#kept the paws and tail tho :]
greennjayy · 2 years
changed how i draw red guy again oops !
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bunnypeew · 7 months
Lucky charm - Overlord!Husk x Gn!reader
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okay so full disclosure, i don’t know Husk as much as i know Lucifer and Alastor so i’m giving an heads up in case he’s ooc :3c the outfit is either a flowy red dress or a red suit depending on what you prefer :)
Husk was at the entrance of his casino, shuffling some cards in his paws while he was greeting the people that came in with a smirk, he was waiting for Y/n, oh what he called them his ‘lucky charm’.
as much as he didn’t show emotions he really loved them, he was showing most that indoors since he didn’t want to seem ‘weak’ infront of his patrons and that pained them a little bit but not too much to make the necessarily sad that is.
Tonight they were jobbed with paying attention to the patrons and overall just looking beautiful for Husk. They decided to wear something fancy, a red dress/suit with gold details all around the edges, plus of course, an ace of spades choker around their neck, to tell everyone who they belonged to.
they ascended from their wardrobe room in the casino and started talking with some patrons who wanted some attention, they were always so nice to them, offering drinks or meals just for the star of the show, this made Husk a little jealous but most of the time it wasn't a big of a problem since everyone knew his trademark and wouldn't dare to cross him. Tonight was different tho, there was this particular lady who kept talking to Y/n, a lot. He didn't make much of it at first still greeting patrons in the casino until he saw the lady getting closer and kissing their hand right in front of him nonetheless.
''I'll be right back gentlemen, thank you for coming,,
with that, he swoops away from the entrance and quietly approaches Y/n. His tail was swinging in an annoyed state and the fur from his body was a bit more stood up than normal, people around started noticing even the employees knew what was going on so most people just strayed away from the scene
''hey, pipsqueak can't you see when you're touching someone else's goods?''
he utters in a husky voice, leaning into Y/n to kiss their shoulder, putting an arm around their waist. He was very slick you could say it wasn't hard for him to stand his ground. The woman looked completely flabbergasted at the sight of him, not expecting you to belong to an overlord like him, but then it started getting all clear, the ace of spades, the rather fancy attire for a casino, but for some reason, it didn't click in her that you might've been an overlord's until then
''oh shit... em sorry sir I didn't really notice the trademark till now... I will leave, now thanks,,
with that, she literally disappeared from both of their sight, this whole thing made Y/n giggle, turning around to look at Husk with a love-filled stare, hand wondering to his bowtie to fix it
''you're really cute when you act possessive you know that?,,
they mutter near his cat ears making them twitch, a low purr can be heard from the cat demon
''Can't be sharing my lucky charm now can we?,,
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a/n: I REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT MORE TO ADD IT IS A SHORT ONE SHOT SOOOO,, but hope you liked it anyway love yaaa the dividers are from @cafekitsune tysmmm
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Bsd x gn reader
Characters: Nikolai, Fyodor, Poe, chuuya
Genre: fluff, crack
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Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai just came back from a tiring mission and was eager to cuddle up to you to let the stress out, when he saw you he got excited and start sprinting to you, just before he could get to you your cat jumped Infront and started hissing, it's fur standing on its tips, this stopped Gogol in his tracks, like the cartoony thing they do to stop themselves from running, he looked down to your cat with wide and deadly eyes, you started to feel chills run down your spine "Um..kolya? Are you okay?" You asked nervously, moving closer to him slowly and nudging his shoulder, he whipped his head up at you and smiled "Dorogaya(dear) have you thought about getting a pet dove instead?" You sighed and took his hand dragging him back to your bedroom to cuddle up to him, he was still eyeing your cat, he'd never hurt it of course, he loves you too much to hurt you like that! Doesn't mean he won't terrorise the cat tho, be careful around this clown.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
It was rare for Fyodor to be affectionate, one of those rare days was today, it was a rainy evening, Fyodor had just finished his work and decided he'd coddle you for a while, it's been quite a while since you spent time together. He got up from his chair and went out to look for you, he found you in the living room on your phone, he sat down next to you and kissed the crown of your head "How are you my dear?" He asked while petting your head, you smiled "I'm good, you?" "I'm okay" he tilted your chin up smiling and started to lean in when all of a sudden a cat jumped on his head, causing him to grunt audibly, he quickly pulled back eyes shut tightly and grabbed the cat by it's scurf looking at it dead in the eye, he let go of it and the cat plopped down on the floor, hissing at Fyodor, you tried your best to contain your laughter but Fyodor still heard you, turning his head back to you while glaring, causing your laughing to stop immediately, he closed his eyes tilted his head up a bit and left "Wait WAIT FEDYA I'M SORRY COME BACK PLEASE" you yelled after him but he had left to go to the kitchen he was making tea, he made none for you you don't deserve it for laughing at him also he hates your cat now, congrats 👏
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Edgar Allan Poe
You and Poe both loved animals, he had a cute raccoon you had a cat, most of the times those 2 animals get along so you didn't worry about that, Poe was writing something new you put a trey of food down next to him on the desk, he looked up at you and smiled sheepishly "Thank you my love" he took your hand and kissed it, pulling you in his lap and holding you gently as if you were made from glass, you giggled and nuzzled closer to him he pulled back enough to see your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb, he kissed your cheek and as he was about to move to kiss your lips a loud hiss could be heard which caused Poe to Yelp and pull back immediately, both of you turned your heads to the direction of the sound and you could see your cat hissing at Karl swiping it's paws at him, Karl was holding on the cats tail for his life, you got off Poe's lap and he stood up, you took your cat and he took his raccoon, "Karl! Why were you holding (cats name)'s tail! That's painful" he scolded Karl "*cat name* you're no better, you don't swipe at Karl he's your friend!" Once you settled your pets down you held your cat to your chest and Poe kept Karl on his shoulder , turns out your cat wanted to jump on Poe to "protect" you from him and Karl didn't want the cat to scratch Poe so tried holding the cat back, the cat wants y'all to part but Karl is the glue💪 maybe you'll get your cat to warm up to Poe one day.
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Chuuya Nakahara
You and chuuya were having a nice romantical dinner to celebrate your anniversary, he set up the table and cooked food for you, in return you bought him fine wine, there was one of those old fashioned candles on the table, some rose petals here and there, basically the atmosphere was great after dinner he took you to the couch to watch a movie, during the movie he turned to you and kissed your neck, you returned the kiss to his lips he smirked and kissed back, before things could get heated your cat jumped on chuuyas back clawing him, Chuuya full on screeched, your neighbours thought a highschool girl got kidnapped that's how high pitched his scream was, he turned around to catch your cat keeping it as far from his face as possible, the cat was still trying to scratch him "YOU PIECE OF SH-" "Chuuya!" "what?! It scratched me!" You took your cat and put him aside, you turned to chuuya checking to see if the scratches were deep, luckily they weren't,before you could leave he took ahold of your wrist "hey where are you going? What about the night anniversary?" He said putting emphasis on night "Sorry chuuya but I better calm *cats name* down before it scratches you again" you kissed his lips and left to get your cat, chuuya huffed leaning back on the couch and crossing his arms "we should've gotten a puppy instead..."
Please make it up for this pouty man later
The end
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beesinspace · 6 months
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I thought I'd start uploading my takes on the hazbin characters I've done so far for anyone who wants to see them. Along with why I made the choices I did!
These are gonna be real rough as most of the pics I've done so far are my first take, get these ideas on "paper", so please excuse the varying quality lolol riiipp
Anyway! Husk! I have so much to say about his design lol
I really wanted to give the main cast distinct colour palettes and ages ago I someone else take on Husk where they added green to his design in relation to casino tables, which I thought was great!
As I was doing my own take on husk I kept thinking about green for him and so looked into the colour, the more i read the more it fit! Green being associated with Greed and money but also safety and calmness! so I when with green haha
In my desgins I will be pushing for a diverse range of body types too! I love everyone who draws Husk as a big ol' kitty <3
I added the card suits back into his design, but in a subtle way. I wanted him to be more reprisented with the club as it's linked to Growth, so I put them on the ends of his ears and tried to make his tail feathers kinda look like it too (but I'm not 100% i n love with it so will probs change). I changed the direction of the hearts on his paws so that when he holds his hands out to someone Angel it shows a heart but if he holds his hands up defensively they look like a spade, which are linked to death, so could be read as a threat. He doesn't have many dimonds on him anymore as they are linked to wealth and prosperity, I think they would be more present in his Overlord look.
