ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz Masterlist
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Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty (end)
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prettyboysun · 2 years
boyfriend, girlfriend
ksw x y/n, university au, some summer romance bullshit  heavily inspired by carwash’s song: boyfriend, girlfriend
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“hurry up y/n, it feels great!”  “yeah!” your friends yelled encouragements at you. you stood there tense, palms pressed against the side of your thighs, trying not to ball your fists up nervously. you glanced down to see everyone happily residing in the water before quickly looking up and stepping back in fear of the sheer height of the distance. cliff diving. something you’ve always wanted to do but surely you greatly overestimated your limits. now you were wondering why your friends decided to trust eric so easily when he said he “knew a spot.”  “c’mon, we’ll jump together.” you hadn't noticed sunwoo was one of the last to jump off the cliff. you also hadn't noticed how his arm was wrapped around your lower back, hands gently holding your waist. you met his gaze, to which he had a reassuring smile on his face.  your cheeks began heating up as you stared into his eyes. his hands felt warm on you. you looked away hoping he’d think it was from the heat of the summer. now your heart wasn't beating fast in fear, but because of sunwoo. you swallowed your nerves and gave a small smile back to him. “yeah, let’s go.”  his hand now held yours. you laughed at the sheer absurdity of things and laughed at how ridiculous it was that you could trust sunwoo so easily.  you followed his steps back, ready to jump.  “1...2...3!”  you remember yelling not out of fear, but out of happiness--and sunwoo yelled with you. you felt so alive.                                                                ✵ ✵ ✵ kim sunwoo. you heard it everywhere, everyday; much to your dismay, your thoughts were filled with him. after your friend groups happened to randomly merge together during summer, it’s like your world revolved around him. is there a reason why you keep crossing paths with him?                                                             ✵ ✵ ✵
omg new fanfic grrrrrr. chapters will be kinda long and my uploads will be inconsistent lol. but I'm so excited to write this and I hope you guys will enjoy it!
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juhakx · 4 years
Sketchbooks and Soccer Players- Kim Sunwoo
Genre: Fluff with mild cursing, Soccerplayer!Sunwoo / Artist!Y/N (gender neutral), Slight couple Moonbae because why not
Word Count: 2263
"Y/N!" You hear someone shout, causing you to jump up slightly and release the pencil that was in your hand. "I've been calling your name for like five minutes! You know I can't go inside the art room without Mrs. Park's permission."
"Sorry, Kev, I guess I got too wrapped up in my piece," You chuckle, quickly closing your sketchbook and packing up your things so he wouldn't have to wait on you any longer. Tossing your bag over your shoulder, you jog up to Kevin and greet him. 
"How was your day?" You ask, taking out the lollipop you had stored in your pocket and unwrapping it before placing it in your mouth. 
"Raspberry this time?" He asks. "Also, today was okay before I shouted at my best friend so we could go home, but they ignored me and proceeded to doodle in their notebook. Let me just tell you, it made me feel like I was as worthless as the p in raspberry. What were you drawing that had you so engrossed, anyway?" 
Kevin pushed the school doors, and you made your way to his car as you recounted how much of a luxury it was that your best friend was also your neighbor. 
"You know, just someone," You mumble, putting on your seatbelt. 
"Someone? You don't normally draw people. Is your obsession with Lee Dongwook getting so extreme that you started drawing him?" Kevin giggles, thinking back to your avid Viki sessions of watching Goblin and Tale of the Nine-Tailed together. 
"No, I'm not that weird," You laugh, lightly shoving him to the side. 
"So, who is it?"
Your mind drifts back to yesterday, the day of the encounter. Sceneries: Forests, mountains, valleys. That was more of your expertise when it came to art, however, nothing was as scenic as the boy you met yesterday. 
Kim Sunwoo. Everyone knew him. Everyone wanted to date or be him, there was no in-between. You didn't think much about the kid before because your paths never clashed, not until yesterday. 
"Woah, I'm so sorry!" He said, his chest heaving from running from the direction of the soccer field. 
"Oh, you're fine!" You replied, picking up your sketchbook that fell out of your hands. You were just about to enter the art room, the safe haven where you would draw until Kevin was done with choir practice. 
"Y/N, right?" Sunwoo asked. You couldn't help but remember the shocked look on your face when he knew who you were. 
"Yeah, Y/N," You replied. 
"Y/N," He had repeated, this time with a small smile on his face. It was the most beautiful way you had ever heard your name said, to a point where you swore you heard it echoing in your head right now. 
“Y/N, we're here you weirdo, snap out of it," Kevin shrieked, smacking your arm to get you out of your daze. 
"Oh shit," You mumbled, realizing that you were no longer in the school parking lot and instead at your house. 
"You zoned out for like ten minutes after I asked you who you were drawing. Is everything okay? Are the paint fumes getting to your head?" He mocked. 
"No, just thinking. Anyway, you were right earlier. I wanted to try drawing people, so I was like go big or go home and started sketching Dongwook's face today," You reason. No one needed to know that the only thing running through your head was Kim Sunwoo on repeat, even when you saw him passing by the art room once again.
And that's how the next week passed. You continued your sketch of Sunwoo, trying your best to remember exactly what his face looked like up close. However, he continued to pass by the art room every day, just close enough for you to recognize the familiar tan skin and soccer uniform. Though you never made eye contact with him, you knew when he passed by, your eyes catching the movement across the room every time. 
"Aish," You groaned out, erasing his eyes for what felt like the fifteenth time that afternoon. 
"Everything alright in there?" You heard a familiar voice say, causing you to look up from the drawing. Upon seeing his face, you immediately close your sketchbook. 
"Sunwoo!" You exclaim, half in fear and half in genuine excitement. 
"The one and only," He laughs. "I heard you from outside, are you okay?"
There was worry in Sunwoo's voice, causing your heart to clench. "Yeah, I just suck at drawing," You chuckle. 
