juhakx · 4 years
Us, Till The End- Kevin Moon
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 2120
It was a silent agreement. 
Kevin Moon was to never speak of his ex-girlfriend who broke his heart into a million different pieces when he found out that she had been cheating on him for practically half of their relationship. Not only did it make Kevin uncomfortable to talk about her, but even you disliked the churning feeling in your stomach that you felt when someone talks about the girl you once called a friend. 
You were there through it all, watching him slowly fall apart and then slowly put himself back together with the help of his group mates, and eventually, he overcame the heartbreak. 
There was one good thing that came from the heartbreak, however, and that was the newly bloomed relationship between the two of you. Jacob saw it coming first, constantly teasing the two of you at the dorms until Kevin blatantly came out and confessed his feelings for you. Ever since then, there was constant complaining about what seemed to be the never-ending honeymoon phase but knowing that you guys were perfect together, the group loved seeing you two together.
That’s why you were shocked when you decided to surprise Kevin at the dance studio, at the request of Sangyeon who stated that Kevin seemed to be off, but came face-to-face with him talking to the one person you thought you would never see again. 
Eric noticed you first, a widening of his eyes seen in your peripheral vision as he nudged Juyeon’s eyes in your direction. 
“Y/N!” Haknyeon strains, not necessarily calling out for you but saying your name so Kevin noticed you were there. 
Kevin’s eyes snap up to meet yours, a quick flash of fear lighting up his eyes before he backs away from the girl next to him and shuffles his feet against the floor to make his way towards you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” He softly asks, taking your free hand in his, rubbing your hand in soothing circles.
You shake your head, snapping out of a trance that seemed to overcome you as you stared at the girl. “I- Sangyeon, he told me to come bring lunch and eat with you guys but it seems like you guys are busy so here,” You shove the bag from his favorite sushi place towards him, not letting even a minute go by before you let go of the bag and turn on your heel. 
You rush out the door, not bothering to glance at Kevin again and retracing the steps that you excitedly walked on your way here. You heard Kevin call behind you and soon you feel a hand clasp around your wrist and turn you around. 
“Woah- wait,” Kevin says, his eyes searching your face for any sort of emotion, however, you remained stoic, not letting your guard down. “I can explain.”
It was like those three words triggered something in you, causing you to attempt to pull your hand away from Kevin’s grip but he refused to let go as if the gesture meant something more than just wanting to pull away from him. “Explain? Kevin how can you possibly explain what my ex-best friend who just so happens to be your ex-girlfriend was doing at your practice. Are you forgetting something cause I vividly remember what happened.”
Flashes played in your head of Kevin crying to you on the phone, repeatedly asking what was wrong with him and how he could be better. It was the previous relationship that had you so strict on telling each other everything, but it seemed like he was on a different page than you.
“Just tell me this,” You begin, your eyes blazing with what could have been anger or hurt or maybe even both. “Did you know she was coming or did she show up on her own?”
“I-” Kevin begins, his words failing himself as he realizes that there was no way he could be in the right here. “I knew she was coming, she told me last night.”
You think about this morning, how Kevin blamed his antsy demeanor on what would be a difficult practice session today, realizing that he had the opportunity to tell you yet he didn’t. 
“Right,” You mutter, tugging your hand out of Kevin’s grasp and disregarding his attempts to make you stay and listen. 
It took approximately three minutes after you arrived at your apartment until your phone flooded with texts. 
SANGyeon: I didn’t know she was coming, I am so sorry
jacob bae(con): Hey, text me if you need anything. Also, Haknyeon and Eric keep bugging me telling me they’re sorry but they also said they’re not sure what for
jacob bae(con): Whatever is happening, I know you guys can overcome it :) He didn’t tell us exactly what happened with the heathen but I’m sure there was a reason she was there
kebbie <3: can I come over once practice is over? please, I need to explain baby
kebbie <3: i have to get off the phone, we need to practice but please text me.
kebbie <3: i’ll be waiting
And he did wait, he waited for approximately two days until Eric couldn’t take any more of his seclusion and sadness, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. 
