#tbh the last one looks way better but imm learning
chaaancewe · 3 years
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nooooo!!!!!!!! theyre escaping!!!!!! the criminals are escaping!!!!!
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kpoptionate · 6 years
skz reaction: s/o pecking their lips in front of the members
stray kids masterlist // official masterlist
genre: fluff
requested: your-brookey
a/n: thanks for requesting babesss <3 i'm sorry if they sound a little similar, but i hope you enjoy it overall :) ______________________________
woojin ♡
you were sitting on the bed beside your boyfriend as he played a couple of tunes on his guitar, warming up before wanting to sing you a song he had been working on. as he finally started to play, his cheeks slightly pink from his shyness, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him - you were completely mesmerized by his voice. he looked you in the eyes as he sang the last lines of the song, and the two of you stared at each other for a moment before you giggled and quickly leaned forward to give him a quick peck on the lips. all was good until the two of you heard an “aw, how cute” from the doorway where there were eight ! boys standing there with admiration in their eyes and their phones in their hands, seemingly recording the whole time you two were together, woojin sputtering embarrassed apologies for his members’ behavior.
“aish, guys, can’t you just leave us alone for once? i’m sorry, y/n...”
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i shouldn’t be this excited for finding a gif that matches the scenario ooF
chan ♡
chan had asked that you stayed for dinner with skz at their dorm, so that’s what you were doing. you offered to help cook since there were so many people to feed, but he insisted you didn’t need to since woojin was already with him and somebody needed to make sure the rest of the kids didn’t get too out of hand. when the two oldest came back with two plates of dinner, everyone froze and dropped what they were holding. the dorm was a complete w r e c k. chan looked at you like “wtf did i tell you i gave you one job” and you innocently skipped up to him and smiled widely, giving him a sheepish grin before standing on your tip-toes to place your lips against his, taking the plate he was holding and setting it down on the small table. his lips turned upwards into a proud smirk as he walked to sit down beside you, the boys pleased that they had finally seen their leader get kissed by their boyfriend/girlfriend.
“you know, y/n, if you ever wanna do that again, my lips are always open for business...”
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minho ♡
one day, as you came to visit the guys in the practice room, minho begged you to let him show the guys a dance the two of you had been working on. you said sure, not thinking much of it since you guys had learned a few, but you would have said no had you known he was going to play the song to the dance y’al had been working on - one that was sorta kindaaa intimate? you were of course hesitant at first, but eventually gave in as the two of you performed in front of the members (cue woojin trying to cover jeongin’s eyes to preserve purity). towards the bridge of the song, minho playfully wiggled his eyebrows, as this was the part where you were supposed to kiss him! being the excited baby he is, he had told the guys this when you first started dancing, so they were pretty excited as well to finally see you guys kiss. shy as you are, however, you only gave him a quick peck and blushed through the rest of the dance, at the end hiding behind him to conceal your embarrassment, running with the frustrated groans of eight young men. minho, on the other hand, was confidently showing off to his members that they could hold in their frustration and wait for another time.
“y’all can’t say anything, at least i’m actually getting some!...”
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changbin ♡
we all know that this boy is a cuddler™, so when you’re hanging out at the dorms with him and the other guys in the living room, that’s obv what you’re doing. you felt as if something was off, though, because usually changbin would give you little kisses when you cuddled ?? like was he mad at you ? did you do something wrong ? when you turn your head to face him and ask what’s the matter, everybody’s eyes immediately shift from their phones to the two of you. not knowing what you’re talking about, changbin shakes his head with a small look of confusion, asking why you asked. all you gave him was a slightly high-pitched “oh” before pecking his lips and turning back to your phone as if nothing happened. the guys, however...not so much. mouths practically dropped to the floor, they gush at changbin’s flushed state as he tries to hid his face in the crook of your neck, whispering something in your ear and smiling like an idiot before popping back up with a straight face (still pretty red, tho) and going back to his phone. gotta keep up the dark concept™, y’know?
“y/n, don’t do that in front of the guys, you’re gonna ruin my image...”
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hyunjin ♡
the two of you were just trying to have a nice, quiet evening without the guys interrupting you. it was going pretty well - you guys were eating chinese takeout on the floor, giggling because of something hyunjin said, and you were about to kiss him when bam! the door busts open and in pours eight obnoxious teenagers (most of them anyway). they stop when they see the two of you on the floor eyeing them with death glares, but do they leave? no! these asshats sit with y’all and start eating your food! what a bummer. tired of the guys antics, you lean in and give hyunjin the kiss that was meant for earlier before standing up and motioning for him to follow you to his room, away from everyone. the guys absolutely flip their shit, hollering with food in their mouths. hyunjin was blushing since you had never done that in front of the guys before, but he didn’t let them see his reaction as he just walked away, flipping them off from behind his back.