"Oh, I doubt that. You're always in here, so there must be some artistic bone in your body," He reassures you. 
You sit there in silence for a moment before Sunwoo's eyes widen, and he begins to shake his head from side to side. "Not that- not that I've been watching you or anything, I just like to pass by the art room now cause I always see you in here. Wait, that sounds weird. I don't just come to see you, but you're just always working really hard, and it's really admirable to see you and you look really nice when you draw. Not that you don't look nice any other time! But also the only time I've ever really seen you is in the art room, so I guess I really don't know what you look like any other time. Not that I wouldn't be opposed to it! I just-" Sunwoo heaves, letting out a heavy sigh before standing there with his head in his hands. 
"Sunwoo, calm down!" You giggle. "I mean, I noticed that you were passing by too, and I glance every time whether you notice it or not. The soccer uniform really suits you," You compliment. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, his sudden outburst making you want to laugh and cry at the same time. 
"Oh, this?" He says, looking down at his jersey. "This is nothing, I would much rather be good at art than soccer."
"You? You're not just good at soccer, you're freaking great. I mean, you've been on varsity since freshman year," You exasperate. A small smile breaks out on Sunwoo's face once he hears a small fact of his life slip from your mouth. 
"Oh shit, speaking of soccer," Sunwoo mumbles, glancing at the clock that was inside the art teacher's room. "I gotta go. I forgot that break was only five minutes. It was really fun talking to you Y/N. Good luck with your drawing!" 
Before you could even say goodbye back, he ran back to the direction he came from.
"Was that Kim Sunwoo?" Kevin says, appearing in front of the doorway from out of nowhere. 
"Don't ask," You breathe out, still breathless from the interaction you just had. "Did choir practice end early today?"
"Yeah, you know Jacob Bae?"
"Brown hair, super cute, part of the basketball team?" You ask, wondering if he was talking about the same guy that was in your calculus class. As you await his answer, you pack up your supplies for the day, leaving the portrait of Sunwoo incomplete for yet another day. 
"Super cute? That man is like jacked. I fell in love with him as soon as he walked into the room. Anyways, apparently, the choir teacher has been trying to recruit him for like two years, and he finally came by to audition. Mr. Lee kicked us out right away and told us we were done for the day.”
"Oh my god, I hope he joins! Maybe you could finally get a boyfriend," You tease, making your way towards Kevin's car. 
"Yeah, well, you aren't much better, sketching Dongwook’s face for the past two weeks."
"Right, Dongwook," You mutter. 
It was truly ironic that the amount of time Kevin thought you were thinking about the famous Korean actor, Lee Dongwook, was actually devoted to Sunwoo. Even after talking to him daily when he passed by the art room, you were still just as enamored by him. 
"Long time no see," Sunwoo smiles, swinging his body across the doorframe. 
"You're right," You look up to see the familiar face that you had quickly grown to love. "It's been a very long 24 hours."
“And how is my favorite artist doing?” Sunwoo asks, making his way over to you. You admire the soccer player, slight sweat beading against his forehead, and his face flushed from the heat outside. 
“You know, you’re not supposed to be in here without Mrs. Park’s permission,” You say, knowing that if the teacher found him in here, he would get in trouble. You wait for a witty response back, but you soon find Sunwoo squinting past your shoulder and looking at something. 
"I- Is that me?" Sunwoo whispers. 
Your head whips back to the sketchbook that you had forgotten to close, Sunwoo’s half-colored face on display for him to see. You shoot up from your chair, hoping that you could somehow fix this, but as you stand up, Sunwoo takes a seat next to the drawing, moving the sketchbook closer so he could examine it. 
"I mean," You strain, wanting to burst into tears right then and there. You were finally getting to know Sunwoo and becoming friends with him, and now he was going to think you were a creep, an absolute loser. "I mean yes, but it's not done yet. I still have to color like half your face. Don't be weirded out, please. I don't really draw people, but when I saw you, I thought I just had to. I'm sorry if you think it's weird, I'll scrap it. I promise," You ramble. 
You glance at Sunwoo from the corner of your eye, but he continues to look at the sketch you made of him. You couldn't tell how he felt from his reaction, the only expression he was making was a look of ponderance. 
"I- You know what," You begin to say, getting up from your seat and reaching for the sketchbook. You pull at the perforation of the page, beginning to tear it out. "I'll actually just get rid of it. It's weird, and I'm really sorry-"
Sunwoo grabs your hand before you can tear it off completely, an exclamation leaving his mouth. "No!"
"What?" You whisper underneath your breath. 
"I love it. You're really talented Y/N," He looks up at you from underneath his eyelashes. A soft smile played on his lips. 
"But, isn't it weird?" You ask, confusion laced in your words. 
"I mean, I passed by the art room every day for three weeks just so I could look at you for a little bit. Every time I passed by, I debated with myself on whether or not I should ask you out. If anyone's the weird one, it's me," He confesses.
The room is silent for a few more seconds, your brain whirring at what felt like a million miles per hour. 
“I didn’t think anyone saw me like this,” Sunwoo says, a soft smile on his face as he traces his drawn eyes with his fingers. 
“What do you mean?” You whisper. “Everyone sees you like that.”
“Not like,” Sunwoo breaths out, his eyes glimmering with something you couldn’t quite place. “Not like this.” 
“Do you think, I don’t know, maybe you’d wanna see me outside of this place? Cause I really fucking like you, and I hope you do too considering you drew me like I hung the stars in the sky,” Sunwoo says, turning to face you. 
You break out into a wide smile, relief flushing through you. 
“Silly, you couldn’t have hung the stars in the sky,” You sigh, reaching down and brushing the hair that was covering his eyes out of the way. “They’re all in your eyes.”
Sunwoo lets out a breathy laugh at the cheesy line before closing the sketchbook and placing it underneath his arm. No matter how hard he denied it though, a light blush littered his cheeks. 
