anywhere. And last but not least, some PDA talk. We all know how affectionate Taeyong can be, and girl, when I say that boy will get lovey, he’ll get lovely. Sweater paws, forehead/cheek/lip pecks, hand holding, back hugs, a hand on the thigh, g I R L, Taeyong is going to bring the fluff. Tae would personally love to keep you close to him when you’d be out so other people would stay away, and he wouldn’t want to loose you in a big crowd. He’d always want you to stay safe and secure in his grasp bc he loves you and does not want you getting hurt. 
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As you can tell, I went ham on the fluff, it’s what I do best y’all lol. But seriously this was a lot of fun to do! I love playing with different fluffy scenarios as well, it’s a lot of fun! I am also so incredibly honored to be shipping you! I hope you’re able to see this, and like hit me up on @kj-16-svt and send me a message if I guessed any of your biases, I would love to talk about it! Thank you so much for requesting, and I hope you liked it! <3
Admin Aquarius 
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fcrtiers-blog · 7 years
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( &&. general information )
full name: charlotte elizabeth fortier
pronunciation: shar-lot
nickname(s) or alias: charlie, char
preferred name: charlie
current age: twenty-one
astrological sign: sagittarius
element: fire
title: miss
label: the halcyon
gender: female
preferred pronouns: she & her
sexual preference: bisexual
romantic preference: biromantic
resides in: princeton, new jersey
current occupation: student
language(s) spoken: english
native language: english
current marital status: single
( &&. background )
reason behind name: charlotte was her maternal grandmother’s first name and elizabeth is her paternal grandmother’s middle name
birth order: she is the youngest of three siblings
ethnicity: caucasian
nationality: american
religion: agnostic
political views: liberal as fuck
financial status: upper middle class
iq: 127
hometown: georgetown, washington, d.c.
( &&. physical appearance )
looks like: phoebe tonkin
height: five feet and ten inches
weight: a hundred and forty pounds
shoe size: eight and a half
figure/build: lean, slightly muscular
hair colour, Dyed?: brunette and no
hair length: medium length
eye colour: hazel
shape of face: square
tattoos: ‘joy’ in scribe on her wrist. a dainty sternum tattoo of two sprigs of lavender
piercings: ears are triple pierced with her cartilage 
birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: n/a
dominant hand: left
if painted, what color are their nails/toenails?: it stays in the gray family, ventures into lavenders sometimes. 
usual style of clothing: hipster skater chic vibes that is most likely hella comfy as well  (lol does that even make sense)
frequently worn jewelry: two personalized rings on her middle finger with her first and middle name on it. a dainty gold necklace with her siblings’ initials on them
what is their speaking style (fast, monotone, loquacious)? insanely loquacious, although there are moments (aka that high life) she’s just insanely mellowed out and talks quite... slow.
describe their scent: she usually smells of citrus???
describe their posture: usually in a slight slouch
( &&. legal information )
birth name: charlotte elizabeth fortier
any speeding tickets?: one from driving in northern virginia (true story. me af. fuck u nova)
have they ever been arrested?: nope
do they have a criminal record?: no
have they committed any violent crimes?: no
property crimes?: no
traffic crimes?: no
( &&. medical information )
blood type: o positive 
date/time of birth: december fifth, 1995 / 2:49 am
place of birth: washington, d.c.
vaginal birth or cesauren section?: vaginal
sex: female
diet: somewhat healthy... not really. hella junk food on occasion
smoker? / Drinker? / Drug User?, Which?: no / yes, socially / yes, mostly marijuana but the occasional psychedelics (shrooms, lsd, etc). 
addictions: none
allergies: none
do they get occasional checkups?: yes
ever broken a bone?: no
hospital visits, what for?: torn acl when used to play soccer in high school
any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: none 
any medication regularly taken: none
( &&. personality )
direct quote from them: “wanna go hang on the rooftop?”
