#tbh this is just awful dramatic eddie creepy pasta
sofiiel · 1 year
Hi so um my mind decided to wreck me today with thought about Monster/Cryptid!Eddie x Reader. Not a vampire or werewolf, just like DemoEddie. And because I made myself kinda sad...and my mind is cruel... I'm just gonna toss it here 🤷🏾‍♀️
Warnings: angst, violence, sadness, death. (morbid mindset me to kick off the afternoon...yaaay.)
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He changes at the chime of midnight, some cross between himself the Demogorgon and Demobat.
It's scary as hell and hideous.
Eddie's got nearly no control over himself in this state, and kills anyone and anything he can.
Problem is, he remembers all of it. He hates his transformations and when they end he spends hours trying to scrub blood off his hands.
He doesn't want to risk hurting you, so even though he is trying to live a normal life he never spends time with you after 11:30. His days seem normal to you and everyone around him, but he's carrying this secret with an ever constant fear.
He doesn't tell you why, he has to leave at the same time every day. But claims it a job, gig, or something to help Wayne.
Then one day you follow him out of concern, after talking with Dustin, Jeff, and some others. As they all voiced to you that they thought he was acting strange as well.
You think he might still be struggling with some of the ptsd he had after his ordeal. You'd rather not have him be alone if he's mentally hurting.
But following him was the worst thing you could have done.
You're confronted by a creature baring a striking resemblance to Eddie, deep within the woods.
Your mind tell you that can't be him, he can't be the thing devouring.....wait that's not an animal. You can see a hand and mangled leg within the carnage.
You run, but it smells your fear and makes chase.
It pounces, and you roll, pinned to the ground.
The creature shrieks at you with his claws digging into your shoulders.
You can't help but shudder as you look at its face. You could never mistake it, even as changed as it was now.
That thing is or was Eddie.
You don't know what's happened, but you try to talk to him. However, his eyes aren't registering your voice.
He opens his mouth and out comes this weird floral shaped thing with needled teeth.
You want to shut your eyes, but you need him to see you. If he could see he was frightening you, hurting you, he'd stop. Right?
You keep trying to talk him down. It isn't working.
A long dark tongue fires out from Eddie's floral mouth and wraps around your neck.
You're losing a lot of blood, and now you can't breathe.
You try to move your arms, if you could just touch him, maybe that would help. He knows your touch, he always said he loved it, craved it, survived off of it.
Though as you try, his claws press down tearing through, drawing more blood.
"It's me," you choke out, gasping for breath.
Water slips from the corner of your eyes. Eddie still seems unaffected.
"Don't you know me? C-can you not see me?" You wheeze.
Your limbs start to feel cold, and your vision is shaky.
There's no getting out of this. Shutting your eyes, you accept the pain of his claws digging clear through your shoulders, and you hug him. You hug him with all the strength you can afford.
Behind closed eyes, picturing the man you love as you remember him.
That beautiful, infectious smile.
You recall the sound of his laughter and your name rolling off Eddie's lips. The way he'd look at you, the way one might marvel at a spectacular sunrise. You hold onto him as if your hug could bring him back. You had to.
Eddie removes his tongue from around for neck, and for a second you're hopeful.
Blinding pain engulfs your chest and shoulders. He's knocked you back to the ground with his claws. You try to withhold a scream as that floral mouth and needled teeth gnaw a hole into your chest.
You wrap your arms around him again, hands tangled in his blood soaked hair, gently combing it. Hoping to fight his fury away with something gentle.
Your eyes are trying to focus on the odd wings protruding out his back instead of the mind-numbing pain.
"It's ok, Eddie," you struggle to get the words out. "I know this isn't you, it's not. This is not your fault."
But he's still tearing away, you can't withhold the scream anymore and it's earth shaking. Leaving even your own ears ringing.
Eddie stops moving and backs away. He violently shakes his head and starts clawing at himself until...
There next to you, trembling on his knees, is the Eddie you know.
He holds his hands out in front of him, every inch of his torn clothes and skin is painted scarlet. The smell makes him sick.
But when his eyes slowly trail up to you as you lay on the ground, hugging the open chest wound close, Eddie shouts. It doesn't seem like a sound a human should make. Something like the last screeches of a large, dying machine.
He's falling all over himself as he scrambles closer. Tears form paths down his blood riddled face. It hurts him to look at you, he couldn't stop himself, he did this.
Eddie wants to hold you, but he feels he shouldn't, not after what he's done. How could he? You probably didn't want him within 20ft of you.
He chokes out your name and takes your hand carefully, as if holding it alone could be the finishing blow.
You turn your head to look at him and smile, "knew you'd come to your senses."
Eddie shakes his head, he can't believe you're trying to make light of things, trying to comfort him after....
"I should have told you." he whispers while he cradles your hand to his cheek.
"But I thought, I thought you might run away, leave ... If you knew." His words ar eon the verge of whimpers.
You can feel his tears on your hand, and you can see his shoulders shake.
"If I loved you as a potential serial killer," you gave a fading chuckle, "and waited for your return....why would I leave over one really ugly tantrum."
Eddie choked out a chuckle through his tears. He dares to draw closer and either pets the top of your head or strokes your cheek.
He starts to pick you up, working slowly and gently to gather you off the ground.
"I'll get you to the hospital." He says. Sure, it won't go well for him being seen like this with you in such a state. But he'd take whatever punishment came his way. In his mind, he deserved it.
"Eddie don't -" you try to warn him, but a scream stops your words and draws Eddie to a halt. You can't be moved. It's much too painful.
And what's worse, you've not the strength to take the pain. Your vision wavers and fails.
Eddie's left to call your name, his voice cracks as he repeats that he's sorry and that you'll be ok.
"Just hold on"
"You said you would lea-" Eddie stops his desperate shaking of your body and collapses onto you. His fists wrap in your clothes as his body is wracked by wailing sobs.
When there's no more tears to cry, Eddie lingers curled up to you until moments before dawn.
He lays you down in the middle of the spring flowers, a place he knows your friends will find you. He gives you a kiss goodbye before vanishing into the wilderness.
Eddie would once again go missing, this time for good. He can't face his Uncle Wayne because of the torment of being the killer this time. He won't visit his friends, he'd rather leave them with a better memory of himself.
He would not leave them with the memory of the monster. The monster he now surrendered himself to, permanently. Better to live as the unfeeling creature then with the everlasting pain of losing who he loved with all his heart.
He leaves one last letter of closure for Wayne, addressing what to say to his friends and those that love him.
People around the country tell legends of a strange, mournful creature wandering woods and underground places. Its painful wailing can be heard at the crack of midnight. They say he rips the hearts from his victims in hopes of filling the empty space where his used to be.
But nothing is big enough.
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