“they really are annoying...but now that we’re alone again, i think you can do a little better than just a peck...”
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jisung ♡
this dude probably has like a seashell collection or somethin tbh, but he didn’t want to look dumb with a pile of shells on his desk so he asked you to help him make it look aesthetic. his shells are dumb though (half of them are just rocks but you don’t have the heart to tell him), so you and him set out on a walk to the beach to collect some nicer ones. the boys, of course, tag along. when the sun finally sets and everyone’s a little tired from playing around all day, you were pretty proud of the work you had done with jisung. putting everything in a bag so you could fill a mason jar later, jisung was more than excited that you had helped him. he pulled you into a warm hug while your feet were in the cold water, and once he pulled away he got all giddy like a little kid over his shells. you couldn’t help but gush over how cute he was, so you kissed his lips before taking his hand and walking out of the water. the rest of the members were “oh”ing from behind, splashing water on jisung as you lead him away from the seaside.
“you’re sweet for picking out my shells, but...do you think you could kiss me one more time?”
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felix ♡
you and the guys were all in your apartment quietly watching a movie (or at least the majority of you, jisung wouldn’t shut the hell up), snuggled against felix with his arm around your shoulder. the two of you had been going out for a whole month and neither of you had the guts to do anything more than a kiss on the cheek or forehead, so felix couldn’t help but tease you a little bit when a kiss scene came on the screen. “why don’t you ever kiss me like that? i don’t think you’ve even kissed me at all...” he faked a pout and a couple of the guys let out an “aw” (so sad alexa play despacito) when all of a sudden! you just kiss him! on the lips! and turn back to the movie like it was nothing. felix was taken abAck, he didn’t expect you to do that in front of the guys. nevertheless, you did, and his face was red as a tomato as he pressed his lips together, trying to hide a smile. but there was no way he was gonna let you embarrass him in front of the guys! he decided to grow a pair and stop being shy by cupping your cheeks with his hands and giving you a full kiss ! in front of everyone ! after a moment he pulled away, and the two of you sat there facing forward with the biggest grins on your faces, ignoring the guys’ excited screams. now who’s shy, y/n?
"you can’t win against me, y/n, especially in front of the guys, you should know this by now...”
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seungmin ♡
aww, it’s the baby’s birthday ! you and the guys wanted to throw him a surprise party, but with everyone at jyp, not just skz, so somehow you convinced jyp to let everyone take a day off so you could have a big party! seungmin isn’t the kind to like this kind of thing probably but since it’s with his faves it’s alright :). anyway, later that night as all the groups were in the room, seungmin had got up to thank everyone for coming, and he mentioned you in his little speech for being sweet and organizing everything. when he was done talking and everyone was in their little conversations, you just smiled at him and quickly kissed him on the lips before spreading out to chatter - not just in front of the members, but all of jyp! wow! this boy could not have been more embarrassed, hiding his face and giggling behind his hands, as everyone in the room let out “aw”s and “cute!”s since the two of you are! so! small! and! adorable! nevertheless he was happy that you were comfortable enough with him to do something like that in front of so many people.
“aish, y/n, why do you always have to embarass me like that? especially in front of so many people...not that i didn’t like it though...”
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jeongin ♡
this boy !!!!! you and the guys were just sitting on the practice floor chilling for a few hours since there was nothing else really to do. it started getting late and you needed to go back home, so after you got up and got your stuff you walked over to jeongin, telling you that you’ll see him later before pecking his lips and walking away. the guys of course started squealing and freaking out, screaming and hitting each other like fangirls. poor baby jeongin was a blushing mess, he couldn’t stop grinning like a child as he got on his knees and bowed down, trying to hide his face from his friends. as you closed the door, he let out a high-pitched scream and started giggling like crazy.
“aww, little jeongin’s all grown up now !!”