“Oh wow, you actually picked up,” Eric gasps on the other end of the line, in genuine disbelief. 
“Eric, this is the only time I got a call from you,” You question, knowing what he was up to. You knew deep down that you missed Kevin, no matter how hard it was to admit it. The small push you needed to see Kevin in person and have him explain to you what happened was nowhere to be seen as Sangyeon and Jacob decided that space was best for you but thankfully, Eric Sohn was your saving grace. 
“I know, but you won’t answer Kevin’s calls so I didn’t know if you would respond to me,” Eric takes a deep breath as if he was the one who was currently in an argument with their significant other, causing you to roll your eyes. “Anyways, can you please come over cause Kevin barely leaves his room and he has eaten one bagel in the two days you haven’t been talking to him and it’s genuinely bumming me out.”
You scoff at Eric’s story, shaking your head lightly at the maknae’s words. “I’m so sorry this has been such a big burden to you, Eric. Also, did you say he hasn’t been eating?”
“Aren’t you guys supposed to be carb loading him though? For the comeback?”
“I’ll see you in thirty?” Eric questions, knowing that his deed was done. No matter how mad you could have been, Eric knew that you cared for Kevin more than anybody he knew.
“See you in thirty,” You affirmed. 
Thirty minutes turned out to be more like fifteen with you speeding down to go see Kevin. You were still upset with him, but that didn’t mean you weren’t longing to see him. 
“Oh thank God,” Jacob sighs out when he opens the dorm doors. You take off the mask that was covering your face and pull down the hoodie that you were wearing, which belonged to Kevin, and waved at Jacob. 
When Eric spots you, he gleefully jumps from his spot on the couch and runs up to you. “Have you been crying?” He asks.
“Gee Eric, thanks,” You mutter, rolling your eyes. The last two days were hard to get through and you weren’t going to lie and say a few or more tears didn’t slip from your eyes when you hugged your pillow at night. 
“Anytime, he’s in his room by the way,” Eric nonchalantly says, dismissing any offense you could’ve taken from his comment. 
Gathering your courage, you make your way to Kevin’s room, but you can’t help but stay frozen in position at the front of his door. Taking one last deep breath, you finally knock on his door.
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of its chest with the way it was pounding right now but it slowed down a little when you heard a soft “come in” on the other end. 
When you enter, Kevin is laying on his bed, his back facing the door. Your heart drops to your chest when he finally looks over his shoulder to see who entered the room. 
“Y/N,” He mumbles underneath his breath, scrambling to get up from his earlier position. He rubs at his eyes tiredly and you frown at his appearance. 
“I’m sorry, I’m a mess,” He dryly chuckles as he gets up to smooth out the cover of his sheets, as if you cared about the tidiness of his bed. 
“Kev, it’s ok, I just came to talk,” You softly say. 
The thing was, you knew Kevin, and you knew him well. Kevin would never admit it, but when he’s sad, he’s fragile, and the last thing you ever wanted to do was break him, not like she did. 
“Yeah, talk, I can do that,” Kevin says mainly to himself before sitting back down on the bed and patting the spot next to him for you to sit at. 
You take a seat on the bed, sitting close enough so he would understand you weren’t mad at him but far enough so he knew you were upset. 
“I heard you haven’t been eating very well,” You start off, not wanting to rush Kevin into talking about anything. 
“Haven’t been hungry,” He mutters underneath his breath, staring at his clasped hands in his lap. “All I could think about was you.”
“I think I’m ready to hear what happened,” You say, preparing yourself for whatever could have possibly happened the day at the dance studio. 
Kevin hesitates before taking a few seconds to himself to gather his thoughts before explaining the story. 