“C’mon, we’re skipping soccer practice,” Sunwoo holds onto your hand and drags you out of the room while you struggle to get your backpack and throw it over your shoulder in time. 
“Sunwoo!” You laugh, trailing behind him as he pulled you all the way outside of the school and to your first unofficial, official date. 
The local art museum. 
“What the fuck?” Kevin mutters, finding an empty art room with colored pencils scattered where you would usually sit. 
“Maybe they were drawing so hard that they turned into the colored pencils,” Jacob says, peeking into the room. 
“They probably went out with Sunwoo, I had a feeling something was up with them anyway. They tried to convince me they were drawing Dongwook from Goblin, but I don’t think they know that I look at their sketchbook when they get snacks at their house,” Kevin shrugs.
“Dongwook? What an attractive man,” Jacob mumbles, staring into space.
“But not as hot as me, right?” Kevin jokes, turning back around to leave. He was excited to introduce you to Jacob, but it seems like there was something else on fate’s agenda.
“Oh, never. Actually, since Y/N is busy with their lover, want to go to this coffee place I really like? It’s on me,” Jacob says, throwing a wink in Kevin's direction. 
“What? No, I couldn’t do that,” Kevin refuses, a blush overtaking his face. 
“Nonsense, it’s a date,” Jacob affirms, dragging Kevin out of the very doors Sunwoo pulled Y/N earlier. 
a/n i had too much fun with this... and can u tell i love lee dongwook, because i do.
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faiirybread · 4 years
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too much;; eric sohn
alternate title: fuck off, your making my heart flutter
ex-boyfriend eric!
you click off your phone and sigh. why does your heart hurt? it’s been years since you dated, why is it still feeling like this?
eric obviously doesn’t like you back, he’s always talking about some mystery girl.
so why won’t your heart just shut up?
it’s all still too much.
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twomoonskz · 4 years
hello, friends :)
this is a new writing blog dedicated to writing things to fulfill your mind as a stay or any other fandom too <3
the main groups i write for are:
stray kids
the boyz
golden child
nct dream
this is because the members of these groups are closest to my age and i feel most comfortable writing smut for people around my age ( who are legal ofc ).
but don’t be scared to ask for other groups too because i also write for:
monsta x
nct 127/ u
red velvet
i hope you’ll request whatever is on your mind, and i hope you enjoy my writings ! :)
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cheekpockets-q · 6 years
Jealousy // The Boyz
genre: fluff/jealousy
word count: about 450 per member
pairing: Sangyeon x reader, Jacob x reader, Hwall x reader, Sunwoo x reader
summary: the members start to get jealous when you’re around another member
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You’ve never seen Sangyeon extremely upset over anything. At most, you’ve seen him get frustrated with the younger boys, but never anything less than jokes. He took especially good care of the younger boys, making sure their voices were heard amongst the older members. Thus, you found it somewhat weird when he would continuously push Eric out of the discussion. It started about a week ago when you were first introduced to the rest of the boys, and Eric was the first one to introduce himself. From then on, your bond with Eric continued, but so did Sangyeon’s jealousy. Sangyeon would always see you either running around the park or playing baseball together. You and Eric started to have multiple inside jokes. You would both often tease Sangyeon about how old he was, or that he wouldn’t understand because he’s old. Although Sangyeon’s humor could most often match Eric’s, he knew that Eric’s overwhelmingly positive attitude was surpassable. Also, Eric had one quality that Sangyeon didn’t, which was his age. Eric’s excitement always spread to everyone, especially you. Sangyeon, although being the older one, didn’t want to admit his silly feelings of jealousy to you. Thus, he would sometimes choose to ignore Eric or not give him attention. From that day, Eric would often come to you saying that Sangyeon doesn’t like him anymore and that he wonders what he did wrong. Concerned for both of the boys, you would confront Sangyeon. When he’d open his door, he would know exactly what you wanted to talk about, and he would let you in wordlessly. You’d both sit down on his bed, and he’d put his hands on his knees, pursing his lips together to ready himself to admit his jealousy.
Sangyeon: “You don’t need to tell me, Y/N… I know what this is about. Eric will always be like my little brother to me, but I just knew that he would take you away from me… It’s not even that big of a deal, but… you’re a big deal to me.”
He’d let out a long sigh as he let the truth out, but you got closer and rubbed his knee.
Y/N: “Eric is like my little brother too, Sangyeon. We’re close, but that doesn’t mean in the slightest that I’m going to leave you.”
Sangyeon would let out a chuckle, and reach up to rub the top of your head.
Sangyeon: “Oh, Y/N… you’re truly such an angel.”
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Jacob was always the one who would think of others before him, thus he always treated you with the utmost respect and love. He was always careful of how you were. Even when you were pushed the slightest bit, he’d ask if you were okay or if you were hurt. Thus, when he saw you and Juyeon getting close over time, he would continuously be protective of you and slightly jealous. Juyeon would always tease you and mess with you. During dance practices, Juyeon would always push you or try to trip you when learning the dance, and you would both laugh about it and try to get each other back. Juyeon would also sometimes lift you or toss you around, saying you were like a little puppy. Jacob always thought it was too much, but his feelings only increased when Juyeon invited you to play basketball with him. Jacob knew that Juyeon would push you around even more, but it would be more dangerous because you could get seriously hurt with the basketball. Thus, Jacob would always try to come along to play basketball as well. Whenever Juyeon would try to pass you the ball, Jacob would steal it away and score the point himself. It began to annoy you more and more because it felt like you were no longer playing and Jacob just wanted to show off. Eventually, you felt very defeated and exhausted trying to get around Jacob, so you simply left without saying a word. When Jacob came back from a water break, he would ask Juyeon where you went. Juyeon would tell Jacob directly that you were annoyed with him, and that you didn’t want to play with him anymore. Realizing his mistake, Jacob would run home and catch your wrist right as you were getting into the dorm.