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feel free to send in any requests, asks, comments, i don’t mind, i’ll answer anything :)
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yuzuka-rei · 7 years
The Dark Affices: Lord of Shadows Analysis
(Unpopular opinions sorry+mostly criticism but the book is good, its just Imm irked by these points GAH ) I loved this book while reading it, the plot flowed well, the characters were quite lovable, but once I finished it- it felt like I had read nothing at all. The only feelings I had came from the whole situation with Kieran and Mark and Cristina, and that was just because I'm a total sucker for sad romances where one loves the other way more than they are loved back but ANYWAYS. (THE KIERARKTINA ANALYSIS IS NEAR THE END) Plot Villians Unseelie King Isn't even half as threatening or formidable of an archenemy as Sebastian Morgenstern, and that makes the whole story quite weak already Seelie Queen She's going to do something that will bite the shadowhunters in their arse the moment Julian gives him the Black Book. Predictable. She could've done way more manipulation on the others as well. Zara and the Cohort Everyone who fought in the way againt the Circle/Valentine is still alive. There is no way that within 10 years people who go back to wanting to brand downworlders and such. They remember the last time someone wanted to do that a massive war broke out and their relatives died. Also Zara is a two-dimensional character: her goal is weak, and she doesn't seem to have any human/likeable qualities. So she's a Regina-George-type character, made to be hated, but the Unseelie King has already taken that role. Repeat: Sebastian Morgenstern was a way better villian, since he had a single human quality: he wanted to be with his family, his sister and his brother. This brings us onto my next point Characters Both the villians and the heros both had very single-trait, non in-depth personalities, probably due to the amount of characters and arcs. Emma: too unflawed. Her emotions are quite simple throughout the book (there could've been great inner turmoil about whether she could give up being shadowhunter to love/protect Julian). She killed a rider too easily- making her seem to powerful. Julian: He was a pretty horrible person in this bk but in terms of character depth he's not too bad. He loves his family and would do anything for them and it's shown in a variety of ways. I've been comparing him to Cersei, since he's on the whole "family is most important" and "manipulation" thing. However, considering that he's practically been running the family, he should definitely sound less whiny and more mature. Cristina: I don't even know what to say. I can't even remember what you did apart from sing lullabies and be attached to Mark. Her lack of more personality sucks because Kieran keeps saying she's really nice and kind and stuff, but it's not that supported really. She could've contributed way more to the fantastic love triangle, by trying to actively push Mark away because she's seen how much Kieran loves him. Her selfishness here doesn't lone up with her wanting to end the Cold Peace for both faeries and shadowhunter's gain. Mark: I hate him and love him. Cassie made a good decision in making him quite the douchebag, not quite loving Kieran as much as he loves him and not caring enough about Kieran's feelings. But that makes him the most realistic of all characters: he feels regret since he's practically ditched Kieran the minute he didnt need him (I mean there's the whole "you made my brother and sister get tortured but you saved my other brother" thing which should've been Mark's excuse to himself about why he's not choosing Kieran, but he's doesn't and runs around with Cristina anyways. Interesting. Kieran: I love him to much to make any judgement. Also he's a faerie- they aren't exactly "humans" and their emotions are more 2D so... Ty: Better character compared to some others, and we now understand mildly how the twins and Kit work together as a team (since Kit needs to become one of the only people that understand Ty due to Liv's death) . Also his loyalty to family as seen by the letter to Annabel. Cassie has laid great groundwork for him. Can't wait for him to be a main character. Kit: He and Ty need potential to evolve in the next series so I'm giving them some slack. I'll do more analysis on their relationship later. Liv: She loves her brother and is curious about Kit and she's a generally more "realistic" character. Really thats it. I wish I felt tears for her death. I dont. Cassie could've developed her even more as a character, but then that would make her death more painful so. But her importance to Ty and the rest of the family is written enough that it would justify the changes that will happen due to her death. Dru: TBH Cassie could've not spread the characters out so much that we're kinda at a lost. Time spent writing about Dru could've been used on main-er characters, but Jaime needed an introduction. So did she. Looking forward to reading more about her in TWP. Diego: A character with multiple loyalties! Yay! Diana: It would've been way more influential if she had been forced by Julian to explain why she couldn't apply for the institute instead of dropping it like a "bonus" story which makes her seem like then token LGBT character. It's a great plot twist that couldn't have seemed even more forced. It's kinda sad that a brilliant character reveal was ruined Gywp: He's leader of the Wild Hunt and I know he's in love with Diana but he's not Magnus, who's always had nothing better to do than help hot shadowhunters. (Jkjk) Magnus/Alec/Jace/Clary: domestically cute and cameos that contribute to the main arcs. Now, onto the more controversial topics: THE ROMANCE Julian/Emma: This entire book is supposed to be about them balancing dealing for their love of each other with saving the world. It's written in a whiny way and