imthelcstprincess · 6 years
( @tcbiasrcgg | fall starter call )
“I know I’m not supposed to announce it before all the fliers are passed out, but-----”  The word dragged on to add suspense, and she hoped that it did.  “The Fall Dance was approved!  Two Saturdays from now our gym is going to be the most festive in the area, I can guarantee that.”
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chippedbravery · 6 years
Send “📱” For a text conversation between our muses!
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LIGHTS GLIMMERING, sopranic voice combining with the sweet symphony of the orchestra. Woman, men and children in awe. The music fluttered out of her sweet hibiscus lips. As if a Nightingale was stuck inside the Swede!
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It was as if the performance lasted for eternity. On that stage, she wasn’t herself - when her song took flight, she was a woman whom she didn’t know. A certain confidence surrounded her - one she never had known was embedded into her. Umber eyes glanced on the crowd over and over again, an anxious glimmer. Her stomach filled to the brim with butterflies but at the same time, confidence. 
It was after the cadenza that her confidence rose. A grin appeared to her hibiscus lips. She had done it; her first solo performance at the seasonal premiere gala! It was if she was a child that had been praised.
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johcnna-blog · 7 years
@tcbiasrcgg liked for a starter
    She is unsure of how to begin conversation with the young man who sits across from her, so she decides to cut a piece of her pie and give it a taste-
   and she cannot help but gag-the taste reminds her of the dirty soap that had been used to wash her mouth out when she was a child and misbehaved and the texture is that reminiscent of a sponge.  [She begins to think that this is a washroom and n o t a pie shop.]
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   ~”Goodness~” she cries out. ~”This is the worst thing I’ve ever tasted!”~
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⛵ ((friendship and romantic))
inbox ⛵ if you ship our muses!
          ( i’m on board. xD )
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mgrxves-blog · 7 years
@tcbiasrcgg  liked for starter:
A light drizzle of rain was just beginning to dampen his hat and overcoat, the sun setting far over the horizon. His embalming bag swung lightly at his side. In the distance, thunder began to rumble.
The street lights had yet to be lit, causing large masses of shadows to cover the cobblestones and neighbouring buildings. Something moved and he stopped. The figure moved again. The undertaker stood still, watching.
“Seems rather late to be milling about around here.” He commented.
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beggcr-blog · 7 years
@tcbiasrcgg liked for a starter
    Hazel eyes d a r t from side to side as she enters the pie shop-the WOMAN is not there. Rather, it is that little boy that she has taken under her wing who inhabits the-now near empty- place.
   For a moment, she is afraid that the boy will throw her out of the s h o p-that she will be unable to visit the place that was once hers.
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   ~”...Pa..pardon,”~ she mumbles. ~”...I’ll be off now....”~ But she doesn’t leave-her eyes linger on the staircase-oh, she knew the upstairs so WELL. She had raised her child for nearly a y e a r there and had watched her husband work from the doorway. 
  She finally turns around and heads to the door-
      but she does not l e a v e.
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tagged by: the lovely @kingxfmischief (you tagged my personal but i’m putting it here)
tagging: @claudiaslights, @tcbiasrcgg, @sweeney-todds
bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive a submarine | speak a second language |dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch  | build a deck | ice skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play strip poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a backflip | play chess | give CPR | pitch a tent | flirt |stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive/calligraphy | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift |give a good massage | jump-start a car | roll their tongue | magic tricks | yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read morse code | pick a lock
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venerablehypocrite · 8 years
@tcbiasrcgg asked that I read a poem // meme
I wrote this from the perspective of both Poole and Utterson; the text can be found here. Thanks for the request! 
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serafimo-blog · 8 years
💀 ((because the mun loves horror films AF))
send an emoji for my muse’s reaction to...
(I’m modernizing this for convenience.)