I made him look more scruffy too tho i did give mans a shirt as i wanted to push the "Guy who has lost it all and has kinda given up on 'life'" angle, so he's missing a few feathers, his fur is all over the place etc. . I'm also on the headcannon that Husk carries very few possessions as he never knows when or where Alastor will drag him to, so has like three shirts (if that) that he can hardly be motivated to clean most days.
welp. thats all for now! I'm gonna play with design more as and when I draw him in the future, but this is where I'm at lol
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 5 Semifinals 2
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Blackie vs Maccabee
check their descriptions and catpaganda (new for blackie)
This is Blackie, submitter's little one-eyed wonder. He lost his eye to glaucoma quite a few years ago, but he's doing a lot better now, and still likes to play with his sister, Artemis. His name is Blackie because that's what the shelter named him and submitter's family couldn't agree on a new name for him so it stuck, but submitter themselves call him 'Big Boi' because of just how massive he is. He was once very timid, but with time and love and patience he is now a certified lap cat who will come right up to strangers to demand pets. He has a wonderful squeaky meow and when he purrs it sounds like two cats purring at once. He likes to have people watch him eat and he will guide submitter's mom over to the couch and make her lay down just so he can sleep in her lap. Also, when he lays on his back, he covers his belly with his tail. Pictured is him in his signature polite boi sitting pose
- weird old man
- known to bite people's elbows when prompted
- frequently sleeps with one (1) limb stretched in a random direction
- the reason submitter can't have pineapples in the house
- knows the word "treat," meaning it cannot be said out loud around him
- they got him for chanukah (hence the name). diversity win! this cat is jewish!
- they paid $150 to buy him a half-page ad in submitter's high school yearbook because he's worth it <3
has a post made by his human as a separate propaganda piece. it has bribery. the offer as far as i know still stands
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also has agitational posters!!
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So glad to see Blackie still in the competition! His response so far has been "aow."
Truth be told, I'm running out of propaganda. If he make it to the next round, I'm gonna try my darnedest to capture his meows on video, which I haven't been able to do before because he sees me coming with the camera and starts purring XD
For now, more assorted Blackie facts!
Very rarely, when he gets the zoomies, he'll laugh. Like "huhuhuheueheHUEHEUE" kinda laugh.
I like to let him sniff human food/whatever I'm holding just to make sure he feels included (still doesn't like anything but pizza crumbs). But he has gagged on pickled ginger, banana, and CBD rub. He always gets really embarrassed when he gags tho
Ever since I got a job, he has been following me to bed and jumping on my chest to get the pets that he now lacks during the day.
If he sees you getting out the cat brush, he''ll lead you over to where he wants to be brushed.
On that note, when I had hurt my leg one time, Blackie saw that I wasn't leaning down to pet him and instead lead me over to the couch to have me sit down to pet him. He kept that up for a couple months once he saw how relieved it made me.
More Blackie propoganda! This time I bring you big boi in motion
Assorted Blackie facts:
A brave man when it comes to thunderstorms. But the vacuum? His mortal enemy.
The friendliest cat at the shelter. But the staff forced me to pick him up and hold him to get a picture and he got terrified and peed on me.
We think, based on how he acts, that he may have grown up in a home with dogs. But the mark on his ear is one done by our local neuter and release program, so we don't know if he was a stray, an outside cat, etc. But he's one of the friendliest cats I've ever met.
Will go up to his sister and put his head down to get it licked. But as soon as she goes to lick him and flattens his ears and raises a paw like he's gonna hit her. Sometimes they fight and sometimes they just walk away. We don't think he's trying to trick her because he acts genuinely confused throughout this process.
Sometimes he uses his back paw to scratch the back of his front leg when he's sitting down and it's so cute <3
These are old photos from when I used to hold a camera down and snap a photo when they leaned in to sniff the lens.
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Blackie is our older cat and is such a gentleman. He is eager to love, he does the quickest slow blinks I've ever seen from a cat. He has a two-layered purr, it literally sounds like a cat purring as popcorn is being made in the background. He lost his eye to glaucoma when he was younger but he runs around and plays and teases his sister Artemis like a kitten. And his eyebrow whiskers grew down over his missing eye! He's not a big fan of people food but he has a fondness for pizza crumbs (NOT the crust. Just the crumbs off the plate when you're done eating the pizza). He walks like he's gingerly stepping through flowers and he's so gentle that the one time I overstimulated him and he wanted to bite me, he just shoved his closed mouth against my hand. He has a super long tongue and if you scratch the right spot between his shoulder blades he will lick the air. He's my precious boy who started out so scared but he's so brave and social and happy now just typing this out makes me wanna cry and go give him scritchies.
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raina-clipse423 · 10 months
Cat Doki! (Pt 4 FINAL)
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(Natsuki, Sayori, and Yuri for those who haven't seen them!)
Here's cat Monika! That paw took me SO long to draw I was gonna make her claws outstretched but I forgot about in the end, drawing paw undersides is a weakness :'D She's the only one two different designs, I couldn't decide which one I'd use so in the end I chose to use both, just in different au's. The Warriors!Monika still has that little curl she has at the end of her ponytail tho! It's just obscured right now. Her fur colors is also supposed to be more faded together, but for simplicity's sake, I kept them flat
She's a Somali! It's such a beautiful breed and it's temperament fits her the most (just like the breeds I chose for everyone else!) She has two names in Warriors, her original name and FoxSong!
(Warriors info for those interested under the cut)
Monika is a housecat, and one of those housecats that's not often kept indoors, that and because she always found a way to escape, much to her housefolks dismay, but she does her best to be careful anytime, she befriended some wild cats in the woods too, so if the situation calls it, they can help her since they know the forest better.
She got her first exposure to the life of these wild cats via the "WindClan" that's just close to town. It was one of her jail break days when she saw a cat, thankfully right before she got run over by a car. "CherrySilk" was her name... How fascinating! You'd normally hear that kinda name on those nice but strong smelling shampoo her housefolk uses. She happily explained to Monika why she was named that. It got confusing but she listened, first she was CherryKit, then CherryPaw, then she's CherrySilk! She can even be CherryStar if she becomes the "leader" of her clan (which she doesn't want to). That's so many Cherries.
Monika's little journey to learn about the clans jumpstarted from there, CherrySilk warned her about the territories and the patrols, and wow! Their territories get BIG, well guess it has to be with that many cats. There was RiverClan, but it's surrounded by water, she can swim but it felt risky, she went to ThunderClan next and met another friendly she-cat, LilyPool. She had beautiful claws, which she hid under her tail in fear she'd startle Monika away, so she showed off her claws which are pretty nice too in her opinion. LilyPool didn't talk much, but she seemed like curious cat by the look in her eyes, but Monika had to go home at that time since it was getting dark so she had to say goodbye.
Her next stop was ShadowClan, which she was hesitant to go to and had CherrySilk with her just in case. Surprisingly they ran across LilyPool, who was just as surprised to see them at the border. She timidly asked if she could come with them because apparently there was a kit she saw some days ago that got scared of her, and she wanted to apologize. How nice of her!
They came across the kit eventually, who turns out to be way past her kithood and is the gatherer of ShadowClan. BerryHope has quite the sass that Monika found entertaining as she scolds Lilypool for mistaking her for a kit (who is now apologizing feverishly) CherrySilk had to break them off. She also was not scared of Lilypool that day, she's huge compared to Berryhope and those claws screamed certain irreversible injury so it was the most logical thing to do.
The four of them ended up meeting up after Sun-high (hah, she's getting the hang of these clan terminologies) and Monika learned many things from LilyPool, who's apparently very chatty and knowledgable if you can figure her out. It was almost like they have their own little clan and Monika never really got this... "Clan" feeling before, a community, sure she got other housecat–or Kittypet–friends here and there, but they all keep to themselves.