not nearly enough character (If you've read the Throne of Glass series, then you'll understand- they needed the long-ass training scene between Aelin and Rowan). We never read about how they fall in love and that makes the emotions quite plastic...? It would've been fantastic to read more about how they fell in love instead of how they are insanely tortured now. It doesn't emotionally appeal to me at all. Cristina/Mark/Kieran: Words cannot express how much I fucking love this romance arc. It gives me so many feels, and half of them make me cry. I'll analyse Kierark first. When it first debuted it felt like the "token hot gay ship thats thrown in for the fangirls to get off to", but then as time passes we slowly learn how toxic this relationship really is. Kieran doesn't love anything else in this world apart from Mark, having no family, no friends to love him. Whereas with Mark, he's always been surrounded with love, with his half-brothers and sisters, Emma, Helen... etc. He doesn't understand how much he means to Kieran, and Kieran definitely loves Mark more. In the Wild Hunt, it's shown just how much Mark depended on Kieran to stay sane, which suggests, as Cristina says, that Mark owes a debt to Kieran. But it is not nearly that simple. Kieran's love for Mark is what kept him sane, and love is unconditional in most cases, including this. It is undeniable that Mark, despite him having the possibility of not being in love with Kieran when they first become lovers, due to it merely being what he needed, it is certain that Mark does feel for Kieran. Even when Kieran betrays Mark, Kieran believes it to only bring Mark back to him. I see someone so broken that they'd do anything to have their lover back, not a selfish bastard who doesn't cate about Mark at all. Kieran doesn't understand "Family", and in his defence the Blackthorns are a large enough family to survive without Mark. I'm not saying Kieran is entirely blameless, but its a totally understandable thing to want things to go back to how they used to be, and that is extremely human and ("I betcha you would have done the same"). Their love is insanely primitive and raw, and it is more of a "need" to both of them. Kieran needs someone to give him love, Mark needed someone to keep him sane. Then we move onto Mark. For some reason, the faerie-blooded characters seem to act the most human in this series. Mark is a bloody douche for stringing Kieran on, while pursuing Cristina, but then that's exactly what he craves. He needs someone to love him, in a simple way. He craves normality, and that comes in the form of Cristina, whom he finds himself attracted to, originally physical (he says he wants Cristina and that Kieran wouldn't mind: he was not emotionally attracted to Cristina. But now that he's spent time and realised how easy she is to love, he loves her). Kieran and Mark's relationship is not just sexual, or romantic, or friendship, or brotherhood- it's insanely complex and dependent and its toxic but they will never be able to remove the bond between them. They've experienced life and death together. But Mark doesn't want to be burdened by such a heavy emotional relationship anymore, and that's understandable, so he turns to Cristina. Kieran cannot bring himself to hate Cristina, since she wants the Cold Peace to end and that shows how much she cares for everyone and how she uncharacteristically wants to protect faerie rights despite being a shadowhunter. Cristina also oddly finds their relationship arousing instead of being jealous of Kieran, which leads to some of the fandom wishing for a polyamorous relationship. (Including me to an extent). On one hand Cristina could neutralise the toxicity of Kierark and also slowly teach Kieran to love other people, which would result in him not requiring the entirety of Mark's love. (Cuz currently, Kieran love mark with 100% of his heart and wants Mark to do the same. If Kieran loved other people it would be less toxic, since Mark does HAVE to share his love with his family even if Cristina is out of the picture ) On the other hand, it would be great for Kieran to find someone who will love him as much or even more than he loves them. The smol deserves more love in his life, don't you think? Also, I forgot to mention that Kieran does need to go back to the Wild Hunt, or he might become Unseelie King, and then Kierkark could actually be impossible, but I firmly believe they'll always love each other, maybe not as much as before, but they've left quite the imprint on each other's lives (The stars will go out before I forget you, Mark Blackthorn) Ty/Kit: LIKE THEY COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER SO WELL TY DOESN'T OPEN UP EASILY WHEREAS KIT DOES (he's already attached to the Blackthorns) And Kit is so much more outgoing and cool and GAH its a great ship looking SO forward to TWP. (Srsly I have so much hopes for TWP cuz in my opinion TDA is a bit of a weak arc and the only redeeming characters seem to be Mark's drama (I don't think we're going to see this in TWP I'm sad) Gwyp/Diana: super cute and deserves more love In conclusion: I love Cassandra Clare's style and how she can make character relationships insanely lovable. The fact that she always protects the characters all of us love from dying is great too. But @cassandraclare if you see this, please do consider these points made by a fangirl who is nitpicking a bit (I hope this series ends up as good as TID) for the greater good😂 (Also Diego/Kieran ain't too bad of a ship either😏😂) If you disagree with any of these, I am open to dicussions:) Just please don't blindly hate on this: all of us are entitled to opinions, you have yours and I have mine. Let's respect each other, okay?
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vita-e · 8 years
My MPHFPC Movie Notes
Love the opening credits, fits spirit and theme of the book
(music in general is good)
Hate the different opening line – rather generic imo.
