#tcc bitches grow up and learn empathy again please
themesis · 9 months
  If you dont understand the tcc, think about that mickey mouse 9/11 picture that you reblogged. Lots of people make jokes about 9/11, but that doesn't mean that they dont feel bad for the victims and it doesn't mean that they support what happened. It's the same way with the tcc. A lot of us are making fun of the killers because they're stupid.   And yes, there are occasionally people who condone, but maybe they wouldnt hate humanity so much if people weren't always calling them freaks and telling them to kill themselves. And others are just mentally ill, it doesn't matter what you do, theyre not going to change so you should just leave them alone. Or they're suicidal and fantasize about being killed.   Other reasons people could be in the tcc is because they relate to the people or they're very interested in true crime or they just think they're hot. And none of those are glorifying the actions!!   Anyways, sorry that was so long, I just thought you might be curious. I was shocked too when I first came across the tcc, but then I learned about the killers and started to see them as people instead of monsters. And I never reported anyone, I just scrolled past because theres no reason for me to ruin what someone enjoys just because I dont agree with it. I dont expect you to understand, but you could try to be okay with not understanding. Thank you if you read all of that
hey bestie, not sure if youre aware, but relating to killers and fantasing about being killed is Not Fucking normal, seek help. i consume a lot of true content as ethically as i can, its not that i don't understand anything, its just that a lot of people who use the tag are fucking freaks who ought to look inwards and/or seek help. a lot of them are also minors, which, again, is not a good fucking thing to have 13 year olds fawning over """attractive""" serial killers. im not going to preach to children, but come on bro.
and a lot of you tcc bitches DO glorify killers. a lot of you ARE openly horny about serial killers. i have not once ever seen a True Crime Blog who shares a shred of empathy for the victims, or even mentions them. its always a "funny meme" about how Silly and Quirky some ugly fuck murderer is. you can, to a certain extent, understand and humanise a murderer, but that doesnt include making fucking headcanons and edits of them like theyre some fucking fictional character.
so yeah if you're gonna be horny on main about like, the fucking columbine shooters, i am, without a single ounce of regret, going to call you a freak. especially if you're self aware about.
also anyways the fact that mentioned reporting leads me to believe that you're the op of that stupid Dylan/Eric Would So Wear This shirt post, if so then kill yourself bitch! i don't feel bad! maybe don't have fun off the backs of victims and maybe your fun wouldn't get so ruined so easily.
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