Jacob: “Y/N, I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t want to make you feel annoyed or left out or anything like that. I-I just… I felt like Juyeon was being too aggressive with you! I didn’t want him to hurt you or hold you or anything! I always get so worried about you…”
Y/N: “I’m not going to get hurt, Jacob! Juyeon wouldn’t hurt me intentionally, and we only do that playfully. Please, don’t get worried, Jacob. I can take care of myself; you know that.” You replied, trying to pull back your hand, but Jacob wouldn’t let go. He would hold on and hug you, rubbing your shoulders until you eventually held on to him as well.
Jacob: “You’re right, you’re right… I’m really sorry, Y/N. I promise that I’ll trust you more. Just smile for me again.”
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Hwall would be really proud of himself to even know someone as amazing as you. Thus, he would try his hardest to continue to impress you at every chance he had. He’d try to show you his modern dancing, his rapping skills, his singing abilities, and would even help you choose outfits to wear. However, no matter how hard he tried, he felt that he was always in competition with the person he looked up to the most: Hyunjae. Hyunjae would always come in during your conversations with Hwall, or he would knock on Hwall’s door to ask him where you were to see if you could hang out. Hwall would get pretty jealous and competitive over you. Although he respected Hyunjae a lot, Hwall couldn’t not get upset whenever Hyunjae would ask what he could cook for you for dinner or if he could hold the groceries for you. Thus, Hwall would always try to butt into your conversations with Hyunjae, asking if you needed help with singing or if you could be in his selca. Hyunjae wouldn’t understand Hwall’s unnecessary need to outdo him, even pointing it out in front of him teasingly. However, Hwall didn’t want to confront his own feelings, and would try to play it off as his normal behavior. His front for his “normal” behavior quickly vanished when Hyunjae invited you to be in his V Live interview. When Hyunjae would first start up the live, he would put up bunny ears behind you and talk about how the fans thought you were really cute. Unable to sit on the sides, Hwall would suddenly interrupt the live and sit right next to you, putting a protective arm around you to pull you away from Hyunjae. Hyunjae could obviously tell that Hwall was trying to get in his interview, thus he would tease him and tell him that he is taking you away from the fans like a clingy baby. With Hwall’s feelings suddenly announced to both you and the fans, Hwall created a fake excuse for needing to leave and would run out the door. Hyunjae, realizing that his words hurt Hwall’s feelings would try to finish the interview quickly so you could both talk to him. You and Hyunjae would knock on Hwall’s door to apologize and understand what was wrong. Hwall would say he forgave Hyunjae, but that he’d want to talk privately with you. As Hyunjae walked away, Hwall would open the door for you, his eyes behind his glasses slightly red.
Hwall: “I’m not a child, Y/N. But… Even though I feel like I can never compete with Hyunjae, I still want to be the person who can always amaze you.” Hwall would sit with his arms over his knees but would reach out to have your fingers interlocked with one another.
Y/N: “You don’t need to continue to impress me, Hwall. You always do! Every day, I learn something more about you.” Hwall would blush and push his glasses up, pulling you close to him to sit side by side.
Hwall: “Well… If that’s what you think, Y/N. Then that makes me happy.”
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Sunwoo was definitely the jealous type. However, he was also the type who tried to keep his cool whenever possible. Thus, he made an obvious point to always sit next to you, to let you have first pick of where to get food, and to tell everyone else to shut up to hear what you had to say. It was easy for him to yell at the other members when they were spending too much time with you, but he could never sincerely get mad at Q. Q was near total opposite of Sunwoo. He was always known for his cute charms and his adorable awkwardness. Thus, when he saw Q playing with your hair and teaching you silly aegyo moves, Sunwoo knew that he couldn’t do any of those things. So, he did the one thing that he could do, which was to simply take you for himself. He would always move in between you and Q whenever possible and even distract Q so he could have you. For a while, you thought Sunwoo was doing it just to be funny, so you didn’t see it as a big deal. Thus, when Q suggested you both watch a horror movie together, you thought it would be great to see Sunwoo’s expression when he got scared. You and Q would be in your onesies sitting on the couch watching The Conjuring at night. You would get easily spooked, so Q would lend you his arm to hold on to. Sunwoo, instantly jealous, would plop himself right in between both of you; only to realize what movie you were watching. During the movie, he would try to stay composed and keep an arm around you, but he always ended up screaming really loudly or trying to convince you to not watch anymore. Once the movie was over, Sunwoo would leap up immediately and drag you to your feet to bring you to his room without saying goodnight to Q. You would immediately shoot him a look when he closed his door, and he would sigh and lean against the wall, crossing his arms.
Sunwoo: “You can’t hang out with Q anymore, okay? I don’t think he’s treating you well and I don’t want you to be friends with him.”
Y/N: “What? That’s so hypocritical of you! You were being rude and unfair to Q whenever we would hang out. What’s wrong with you? I can’t have my own friends?” You would huff, pushing him out of the way to go back to your room. However, the door would shut as soon as you opened it, your back suddenly pressed against the wall as Sunwoo held onto your shoulders.
Sunwoo: “I’m just… jealous, Y/N. Please don’t be mad at me… I’m sorry.”
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter twelve
Jade's POV
Its been a couple days since the incident with Hana. Nothing else has happened yet, oh, other than Sasha not showing up. She won't answer my calls or texts which worry me.
I was sat outside in the quad, its morning break and I'm just sitting on a bench, trying to text Sasha again. I waited for the message to send when someone slams their fist down onto the table. I look up and see the boyz.
"Where the fuck is Sasha?!" Juyeon shouts.
"How am I suppose to know? She won't answer my text or calls." I respond calmly.
Before anyone else could say anything, we hear a laugh behind us. We all look over to see Hana standing there with two of her followers.
"Oh piss of Hana." Sangyeon groans.
"How rude. I was just coming over to ask how Sasha's little fingers are doing." She responds with a fake pout. I stand up, getting in front of her.