Asa please I know you’re a good actor. Please stop being so flat.
This all feels rushed.
Grandpa has lost his marbles and his acting ability.
“That guy gave me the heebie-jeebies” is all you have to say after nearly hitting a man?
“Jake” was in the house for only 10 seconds, didn’t even bother checking the whole house.
This opening is so boring that my foot fell asleep.
Was this the first take? There’s little to no emotion.
Grandpa Portman doesn’t sound like he’s dying. At all.
1943?! What’s the point of changing the date?!
Also, what’s the point of changing his last words which were a lot more mysterious?
C’mon dude, your grandpa just died! Show some emotion!!
Why do the hollows look like Slenderman rip-offs?
Dr. Golan’s a woman? I’m fine with this – but I won’t be later.
“A month ago,”? Wasn’t it more than a few months until he finally sought help? (I haven’t read the book in a while)
Asa is still a bit flat but he’s doing better in these scenes.
Tiny Jacob is super cute!
His acting is bad, though. This is a given for child actors.
The dad is an ornithologist. He wouldn’t change a bird documentary to a football game (although that was a bit funny.)
Why does Miss Peregrine look so young? In the book, she looks more like a mother waiting for her children to give her some goddamn grandkids.
Bronwyn is 9 now I guess.
Hugh is 11 now I guess.
“Where’s Emma? She could float.” SHE COULD NOT.
Grandpa Portman sounds more English than Polish. Throwing in a Polish nickname doesn’t convince me that he’s Polish.
“Little tiger”? He called him “Yakob.”
“No eyes,” in the book, Jacob tells a sketch artist that they have 2 like a normal mammal. This may be personal taste, but for me, monsters are scarier when they look more human.
Kids this age wouldn’t laugh! They’d see the picture of Millard and go “Holy shit! He’s invisible!” Kids are gullible, dammit. (I had this problem with the book as well.)
Funny how younger!Jacob dresses exactly like Asa.
Damn, kid, he said he didn’t want to talk about it! Chill!
Still 0 emotion, I guess.
“He was a wonderful grandpa, but not… such a great dad, you know?” Damn, that hits home for me – but doesn’t this talk happen later in the book? Like, this talk happens at the island.
Wait, the scene just ends there? No argument? Damn, Jake just doesn’t care that his dad is smack talking his idol.
JESUS fuckin’ twins.
Jacob’s cousins were brats and I believe teenagers as well, so why are they perfect lil’ angel twins that look 10 at the oldest?
Also, why is Jacob’s house so small? His mom is an heiress to a Wal-Mart type store-chain.
Cairnholm is apparently popular enough to warrant postcards.
And popular enough to warrant a spot in a travel book, wtf? It’s not even big enough to be seen on a map.
The dad looking at Jake like he’s crazy gives me life lmfao.
Cairnholm is 100% my aesthetic.
Where’s Kev???
What? But… Uncle Oggie is a relative of Martin?
Didn’t imagine Kev looking like that but okay.
Franklin is me trying to make friends tbh.
I’m so glad Worm and M.C. Dirty D made it in.
Aren’t the residents like… a bit afraid of the home themselves?
Wait, what? Oggie can see? He looks blind.
1943? At that point, Germany was taking a more defensive stance, doing lots of evacuating.
“And they were lovely, too.” In the book, Uncle Oggie claims they were strange and rarely spoke.
“3 months later”? He left the day after the loop was created!
Is that the dart competition I keep seeing on Vine?
Wait, why is Enoch there? I know they fucked with his character a lot but he probably joined after the loop was created since he’s from an older loop, otherwise he’d age forward ~30-40 years – so why is he next to (who I presume is) Abe, who left after the loop was made? (or in this case, before!)
Enoch’s little laboratory was in the basement, not upstairs.
The twins might’ve been in the loop at some point, but they certainly aren’t there when Jacob arrives.
Wait, so instead of chasing after them, he runs away? Jake’s a pussy.
And he trips and gets knocked unconscious by a rock. Wow.
Bronwyn, despite being the wrong age and having no personality, is at least cute and it’s fun to watch her carry Jake.
Why is Millard so tiny? You can say that his age is ambiguous, but in the book Jacob clearly states that his voice sounds like that of a young man’s, not a young child’s.
“You’re Emma!” (John Cena voice) Are you sure about that?
Why is Olive, like, 16? She’s supposed to be 7-9 years old (and ofc she has Emma’s powers instead.)
“She sent us to get you”? Why, though?
Standing there all creepy ain’t gonna make him want to follow you.
Jake doesn’t seem to see the change in the weather.
“I am the manager” reminds me of that one Tumblr comic.