Christine uncovered her eyes only to see the legs of a corpse dangling behind the protagonist of the film. She quickly retreated back into the safety of her blanket. She was comforted having the boy, Toby, there with her, though she did not know him very well. It was nice to be in the company of someone else while watching the movie unfold. He had suggested watching, The Conjuring, and she, of course, was not a coward, so she was willing to give it a try. Wait, she thought. That protagonist looked an awful lot like Raoul... She peeked her head back out from under the covers in confusion. Her tone reflected her bewildered expression: “Toby, what kind of movie is this, exactly?” 
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enjoytheadorbs · 8 years
 @tcbiasrcgg / @not-while-im-around-archive  liked for a starter
The youngest Bennet sister would often take a shortcut that went by the barber shop as she walked home from daily strolls. Well, shortcut was not the correct word, because in fact that path took her longer...but it also allowed her to peek at and occasionally flirt with the eligible bachelors that often frequented said barber shop. If her mother knew, she would have complained that it was too scandalous behavior for an honorable lady from a good family, but Lydia didn’t much care about that.
She assumed that the owner of the barber shop and his young helper were fairly used to the sight of her by now, so as she walked by the shop yet again and spotted the younger man, she offered him a friendly smile and a nod. “Afternoon! How do you do?”
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dropped threads
          as i mentioned a million times before, i’m dropping some threads -- mostly smut. this is nothing against any individual writer, but, for the most part, i’m trying to limit any smut to 1-3 threads per character/individual who is not a main shipping partner of mine.
          there may be more to come, but for now, this is the list.
@tcbiasrcgg: [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ]
@professoriisms​: [ x ], [ x ]
@frankensteinmd: [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ], [ x ]
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aproperartist-blog · 6 years
RULES  :     bold  what  applies  to  your  muse. TAGGED  BY      :    @johcnna  TAGGING  :     @ncturebcy / @tcbiasrcgg / @ferocioushonesty
SNOW  WHITE: jade  trinket  boxes.     taste  of  iron.     fingertips  on  a  mirror.     yellow  and  green  with  envy.     long  handled  hunting  knives.     sewing  by  the  window.   combs  laced  with  pearls  and  poison.     an  apple  white  one  side  and  red  the  other.     white  doves.     frosted  glass.
THE  MAIDEN  WITHOUT  HANDS: a  blunt  axe.   a  ring  of  chalk.     tear - stained  cheeks.     sweet  pears.     hands  tied  behind  back.     shallow  rivers.     aching  feet,  walking  for  days.     flowing  gowns.     liquid  silver.     wax seals.     blinding  lights.
THE  THREE  LITTLE  GNOMES  IN  THE  FOREST: lukewarm  bath  water.   sapphire  butterflies.   tiny  milk  snakes.     baskets  of  strawberries.   fat  toads.     sparkling  snow.     fur  cloaks.    raw  gemstones.     kettles  made  of  copper.     red  wine.    a  tiny  cottage  in  the  middle  of  nowhere.
BLUE  BEARD: a  tiny  key  made  of  gold.  pools  of  blood. stains  that  won’t  rub  away.     galloping  hooves.    treasures  from  far  away  lands.     dragged  by  the  hair.   dark  and  damp  cellars.    marble  walls.   shivering  with  fear.     screaming  at  the  top  of  your  lungs.
THE  SIX  SWANS: sitting  side - saddle.     daughter  of  a  witch.     nettles.     white  feathers.    refusing  to  smile.  needles  and  threads.     a  castle  in  the  forest.     sound  of  beating  wings.  birthmarks.    climbing  trees.    balls  of  yarn.     silver  crowns.
LITTLE  RED  CAP: wildflowers.     rich - tasting  cake.   wicker  baskets.     the  path  rarely  trod.   sharp  teeth. curtains  drawn.    a  dying  fireplace.   grey  pelts.     red  velvet.     handmade  quilts.   sunlight  peeking  through  branches.     opening  corks  with  a  satisfying  pop.     looking  someone  directly  in  the  eye.