“That night she texted me, she told me that she wanted to apologize to me and I know,” Kevin takes a deep breath before continuing. “I know I didn’t owe her anything but something told me to just see what she had to say and that day at the studio, she told me that she was dating this guy and at first I thought she came to just rub it into my face so I told her to leave but then she told me that he ended up cheating on her.”
You reach across to take one of Kevin’s shaking hands in yours, rubbing soothing circles against it. Talking about her evidently brought up bad memories for him, and you understood why he did what he did. 
He had always been a good person, a heart too big for his body. It would’ve been unlike him if he just brushed off the text he got from her. 
“She apologized for the whole thing and that she felt like it was karma for treating me the way she did. She also told me that she missed you and that she was sorry. That was right before you came in,” Kevin explains.
It was silent for a while, you trying to wrap your head what he had just told you but Kevin must have mistook your silence for something else because he soon started to speak again, letting out his next few words like they were a secret. 
“You know, after you left, I told her I forgave her because, in the end, it brought me to you. I’d go through what happened a hundred times again if it meant I got to have you in the end, I know you might still be angry at me, but I just feel like I had to tell you that.”
You immediately softened after Kevin’s confession, resisting the urge from not explaining your side of the story and simply kissing him so he could understand just how much you loved him. 
“Kevin,” You begin. “I was never angry at you. I was just upset because hiding things isn’t like us. I thought we told each other everything and I just expected you to tell me this too, especially since she texted you.” You explain, sighing. 
“I know, it was dumb of me to keep this from you, but I know you don’t like it when she’s brought up so I thought that I would just see what she wants on my own.”
“You never have to do anything on your own, Kevin. It’s us till the end,” You softly smile, pushing yourself a little closer to him so you could wrap your arms around his stomach and put your head to his chest. 
“Yeah, us till the end,” Kevin whispers, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
a/n my first requested post !! thank you so much for requesting anon <3 it’s not my favorite but it’s all i could think of :(
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kpoptionate · 5 years
request + Can you do an the boyz Eric reaction to his idol gf hitting highnotes easily and being overall a well rounded idol? Uwu ty
eric actually had the BIGGEST crush on you before y’all started going out
like,,,,any time he saw you on screen it was all butterflies n giggles n teasing from his members not that it isn’t still like that
but he didn’t just like you bc he thought you were cute or he rly liked ur personality
which he does, of course, but in work terms you were his inspiration
you were the idol he looked up to because you were just so talented and perfect
and to say he’s proud of you being his gf and still almost doesn’t fully realize your his is an understatement
just like,,,,wow,,,,,all that ass talent is his gf,,,,,,,,,,y’all can’t relate
you’re doing a live with another one of your members
so ofc eric’s watching
ay’all just have music playing in the background, occasionally singing or dancing when you know the part
even though you’re not putting in as much effort or taking it as seriously as you do on stage,
the small, goofy movements are still so mesmerizing to him that he can’t take his eyes off you the entire time
and you can guarantee there’s a big ass grin on his face too
at one point simon says plays and you and your member are goofing around tryna do the choreo cs that shits kinda hard no cap
but when the bridge comes you just sit down and start singing
in a higher key taeil vocal legend
not only is your member impressed even though she hears you sing every freaking day
but eric is absolutely taken aback
that part is already so high ? ? yet you managed to sing it perfectly even h i g h e r ???22?2?22?2?2?2
he didn’t think your voice could get any more beautiful than it is
he watches the rest of the live with the fattest smile cs that’s his gf y’all
when it’s over he most definitely goes back to screen record it and show off to the rest of the guys
and the next time he sees you he DEFINITELY brings it up
doesn’t stop praising you or telling you how much he loved it and how much of an amazing singer you are o(≧▽≦)o
also expect him to play songs with a high vocal range so he can hear your voice again bc he thinks it goes mf crazy dude
pls sing for him tho he loves u >.<
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juhakx · 4 years
Jeju Island- Juhaknyeon
Genre: Friends to Lovers, Angst, Tooth-rotting fluff at the end
Word Count: 1320
“Come with me to Jeju,” Were the words Haknyeon had whispered one night in your apartment when it was too late to be awake but too early to get out of bed. It seemed like the words had been lingering on his tongue for the entire night and when he finally said it, it was like he exhaled for the first time that day.