She soon names herself FoxSong, because of her pelt, her rather cunning nature being able to evade the territory patrols well, and she has a good singing voice to name a few. She's not getting rid of her name Monika, Foxsong is just a little alias for her clan friends.
Curious though, CherrSilk mentions of another Kittypet, a tom who sounds familiar to Foxsong. There's vague memories of them passing by each other but they never talked–maybe because he's a more strictly indoors kept housecat. Another kittypet that has his own meddling with clan life! Who must he be...
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lady-lycany · 1 year
My werewolf proud never really let's me admit another type of kin. I just made an entry but couldn't bring myself up to post it :')
I think I need to read a little more into the species before I jump too quick into conclusions...
Don't get me wrong, I was, am, and will forever be a werewolf. I'm so extreme certain about it, that it's more to me than just a kintype, cuz my other type of "kins" are not nearly as intense. Being a werewolf IS who I am... The only thing that's unstable about that is the furcolor.
...But why is it so hard to admit that I actually could be a different type of caninekin. Cuz this one starts to make a lot of sense :')
(I think I'll just say it in this post now and delete the other lol)
I'm talking about Dingos. I knew of their existence, but completely forgot them, until insta just showed me a video. So I read a little into them and quite a few things add up to me:
Something that bothered me, when I said that I could be a shiba inu was that shibas are too small & the curled tail... The Dingo doesn't have that and still looks pretty similar to the shiba, the golden furcolor also almost adds up well, together with the white dot-eyebrows and the white chest and paws... they can live in every habitat and are mostly common in australia (as a kid I was obsessed with australia and had books over it and really wanted to move there. when I got older it turned into the rural areas of asia) They don't really bark much but rather communicate with a different variety of howls that almost sound exactly like wolf howls and even tho they can be kept as a pet, and were pets many many years ago, they'll never be completely tame and are unpredictable.
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My main issue so far: the fur is too short (maybe my brain just confuses it with my wolf fur tho). But all the other stuff is weirdly accurate. They also live in tropical habitats with humid air and lots of rain... something I always was searching for a connection. well... there it is ':D
*sigh* yea... so... idk... I don't want to jump into conclusions yet but... since my blog is about all the otherkin stuff I felt like I should talk about it.
Being a werewolf with a canine-kintype is weird af and never feels right to me, I already regret this post while writing. like, the moment something adds up my wolfside says "nope that ain't it" and so I throw that thought instantly away
okay I chattered enough around. And again, all the text is just the mess in my head. not saying yes or no to anything. just that it would technically make sense. TwT
I'm doneso *drops the mic*
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yuriko-mukami · 10 months
His Possession Ecstasy 09
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
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A couple of days passed, yet nothing new happened. No one had come for Komori Yui, and Yuriko was growing more worried. Maybe Nalia’s contact couldn’t have done anything. Yuriko had tried to talk to Ruki about the situation but kept saying the Mukamis were only doing as the Vampire king wished.
And how could Yuriko say anything to that? She could simply hope that her excursion would eventually help.
Then came a day when the rain finally ceased a little. Yuriko gazed out of the window to the forest, captivated by its greenery and quietness. As she stared into the distance, her eyelids started to slide down, lower, and lower, blurring her surroundings more and more, until the forest disappeared from her…
…yet another appeared in front of Yuriko’s eyes. She gaped as she noticed how tall the trees were, reaching for the sky above her. She knew this place! This forest! Yuriko hurried through the woods, dashing over the stones and mushrooms. As always, the place was dark and gloomy. Only the stars sparkled in the sky but there wasn’t even a promise of the moon. She didn’t mind but spurted her way to the familiar cliff. “Yuuto!” “It took you forever to fall asleep.” Yuuto turned around, swaying his blue-tipped tails. Yuriko slowed her pace, pushing her paws against the leaf-covered soil. Panting, she gazed at her brother. “It’s in the middle of the day…” “Kinda hard to notice here.” “Umh… well… yes…” Now, that Yuuto mentioned it, this dream forest seemed always to have nighttime.  “Never mind that tho. I wanna tell you somethin’... The village chiefs are meetin’ with someone important today. They’ll be away for three of your days at least, I think. So… if you have learned…” Yuriko jumped, her tail swaying back and forth. This was perfect! “I have! I can turn into a fox now… I mean, for real! And… and… I could go to search for the gate!” Her heart was bouncing, making her ears drum. Finally, she could meet her brother in reality. They could talk, they could do things together, have a life together. And they could save Mother too. Yuuto shifted as he had been uncomfortable. The amber-yellow gaze turned dimmer even though he should have been as excited as Yuriko. “Just open the gate, gotcha? You ain’t doin’ anythin’ else. You open the gate, I’m gonna take care of the rest. And then we’re gonna ditch the place.” “But… but… how do you even know that I have opened the gate?” Yuriko tilted her head to the side. It might be that she would have to wait for a long time for Yuuto and their mother to appear if she wasn’t allowed to walk through the gate. “I’ll wait near to it.” “With Mom? Is that safe?” Yuuto frowned and let out a frustrated growl. “Just do your part and lemme focus on mine. Now, hurry back. The geezers might be away but we ain’t got time to waste.” Something invisible pressed against Yuriko, pushing her further away from Yuuto. Never before had this happened but the forest slipped away from her faster than she managed to say goodbye. 
Yuriko flinched, almost falling from her chair. Blinking, she yawned and tried to understand where she was. Right! In the library of the Mukami manor! 
And the time had come!
“Ruki!” Yuriko turned around.
Ruki lifted his face from the book he had been reading, frowning slightly. “If this is about Eve again…”
“Umh… no. I want to go to look for the gate. I think I’m ready now.” Yuriko would worry about the girl after she would have sorted out her own problems for it seemed Eve wasn’t in imminent danger. Yuma was simply keeping her here. But Yuuto and Yuriko’s mother… Yuriko swallowed. 
“Are you sure?” Ruki rose from the armchair and closed the distance between him and Yuriko. The slight anxiety lingered in the air around him, but Yuriko kept a brave face. She wouldn’t back down now. “We would have to go alone. Kou is at work and Yuma is occupied. Even Azusa is busy today.”
“I’m sure it’s fine. I… I don’t want to bother them anyway…” Yuriko shifted, averting her gaze. She was causing so much trouble.
“Look at me.” Ruki took Yuriko’s chin and lifted her face. She blinked, turning her gaze up into the storm of his eyes. “You are not causing trouble, for you are part of this family and we support each other.” Sighing, Ruki glided his thumb over Yuriko’s cheek. “I guess it will take time for you to see that.”
Yuriko placed her hand on Ruki’s. He was right. It was so difficult to squeeze into her head that the Mukamis weren’t bothered because of her since her parents had always made it clear that anything she asked was extra trouble. Well… her mother hadn’t said so… but she had been so tired all the time that Yuriko had felt bad about asking anything from her. Now, Ruki was stating the exact opposite, and it felt so wrong to simply take it. But then again, Yuriko would not want to offend him by turning him down either.
“But if you truly wish to go now, then we should do it.” Ruki glanced out. “Weather is a bit better today. Let us go.”
Taking Yuriko’s hand, Ruki pulled her with him downstairs and finally out of the manor. They walked to the forest, letting the greeny shadows settle upon them while they roamed forward. Everything was damp from the rain and the air smelled rich even to Yuriko’s human nose. But she could also sense how the more heated season was lurking closer, soon the unbearable hotness of summer would hit them, and she could only dream of cooler days.
“You should transform now. We are not getting anywhere by simply walking around…” Ruki looked around. “Your mother’s diary did not give us too many details but the information about the shrine was helpful. I have a hunch of the direction now.” Ruki’s gaze returned to Yuriko. He leaned in, pecking her lips. “But we need your special skills for this.”
Yuriko nodded. She was ready. She would save her family and then she would head for a brighter future. Today would be the day that would change everything.