positive traits: independent, understanding, charismatic, adventurous 
negative traits: sarcastic, stubborn, hedonistic
likes: naps, fluffy sweaters, corgis, weed
dislikes: sour candies, breadsticks, roller coasters
fears/phobias: heights
hobbies: crocheting (hit up ya girl for hats and scarves in the winter)
guilty pleasure: watching reality tv aka the challenge
regrets: not telling a certain someone that she loved them
turn ons: being dominated, also the being dominant
turn offs: cockiness, little to no hygiene upkeep
lucky number: 13
pet peeves: when people who just ordered move to the front of the counter when there is a large crowd still waiting for their own food??
their motto: here for a good time not a long time
( &&. favourites )
food: pizza
drink: water
fast food restaurant: five guys
flavour: cherry
word: moist
colour: black
clothing: flannels
accessory: rings
candle scent: the winter candle from bath & body works
store: h&m
instrument: guitar
game: any of the pokemon games minus pokemon go
animal: kangaroo
holiday: christmas, duh
season: winter, also duh
book: milk and honey by rupi kaur 
artist: ella mai
band/group: the eagles
song: take it easy by the eagles
tv show: the challenge (she’s a slut for reality tv tbh)
sport: baseball
sports team: philadelphia phillies 
school subject: maths
possession: her rings that were given to her by her parents
number: 11
emoji: shady eyes emoji
mythological creature: pegasus
person: @gtglayla​
( &&. skills )
talents: does balancing a spoon on your nose count??? or 
ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: loves driving. will drive if you don’t want to
can they ride a bike?: yes
do they play any sports?: used to play soccer until she tore her acl
anything they’re bad at?: singing and drawing??? 
do they have any combat training? Why?: no, bc no?
( &&. firsts )
childhood memory: being pushed into the pool by her older brother
crush: paisley anderson in the third grade
email address: [email protected]
job: cashier at dairy queen
phone: sidekick
computer: imac
kiss: paisley anderson in the third grade ;)))))) 
love: natalie dent @tfnatalie​
sexual experience: prom in the eleventh grade
( &&. childhood )
best childhood memory?: when she watched her little sister beat up some kid for making fun of her twin. she was going to hold her back, but y’know didn’t want to elbowed in the face
worst childhood memory?: losing her first soccer game. damn, that day was just awful. 
what were they like as a child?: she was really curious, constantly bugging her parents with questions and just won’t stop until she was actually tired. 
any crushes growing up?: several. her first was paisley anderson from the third grade. 
did they know/like their parents?: she absolutely adores her parents
worst influence on them as a kid?: older cousins. they were the ones that taught her what weed was
did they have a lot of friends?: yeah, the girls on her soccer team were her closest friends
were they heavily punished?: not really? her parents were pretty lax about rules.
anything they wish they could cut out?: not really
were they more feminine or masculine?: she was slightly more masculine than feminine
were they an early or late bloomer for puberty?: late bloomer for sure
do they still know any of their childhood friends?: sadly, no
( && this or that )
expensive or inexpensive tastes?: expensive
hygienic or Unhygienic?: hygienic
open-minded or close-minded?: open-minded
introvert or extrovert?: extrovert
optimistic or pessimistic?: optimistic
daredevil or cautious?: daredevil
logical or emotional?: emotional
generous or stingy?: generous
polite or rude?: polite
book smart or street smart?: street smart
dominant or submissive?: dominant
popular or loner?: loner
leader or follower?: leader
day or night person?: night
cat or dog person?: dog
closet door open or closed while sleeping?: closed
( &&. family relationships )
father: peter ynes fortier
describe their relationship: she has a great relationship with her father. honestly between her mother and him, she is closer to her dad. he was the one to feed charlie’s curiosity about the world around her. he was also the one to encourage her to do whatever she loved. 
mother: juniper marie scott-fortier
describe their relationship: she simply adores her mom. she was always there for every soccer game that she had. cheered her on through things that charlie didn’t even know that she needed to be cheered on for. she was always so loving and tender, understanding and kind. 