The answer had been yes but as you were on the plane to Jeju Island with Haknyeon by your side, your leg wouldn’t stop shaking and the butterflies in your stomach swirled at a faster pace than you expected. 
“It’s odd right?” You asked Kevin over the phone, three days ago, as you were regretting your life decisions. “It’s odd to invite your friend slash something more yet not your girlfriend to your farm in Jeju to meet your mom?”
Kevin had chuckled on the other end, biting into a carrot as Changmin screamed at Sunwoo in the background about misplacing his shoes. “It’s a bit odd considering not many of us have seen where he was brought up but I’m like 99% sure he’s in love with you so what did you expect?”
The words lingered in your head as you got off the plane and as you drove in the taxi to Haknyeon’s farm and even when you prepared to meet his mom. 
If you were strictly his friend or girlfriend, it would’ve made sense for you to visit his hometown, however, you were in a weird limbo of somewhere in between and had been like that for at least a month. It was the same routine that began one day when Haknyeon slept over at your apartment, something he did when he didn’t have a schedule early the next morning. He had called your name out to ask if you were sleeping but it was nearly impossible when your heart was beating erratically at the proximity of Haknyeon which was how his heart was as well whenever he was near you.
“Y/N,” He asked one more time when you didn’t respond the first time. This time you hummed back, wondering what he wanted at nearly three in the morning. Most nights you had your emotional talks earlier, reserving anything later than midnight for sleep, or pretending to be asleep in your case. When you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned around only to be met with Haknyeon’s lips colliding into yours.
You never strayed any further, kissing each other only in the depths of the night when it felt like no one was awake but the two of you. You waited for Haknyeon to say anything to indicate that he wanted to be something more, but he never did, so you never did either, because then that would be weird. Right?
Kevin’s words struck you the wrong way because if Haknyeon loved you, as in if Haknyeon felt the same way you did, he had a bad way of showing it. The only indication he had made of wanting you as more than a friend would be the secret kisses you shared in the dark with him. 
“I’ve heard so much about you!” Haknyeon’s mother said, excitedly taking the flowers out of your hand that you had bought for her. No matter how confused and irritated Haknyeon’s mixed emotions made you, that didn’t mean you would show up empty-handed to his mother’s house. 
She’s heard so much about me? You questioned, however, you didn’t have much time to ponder upon it because she soon dragged you into the kitchen to show you what she prepared for dinner.
She talked nonstop that night. It was fun hearing childhood stories of what Haknyeon was like as a kid and although he blushed furiously everytime she spoke of his odd habits as a child, Haknyeon seemed to be having fun. 
Haknyeon’s mother had a child-like excitement in her words when she told a story and she dotingly repeatedly offered you food even after you assured her you were full, eating almost as much as Haknyeon did, but you knew the gesture meant she was caring for you.
That’s when you decided that Haknyeon was a lot like his mother.
“Haknyeon, take her suitcase like a good boy!” Haknyeon’s mother had scolded, watching Haknyeon drag his suitcase to his room. 
“I will when I set these down,” He had affirmed, not arguing with her, however, you knew he would have fought with you if you had tried to take it anyway. 
“Tomorrow, I’ll show you the pigs,” Haknyeon smiled, falling onto the mattress. You were sharing a room with him, but there were two rooms in the bed. Haknyeon had spoken with his mother about the sleeping arrangements without you but you were fine with them considering you guys had done more than share a room. 
“I look forward to it,” You said with toothpaste in your mouth. The bathroom connected to the room was nice because as you got ready for the night, you could also observe Haknyeon when he wasn’t looking, a secret he didn’t need to know about. 
Haknyeon was silent as you spit the toothpaste out and he was also silent when you washed your face and he continued to be silent as you moved the comforter out of the way to get into bed.