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Yuriko’s tiny feet started to get tired, but she kept walking, sniffing around the best she could. At first, it had been difficult to distinguish the different smells from each other but as they roamed deeper in the woods with Ruki it became easier. And then she caught the scent she had been looking for all along.
The Kitsune.
The fragrance was like Yuriko’s own, like the one she had smelled on Yuuto in the dream world. Yet, it was different too. Yuriko couldn’t properly explain the difference, but it was there, and it was clear for her. Whoever had made their path through these parts of the woods hadn’t been her brother but someone else.
Hurrying again, Yuriko pressed her snout into the ground and followed the trail. She heard Ruki coming right behind her as she meandered through the undergrowth. Her face got all wet, but she didn’t mind because the scent was growing more intense with every step she took.
Then suddenly, Yuriko rushed past the tree line. She lifted her head and let the sight sink in. All the stones were covered by moss, making them almost melt together with the forest. If there had been wooden buildings, they were long gone but Yuriko could see a huge torii gate that led into the area. Between pillars and fox statues, bamboo trees stood out and grass covered the edges of each stone of the path that traveled deeper in.
The air was tense as Yuriko breathed in. She stepped forward, intending to enter the shrine through the torii gate but, to her surprise, she found herself back in front of it in the second she walked in. Pressing her ears against her head, she growled and backed down only to dart forward…
…and she stumbled on Ruki’s legs.
“Good grief…” Ruki crouched down, patting Yuriko’s head. “Did you hurt yourself?”
Hastily, Yuriko shook her head and swayed her tail.
“Perhaps you should turn back into your human form now. It seems we have found a very special portal.” Ruki said, straightening up. He took a couple of steps, stopping right in front of the gate and reaching his hand forward. “Peculiar… I can almost feel the resistance. But perhaps it is better that I do not try to walk through it. Even if it did not hurt you, for all we know it could react badly to a Vampire.”
Ruki groaned and looked back at Yuriko. “You should not have darted towards it like that either. Do not do such silly stunts anymore. Is that clear?”
Yuriko nodded, closing her eyes. She focused on feeling the human in her, calling that out now. Slowly, she felt how her body started to morph again. Unfortunately, it didn’t push away the slight ache from her muscles. 
When Yuriko was ready, she opened her eyes again. Ruki pulled her into his embrace, stroking her hair and catching her lips into a soft, yet deep smooch that sent shivers down her spine. 
“Are you sure you are ready, my angel?” Ruki’s question vibrated against Yuriko’s mouth. She sucked his bottom lip between hers, giving it a little pluck, and sighed.
“As ready as I can become.” Yuriko lifted her hand, brushing Ruki’s cheek briefly. “And with you… I can do anything.”
Again, Yuriko gazed at the gate. It was right there. Her way into the realms of the Kitsune, into the place where she originated. Her mother’s childhood home. It had been carefully hidden here probably longer than Yuriko could really understand. By the look of it, the shrine was ancient and had been forgotten for who knew how long.
So, the Kitsune blood would open the gate. It was clear it wasn’t enough that the said blood pumped in Yuriko’s veins since she hadn’t been able to just jump through. Perhaps that meant that the blood needed to be spilled.
Raising her hand, Yuriko glided her sleeve toward her elbow. There were still bruises around her wrist where Laito had bitten her and then Ruki covered that mark with his own. “Umh…”
“We should try something smaller.” Ruki slid Yuriko’s sleeve back down and took her hand. He lifted it, kissing her fingertips. “I would prefer not to waste any of your sweet blood, for it also belongs to me and to me only. But because this is important to you, I am willing to let you use it for this matter. Still, let us not be wasteful. Perhaps a mere drop will do the trick.”
With that, Ruki pressed his fang on the tip of Yuriko’s index finger. She yelped as her skin broke even though the pain was only minimal. A crimson dot appeared where the fang had touched, making Ruki inhale deeply. Yet, this time, he didn’t lick over it. Instead, he guided Yuriko closer to the gate and pressed her hand into the air between the pillars.
The view in front of the couple began to wave. Yuriko stared as the shrine disappeared and the forest continued on the other side of the torii gate.
“Let us proceed…” Ruki whispered. Before Yuriko had time to tell him that Yuuto had asked her only to open the gate, Ruki already held her by her wrist, pushing their hands through the gate first. As there wasn’t any resistance anymore, he led them to the other side. When Yuriko peeked over her shoulder, she could still see the small clearance in front of the abandoned shrine and the shadows of the cloudy day, but on this side of the gate, it was night. The trees were tall, covering the sky and darkness lurked everywhere.
“I can’t believe we are here…” Yuriko whispered, still a bit shaken that against her promises they had already walked in. But since Yuriko wasn’t alone, it should be okay. With Ruki, nothing bad could happen to her, right?
“This is the Demon World.” Ruki frowned next to Yuriko. “I have not been in this section of the realm ever before, but without a doubt, this is part of Karlheinz-sama’s lands. Yet he has not mentioned any Kitsune living here.” He was silent for a moment, gazing around as if taking in their surroundings. “Still, I can smell them. Their scent is similar to yours but much thicker. I assume there is a dwelling area nearby.”
So, this was it. Now, Yuriko needed to find her brother but… how?
"Yuriko…" Ruki let out a growl and pushed Yuriko behind him at the same moment when the scent hit her nose. Footsteps came from their side. Yuriko placed her hand on Ruki’s shoulder and peeked as he turned to face the potential threat.
A young muscular man walked toward them. His hair was shoulder length, tied to a low ponytail… and strikingly similar color to Yuriko’s. Amber-yellow eyes glared at them.
"Not a step closer." Ruki lifted his hand as if fearing that Yuriko could dart from behind him.
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The Design Evolution of Clover Bennet
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These were Clover’s very first pieces of concept art, and I believe she was the first one of the characters I ever drew digitally (tho there is a drawing of Dia that may predate this). The earliest Designs of the characters more realistically resemble actual chickens, and are much more detailed. I also didn’t know how to draw her legs so I kinda just didn’t draw them at all.
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I drew a few more designs, and after making concepts for a few other characters (who will be getting their own posts), I decided on a more cartoony style. Some of these design elements seen in these early drawings are still present in the current style. For example, the more paw-like feet, because to this day, I cannot draw bird feet. I also finally gave her a sweater, which she has kept throughout all of her designs and was also inspired by Mabel Pines’ iconic sweater.
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I eventually switched her accent color and sweater color, both making her name make more sense since she was now naturally green, and also leaning more into the Mabel Pines inspiration. I also got rid of the brown gradient on her wings, head, and tail around this time to make her simpler and easier to keep consistent.
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I also made these concept sheets for each of the main characters, and poor Clover probably had the most boring one. I was pretty set on these core elements, however I did soon start messing with them more.
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Each of the characters also got one of these turn arounds. They weren’t my best work looking back, but they were very useful because they helped me see some of the flaws in the proportions and perspective of this style. I changed Clover’s sweater colors again to yellow and pink, which I have kept as the sweater color from here on. I also changed the shape of her wings and gave her tail two floofy segments instead of the previous three.
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After making those ref sheets, I started adjusting the style as a whole to make it look more cohesive and easier to draw. I mainly changed the head shape and the connection between the back and the tail. They still all had the more round and almost chibi style from the reference sheets, but it was still a bit stronger.
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I eventually made this lineup, which I think is floating around somewhere on my main blog. I wanted to give the characters stronger silhouettes, and made this as a base for the current lineup.
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These are what I currently use as reference when I draw Clover. I gave all of the characters more diverse shape language, but Clover remained about the same. She has always been the kinda soft round one, given why she was the only one who kept the plain circular eyes.
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And this is how she looks now! Her design as well as the other characters might change a bit more over time, but I’m overall happy with this look.
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Have some Clover doodles :>
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greypetrel · 1 year
WIP WedThursday
Tagged by @daggerbean (thank you!).
I don't have much to show, it's been... the weekend. Very happy and somewhat not, but still it left me little time to draw or do much.
I did write tho! I just posted a new chapter of the Monster fic, and turned to Dark Lady shenanigans. Cullen is doubting his own shadow and Fluffwing is a very good girl (some Hobbits and one Gollum may disagree.)