brother: austin wyatt fortier
describe their relationship: her older brother is somewhat of an asshole?? but he’s the kind of person that would risk anything for his family. quite the character actually. he’s off in new york doing his own thing and making sure that no one is messing with his younger sister. and she basically does the same for him... in a less agressive way. 
sisters: chloe anne and cassandra lee fortier 
describe their relationship: the beloved twins of the family. she would say that they’re pretty close. although, they’re still in high school and sometimes... charlie can’t really relate to them??? teenagers man. 
significant other: tba
( &&. other relationships )
best friend: layla evans
childhood friend: tba
enemy: tba
past romances: natalie dent, tba
pets: luna & shadow (her corgis)
roommate(s): tba
( &&. social media )
do they have a Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Vine? Snapchat? Tinder/Grindr? Tumblr? YouTube?
if so; Name on Facebook: charlotte fortier
twitter handle: @char_fortier
instagram user: @char_fortier
vine user: RIP VINE
snapchat user: charliebitme
name on Tinder: charlotte fortier
tumblr URL: n/a
youTube channel: n/a
( &&. musical tastes )
Theme song: honey by kehlani
Can relate to: she don’t by ella mai
Makes them happy: sunday candy by chance the rapper
Makes them sad: we find love by daniel caesar (actually anything by daniel caesar gets her in her feelings???)
Makes them dance: wannabe by the spice girls
Loves the most: sam smith. literally. 
Describes them: fine by vada
Never gets tired of: ain’t it fun by paramore
Would like to be played at their wedding: best part by daniel caesar
Would like to play at their funeral: promises by jhene aiko
( &&. miscellaneous )
Do they have a fake I.D.?: yes
Are they a virgin?: no
Describe their signature: there are only two distinct letters in her signature, one being c for charlotte and the f for fortier
How long would they survive in a zombie apocalypse?: probably not that long. i see her being killed in the first two days or so
Do they travel?: she loves to travel. last summer she went on a cross country road trip with her brothers
One place they would like to live: paris, france
One place they would like to visit: seoul, south korea
Celebrity crush: hayley kiyoko
What can you find in their pockets/wallet/purse: a hair tie / a two dollar bill / two packs of gum, her wallet, random makeup products, and lotion 
Place(s) your character can always be found: rooftop of the pi gamma house, in the library
When does your character like to wake up?: honestly??? noon. 
What’s your character’s morning routine?: wake up, scavenge for breakfast, go take a shower, throw on some clothes and pat on some makeup
What does your character eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?: usually cereal or some eggos / skips lunch on most days??? but probs might ask someone to go to chipotle or something / dining hall anyone??? 
How does your character spend their free days?: smoking, napping, reading
What’s your character’s bedtime routine?: if she has the time to, she’ll take a bath and do a face mask. but if not, she just takes off her makeup and washes her face. 
What does your character wear to bed?: typically an oversized shirt and just underwear
If your character can’t fall asleep, what are they thinking about?: a shit ton of things. what does her schedule look like tomorrow? what work she has to do? any emails that she has to get back to? all types of shit. random shit too. what are millenials really doing with their time? how effective is the sushi making contraption tube thing?
What has been their greatest achievement?: graduating as one of the valedictorians in high school
What or who is the greatest love of their life?: natalie dent
Most marked characteristic: honesty
How would they like to die?: peacefully and in her sleep
Do they snore?: no
Do they chew their pens/pencils?: no
Can they curl their tongue?: no
Can they whistle?: yes
Do they believe in the supernatural?: no, ghosts aren’t real wth *cue shane impersonation*
Have they ever cheated on anyone?: never
Have they ever been cheated on?: no
Has anyone ever broken their heart?: yes
Have they ever broken anyone’s heart?: no not that she knows of
Are they squeamish?: no
Have they ever killed anyone? Why? How?: no
Have they ever seen anyone die? What happened?: no
Are they a lightweight?: definitely not. 
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