"The hell you do!" I shout. She looks a bit taken back, making me smirk to myself.
"Oh didn't you hear? Your new bestie got her fingers trapped in her locker. Poor thing." She answers with fake sympathy.
I don't know what overcame me, but I suddenly grab Hana by the collar of her uniform. Pulling her close, getting in her face.
"The fuck you do you selfish hoe? Tell me before your face becomes as black as your heart!" I exclaim in anger. I hear a whistle behind me, but ignore it, focused on the mean girl in front of me.
"Slammed her locker door shut on her fingers. Wouldn't even bother trying to talk to the old man at top, you can't prove shit." She said with a smirk.
I look behind me and see the guys standing there. I then smirk at them.
"Cover me." I said, they laugh and push Hana's followers out the way, forming a barrier between the rest of the students and us. I slam Hana's face down onto the bench hard. She scream as I throw a punch at her, making her plastic nose bleed.
"That's for messing with a nice guys heart!"
I then punch her in the jaw.
"That's for messing with a sweet girls friendship!"
I then throw one final punch.
"And that's for trying to mess with me!"
I look at her bloody face and laugh.
"I suggest you clean up, sweetie." I said with a fake smile.
The guys laugh as Hana runs off inside, her followers behind her. I then look at my hand which has a bit of blood on it from her face. I feel a slight sting from the punches, but go it ignore it, until someone's hand takes mine gently.
"Lets get you some ice." I hear Jacob say softly. I look up to see he's the one holding my hand.
"O-Okay." I curse myself mentally for stuttering.
"I can now approve that your nothing like Hana or Kira. Your officially apart of the group." Sangyeon said, with a proud smile.
"Yeah, you can stick up for yourself and we can see you care about our princess." Haknyeon added.
"I take back every time I called you a rat." Younghoon said, I laugh and smile.
"So is this our starting point? You gonna give me a chance?" I ask.
"We will." Kevin said, as the others nod in agreement. I smile again.
"Now lets get your hand iced and go to Sasha's, school can wait today." Jacob said, making the others gasp.
"Our angel wants to skip!" Changmin exclaims.
I laugh and feel a bit happier knowing they are going to give me a chance. I just can't get past the fact that every time Jacob's hand touches mine, I get butterflies.
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter eleven
Sasha's POV
Lunch just finished and I said bye to Jade. I knew I was going to find Jacob and talk to him. I left the bench and headed to the basketball court where I knew he would be. When I get there, I see him along with the others.
"JACOB BAE!" I shouted, making their heads turn.
"SASHA LEE." He shouts back, making me laugh. I get closer and smile.
"Do you like Jade?" I question, making his eyes widen.
"What?" He calls.
"Jade Song. Girl in your year. About yay tall. Funny and almost got into a fight with Hana." I said, listing a few things.
"I know who she is. Just shocked by your sudden question." He responds.
"Well?" I call.
"Did you tell her something?" Jacob asks, looking at Sunwoo, who raises his hands.
"So you do like her!" I shout.
"We figured that out first bub." Eric tells me. I pouted at them.
"Why wasn't I included?!" I question loudly.
"Um, don't you have a class to get to?" Jacob questions, trying to change the subject.
"So do you." I point out.
"Look bub, we didn't say anything cause it wasn't our place to say." Kevin tells me.
"Okay fair point, why didn't you say anything to me?" I ask, looking at Jacob.
"Cause I didn't think she liked me, plus you don't really spend much time with us anymore." He answers softly.
"I-I do." I said.
"No you don't. The weekend you spent with Jade. You spend your breaks with her." Haknyeon responds.
"So, Jacob tells Jade how she feels then we can all hang out together." I suggest.
"What if she turns out like Hana or Kira did?" Sangyeon asks.
"Jade's different." I defend.
"You said the same about Kira, bub." Eric points out.
I frown and look down at my feet. I can feel the tears ready to escape, but bite my lip to keep them in.
"I-I suggested that Jade talks to you all more. She said she was happy being away cause she's still new here. I-I just didn't want her feeling like I was leaving her for you." I tell them.
"Who have you known longer? Who's been there for you longer?" Chanhee asks.
"Y-You, but it doesn't have to be you against her. Especially if Jacob likes her." I answer, finally looking up at them.
"She doesn't like me anyways." Jacob said.
"She does!" I shout.
"If you actually talked to her, all of you, you'd know she's nothing like Hana or Kira!" I add on.
The guys look at me with blank expressions. I sigh, wiping my tears.
"Fine be like that, I'm going home, give Jade a chance." I tell them, leaving them on the court.
I head inside the school building to grab my bag to skip the rest of the day, when my locker gets slammed shut, my fingers getting trapped inside. I scream and see Hana smirking at me.
"Hi Sash!" She gives me a fake smile.
"You know, I might just have  a chat with dear old Jade. Maybe I can make her just like Kira. Prove to your little boys how your always so wrong." She said, leaning closer to me, pushing her weight onto my locker where my fingers are still stuck.
"J-Jade won't fall for any of your tricks!" I shout, tears streaming down my face.
"She won't, but the boyz will." She chuckles before leaving.
Hana walks off down the hall, letting me free. I open my locker and see my fingers bruised and bleeding. I whimper at the pain, shut my locker and run home. I know Jade will never be like Kira or Hana, but I'm scared she'll get pulled into something bad.
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter ten
Jade's POV
Its was now lunch time, everyone had heard about my little encounter with Hana. I've ignored the comments and was sitting on a bench in the quad, checking my phone, when a tray slams down on the table. I look up and see Sasha.
"Oops, sorry!" She apologises. I laugh lightly.
"No worries." I said.
"Okay tell me the details! What happened with Hana? I've heard a few things but wanna know what really happened!" She asks.
I laugh and tell her everything that happened with Hana. Sasha's eyes are wide as I tell her everything and grow even wider when I mention Jacob.
"Jacob saw you?" She calls.