Under the cut because with no one's surprise, it's long.
Tagging: @ndostairlyrium @rowanisawriter @demandthedoodles @melisusthewee @whimsyswastry @idolsgf (and whomever wants it!)
Cullen stepped forward and in the clear, looking around and finding absolutely no one there. The air was charged, smelling of ozone as a thunderstorm would be just about to start. Looking up, dark clouds loomed above, more forward than the usual. He stopped in the middle of the crossroad, hand on his hilt and looking around, nervously.
Rylen, usually tasked with this particular correspondence, spoke of a weird, creepy elf awfully good with her arrows, who stole two bows from him -somehow- and kept a dragon close by, referred to as “Bumblebee”. She liked to play with him, obviously, but Rylen never spoke of creepying him out like that.
And indeed, there was no archer that greeted him.
He heard the soft flap of wings, saw the shadow passing over and was enough to turn towards the valley, fighting every urge to unsheathe his sword as every hair on his neck rose.
The dragon landed with a loud thud that made the terrain tremble, not so much in front of him as to make him fall or feel crowded, but still imponent enough to cause fear.
It was worm-like, his head squarish, nostrils flaring as its horrid, wide mouth opened on three rows of sharp teeth. Its eyes were yellow and fixed upon him, with a low rumble coming from the throat. Long throat curving down to the ground to raise back to a bulkier section, where its wings first and paws later attached, before a long tail twisted and coiled in the air.
And sitting on the top of its back, was her. In person.
The very same person he spoke and befriended, and at the same time she wasn’t.
The clothes were the same in cut and materials, a jacket of dark scales reflecting light in blueish greens, greens and purples, some yellows where the light hit the strongest. Pointed shoulders, and her light ivory prostethic on the left. A long gown that split in the front, revealing trousers more fitted for riding. Soft leather boots that opened up on the feet, leaving her toes and heels free. She was dressed simply, but with the grace fit of a noble Lady. It had been so evident since the first day he met her, and still he realized just now.
She -Sauron, Maira, Aisling- slipped gracefully from the saddle, swinging a leg behind and over the dragon’s back and letting herself slide down its side, landing gracefully on her feet. She never stopped looking at him, and didn’t stop as she slowly stepped towards him, still standing there speechless.
She greeted him, stopping at a reasonable distance, hands elegantly clasped together in front of her, something colder in her eyes. He didn’t reply, and she left him time to find words. The way she had done many, many times, in another wildly different context.
“I saw you arrive and I thought to come and greet you personally.” She explained, as collected as before, not faltering, after a while. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“I- Ah.” He cleared his throat, getting a hold of himself and straightening his back. “I have something for you.”
He didn’t miss the way her eyebrows contracted for just a moment, in an expression of disappointment that lasted very, very briefly.
“I suppose you do.” She just replied, dryly.
Cullen lost no time, fishing the envelope and offered it to her, keeping it between them until her hand closed on it. It was thicker, and contained the act Faramir had proposed her in his last letter, for real. Alongside more details and propositions for her. Cullen could say something, as she stood there and absent-mindedly opened the envelope, slipping the papers out and shuffling, observing the content and counting pages. Cullen could say something to try and appease her, convince her, but… But he wasn’t convinced of this strategy, and he knew she would have seen it. She told him many times that he was easy to read, and that it was a good thing. He hated that it was a good thing for the wrong people and the wrong reasons.
“He really compiled the act, uh.” She snorted a laugh, eyes widening in seeing that he really did.
“I- Ah, of course. He’s a man of his word.” There. He could praise Faramir. He had praises for him, after all.
“Even when his word is bigger than his mouth?” She asked, not really a question, still focused on the papers that she had unfolded and was keeping in front of her.
“He is. He means it, even if-”
That made her snap up, looking at him directly, eyes squinting. A thunder boomed above.
“Even if…?” She asked, on the defensive.
“… Even if… It’s you, and you were right.”
“Was I.”
“You won’t be welcomed in Minas Tirith.”
She stood there, looking at him, her eyebrows contracting again, but still not looking down and sustaining his eyes.
“You’re asking me to step in a war I don’t want just to meet hostility.” She punctuated, smiling bitterly. “One should really wonder who are you working for, you know, sabotaging your Captain’s plans like so.”
“The war is upon you, whether you want it or not. You closed the Black Gates after longer than we tracked. You know it too.”
“Or maybe I’m secretly collaborating with your enemies to be left alone in a kingdom that is mine because nobody else wanted it.”
“That’s what we all fear. And what will not make you welcome.”
“It looks like we’re at an empasse.” She says, smiling. For a moment, it was back to months before, when she had been just Aisling and her eyes had been warm and soft. That was the same smile on her face now, her eyes lost some of the steel.
He swallowed, not knowing where to go from there. The plan was that he should distract the messenger enough for the Hobbits to walk in the Valley and disappear, follow the stairs that the creepy guide of theirs indicated -Cullen had the pleasure of seeing it just once, when they started their way there, and it was frankly enough for a lifetime. They needed time, as much as he could grant them. It wasn’t in the plans that she would have shown up, and he had to improvise and keep on. Just a little more.
“No. Because Gondor will not risk another war against Mordor, if Isengard will be stopped. You will be there with your army and your dragons. You’ll be able to retreat.” He goes on, following a line of thought  that she could find in the letter, that he worked on with Faramir. Maybe said aloud it would be more convincing. “It will leave us in a weak position, and depending on the honesty of your intentions.”
She smiled, sharply, her eyes not going back to be harsh. She stepped forward, just half a step, bringing herself to the usual distance they always kept before. As if nothing had happened.
“That’s a more informed proposal. Was it your idea?”
“I’m not as clever as-”
“You are, you just don’t give yourself credit for it. Take it as a proof that you came here, you came back.”
“I just delivered an important letter, that’s all. If I knew you were here-”
“You were in no obligation. None of the letters were lost, his or mine. Why did you came?”
He hesitated. He came because he had to escort the hobbits, and prove a distraction, sure. But seeing her in front of him, as close as she’d been when she was just a weird elven lady to him, eyes bright with hope and the very, same expression, made him stop his words. He blamed her for lying, could he do the same?
“It was my duty.” He told her, in the end, swallowing and taking one step back.
She didn’t relent, letting him keep more distance, but not change the topic.
“I know… I have not been sincere with you about my identity. You would have tried to fight me and… I know it must sound wild, but I-” She stopped from rambling, her voice raising and words quickening. She realized and stopped, sighing heavily and raising a hand at him, to signal to please, just wait.
Cullen eyed the dragon behind her, placid and sitting down on his legs, big wings neatly folded around its silvery body, raise its head to attention, pointing at its right. Nostrils flaring out, sniffing the air. Cullen shivered, but the Lady didn’t notice, collecting words. He turned his eyes from the reptile to its owner, without saying anything, training enough to rein in whatever emotion he was feeling and put up a stoic face. After some moments, the dragon still sniffing the air and moving its head left and right, Aisling -Sauron- spoke again.
“Please, let me explain. Name a place you feel comfortable with and I’ll tell you all the truth.” She looked sincere, more vulnerable than he ever saw her, even when she fell, when she showed up too much enthusiasm for this or that plant and he laughed, more vulnerable that the one time she showed up covered in blood and he helped her with her prosthetic. He helped her with her prosthetic and his main worry had been not to hurt her accidentally. He didn’t know what to think.
“I don’t think it would be a good idea.”
“You could sound more convinced.”
“I know what they say about me. I swear I can explain, and if you still aren’t convinced that’s fine, I will disappear and you will never see me again. But please. I enjoyed our time together. Please let me explain.”
She stepped forward, voice full of emotion, eyes sparkling in the dim light that filtered from beyond the clouds. Cullen stood still, yielding to the part of him that wanted to believe her, wanted to believe that the woman he made friends with had not just deceived him, that some of it had been true. What was he in the big scheme of things after all? No one. The son of a farmer who travelled to a foreign country to become a soldier, and climbed up with years of good service. He was in the good graces of the son of the Stewart, sure, but he wasn’t a viable pawn if she really wanted to access Gondor’s politics and play someone to turn it in her favour. Particularly not if she somehow had access to Lord Denethor himself.