Ngl, Millard would do this – if just for fun. He’s a little shit like that.
What’s the point of lighting the place on fire? They’re distracted enough.
Did they just steal someone’s horse?
Millard no longer has any personality out of “Yeah” and “Yep.”
Emma is not nearly bitchy enough. Or at all.
The house is gorgeous! It looks just like I imagined it!
What the fuck, why is Miss Peregrine so young? I know I mentioned this before but what the fuck.
“Right on time”?
“I had to kill them twice this month” WHAT. MISS PEREGRINE DOESN’T KILL UNLESS NECESSARY
Miss Peregrine is not nearly this creepy in the book.
Why does he sound mildly Scottish? He’s from London and has a slight cockney accent.
From now own, every time I see Enoch, 5 years are taken off my life.
Why is Fiona 11 and English? She’s supposed to be in her late teens and Irish – not to mention, SHE DOESN’T TALK!
I don’t think Fiona’s powers make things huge.
“Imm-breen” it’s “imm-brinn”
Do the twins have names?
Claire looks cute!
I don’t think Millard, no matter his age, would be very interested in physical activity. He’s a brains over brawn kind of type, you know?
Kind of uncharacteristic of Hugh to send his bees after a friend.
I’m gonna cry. At least one of my babies looks right.
Horace feels… off. All the components of his personality are certainly there, but in different degrees than in the book.
I’m sorry, what? A daily chore that’s reset by the loop? Miss P, these are kids and teenagers! They’ll get bored of doing that every day! I know because I am a teenager!
That squirrel would be going crazy and scratching her up. I know this is a nitpick but squirrels are vicious, man.
Was this scene the only reason they swapped Emma and Olive’s peculiarities?
Why are her shoes so hard to take off? What if she has to get away in an emergency? She’s fucked!
Why’s it so hard to pull her down?
Emma doesn’t seem to heartbroken over Abe’s death. In the book, she bawled upon overhearing that he died.
This dialogue barely hints at Emma and Abe having a romantic relationship, making only people who read the book know this information. Non-book readers might just assume they were close friends.
Of course, instead of borrowing Victor’s clothes he has to borrow Abe’s.
God, am I the only one that hates looking at Finlay? He’s not ugly – a bit handsome actually! -- he’s just… kind of weird looking.
So… Olive is good friends with Enoch? Don’t get how they got that out of the book when they have no interactions in the first book.
His dolls are meant to be made of clay! Now he just looks like an older Sid.
The stop motion is terrible.
So, they care enough about Enoch’s character to remember that his parents ran a funeral parlor, but not enough to make him his actual character.
Did he not see Millard’s silverware moving? Did no one see it?
So, Enoch is clearly mad at the statement Horace made, so why hold back your retort by whispering? Was he sick on this day of filming?
No one needs that much carrot.
Hugh’s been living there for 70 years; pretty sure he’d never forget to put his net on.
Wait, so he remembered to bring it with him, but not to put it on?
“She’s embarrassed in front of Jake.” Uh, Hugh, I think you flubbed your line, it’s “Claire don’t eat with the rest of us.”
Oh, thank god, she has the same peculiarity.
I’m crying, Claire is so adorable!
Enoch’s a bigger asshole than I remember him being in the books.
Although it wasn’t in the book, I do like the inclusion of the call from Abe. It makes no sense whatsoever, but I still like it.
Would Horace really be comfortable sharing his dreams – especially via projector?
“Some of his dreams are prophetic,” shouldn’t ‘some’ be ‘most’? Everyone’s dreams can hold some form of future-telling, albeit in an abstract way. If only some of his dreams are prophetic, that barely makes him peculiar.
I don’t get why Horace’s dreams are at all symbolic. They should be literal.
Why did he see Ms. Avocet get kidnapped when she, in fact, didn’t?
“Horace must’ve just had a bad dream, that’s all.” HIS DREAMS ARE PROPHETIC.
Wait, so they have a phonograph outside? And it works?
Why make Miss P creepier, but tone down the creepiness of the reset scene? Think of it: 9 children you barely know wearing gasmasks are singing an old song you don’t know to the tune of bombs falling. That’s a lot scarier than listening to the song on a phonograph.
I just remembered: they never offered the reason why Cairnholm gets bombed. In the book, it’s stated that the island had a sort of anti-aircraft gun which made it a target, but here the Germans simply bomb it to be seen as more evil than they already are.
I do admit, the reset scene does look beautiful.
Jake doesn’t seem as terrified, though.
Emma learning about cellphones is pretty cute.
And we’re back to talking about Abe.
“More than a few minutes,” it’s closer to hours, days even if we’re going by Library of Souls.