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bcrbr-blog · 7 years
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“There’s nothing to be afraid of, boy.”
@tcbiasrcgg​ liked for a canon starter!
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irasciblempresse · 7 years
another character stats thing
TAGGED:  @slumberingscarlet you coot TAGGING:  @tcbiasrcgg @hightoppseamstress @clcckhands and anyone else who wants to do it/hasn’t been tagged~
NAME: Iracebeth of Crims ALIAS(ES): The Queen of Hearts, Red Queen, Empress of the Badlands , GENDER: Cis female DATE OF BIRTH:  Feburary. OCCUPATION:  Queen
EYE COLOR: Deep brown HAIR COLOR: Bright strawberry red SCARS:  Several on her belly from childbirth and two on her abdomen from attempted assassinations. BURNS: none  OVERWEIGHT: nope UNDERWEIGHT: honestly a lil
COLOR:  red, black, and gold HAIR COLOR:  Light brown EYE COLOR: Deep blue. SONG:   Honestly, none of the raccie’s really enjoy music. she tolerates it in church though MOVIE:  She likes the Texas Chainsaw Masaccre movies cause she thinks they’re funny and won’t admit to loving Corpse Bride TV SHOW: Breaking Bad, Narcos,  and Orange is the New Black cause she’s kinda basic (no hate you know what I mean., Tell her something’s good and she’ll probably agree with you as far as tv goes)  FOOD: tarts, very rare steaks and fish, dark leafy greens. Anything that’s super bitter
DRINK: Trippled steep tea, Irish Cream liqueur
have they.
PASSED UNIVERSITY: in half of modern verses yes, in the other half no HAD SEX: Yes. Very much yes. Yes yes yes yes yes HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  honestly yes. whether she admits to it or not
GOTTEN PREGNANT:  yep~ ten to fifteen times KISSED A BOY:  Ooooooooooooooh yes, Many boys KISSED A GIRL: In modern verse, yes once by accident GOTTEN TATTOOS:  In modern yes GOTTEN PIERCINGS: In all verses she has her ears pierced, in one modern verse she’s got her belly button pierced. HAD A BROKEN HEART: Yes, and then he lost his head ;p.        :/ BEEN IN LOVE:  Always at least once. , Sometimes more, sometimes only half love STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: Frequently
Are you:
A VIRGIN: hahahahahhHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH yes. A KISSER. Yep SCARED EASILY:  Not really JEALOUS EASILY:  Literally the majority of her character TRUSTWORTHY:  Probably not tbh ;p.
DOMINANT:   It depends on her partner. She can be, but she prefers not to be SUBMISSIVE: Naturally yes. It’s her favorite ;p IN LOVE:  frequently SINGLE:  rarely.
random questions.
HAVE THEY HARMED THEMSELVES: Not intentionally THOUGHT OF SUICIDE: Occasionally ATTEMPTED SUICIDE: Most verses no WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE:  Yes and she has ;p DROVE A CAR: Yep HAVE/HAD A JOB: Yep HAVE ANY FEARS:  Oh my god so many. People she loved coming into harm, drowning, being dehtroned, uprisings, wars, her children fighting over power....
SIBLINGS: Mirana of Marmoreal PARENTS:  Oleron and Elsemere of Witzend CHILDREN:  SO MANY BABBINS Avadora, Konradarmin, Rexoliver, Danyakardi, Aristotelisoloman, Meschachenoch, Ananiasabir, Abelblaize, Lizana, and Canthradora. Also sometimes Asmer and Cicero  PETS: More than I can name, but the Jabberwocky, a small herd of bandersnatches, several dozen sloths... 
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venerablehypocrite · 7 years
i have things for @miraclematildawormwood and @tcbiasrcgg in my drafts that i’ll try to get to in the next week or so (it’s been a long month, i’m still trying to adjust to college). would anyone like a starter in the meantime? 
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