Maybe Faramir was right, maybe there was a piece of the puzzle they were missing. He let her come closer, didn’t step back, let her smile at him, tentatively.
“The old clearing. Two hours after sunrise.” He whispered, in spite of himself.
She brightened up with a smile, hand raising and getting closer to his arm.
“Thank you. I promise I-”
The rest happened quickly. Cullen had glimpsed a flash of a curly head behind a rock, some metres at the side of the road. The dragon must have had too: it jumped on its paws and roared towards the Hobbits.
She noticed he was looking behind her, as if expecting-
The air grew electric again, and looking down he saw her, hurt and rage on her face, stepping back, whatever spell made her eyes green and the like of any other being that walked this earth fallen to reveal just thunder crackling between eyelids.
“Fluffwings-” She bid, adding another harsh sounding word Cullen didn’t understand, and the dragon, still growling and with its teeth bared, stopped where it was, restless on its legs, wings still folded but moving. Eager to jump, but stopped by the order of its owner. It was beautiful to see, and terrible at the same time. The Lady snapped back and walked to the dragon -almost floated, with an otherworldly grace- and put her hand on its neck, whispering to him and following the direction the creature was looking.
The direction he saw the Hobbits go.
Cullen stepped forward, ready to jump in, should the worse happen. So much for accusing her of lying, and there he was, lying to the very Dark Lady of Mordor, who true to her word didn’t need, apparently, much subterfuge to gain the upper hand. Judging by the thunder that crackles up ahead, on clouds getting lower and closer in a way that was most definitely unnatural, it was painfully clear.
“What are you hiding, Lieutenant?”
She snapped towards him for a bried moment, face full of hurt and despise. He fought every instinct telling him to get back. Run away. No amount of potions from the White Tower could ever made him able to counter her, the magnitude of her power filling the air. Yet, he was following orders, it was his duty to stay there and do what he could.
“I am not-”
“Bullshit.” She hissed, turning her back to the side of the road and stepping in that direction, looking left and right with something akin to a frantic air about her. “I saw you coming here. I came because I saw you. There’s something here, Fluffwing can smell it. And yet I can’t-”
She stopped, eyes widening and air standing perfectly still as every word, and all the rage died on her face. She paled, staggering back as her hand came to cover her mouth. The wyvern, obedient, stopped growling and bend its neck to surrect its owner, stopping her steps back by pressing its snouth on her spine, circling it right away.
“It can’t be-” She whispered.
Time stood still, Cullen couldn’t but wait for her next move. If he unsheathed his word, he was dead. If he ran, he was dead. If he tried to parlay with her, he would have to reveal who was hiding and what they were bringing, and he was dead anyway. He didn’t know what she knew, as his only advantage. So, he stood there, bending slightly his knees, at the ready for everything. When she turned towards him, he wasn’t ready for everything, he discovered.
Because she straightened her spine and laughed, without any trace of mirth. It filled the valley and echoed through the mountains, joyless and hollow.
She turned to look at him and he knew he wouldn’t have another chance to speak with her and distract her.
“You Gondoreans. So quick in judging, so quick in meddling with magic you have no understanding of. So quick in betraying.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Oh, I think you do. You saw it, am I right? Maybe it sang to you too, talking of mighty deeds, power beyond your imaginations. I wonder what you saw. I wonder if your brave Captain know he sent a Hobbit to his death.”
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kiruyeen · 1 year
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transcript: NOVINIANS what are they!?
novinians are the dominant species of the planet Novi-3, the third closest planet to the novi sun. they are notable for their amphibious nature and thick tails for storing fat. most of their planet is hot and full of water and they have evolved to fit those standards. they are intelligent and have a strong sense of community and love
more info and design guide under the cut (to have images)
regional variants: Novinians have a lot of regional variants (or races), the 2 noteable of them are tidal and furred. tidals have microscopic scales on them similar to a shark and therefore lack hair. they typically spend most of their time inside of water and feed on marine life. furred have longer scales, that look feel and behave like fur. they spend most of their time out of water so the fur is needed to protect them from the hot sun. they typically feed on fungal fruit. they do not have much difference other than that, tidals can wear wigs if they would like to. these are not subspecies, do not call them that. theyre regional variants similar to human races and calling any of them subspecies is very bigoted for them
the world they live in: Novi is a large star with a total of 10 planets in it's system. Novi-3 used to be the 4th closest to the star, though the closest planet eventually evaporated due to the heat of the star way before humans documented the Novi system. Novi has a total of 3 moons, with the biggest one about 20/1 of it's size. due to this not only is the tide very strong, but also nights are bright due to Novi's light reflecting directly off the moon back onto Novi-3. when humans first visited Novi-3, for a possible place to inhabit after Earth's demise, despite it having the perfect athmosphere for life, they concluded that the planet was uninhabitable long-term, and abandoned the planet. however what they didnt know was they introduced a fungal species that happened to thrive very well on this planet. it became good sustenance for other micro organsims as well, and allowed them to evolve over time. millions and maybe billions of years later Novi-3 became a planet full of a variety of life. 80% of Novi-3 is water, and due to the planet's strong tides and lack of high altitudes every land animal on it has adapted to be semi-aquatic, if not amphibious. though they're not amphibious in our traditional skin-breathing frogs sense, rather they kept their gills as they developed lungs. so they have 3 throat pipes instead of the 2 on humans! most of the 'flora' -and every 'flora' on land- on Novi-3 is actually fungi, thought to be evolved from the very fungus that was introduced. they often fruit before flowering, the flowers essentially being open spore bombs. usually the fruits are the ripest a week before they flower
designing a novinian: Novinians can either be scientific and accurate to the lore, or fantasy-like and magical. neither of these are 'illegal', as long as you don't use illegal traits.
permanent features: at least 1 pair of feelers/antennae on top of their head in any length big eyes, small snout, no visible nose or ears. no paw pads  fatty, aquatic tails  somewhat anthro posture fish-like gills anywhere on their body in any amount. scientific optional features:  flaps on top and side of head mimicking ears and/or cheek fur. non-scaled tails any length tails (NEEDS TO BE FATTY) thin clothing, accessories coral, moss, seaweed or barnacle-like things growing on body ask! illegal: horns replacing antennae (normal horns r okay) fully functional wings (for flight) quadropedality war tools (hunting is ok) visible/mammal-like ears
these are open species, anyone can make them! please @ me if you make one though, Id love to see them!
everything is copypasted from here, same creator tho
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
if your requests are open, can you draw Runningnose
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Finally got him done! I put a ton of duckweed on him bc I think they’d wear it. Hcs for this guy:
-I love trans masc hcs for him but I more love non-binary he/they hcs. Also aromantic
-super tall like they could tower easily over all of Shadowclan so it was a real shock when he decided to become a healer. Many were upset with them and it followed him all the way to his death
-I imagine they’re incredibly self conscious and always feeling big. He’s too big, too tall, too lanky. They just wish they could be so much smaller, invisible. But instead he’s always locked into the judgmental gaze of everyone around him. Him and Brokentail having a relationship is so cute to me and I like to think even tho they aren’t public he was still their nest vent to get out these emotions so pent up inside them
-when Brokenstar kept getting worse and worse their mental health got even worse and it was horrible. He hates to admit but when he heard what happened to Broken his own heart shattered. Blinded, alone, captured. They had nightmares for years after Broken’s death of what it was for his friend
-actually Tigerstar taking over made them a wreck. Seeing this cat in his place made them sick and the fact that Tigerstar would make him hunt alone a lot just ruined him. Yeah Brokenstar hurt so many but he never hurt him. He never screamed or scratched him.
