#tbh this probably depends on how well he knows solas too but i tend to hc him joining the inquisition early on
Heyyy, if Arjune were to be summoned in the fourth or fifth holy grail war, who do you think would be the best master in each part? and the worst? I can't see him tolerating Ryuunousuke and I think he would specially hate Shinki, what with his experience of the Kauravas insulting his wife Draupadi, so I think he'd get along horribly wrong with those two but I don't know if Kiritsugu would also be a somewhat bad match for him
Oddly enough I he might actually mesh rather well with kiritsugu if he went full into his ‘I’m a tool that exists to fight for justice please don’t look any deeper than that.’ He’s very archer-emiya coded and as long as kiritsugu continued to keep the casualties minimal (ie, evacuating the hotel building before blowing it up) I think he would at least be able to manage. Not thrive, per say, but I think arjuna is able to at least justify to himself the concept of ‘sacrificing a few to save the many’ (just look at what happened to his own children and family in his origin story) and he’s able to maintain an impersonal distance that someone like kiritsugu would likewise also probably do well with. (Also tbh kiritsugu would probably prefer a servant that’s a long range fighter over a close combat unit)
I do think it would still weigh on him though-ultimately like saber it’s a situation where he can still do well as a warrior but he wouldn’t be happy bc of it’s brutality. His relationship with irisveil if he was contracted to kiritsugu could easily go either the way of being more human or cold depending on his writer mindset
Legitimately I can’t imagine a solid 90% of servants managing ryuunosuke, so that would probably come down to a matter of if his pride in being a ‘good’ servant trumps his general honor as a hero. Personally I think he’d probably go for the latter but I’m not sure? Outside of that…I don’t know. Kayneth is odd to me because diarmuid was also very subservient and eager to please with him and he still didn’t like him, but arjuna’s more ‘yeah I’m just a tool’ general vibe might make his feathers less ruffled? Unless his folklore wife stealing ability kicked in with sola-ui somehow anyway 😔.
I don’t think he’d work well w kirei because kirei is just a bad master in general. He would probably be ok with tokiomi but think the guy was kind of full of himself. He wouldnt get him murdered tho lmao.
I can’t fathom how he and kariya would work out. Kariya summons his servant in the worm basement with Zouken present like oh my god-wait it’s a berserker too. Oh my god. Can you fucking imagine arjuna alter in fate zero the man would go even more insane
Waver and arjuna would be funny tho. I don’t know how, but waver with anyone is funny. Shoutout to waver.
As for og fate….I’ve seen others say he probably wouldn’t mesh well with Sakura, as he tends to be too busy with his own sad boy hours to notice other’s issues and also would probably see dark Sakura as more of a problem to take care of, and I’m not familiar enough with her yet to really say otherwise.
shirou and arjuna sounds like a disaster waiting to happen bc imagine archer but like, not at all connected to shirou and also in the history books. He has no reason to look at shirou’s suicidal desire to save everyone and not be like ‘poggers sounds great master I’m doing that also it’s hell on earth but what can you do :)’ and then he sits in a corner for 40 days pretending he doesn’t have human emotions while shirou turns into a sword or something
If it was shinji in the routes where he isn’t actively a rapist and more annoying I could see him just being tiredly tolerant of him, but I have 0 idea how he’d handle heavens feel shinji.
Rin….lmao. I think he’d like cosplaying her butler.
Illya….he would want to cosplay her butler
Caster…yeah I don’t even know. I think he’d be like ?
I don’t even know enough about them to be really saying anything 😭
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skyheld · 3 years
I’ve always thought that Ameridan would be firmly against Solas after Trespasser,  but now I’ve started thinking that he might support it,  if only in a very disheartened way.   It might depend on what the Inquisitor is like mostly and the world he encounters.   If the Inquisitor is a good person who tries to make the world better for elves,  mages and people in general then he might feel more optimistic about it in its current state.   If they’re not,  if they don’t care to bring any positive change about  (  or if they try but fail  ),  then he might feel like there’s not so much worth protecting.  
He’s still never going to be happy about Solas’ plans.   He’s never going to look forward to seeing them fulfilled.   If he decides to support them it’s honestly because he’s so tired of the uphill battle he’s been fighting to bring all these differing peoples and ambitions together,  he just wants to wipe it all clean and start over.   Because he left a troubled world and came back to find it had gotten worse,  and maybe that shows it’s rotten to the core.
I don’t think he could bring himself to actually kill anyone for this cause,  but neither will he fight or kill Solas or any of his agents,  regardless of who the Inquisitor is.