“Penny for your thoughts?” You asked, curious. Haknyeon simply shaked his head, a light smile on his face.
“Nickel for yours?” 
Though you turned the lights off before you got into bed, you regretted the decision knowing there was courage in the darkness. 
I’m like 99% sure he’s in love with you.
“Hak,” You called out after a few moments of silence. “What are we?”
“What are we?” Haknyeon had repeated in a whisper. You knew he understood the question so you remained silent, waiting for his response. It was now or never. 
“Well,” Haknyeon clears his throat. “To me, we’re not friends, right?”
You feel your heart drop to your chest when the words escape his lips. 
“You know me better than I know myself. When I’m with you, I feel secure and protected. When I get sad, you’re the first voice I want to hear. When you’re near me, I feel complete but when you leave, I feel my heart begin to break,” Haknyeon was speaking barely over a whisper and his breath was shaky making you feel that maybe, just maybe this was going where you wanted it to.
You were shocked at his words and you racked your brain for a response, not understanding if this was Haknyeon’s way of saying he felt the same way you did. When you heard him get up, you realized that he wasn’t done yet. 
He took his usual spot on the bed, the left side, and immediately reached for you. Though it was dark, the tiny bit of moonlight seeping through the window made it possible for Haknyeon to see the outline of your face. As his hand cupped your face, you closed your eyes, finding warmth in the familiarity that was Haknyeon. 
“I think we’re more than just friends. Soulmates, maybe?” He mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before pulling you closer so your head was on his chest. 
You don’t know how you didn’t notice it any other time, but his words were quickly proven true when you felt his heart beating at the same speed as yours. 
“I love you, Haknyeon. More than a friend. More like a soulmate,” You whispered. Although you knew you wouldn’t be able to see his reaction, your eyes were shut tight in fear.
You feel him press another kiss to your face, except this one on the side of your head. “Oh Y/N, I’ve loved you for years. My heart was always yours. In my last life, this life, and the next.”
tooth-rotting haknyeon content as i tend to supply u guys with :) requests are open, please force me to write for someone other than haknyeon LOL
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juhakx · 4 years
Ruined Flowers- Juhaknyeon
Genre: Fluff, Best friends to lovers
Word Count: 2025
“C’mon, c’mon! We’re going to miss it!” Eric shouted, tugging you along the crowd of people who were standing by the front entrance. 
The flowers in your hand were starting to fall apart, but there were more important things for you to worry about, so you didn’t think twice as the white petals fell to the ground one by one. You walked as fast as you could, already being warned by a security guard that running wasn’t allowed inside the building. 
When you finally entered the stadium, your eyes scanned the room as you searched for bright, red hair. 
“There! There!” Eric whispered, tugging at your sleeve and pointing to the boy with a scowl on his face as he noticed the latecomers. Though the ceremony was well over halfway done, there were still two seats saved next to the glaring teenager. 
“Took you guys long enough, they’re already on J,” Sunwoo muttered as you took a seat next to him, Eric on the other side of you. 
“Well, we had to get flowers! And Eric forgot his yearbook in the car after we already started walking, so we had to turn back and get it,” You explain, however, your eyes were searching for someone on the ground floor of the stadium.
“Fuck! I knew I was forgetting something,” Sunwoo cursed, tilting his head up. Eric let out a giggle at Sunwoo’s annoyance, causing Sunwoo to reach over you and smack Eric upside the head. 
As Eric prepared for his attack, you notice the name on the screen and immediately sit up, your attention on the ceremony in front of you. “Guys, stop! He’s next!”
Sunwoo and Eric immediately put aside their differences and focused on the stage as the familiar name boomed throughout the stadium.
“Ju Haknyeon. President of the debate team and member of the dance team, graduating with a perfect grade point average! Congratulations.”
As soon as his introduction was over, the three of you jumped from your seats to cheer on the upperclassman.
“Yeah! That’s my best friend!”