"Yeah, said he was coming from the headmaster's office from being caught smoking in the boys toilet." I answer.
"Did he save you?" She asks, ignoring the fact Jacob was smoking.
"I didn't need saving, but I guess you could say that. Hana said she's not done with me, but I'm not scared. She's just a jealous cow." I reply.
"Wow. Are you going to fight Hana?" She asks.
"I'm not really into fighting. One it can get me in trouble and two why bother, it doesn't get you anywhere." I respond.
"Right." She mumbles quietly.
"How many fights have you been in?" I question.
"A few." She answers with a shrug.
"But that doesn't matter! I need to know what you think of Jacob? Do you like him?" She cheers.
"I um." I begin, making her squeal lightly.
"Yes you like Jacob! You just need to spend more time with the others!" She exclaims.
"Yeah, nope. I'm happy being away." I mention.
"Come on, is it still too early?" She asks.
"Guess so. I'm still quite new here." I answer.
"I can respect that, but I know your here for the long run." I smile at her.
"Course I am. No matter what." I tell her.
Sasha smiles and we just chat about some random gossip as we eat our lunch. If I do have another run in with Hana, I know fight my own battle.
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter nine
Jade's POV
I just finished a really tiring PE lesson. I'm lucky its break now. I just got changed into my school clothes and head to grab a drink from the food hall, before heading outside. Just as I push open the doors to the quad, someone bumps into me, my drink spilling onto their school top. I hear a female scream and see some girl in front of me, a couple other girls looking shocked next to her.
"Sorry." I said. She looks at me with a glare.
"Sorry? Your sorry?" She calls.
"Uh, yeah that's what I said, you didn't hear me?" I question.
"Do you have any idea who I am?" She questions, her voice loud and high pitched.
"Nope." I answer with a shrug.
"I am Min Hana! Who are you?" She spits.
"Jade Song. So your Hana, huh." I answer, mumbling to myself a bit.
"What are you talking about?" She calls.
"Your the bitch who tried to ruin good friendships." I tell her.
"Excuse me?" She responds.
"Yeah your the girl who dated Sangyeon for status and money. You then ruined a good friendship because you was jealous." I answer.
"Oh your the new rat who has a weird relationship with the boyz and Sasha." She mutters.
"I'm not a rat. If anyone is an animal, your a snake." I reply.
"You dare call me a snake!" She shouts. I laugh lightly.
"Yeah, cause you are one." I reply.
She screams and pushes me into a nearby locker. I groan as my back hits the metal. She laughs and walks up to me, getting in my face.
"Watch who you speak to, bitch." She growls.
"I'm talking to you. A jealous, selfish person who if she can't have what she wants, she stops her foot like a child and takes away what makes others happy. Your just a horrible person, Min Hana. I don't get how Sangyeon even thought you was attractive." I said, pushing her back.
"Jacob's coming!" One of her followers shout.
"I'm not done with you." Mina said before walking off with her "friends".
I laugh and shake my head, I rub my back when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over and see Jacob with a concerned look.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I reply.
"Because Hana shoved you into the lockers. I saw what happened. I heard what happened." He tells me.
"Okay, so why aren't you laughing at me? Calling me names?" I question.
"Cause I don't want to. Its not the right thing to do. Thanks for sticking up for Sangyeon Hyung." He answers.
"Yeah no problem. He's a nice enough guy, he's not done or said anything to me so its cool." I said, nodding slightly.
"How come you turned up just in time anyway? N-Not that I needed help." I ask. He laughs lightly.
"Coming from head's office, got caught smoking in the boys toilets." He answers with shrug.
"Oh my, the Jacob Bae smoking? I thought you was the angel." I said with a fake gasp and smile.
"Wouldn't you like to know how much of an angel I am." He said with a smirk. I feel my cheeks heating up as I look down.
"Come on, I'll buy you a new drink." He said, chuckling.
"I don't need a ne-"
He cuts me off by pointing to my original drink that was spilt on the floor. I laugh a bit.
"Okay, buy me a new one then. Thank you." I said, making him smile.
As we walk to the food hall, I can't help but wonder, is Jacob actually a nice guy?
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter seven
Jade's POV
I've survived my first week at a new school. Things have been alright and I've spent time with Sasha too. The Boyz as they call themselves and I have had a few run ins. Younghoon has stopped calling me a rat, but still annoys me in class along with Hyunjae. Jacob however, has been quiet and kind of laid back.
Today was Saturday. I was just laying on my bed when I hear my phone ping. I lean over to grab it and see a message from Sasha.
Hey Unnie my house is parent free for the weekend, was wondering if you wanted to spend the night?
I smile and quickly text her back.
On my way!
I grab a bag out my wardrobe and put some clothes and few essentials in it before leaving. I receive another message from Sasha with the address. I start walking and after ten minutes, I see I'm in a really nice area, lots of large houses. I then reach the address, matching the one Sasha messaged me. I knock on the door and a few seconds later, it opens, revealing an excited Sasha.
"Hey! Come on in!" She exclaims, moving so I could step inside.
"This is once nice place." I said, looking around.
"Rich parent." She said with a shrug.
"So rich, they are never around?" I reply. She nods slightly.
"I'm sorry." I apologise.
"No its okay! They have to pay for it somehow, right?" She responds, leading me to the living room. I decide to drop the subject, knowing its not a nice thing to talk about.
"I'm here now, so lets get partying!" I exclaim, trying to cheer her up.
"Yes! Its gonna be a fun weekend! Oh did you bring your swimsuit?" She questions.
"I did!" I answer. She smiles.
"Go get changed into it! There's a bathroom down the hall." She tells me, before running off upstairs.
I laugh and head to the bathroom to get changed. My swimsuit being a purple bikini. I exit the bathroom and see Sasha waiting in the living room in a blue bikini. She smiles at me.
"Woah your so fit! Okay lets go to the pool!" She cheers, scurrying off outside. I smile and follow her, to see a large pool with some chairs to sunbath on the side.