Already with Ms. Avocet?
(Cinema Sins voice) Jake’s dad reminds me too much of my own father in this scene.
Okay, so I’m assuming “Mr. Barron” is some wight higher-up? I know he’s not, but for the sake of the notes let’s pretend I don’t know.
Man, he really is my dad. He acts all weird and pretends like nothing happened later.
Who dresses like that in the 21st century!? I like the aesthetic too, but you don’t see me walking around in a Rococo period dress.
No one talks like this either.
That fuckin’ dart competition’s going to get me every time.
Who the fuck rests on their bed with their shoes on?
Bronwyn is cute but… I can’t get over the fact they made her younger and erased her character.
Would it kill someone to say, “Can we try that take again?”
WHY did they make Miss Peregrine so creepy? She was never this creepy!
Yeah, and he’s trying to warn you of potential danger. Also, can I ask where the fuck he got that letter?
Every time I see Finlay’s face a deep hatred resurfaces from the darkest corners of my heart.
All the kids in that room together just chilling is cute.
OKAY THIS IS WHAT PISSES ME OFF. I know for a damn fact that Enoch would never be mean to someone who was kind to him.
In the book, Bronwyn wanted nothing more than for Enoch to wake up Victor but go off I guess.
According to the timeline, HE SHOULD BARELY KNOW ABE.
That’s not how he brings them back to life, though? It’s not like he’s doing heart surgery, it’s more like he’s just gonna smell like death (literally) for most of the day.
Enoch being there as Jake realizes Victor’s dead really takes out a lot of the punch from the scene. Having him show up afterwards (like in the book) is better since it’s more like ‘Realization -> Confrontation’ instead of just… explaining and scaring.
I don’t know if Tim’s ever been around a normal human being before but usually you don’t see their heartbeat.
Okay, so… he can’t bring people back to life, only use them as puppets. First off, that’s gross, and second, that’s a nearly useless peculiarity.
How can tears roll down Victor’s cheek if he’s never conscious anymore? Dead people are known to shed tears, but it’s after they die and are decomposing, and Victor can’t decompose because he’s in a loop!
Does Miss P just do that on a regular basis?
Wasn’t that a rowboat?
That’s carbon dioxide, you can’t breathe that.
How is she swimming? Wouldn’t she just walk? She has lead shoes on!
I don’t think skeletons keep their hair.
Well how the hell does that work?
“Air, it’s my peculiarity.” No, it is not.
I’d rather trust a bunch of information I don’t want the people I love knowing with an adult, but okay.
Wait, so Emma has the Map of Days now?! It was stressed countless times in the trilogy how much Millard loves that damn thing and you give it to EMMA?!
Okay, WHAT? Barron is the leader now!? I guess Miss Peregrine’s brothers just don’t exist now!
“Bad peculiars”? They’re ex-peculiars, because they don’t have powers anymore!
They took the kids, too, you know.
Wait, while they’re at it, didn’t this conversation take place at night?
Just tell him how Abe could see monsters, then he’ll believe. No need to be dramatic.
Hollowgasts sure as fuck would not loop along with the townspeople, they’d be free to roam around or they’d get left behind. Also, Victor died AFTER the loop was made! He got tired of living there and tried to leave and died THIS IS SUCH A SIMPLE STORY TIM.
Did I mention that I hate how the hollowgasts look?
You could have told him earlier but okay.
I don’t remember any of this from the book.
“Tired of living in loops.” Caul was tired of peculiardom being a ‘matriarchy.’ Yes, there were some problems with how peculiar boys who could turn into birds were treated but overall Caul was crazy and narcissistic.
I guess there are only 13 wights, opposed to hundreds or even thousands.
Also, why are they all upper-class? I’d assume a lot would be lower.
Didn’t they also blow up half of Siberia?
EYEBALLS? It’s from consuming their souls! I guess Tim just wanted to put in some ugly ass imagery.
Wait, why are they still eating? They’re fine now!
Almost forgot Millard was in this fucking movie.
But they weren’t even going to try it again! It was a ploy! And why hold it where a normal person could find it!?
This ‘leaving’ bullshit pisses me off because it’s breaking so many fucking rules. Hollows can’t enter loops so leaving is more dangerous than staying, which is what she chose to do in the book!
Claire is so cute.
Makes a bit more sense that an old blind man on his own died than a healthy, (I’m assuming) mid-age museum curator but okay.
This is probably the dumbest thing Jake has ever done. Surely, he knows that normal people can go in, but that they can’t enter through the loop, right? And he could potentially also be a danger, so why call out to him?