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musingmycelium · 5 years
da 20 questions
i was tagged by @goblin-deity thanks dear <3 and i’ll tag @lyrium-lovesong @raymurata @pegaeae @veridium-bye and @crystal-grace <3 no obligations of course <3
01) Favourite game of the series?
ooooghghghghghgh Origins is my Favorite, the Story........
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
i recieved a copy of inquisition as a gift, became immediately immursed but i didn’t dig more into the series for a good half a year or so? at which point i discovered the other two games and went Oh Fuck
03) How many times you’ve played the games? 
oh, uHHHHHHH, Far Too Many. i’ve sunk over 1k hours into dai alone, origins and da2 probably have about 1k combined?
04) Favourite race to play as?
i’m always a slut for elves 
05) Favourite class?
me, a staff wielding bisexual: i’m Mage, all the way. though i don’t mind rogue if i mix things up [which is like, i think i have three or four rogue play throughs out of all of them?] i NEVER play warrior bc i’m a bottom i’m not about that life
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
i play in character! so i’ve got some Wildly different world states depending on which playthrough/oc i’m on
07) Go-to adventuring group?
for my Canon world states i’ve got origins gang: sten, zevran, morrigan. da2 gang: fenris/aveline, anders/merrill, varric. dai gang: dorian, bull, solas/sera  i sense a theme...... 
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
oh god, ellanis and noure are my most fleshed out origins kids, wren and galahad are less fleshed out, sorta, but i Love them, idrilla and da’ean are pretty fleshed out as well -though linayel and mithra are also fairly fleshed out i just never write about them 
09) Favourite romance?
ZEVRAN -god i love him so much hhhhhHHHHHHHH he’s got Everything, everytime i play ellanis and he goes ‘the grey wardens die here’ i’m Fucking Lost Already man. hhhhhoooohhghghghghghgh i’d go on but i’m running on cough syrup and midol so it would be even less coherent than ususal
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
lmao i own all the books but i haven’t been able to finish them because My God are they poorly written. LIKE good Characters, good characters, shit prose.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
the one i’m furthest along in rn is stolen throne so i’ll go with that one
12) Favourite DLCs?
jaws of hakon -holy shit as an archaeologist grad student i cannot tell you how much i Fucking Loved the lore dump in site form that was jaws of hakon JUST OH MY GOD it was AMAZING the first time you talk to professor what’shisface with the hot accent and he starts talking about chronologies via buckles i was fucking lost in nerd heaven
13) Things that annoy you.
homophobia and transphobia and racism. the games are Rife with bad correlations between real people and grey morality and poor handling of sensitive contents, though i don’t know if it was all done for ‘woke’ points or if some came from legitimate good intentions, most of my problems lie in those areas. fandom also hits a lot of my annoyances but that’s what block is for
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
antiva bitch
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
same one! ellanis is my canon hof but noure is a part of his backstory and they meet during the blight [ellanis frees noure from a sentence of tranquility and conscripts them, uh, temporarily] noure leaves the group after like a week?ish and goes to nevarra. wren and galahad are twins, wren being the older one and the main rabble-rouser hawke. da’ean is the only quizzy but idrilla, linayel, mithra and a handful of other lavellan ocs all exist within the clan -idrilla and linayel and a few others come to skyhold after clan lavellan handles the unrest in wycome with da’ean’s help [my canon there is a bit wonky as of yet as i’m still working out the kinks]  
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
this is the part i suck at, i think ellanis named the mabari something after the flower that saved him? but i don’t remember tbh, and that’s the only one i cna think of rn too lkjlkjlkjklj
18) Have you installed any mods?
oh yes. ohhh yes i have an extense amount of mods on all three games, mostly cosmetic ones but a few gameplay ones
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
ellanis didn’t no, he thought warden’s were a bit of reality mixed with myth. when duncan shows up he’s more skeptical and curious than anything else, and his joining is less than enthusiastic but he makes the most of it for a good five years, before he fucks off to do his own research in antiva in seclusion -he just leaves, with an encripted note for nate making him warden-commander of ferelden while he’s gone and tells him not to tell anyone where he’s gone. only nate and velanna know where he is in the wardens
20) Hawke’s personality?
wren is a purple hawke! she knows what she wants and she is not afraid to go after it, although she does care deeply and shows her affections loudly. she’s a fucking chaotic stupid mess and i love her.
galahad is blue throughout. a natural big brother, super loving and patient and caring. he’s always looking to help, though when things go wrong he tends to blame himself only, he’s more together than wren though. 