“Go Haknyeon!”
Cheers littered the stadium, some of his friends from his grade cheering along with his family who were seated a few rows below you. 
You waved your hands in the air, forgetting the flowers that were in your hand, resulting in the few petals that were left on the flowers to fall on the cemented ground. 
You scratched the back of your head as you gazed at the ground in embarrassment. 
“You have got to be kidding me,” Sunwoo mumbles, pulling your hand to force you to sit down as they called the next name. “I can not take you anywhere.”
The rest of the ceremony went by quickly, much of it being Eric whispering his opinions about the graduating class into your ear as you tried to collect every petal on the floor and put it back in the flower bouquet. 
When the ceremony ended, the three of you followed Haknyeon’s family out of the venue to meet up with him. 
His mother hugged him first, tears spilling out of her eyes. Haknyeon smiled down at her, questioning her sentimentality. 
A light smile decorated your face as you watched him interact with his family. It was hard not to admire the guy you were undoubtedly in love with as he laughed with his sisters and relatives. 
Although being underclassmen, Sunwoo, Eric, Haknyeon, and you have been best friends since you were children. You guys met in daycare, and in the funny way fate worked, your moms became friends, and the rest was history. 
However, much to your demise, you had just recently fallen for Haknyeon, not realizing you were in love with your best friend until Eric pointed it out one night. It was too late for anything to happen, anyway, considering Haknyeon was going off to college after summer. 
“Hey, lovebird, let’s go,” Eric waved his hand in your face, snapping you out of your gaze. You scowled at the boy as he laughed, Sunwoo lightly shaking his head at his antics before walking towards Haknyeon. 
“Congratulations you old man!” Eric shouted, wrapping Haknyeon into a hug. Haknyeon laughed in return, lightly hitting the back of his head at the insult. 
When Sunwoo and Eric finally moved out of the way, you extended your arm out, offering Haknyeon the now-ruined flowers. 
Haknyeon merely laughs at the state of the flowers, however, he thanks you nonetheless. “How did you know I liked my flowers torn apart!”
You shook your head in response, playfully pushing him to the side with your now free hand. “I went through a lot of trouble to get those for you, so you better enjoy them.”
Suddenly noticing the disappearance of Sunwoo and Eric, you turn your head to find the two boys. 
“They’re talking to my sisters,” Haknyeon replies, somehow already knowing what you were looking for before you could even verbalize it. 
The two of you laugh as you watch Haknyeon’s younger sister grab the yearbook in Eric’s hand and lightly hit him atop the head with it. 
“Probably deserved it,” You laugh, turning your attention back to Haknyeon. “Oh, that reminds me! Can you sign my yearbook? I know we usually don’t do stuff like this, but it’s your last year, so I thought better now than never.”
You extend your yearbook out to Haknyeon, a pen clipped on top of it so Haknyeon could be the first to write whatever he wanted in the book.
Haknyeon looks down at the yearbook, a small frown on his face. “No,” He adamantly says, shaking his head. 
“What?” You question, your eyebrows furrowing at his denial. 
His frown only deepens as he looks back at you and slightly pushes the yearbook away from him as if he was warding it off. 
“I’m not signing it,” He states again.
“Why?” You look up at Haknyeon in bewilderment. You felt lines form between your eyebrows as you tilted your head to the side. 
“Because,” He starts, pausing to think about how he wanted to word his sentence. “Because only people who are going to part ways sign yearbooks, and we’re not doing that.”
Your heart clenches at Haknyeon’s words, and though you had already decided against it, your eyes begin to water thinking about Haknyeon leaving you behind.
“We’re never going to do that,” Haknyeon affirms, a serious look on his face. You could’ve sworn you hadn’t seen Haknyeon this serious in years.
When you feel the first tear roll down your face, you lean your forehead on Haknyeon’s chest, not wanting him to see how upset you were. 
“Hey,” Haknyeon wraps his arms around you, the bouquet going back to its original state as the petals fall on the floor once again. “Don’t cry. I’m not going to leave you, ever.”