This reveal isn’t nearly as powerful as the one in the book. By doing his other voices from previous identities he’d taken before to watch over Jacob, he intimidated him and by finally revealing himself as Dr. Golan, he immediately made the one normal person that Jacob felt a bit safe around a danger and in that moment, he realizes what he had done by telling him everything.
Okay, here’s why I’m pissed they made Dr. Golan a woman. Reason 1 is because it shows that Tim wanted to make the wights really overpowered by letting them keep their peculiarites, and reason 2 (separate of reason 1) is because they didn’t make the rest of their identities women. Like just make a lady ornithologist and have her be a peculiar who can turn into a bird but can’t control time, making her feel self-worth incredibly low and hate ymbrynes. It took me a minute to think this up, Tim.
That’s not how you take off contacts.
Did this fucker really think he could take on an adult?
Hollowgasts can’t enter loops but okay.
This is a bit of a nitpick but the fact that Jake was used as a hostage instead of Hugh just shows how much they didn’t give a shit about the other kids unless they had a relationship cookin’ for them.
So, she has a crossbow, but she’ll just go down without a fight? That’s not like her at all!
This is NOT the time to be petty, Wal-Mart brand Enoch.
I just realized that Horace has like 4 lines and now I’m sad.
I would be so happy that instead of turning into a bird and leaving that Miss Peregrine just fucking decked him. It’s a lot more in character than just letting them take her.
I don’t remember Miss Peregrine trusting a 16-year-old with the lives of 9 kids but okay.
One of the few good things this movie brought me was a peregrine falcon sound so I could look it up and see if it was accurate. I then found a video of a sweet old man filming a peregrine falcon’s call and providing quiet commentary. Just felt that was worth mentioning.
Since when did Jacob become good at strategy?
Cute scene, but it means nothing to me.
Okay I guess Miss Avocet never mattered.
Just destroy Wal-Mart brand Enoch, please.
Why does Fiona have the most lines out of the neglected kids? She only had 2 lines in the whole book!
That bomb would be enough to take care of it, but okay go ahead and shoot it.
Olive seems pretty in-control of her peculiarity, so why give her gloves?
“It’s only 6 months old.” What?
Time travel is bullshit. Also, I don’t think it works like that?
“I know you’ll choose Abe.” Well, duh, I’d rather see my grandfather again than some cute girl I met a few days ago that barely even seems to like me that well.
Okay, so the movie I’m watching is really choppy and cuts at random parts and it just cut in the middle of a sentence Wal-Mart brand Enoch was saying and I couldn’t be happier.
Yeah, but the loop entrances are usually in places normal people won’t go. (ex. Miss P’s loop entrance, Miss Thrush’s loop entrance, etc.) Seems dumb to put it on a ride. Imagine sending your kids on there and when the cart comes back one of them is missing?
Okay, so there’s only 4 hollows and 6 wights left according to the movie. Why are they all so afraid of them then?!
In the book, a lot of them were trained to handle guns, and in the movie they still have their peculiarities – so WHY are they not attacking Emma as soon as they see her!?
I’m pretty sure that in the book Jacob had been seeing Dr. Golan much longer than 3 weeks.
Yeah, Florida’s a hellhole, to be quite honest.
I guess no one cares about a floating girl in the sky. I don’t see any iPhone’s out recording.
Never mind, I see one (1). I should see much more, though.
How would the hearts stay in the skeletons? There’s nothing for them to hold onto.
Is there no staff at this place?
How are these skeletons in general staying together?
This fight is pretty dangerous. They’re exposing normal people to peculiardom.
Okay, so now the wights use their peculiarities to fight.
Horace saved lives at least 3 times but I guess he’s just useless now according to the movie.
Man, Tim, you sure did a good job of creating strong female characters! /s
How is Mr. Barron not dead? She lifted the boat out of water and the closer you get to the bottom of the ocean the more pressure you’ve gotta deal with.
3 cheers for this forced romance! Hip-hip! (Boo)
This 16-year-old doesn’t need to tell these women what to do.
Why is Miss Peregrine in a different cage?
I guess Barron just had some blue eye contacts on him.
How did the hollow get down there?
I guess Jake’s a perfect shot now, since it’s convenient.
(vomit noises)
Again, time travel is bullshit. Wouldn’t there be another Jake walking around?
Wait, they’re still there?
Hurray for more terrible loop entrances!
In the book, this would be the second time they had kissed but okay.
Never knew that birds could just be stationary while in the sky.
Wait, so she just… keeps her clothes? Trust me, I don’t want to see a naked woman in something other than an art piece or otherwise but that was a rule that they had in the book.
Well that was a load of shit. At least with the ending there can’t be a sequel.
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