(ID- Runningnose is heavily hunched over and is a pale yellow white cat with greenish gray patches all across their pelt. His eyes are a deep brown with yellow as the scalar and small shines. Their a mix of skinny bony limbs and very scruffy fur, especially along his spine, tail end, and feet. A few of their spots are made to resemble skulls, specifically bird skulls. Duckweed spots their back and on their head. He has a distant expression, hinting to back off or go away with a mucus dripping out the left side of their nose. His front back paw is raised slightly and their tail goes up then hangs down. End ID)
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floppyponysart · 1 year
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- Art 1 - This position is harder to draw than it seems. I eventually did a great job tho and im proud of it ^w^ I never realised how long raichus tail is meant to be until I drew this. Also nice we can see how the toe beans look on this art to. What do you think? reference - pokemondb.net/pokedex/raichu 
- Art 2 - I tried to draw Raichu in my art style and ho boy those eyes don't look right at all -_-' It looks super goofy so I drew it again differently and kept this as is. It's always good to learn from mistakes. Maybe you like it IDK.
- Art 3 - This is my style version of raichu. I tried another one but I didn't like it much so I tried again. I prefer this version more. What do you think? I just love those paws and long tail X3
- shinies - Shiny raichus colours are the same as pikachu which is good for me coz I like them. But do you think raichu would look more interesting in a different colour shiny?
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There was this 12 year old at the park who came up to me on the swings. We started talking for a bit and she was telling me about her masks and her tail and her paws. It was cute! And then her little sister also started talking to me on the rock. She asked if I was non-binary and I thought she was the sweetest little thing for asking so nicely. She said she already knew all about it. Their tio was this nice guy, he didn't say much but he just seemed nice :3
On the walk back there was this old lady picking up grass clumps off the road. She had just finished mowing her lawn. I asked if she needed any help and ended up scaring her :(( but she said she had already gotten the most of it and didnt need any help. We talked about her dog for a bit, he was this little skiddish guy who kept coming up to me and sniffing my hand before running away. Just a cute little guy, by the time I had left he licked my hand but I never got to pet him, he was just a puppy tho so I dont blame him
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
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Handsome Stinkerbutt-Jones Boy vs Blackie
check their descriptions and propaganda below!
This is Blackie, submitter's little one-eyed wonder. He lost his eye to glaucoma quite a few years ago, but he's doing a lot better now, and still likes to play with his sister, Artemis. His name is Blackie because that's what the shelter named him and submitter's family couldn't agree on a new name for him so it stuck, but submitter themselves call him 'Big Boi' because of just how massive he is. He was once very timid, but with time and love and patience he is now a certified lap cat who will come right up to strangers to demand pets. He has a wonderful squeaky meow and when he purrs it sounds like two cats purring at once. He likes to have people watch him eat and he will guide submitter's mom over to the couch and make her lay down just so he can sleep in her lap. Also, when he lays on his back, he covers his belly with his tail. Pictured is him in his signature polite boi sitting pose
So glad to see Blackie still in the competition! His response so far has been "aow."
Truth be told, I'm running out of propaganda. If he make it to the next round, I'm gonna try my darnedest to capture his meows on video, which I haven't been able to do before because he sees me coming with the camera and starts purring XD
For now, more assorted Blackie facts!
Very rarely, when he gets the zoomies, he'll laugh. Like "huhuhuheueheHUEHEUE" kinda laugh.
I like to let him sniff human food/whatever I'm holding just to make sure he feels included (still doesn't like anything but pizza crumbs). But he has gagged on pickled ginger, banana, and CBD rub. He always gets really embarrassed when he gags tho
Ever since I got a job, he has been following me to bed and jumping on my chest to get the pets that he now lacks during the day.
If he sees you getting out the cat brush, he''ll lead you over to where he wants to be brushed.
On that note, when I had hurt my leg one time, Blackie saw that I wasn't leaning down to pet him and instead lead me over to the couch to have me sit down to pet him. He kept that up for a couple months once he saw how relieved it made me.
More Blackie propoganda! This time I bring you big boi in motion
Assorted Blackie facts:
A brave man when it comes to thunderstorms. But the vacuum? His mortal enemy.
The friendliest cat at the shelter. But the staff forced me to pick him up and hold him to get a picture and he got terrified and peed on me.
We think, based on how he acts, that he may have grown up in a home with dogs. But the mark on his ear is one done by our local neuter and release program, so we don't know if he was a stray, an outside cat, etc. But he's one of the friendliest cats I've ever met.
Will go up to his sister and put his head down to get it licked. But as soon as she goes to lick him and flattens his ears and raises a paw like he's gonna hit her. Sometimes they fight and sometimes they just walk away. We don't think he's trying to trick her because he acts genuinely confused throughout this process.
Sometimes he uses his back paw to scratch the back of his front leg when he's sitting down and it's so cute <3
These are old photos from when I used to hold a camera down and snap a photo when they leaned in to sniff the lens.
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Blackie is our older cat and is such a gentleman. He is eager to love, he does the quickest slow blinks I've ever seen from a cat. He has a two-layered purr, it literally sounds like a cat purring as popcorn is being made in the background. He lost his eye to glaucoma when he was younger but he runs around and plays and teases his sister Artemis like a kitten. And his eyebrow whiskers grew down over his missing eye! He's not a big fan of people food but he has a fondness for pizza crumbs (NOT the crust. Just the crumbs off the plate when you're done eating the pizza). He walks like he's gingerly stepping through flowers and he's so gentle that the one time I overstimulated him and he wanted to bite me, he just shoved his closed mouth against my hand. He has a super long tongue and if you scratch the right spot between his shoulder blades he will lick the air. He's my precious boy who started out so scared but he's so brave and social and happy now just typing this out makes me wanna cry and go give him scritchies.
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HE WAS AN OUTSIDE TRASH CAT AND NOW HES AN INDOOR TRASH CAT THAT LOVES HIS PARENTS SO MUCH!!! Hes so sweet and lovey but a bastard. he also likes to bite lick toes.
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Want even more? Handsome has an additional catpaganda post!
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fduplegacy · 5 months
Audrey was coming back home when she passed by one of those "adopt a rescue" pop-ups in the main plaza.
There was this sad looking Doberman with a chipped ear and a scar in its eye. He was looking at all the small puppies playing with the other passerbyes.
Something struck Audrey deeply about this scene. The dog was still young, but looked very rough. There were marks on its fur around the neck, and his tail wagged slowly whenever it seemed like a child would approach it, yet it's size and the scar made their mothers pull the children away before they could get to him.
Audrey got closer to the poor dog. It kept its head on the ground, but the tail wagged faster and faster with each step she took. When she kneeled down, it finally raised its head towards her, carefully sniffing her hand as she reached out.
One of the volunteers approached the scene cautiously, mild panic on his face as Audrey's hand got closer and closer to the dog¡s mouth. He stopped in his tracks once the pup just closed its eyes once Audrey booped his nose.
"Huh, he didn't bi-" he cleared his throat, "he seems to like you..." he tried to fix. The dog pushed her hand over its head and Audrey began to scratch behind its ears. His paw began to scratch the ground at the gesture.
"How old is he?" She asked softly. Voice raspy since it was the first time she spoke to anyone since Adam left for a hunting trip about 2 days ago.
"About 3 years old. We freed him and others from an underground fight club. He hates people but he's calm around children. Besides the first few days after we rescued him, he's very docile and doesn't bite... unless people get too close..." he explained.
The dog tentatively stood up to get closer to Audrey, only to sit between her legs just moments later, it kept pushing his head to her hand, his eyes were big and his ears were pushed back against its head. It looked so sad yet so happy to be petted. Audrey wondered what kind of life he had before, he was basically vibrating in happiness from being pet.
"Are the scars from fighting other dogs?" She asked softly, all while she kept scratching the puppy, eyes roaming its face.
"Some of them yeah, the ear and the one in the eye are. The one around the neck... he pulled a lot against the chain he was kept on. He was still bleeding when we got him. There's also a burn by his paw that we've been taking care of, he hates being held down tho, so it's a bit troublesome." He chuckled. He tried getting closer to pet him along with Audrey, but the dog growled. He had a gold tooth. She smiled. The volunteer took a couple of steps back before sighing.
"Is he trained?" Audrey asked. The dog had flopped to the ground, turning its belly up asking for scratches. Audrey complied.