You nod your head, knowing that although he couldn’t see you, he could feel your head against his chest. However, what he didn’t know was the double meaning behind your tears as you tried to calm yourself down. 
“Yah! You made her cry?” You hear Eric exclaim as you hear him walk closer to you. Soon, another pair of arms wrap around you and then another. You assume them to be Eric and Sunwoo, and your beliefs are affirmed as someone whispers in your ear. 
“C’mon, don’t cry,” Sunwoo soothingly says into your ear, patting your head with his hand. 
As you pull away from Haknyeon’s chest, you miss the knowing looks exchanged between the three boys. 
When Haknyeon’s family urged the four of you to get ice cream after the dinner you all had commencing Haknyeon’s graduation, you couldn’t help but find it suspicious that Sunwoo and Eric declined the offer. 
“C’mon, it’s on me!” You urged, not wanting the boys to feel left out. 
“Well, if they don’t feel well because they ate too much, you can’t force them to go,” Haknyeon rebuttals, almost as if he was arguing with you. 
“I-” You furrow your eyebrows at his behavior. “Ok, well, we can always go another time.”
You begin to get up from your seat at the restaurant, the four of you being the only people left after Haknyeon’s family left. 
“No!” Eric and Sunwoo shout simultaneously, their eyes wide. The two must have noticed their weird behavior as Sunwoo quickly clears his throat and fixes his composure. 
“I mean, Haknyeon graduated today! You have to treat him, or else it’s bad luck.”
Though Sunwoo’s logic didn’t seem to be, well, logical, you still found yourself walking along the sidewalk with a vanilla ice cream cone in your hand with Haknyeon next to you. 
It was oddly quiet between the two of you, the atmosphere still stiff from the interaction earlier today. 
“I- I have something to say,” Haknyeon finally says after a few more moments of silence. 
“It looks like you were in your head ever since we left Sunwoo and Eric. What’s up?”  You ask, questioning Haknyeon’s odd behavior. 
“I,” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t know how I ate that entire cone, I wasn’t even hungry, and my stomach has been hurting this entire time.”
You stare at Haknyeon for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter at his admittance. “Haknyeon, if your stomach hurts then you shouldn’t have eaten it. I told you we could’ve done this another day.”
Haknyeon meekly smiles before walking again, staring at the ground as he does. Though Haknyeon confessed, you couldn’t help but feel like there was something else he wasn’t telling you. 
You were only able to take one more bite of your ice cream before he spoke again. 
“I like you,” Haknyeon stops in his tracks as he blurts out the statement. Not registering his words, you take a few more steps forward, but immediately stop as his sentence registers. You abruptly turn around to face Haknyeon. 
“What?” You whisper, not wanting to take his words the wrong way. 
“I like you, like, I want to hold your hand and kiss you and tell you that I like you, every day,” Haknyeon rambles, his eyes wide as if he couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. 
You shake your head in disbelief, the words not seeming true. “This isn’t funny, Hak. If Sunwoo or Eric put you up to this then-”
Your words get cut off as Haknyeon takes two long strides to get to you before tugging at your shirt to pull you closer and smashing his lips against yours. 
The ice cream in your hand is long forgotten as you drop it onto the ground to cup Haknyeon’s face. 
The kiss was short, yet passionate, as if this was the last time his lips would ever be on yours. There were no fireworks like they say in the movies, but it was just him, everywhere. 
You pull away first, getting dizzy from the entire situation and feeling the erupting butterflies in your stomach. You take a few seconds to catch your breath as Haknyeon does too, lightly heaving.
“I,” Haknyeon takes a breath of air. “I forgot we were in public.”
A small laugh escapes your mouth, and as soon as Haknyeon sees your reaction, he smiles too. When you take another step away from Haknyeon, you hear your shoe step on something as a loud crunch rings. 