Sasha and I jump into the pool, having a little swim around before deciding to relax in the sun. We were just chatting and relaxing, when we hear a knock on the front door.
"I'll go see who it is, you stay here." Sasha said, getting up.
I nod, watching her dash off. I wait and could hear muffled voices, a few moments later Sasha returns, followed by Sunwoo. He whistles and smirks when he sees me.
"Dang if I knew you was this smoking hot, I wouldn't have hooked up with you from day one." He said, a wide smirk on his face.
"Don't even bother, kid." I respond, smirking back at him.
"Sun's just here collecting some books, he'll be gone soon." Sasha tells me.
"Do you know what a book is, Mr fuckboy?" I laugh as the male pouts.
"Of course, miss know it all." He responds.
"Can't I sit in the girly gossip?" He then asks.
"No, books and be gone!" Sasha shouts, trying to push the taller male, who doesn't budge one bit.
After finally getting the male to move, Sasha helps him sort out what he originally came for before sending him on his way. She comes and sits down and I know it will be a fun weekend.
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter six
Sasha's POV
"Tell me everything." Jade said.
"Alright, well as you now know, I'm friends with the eleven bad boys." I begin.
"I figured that. Why didn't you tell me?" She asks.
"So, have you met Min Hana yet?" I ask, she shakes her head no.
"Alright. Well Hana and us use to be close. About two years ago. We were the best of friends, the only other girl I really hung around with. Her and Sangyeon started dating, they dated for six months, but as they started dating, she got controlling. She was saying he couldn't be around us, had to be with her and used him for money and status. He broke up with her and she became a right bitch to be honest." I begin.
"Then a new girl named Kira started. She was like you a bit, but really shy. We both got close too until Hana got her claws into her. Hana made Kira part of her little crew and turned her against us. Then one day I was walking home alone and they jumped me. I was covered in bruises and went to Sangyeon's house. The next day we talked to the headmaster telling him what happened, Kira was expelled and made to move to another school. Hana blames us everyday but if she hadn't turned against us cause of her sour break up, things wouldn't be like it was." I finish telling her.
"Okay, let me get this straight. Some manipulative girl called Hana is a right bitch tried to take one of your friends away from you for herself and is still sour about it now, that sour she tried to ruin another friendship of yours?" She recalls.
"Sounds about right." I said, nodding.
"Wow, well if I see her I'll give her a piece of my mind." She said, making me giggle.
"So, your not mad?" I ask.
"No way! I get you was being careful. I might not get along with the guys, but I want to be friends with you." She answers.
"Okay good! I'll tell the guys to lay off with the rat comments too." I tell her.
"Its cool, I'm thinking of my own comebacks." She said with a slight smirk.
"Nice! Alright, let me tell you the others names so you don't think they are some random guy." I said, pulling my phone out to show her the guys.
We sit and chat after I tell her each of the others names so she can get use to them. I'm just happy she won't leave me like Kira did for Hana. I know I can trust this girl.
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter four
Sasha's POV
I was sat next to Haknyeon in our art class. Our seats being by the back window, letting me taking in the views of the quad. Today's lesson was a free one, letting us draw or paint whatever we wanted. Haknyeon was sat next to me, typing away on his phone. I was looking at the paper in front of me, a rough sketch of a landscape on it.
"Hey Sash?" Haknyeon calls. I look over at him, seeing him still focused on his phone.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Who's this new girl?" He asks.
"Jade. She's part of the 97line. Shares classes with Jacob, Younghoon and Hyunjae Oppas." I answer.
"She bumped into Chanhee Hyung right?" He asks.
"Yeah, how do you know all this?" I question.
"We talked at break, when Eric came along he saw you talking to her." He answers.
"Why didn't you come say hi?" I ask him, he looks up from his phone at me and laughs.
"The hell we'd do that for?" He questions with a laugh.
"I don't know." I mumble.
"You've agreed to spend lunch with her, haven't you." He said.
"Maybeeeee." I said, dragging the e out.
"Bub, it won't be long before Hana gets her claws into her, she'll turn out just like Kira did." He tells me softly. I sigh at his words.
"I'll be careful okay. If I feel like she's trouble, I'll tell you okay?" I suggest.
"Alright, but don't expect us to be anywhere near her. Younghoon Hyung called her a rat. Does she actually look like a rat?" He asks.
"No. What has he got against rats?" I reply.
"Hana's a rat so that's why." He answers with a shrug.
"Your...not wrong there." I said.
He laughs and goes back to his phone. I see the piece of paper blank in front of him.
"Umm, Hak?" I call.
"Yeah?" He responds.
"Are you gonna do some art?" I question.
He looks up again, but to the clock on the wall. He nods and then splatters some coloured paints over the paper in a random design before turning back to his phone.
"Done." He mumbles. I giggle.
"At least you did something." He smiles and nods.
I go back to my drawing as Haknyeon types away on his phone. I can't help but wonder, will Jade turn out like Hana or Kira?
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter three
Jade's POV
It was finally morning break and I really need it. I walked out of my class quickly heading to my locker. After remembering what way and making it there, I put my bag away, grabbing my bottle of water to drink. The first break is thirty minutes with lunch being fifty. I then shut my locker and turn to head outside, when I bump into someone.
"Sorry." I said, seeing the slim male glaring at me.
"Watch were your going dipshit." He mutters, pushing past me. I look at his back, wondering who he thinks he is.
I then head outside to the quad area. I take it all in, seeing a large fountain in the middle, with benches around the area. Many students are sitting around on the benches or the grass, taking in the sun, most of them on their phones. I then see a empty bench so I go and sit on, sipping my water.
I jump out my skin when I hear a cheerful voice. I then see Sasha standing next to the bench.
"Sorry." She apologises.
"Its alright." I tell her, she smiles and sits in front of me.
"You looked lonely so I wanted to say hi." Sasha said to me.