"We think so, he doesn't obey us most of the time, but the police said that he stood at the feet of the previous owner, it attacked on command and apparently it had a specific place to do its business. He hasn't done a mess in the cage we keep him in, so I gotta vouch for that." He explained.
"Is he vaccinated?" She asked while looking up at him. The volunteer looked between the dog and Audrey. Sighing deeply.
"As much as I want him to find a home, maybe it's best if you go take a look at the other puppies, miss. This one is... difficult." he shook his head slightly, pulling a leash from his fanny pack and trying to calmly approach the dog. It immediately went into attack mode and snarled at him.
"No. I'll take him with me." She said decisively, scratching the dog's chin until the snarl turned into a happy pant.
"Are you sure, miss? He could get dangerous... and I'm sorry, but I don't think you can handle such a big dog..." he gave Audrey a once over.
She didn't blame him. Her baggy clothes made her look smaller than what she actually was. Simone called it a "sleeper build" first time she saw her in a sports bra and shorts. Still, she understood why a guy who didn't know her would be wary to freely give her a dangerous dog. He shouldn't worry too much about it though... she's survived Adam so far, so what was so different about a mutt?
"Why bring him if you didn't want him to get adopted? He's coming with me and that's final. Where do I sign?" The employee shifted. They did bring the dog out to get it used to seeing people again, to try and make him less aggressive towards adults, maybe then he'd get sent to the K9 academy to help cops... then again, he seemed to quite like her, what would the harm be?
"Well, if you're certain..." he meekly brought an adoption form and a pen. Audrey stood up to fill it out, but as soon as she did, the dog whined. She looked down to him to find the poor puppy pleading with his eyes, pawing at Audrey's leg softly while sniffing.
"Don't cry. You're coming with me." She firmly said to it, yet somehow the dog understood, sitting on its hind legs while happily wagging its tail as Audrey filled out the forms.
Half an hour -and a trip to the pet store- Audrey and Brutus were on their way home.
At the much begging of the volunteer and the vet from the pet store, the Doberman was leashed. It took some treats and a good long sniff of the bright orange nylon material for the dog to agree to it. The plaque had a pumpkin on one side, and Audrey's phone number and Brutus engraved in the other.
The dog walked happily along the street, carrying a paper bag of treats in its mouth while Audrey waddled with the large food bag. Her backpack had some dog toys, the plates for the food and water, puppy pads, poop bags, a chest leash, an extra collar and the medicines prescribed to take care of the scars and burn.
Audrey adjusted the bag on her hip while she took out the keys to the house. The dog sat politely on the porch while Audrey fiddled with the lock.
Once inside, Brutus made it a task to sniff all around the first floor of the house -after leaving his treats carefully next to the shoe rack-, checking all corners and under all the furniture for threats. All the while, Audrey hid the bag in one of the empty doors of the pantry, right next to the container full of cat food. She made a mental note to buy another one for Brutus, as well as a dog bed. It didn't fit in her backpack, and Adam took the truck on his trip, she thought about waiting until he came back to get it.
Once everything was put in place, Audrey found Brutus on alert, eyes locked behind the door to what used to be her mother's bedroom, now it was Austin Purrwers' -her cat- room. She grimaced when she realized that maybe bringing a dog to a cat house was not the best idea... but she was nothing if not stubborn. They'll have to get along eventually, she thought.
"Brutus." She called. His ears twitched in her direction, but he didn't move. "Brutus, down." She ordered. The dog scoffed but sat. Eyes still glued to the door.
"That's Ozzy's room. Ozzy is your friend. NOT food." She said in a severe tone. The dog wouldn't lose sight of the shadow under the door.
"Ozzy, back!" She yelled. The shadow disappeared as a soft jinggle was heard. The dog finally looked away from the door, wagging its tail at Audrey as his tongue came out of his mouth in a goofy smile.
"...this is gonna be hard." She sighed. The dog tilted it's head.
About a week later, Adam comes back to a suspiciously quiet home. For a moment he thought he had the wrong address, he noticed a large dog bed right next to the sofa... and four bowls on the floor near the kitchen counter, two bigger than the first ones, and placed higher up on the ground.
Ozzy came out of his room to greet him, meowing loudly to his dad. That's when he finally realized that yes, this was the right house. The small black ball of fur purred loudly as he pressed himself against Adam's leg. He bent down to pick up the small thing, almost as if carrying a baby. The cat closed its eyes happily as Adam scratched his chin.
"Hey... where's your mum?" He cooed.
Just then he heard the door being opened. In walks Audrey with a scary-ass dog happily leashed. Hell, Adam saw the Doberman cleaning its paws on the floor mat before coming in...
She smiled, walking up to hug her husband without letting go of the leash. The cat yapped when it got squished between his two owners. "I saw your truck pass by the park," She pulled his jacket down to kiss him. He let her, still without saying a word. She saw the confusion in his face, as well as how he was holding Ozzy tighter in his arms, hiding him from the dog's view. The cat didn't seem all that much alarmed though.
"Cherry... love of my life... that's a dog," he said, chin pointing towards Brutus. The dog shook before sitting down. He was panting but didn't seem too bothered.
"Your dog," She said happily. Taking the red vest off Brutus before letting him trot towards his water bowl. She then took Ozzy from Adam's arms and let him fall into his room before closing the door. Adam just stood there. Confused and baffled at the scene.
"...why?" He asked. Stupefied.
"He's so you. He's already trained. He likes Ozzy too, took me a hot moment... but he won't eat him." She explained, wrapping her arms around her husband's waist. Adam jolted when Brutus nudged the back of his leg, sniffing the strangely familiar scent. Adam was slightly alarmed.
"...He's... so... me?" He asked slowly, the dog was circling him, but seemed uninterested in biting. Adam was mostly concerned about the tough appearance, yet Audrey didn't have any new scratches or bites...
"He looks just like you," Audrey bent down to squish the dog's face. He closed his eyes and nuzzled his owner's hands as she scratched behind his ears. "Didn't you say you wanted a dog as a kid?" She asked while looking up at her husband. He shrugged and made a face.
"I did yeah... but you do also remember I told you that when I finally did get one, she tried to eat my mom's cat?" He tried to reason with her. She stood back up and grabbed his wrist, pulling it so that Brutus could sniff him some more. His tail wagged faster as the smell finally clicked in its mind.
"Which is why I got him. I even got him used to your scent all over the week just to make sure he knows you before you arrived, plus, I'm not giving him back now... he's already attached to us," she argued. Brutus stopped sniffing Adam and had begun licking his hand. Adam tried to hold back a smile, but wasn't able to.
"...us?" He asked softly, shyly. His eyes were shining when he turned to see Audrey.
"Us, as in... Ozzy, me... and you. He's yours, Adam." She cooed with a small smile. Adam took a quiet sharp breath.
"...he's mine?" His smile was big and goofy. Almost as big as when she had said 'yes' after he proposed.
Audrey nodded, smiling back just as happily as he was. In less than a second, she was in Adam's arms, lifted off the ground and spun around. Brutus barked concerned and pawed at Adam to let go of Audrey.
Adam was giggling the entire time, until he put Audrey back down and then focused on Brutus. He gushed about everything about the dog. The way his ears stood up when his name got called, the pumpkin in his tag, the badass gold tooth, the scar across his eye, the way the tail wagged happily with each scratch and pet... Adam was beyond elated.
From that day forward, Adam could be seen twice daily jogging around town, or at the park, Brutus always by his side. If people found him scary before, this was much much worse... worst of all, the dog was all too happy to scare people. More than once he growled at unsuspecting passerbyes at the park before looking back at Adam with a happy face.
He even got Brutus a spiked collar and sunglasses for whenever he took him grocery shopping, knowing the dog loved to sit on the trunk with his tongue out.
He never took him on hunting or business trips, there was no need. He knew Audrey could handle him and it would save the trouble of getting a pet passport. Besides, it was good protection to have him in the home. Although Adam was more than aware that Audrey didn't need it.
She was also right when she said that Brutus and Ozzy got along well. More than once, be found them sleeping together on the couch. The little black cat got lost in the black fur of the big dog.
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