“My ice cream!” You exclaim, stepping away from the puddle and hitting your back against Haknyeon’s chest. 
“Tomorrow. Tomorrow I’ll buy you a new one,” He affirms, placing a light kiss to the side of your head before taking your hand in his and lightly pulling you to start walking again. 
“It’s a date,” You reply, a dimpled-smile and a light blush overtaking your cheeks as you stare at the ground. 
“That was the plan,” Haknyeon says, a similar smile on his face. 
And at that moment in time, it didn’t matter whether Haknyeon was going off to college because he wasn’t planning on letting you go anytime soon, no matter how many dropped ice creams and ruined flowers he had to endure. 
i love haknyeon, that’s kinda all... also cameos by eric and sunwoo are inspired by how i would visualize them to be if we were besties in high school
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juhakx · 4 years
Angels & Demons- Eric Sohn
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 643
Your mind strays elsewhere in the middle of the movie, a sudden thought intruding your mind. 
“Eric!” You shout, causing the boy next to you to jump in place. 
“Aish!” Eric yelps. He glares at you, lightly pushing you away and whining. “Don’t do that!”
The movie moves on from the intense scene, the girlfriend in Paranormal Activity not finding any peace from the demon that was following her. 
“I had the best idea,” You claim, moving away from leaning up against him to look at him. He was still spooked from the movie, jittery eyes following your every movement, and you couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at how easily Eric got scared.
“Just because you like horror movies does not mean you can scare me like that,” He pouts, crossing his arms over his body. 
“I’m sorry,” You giggle, poking his cheek in retaliation. “I just had a really good costume idea for Halloween.”
Eric becomes more interested in the conversation now, realizing that the holiday was only two days away, and the two of you had yet to come up with costumes. “What?” He asks. 
“What if we do matching costumes,” You reason, watching his face for any indication that he was pleased by the idea. The ideas mentioned before all seemed to be a fail because Eric didn’t want to be a baseball player three years in a row, and you had no creative bone in your body. 
“I mean,” He ponders, thinking of matching costumes that weren’t too abnormal. “I’m surprised we didn’t think of doing couples costumes earlier, what were you thinking?”
A scream emits from the screen causing Eric to look back for a second before jolting back to you, terror evident in his eyes. “Bad idea,” He whispers.
“I was thinking,” You continue. “What if you be my boyfriend for Halloween, and I be your girlfriend.”
Eric’s face morphs into disgust, backing away as if you had come up with the worst suggestion he could think of.
“We’re literally already dating,” He scoffs, rubbing his forehead like he had a headache. 
“I know, but it was a good pickup line, right?” You grin, popping another piece of Hi-Chew in your mouth. 
“I really question why I’m dating you sometimes,” He sighs, turning his attention back to the screen. As soon as he does, the main character in the movie gets dragged from her bed by an invisible figure, causing Eric to immediately shout and hide into your side. 
“Probably because I’m the only one who’ll watch horror movies with you,” You say, groaning as you feel your side begin to ache from his tight grip.
Eric shakes his head, glancing over your shoulder to look at the screen. “Changmin will watch them with me,” He reasons, eyes fixated on the scene in front of him. 
“Okay, then go date Changmin then,” You scoff. You try to pry his arms off of you, only to be pulled into him more, practically sitting in his lap. 
“Nah, I’m good,” He whispers, placing a light kiss on your neck before turning to look at you. “Everyone needs their guardian angel with them to protect them from demons.”
You can’t help the heat that arises on your cheeks, the sudden change in his behavior causing you to become flustered. 
“Yeah, well, you are the demon,” You playfully mutter, locking your arms around his neck and snuggling into him- the sudden drowsiness hitting you after your change in position. 
“I’m your demon,” He reasons, kissing your forehead before grabbing the remote in his hand and turning off the television. A smile emerges on your face as you shut your eyes, Eric’s heartbeat lulling you to sleep. Even if you couldn’t come up with a Halloween costume, at least you had your very own demon angel by your side.
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