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
....yes.......  my inquisition is a fashion disaster, everyone has a palatte but i do complimentary colors for my parties and lis Of Course
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
yes, ellanis would go back and kill the shems before they could crash the wedding -to prevent shianni from ever having to live through what she did. he would still have probably been conscripted by duncan soooo not too big a change for him but, for shianni it would be huge. 
ellanis has another but it’s tied up with noure’s: noure would go back and ambush the templars before being captured and then run for their life. without ever having lived in the circle i don’t, know exactly how noure would come out -probably happier, less jagged, less terrified and paranoid. but probably not by much if they had to live their life constantly looking over their shoulder. they may have ended up in nevarra this way too, but they wouldn’t have ever made it to kirkwall and they never would have met anders or karl, they may have never fallen out of love with ellanis via distance/assumed death, it would be far different than what happened.
wren and galahad both would go back and save bethany. doesn’t matter how, or what the cost to themselves would have been that’s their little sister and they would do anything to save her if they could.
da’ean’s is much the same. his biggest regret, the thing which haunts him the most is ashalle’s [not dao ashalle lmao] death. he was supposed to protect her and after what happens in that field and that month, da’ean blames himself for how his sister died. though he isn’t the one to blame, and later [far, far later] he is able to come to terms with what happened. though he never Truly shakes the guilt.
linayel would probably try to save his mother’s sight. he would tell her to stay with him by the fire, or would try and find a cure faster for her. the illness wasn’t his fault and he knows it wasn’t but given the chance he would save her sight if he could.  
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
lmao canon? never heard of her, a shitton of what i write is either me taking canon and making it Good/Useable or me shitting on it and saying this is My Castle Now
24) Who did you leave in the Fade?
this choiice always pissed me off, or it did after i knew who they were. when i first played i had no idea who hawke was or who the grey warden contact was [stroud for my first couple of play throughs] at all. so i would flip flop between them without care really. 
now, in my canon alistair stays behind while hawke physically drags da’ean out because he was going to stay and fight or find a different way out. i still think its shit and a naratively piss-poor meta punch though
25) Favourite mount?
i’m a dirty gatherer so i don’t actually use any mount. the only time i Have used a mount was the royal 16 for screenshot purposes, which i lost when my harddrive crashed a couple months ago D:
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sacrificialarrow · 5 years
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It’s not even Sunday and I’m revealing trade secrets up in here. ( Aka talkin’ about the nasties below the cut. )
kink meme
ROMANCE/AFFECTION: Mmm.... This one gets rather complicated thanks to Solas’ trust issues. Like in the past, I would’ve said it didn’t matter bc he’s more the type to have sex if and when he feels like it, and everything else tends to just be details for a later date. ( Read: lots of one night stands and the like. ) But now he can’t hardly bring himself to let people he doesn’t trust touch him, let alone get him vulnerable enough to orgasm, so. There’s almost always a correlation now. Besides which, it’s his opinion that it adds a great deal to the experience.
HANDJOB/FINGERING: As a method of teasing, sure, but on its own, not his thing. BLOWJOB: Giving one tends to be a rather enjoyable experience for Solas, getting to watch and feel and control his partner squirming -- and the more reactive his partner is the better. ( How they react isn’t necessarily important unless something about it rubs Solas wrong -- in which case you’re just fucking done, and you won’t see that tongue of his in that context again. No three strikes, you’re just out of luck, pal. ) Receiving.... Unless the person giving one gets something out of it, he can take or leave it. Like he doesn’t dislike it, particularly, but that doesn’t mean he particularly likes it either. DEEPTHROAT: Tbh... Kind of a specialty of Solas’, where his body doesn’t??? Quite always respond to things in the way a normal person’s might??? Like he doesn’t feel at all bothered by any amount of hot or cold, and he has no gag reflex. So as you can imagine, he can take it like a champ. SWALLOWING: Depends on the person and mood. EDGING: Sometimes, and sometimes only. It depends wholly on the mindset he goes into during sex; sometimes he remains a very calculating little shit hellbent on teasing his partner to almost no end, but others, he gets very primal and animalistic, so understandably, some of the finesse goes out the window in favour of raw passion. In the former, no one should be surprised to learn that he’s got no problem with dishing it out and receiving it, though in the latter, he has no patience for it. TEASING: HAH. Solas is absolutely terrible about teasing partners, and often does it intentionally at inopportune times and places. ( Barring the times that he’s focused on whatever’s happening, anyway, bc then it doesn’t come to mind to do it, and he’s p well immune to being teased. )
DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE?: Listen, I once saw this thing that said “I only sub for love” and that right there is p well the sum of the answer. Solas is a switch to his core, but he actually has to give enough of a shit about someone before they’re allowed that much control over him. ( It’s a trust issue thing. But make no mistake, it’s also something of a right of passage with him too; prove that you’re worthy of it, and you’ve earned it nigh irrevocably -- fuck with him in ways he doesn’t like one too many times, though, and I can’t promise you won’t have to retake the test again :/ ) DOMESTIC SERVITUDE: Absolutely tf not. Solas is actually quite adventurous, in that he’ll try most anything once to feel out if the sensation of it’s something he likes ( that’s a whole other tangent for another day though ) UNLESS his immediately the first sentence. Which this is. To him it would feel far too weird and gross to find any enjoyment in, where his mind would automatically snap to the countless number of slaves he’s liberated and trained over the centuries, and it just.... Wouldn’t feel good. PETPLAY: This kind of goes with the above, but I think would fall under the ‘how dare you belittle me; I’ve worked harder than you’ll ever know to not be treated like a dog’ category. ( Mind, you can maybe pet him while he’s a wolf, but that’s more that he understands the impulse, and it feels nice anyway so it’s w/e. ) DISCIPLINE: Solas is definitely a fucking brat, so probably. But this feels like a grey area to me, so I can only imagine it’d depend on how it’s done. Giving... Ehh. Probably not his thing. BEGGING: He himself will not, but if someone else wants to, it’s their prerogative as long as it doesn’t get excessive. Though Solas tends to prefer partners as equally headstrong and proud as himself, so it’s actually something of a mild turn-off. Easily gotten over and or overlooked insomuch as it’s not over zealous, but turn-off all the same. FORCED ORGASM: I don’t know what this is, and I don’t wanna know. ORGASM DENIAL: Not really; he’s more of a let them come as they will sort.
GAG: Maybe. A very soft maybe. COLLAR: No. LEASH: Get that the fuck out. BONDAGE (LIGHT): Tricky at best, this one is. If he can get out if he wants / needs to with relative ease, very slight maybe. If it’s a partner pinning him down, probably yeah. But like the other has happened in one too many deeply unpleasant situations before to where it’s more likely than not to trigger him tf out. BONDAGE (HEAVY): Definitely not. The idea’s intriguing and tempting, don’t get me wrong, but it goes with the other, except that he’d panic each and every time it happened. Which is fun for no one, so absolutely no.
DILDOS: I’m just going to preemptively say on all of these that I kind of think Solas in general prefers a lover to an inanimate object bc being able to sense the other person’s spirit is just. I can’t think of wording here, so it just feels nicer of a sensation than something that doesn’t really have a presence. The closest he likes is magic play bc even that is still unique to the partner in how they cast, and familiar enough in being from the Fade. Solas is v particular about his stimuli, you see. PLUGS: ^^ VIBRATORS: ^^ SOUNDING: ^^ COCK RING: ^^
ORGY?: He’s done them a time or two and doesn’t like them at all. It’s too much on his system. And yeah, it might actually be different now that he’s older and more used to taking in a lot of sensory information at once, but the bad taste in his mouth remains all the same. THREESOME?: It’s cute that anyone thinks Solas would share ever. VOYEURISM?: Are you kidding he barely even likes being kissed in public, it’s not anyone else’s business. As for doing it himself... He’s got better things to do. He’d get bored v quickly.
LIGHT: Depends on the type. HEAVY: Don’t fucking do it. Solas isn’t into experiencing pain in the first place, and in the second, depending on what it is, you’re more likely to get an unsavoury response out of him ( as in him kicking your ass for it ) before you get anything even approaching pleasure. NIPPLE CLAMPS: Keep that shit far, far away. WAX: Doubtful. BITING: Highly encouraged CANING: No idea what this is, and I don’t care to find out. SPANKING: Soft maybe, but probably not. SCRATCHING: He’s not going to complain if you scratch him, and him scratching others is more of a natural response when things are hot and heavy. Ofc, he’ll work on it / redirect it if his partner’s not into it, but like??? It’s instinct, so you gotta let him know. HAIR PULLING: Don’t
Tagged by: @ofrhapsodes wants to know Solas’ secrets
Tagging: If you want to tag me I guess??
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