"Thank you, its hard making friends on your first day." I said.
"Yeah, what year was you born?" She asks me.
"97. I'm guessing I'm older than you." I answer, making her nod.
"I was born 99. So your my Unnie!" She exclaims, making me laugh.
"So how were your first classes?" She asks.
"Well you know I had history first. It was fine till three guys showed up and one called me a rat cause I was in his seat." I answer.
"Three guys. Born 1997. Let me guess, Jacob, Younghoon and Hyunjae." She said, reeling off their names.
"Yeah, Younghoon cursed out the teacher, calling me a rat like I said, made Jacob swap seats with him. Then in maths I was away from them, but it still didn't help since they are noisy, Jacob's not the worse but he's sneaky. I was put next to him in science and he was doing little things to annoy me, but acted like it wasn't him." I tell her, remembering what happened in the last class.
"Those three, along with eight more, make up The Boyz. The schools bad boys." Sasha said.
"Would another happen to be slim, a bit taller than me and have a Gucci bag?" I question, remembering the one I bumped into earlier.
Sasha then pulls out her phone, showing me a picture of the guy I bumped into. I nod, telling her its him.
"Chanhee. Can be very sarcastic." She tells me.
"He called me a dipshit when I bumped into him." I tell her.
"That was probably the kindest thing he's ever said to a new student." She replies.
"Wow, I'm so lucky." I reply, with plenty of sarcasm, which Sasha could sense.
Sasha just laughs lightly as the bell rings, our first break being up. We both stand from the bench and head inside.
"Wanna have lunch together?" She asks.
"Sure, meet here?" I reply, pointing to my locker.
Sasha nods as she heads down the corridor. I know where my next class is since I already passed the room. I grab my bag out my locker and wonder what my writing class will have in store.
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter two
As Jade sets up in her history class, she feels her nerves in her stomach. The teacher seems nice enough, giving her a seat by the window, but as other students pile in, giving her worried glances, she starts to worry. She tries to ignore it as the teacher begins the lesson, but she can't help but notice the three empty seats around her.
"Good morning class, as you can see we have a new student today. This is Jade, I do hope you'll show her respect and get to know her." Mrs Jung introduces Jade, who smiles and gives a slight wave to the class.
As the teacher heads back to her desk, ready to start the lesson, the door bursts open, revealing three males. Mrs Jung sighs as the three walk in laughing, two louder than the other.
"Boys, your five minutes late." Mrs Jung warns.
"Like we care." One responds shortly.
Jade looks at him, seeing blonde dyed hair and a leather jacket over his school uniform. Jade hears Mrs Jung sigh as the three walk over, but stop when they see Jade sat down.
"The fuck is this?" The tallest calls.
"If you showed up on time you would know. Boys this is Jade, she's new." Mrs Jung responds.
"The hell some new chick doing in my seat?" He responds.
"Younghoon, there is a space next to her, it was the only free seat." Mrs Jung points out. She's not wrong since every other seat is taken.
"I am not sitting next to that rat. Jacob swap with me." Younghoon spits, sitting in a seat in front of Jade, his tall back blocking her view slightly.
The other two laugh lightly and as Jade could only guess, Jacob sits next to her. He gives her a small smile.
"I'm Jacob Bae, that Kim Younghoon and Lee Jaehyun, or as we call him Hyunjae." Jacob introduces, pointing to the other males.
"You heard Mrs Jung, I'm Jade." Jade replies.
"I'd be careful who you befriend and who you annoy." Jacob warns Jade.
"I think I'm capable of that one." Jade mumbles, looking at Younghoon's back.
Jade knows there are three students to avoid already. Well, Jacob isn't so bad at the moment, will be be worse later though? All these thoughts run through Jade's head as the lesson continues on.
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ericshoney · 2 years
The Bad Boyz ~ Chapter one
Starting a new school can be hard. Especially if you don't know anyone. Sitting outside the headmaster's office was a young girl by the name of Jade Song. The girl was slightly nervous as she sits outside the office with her bag on her lap. As Jade sits there, the wooden door open and she sees two males walk out laughing, the taller of the two, has his arm around the others shoulder. She watches them hurry down the hall before hearing her name. She looks back seeing an old male standing at the door, looking tired.
"Hello, I'm Mr Kim, come take a seat."
Jade picks up her bag and follows the male into the room, she takes a seat in a chair opposite the desk, giving him a small smile. Mr Kim runs on about the schools history. Jade doesn't particularly care but just smiles and nods along. The old man then gives Jade her class timetable, locker number and combination.
"If you need anything, you can always come to my office." Mr Kim said with a slight smile. Jade smiles politely, but knows neither her or him want that.
"Thank you Mr Kim." Jade said before leaving.
Jade leaves the office and walks down the hall, trying to get use to her new surroundings. She looks at the row of lockers, checking to see if any of them match hers. She doesn't see one so she continues walking until she does. Eventually she finds the correct one and opens it up, putting a few things away that she knows she doesn't need. As she does, she notices a pair of black trainers appear next to her. Jade shuts her locker and sees a girl shorter than her, with a large smile on her face, two dimples in her cheeks.
"Hi! I'm Sasha!" The girl introduces herself cheerfully.
"I'm Jade."
"Nice to meet you, I'm guessing your new, is there anything I can help with?" Sasha questions. Jade looks at her class timetable and nods.
"Could you show me to room 201? I have history with Mrs Jung." Jade said, the smaller girl smiles.
"Sure! Lets go."
The new girl follows the bubbly one down the hall, trying to remember her way. After a short walk, the two arrive at the correct room. Sasha smiles at Jade.
"What is your next class?" Sasha questions.
"Maths with Mr Kang." Jade answers after checking her timetable.
"Room 212, just down the hall and turn left, first door on your right." Sasha tells her.
"Thank you." Jade said gratefully. Sasha smiles and nods, leaving the new female to head to her first class. Wondering what will happen.
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