#tcol emmi
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Emmi Emmi Emmi Emmi
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here. have an unfinished wip of my girls
something lgbt is happening here
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The Capture of Light
In a tiny village on the outskirts of Pharos, a boy suddenly falls ill and collapses. A duo of travelers passing through decide to put a pause on their plans in order to find a cure for the mysterious sickness. As their journey progresses, they realize the boy is not one isolated case, and that the sickness' prevalence is far greater than they imagined. Together, they travel from town to town to save the afflicted, joined on their quest by a feisty teenage bodyguard-for-hire, who possesses the strange ability to manipulate solid light.
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I don't know if anyone remembers that original story I wanted to post... but I'm going to be starting it soon! This is a quick drawing of the main cast.
I'll be starting to post chapters on my side blog I created for it, @captureoflight, in about two weeks from now (optimistically), and hopefully update every two weeks from that point on (also optimistically).
I hope those who are interested will enjoy it. :)
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Oh and here's the little doodles I made for the results. Just because :)
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TCOL MBTI and Enneagram Types for Fun and Profit
...well just fun actually. No profit. Well, the profit is my hyperactive yet exhausted brain gets to do something self-indulgent and mindless.
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Rivi: ISFJ 9w8
Ingis: ENFP 9w1
Ayr: ISFP 8w9
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Gef: ESFJ 6w5
Bri: ISFP 6w7
Angra: ESFJ 2w1
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Zinnia: INTP 5w6
Emmi: ENFP 2w1
Canna: ESTJ 3w4
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5 for tcol cast please🥺 can be for only the ones we know if you'd rather keep the rest a secret for now
Hello! Aaaaa TCOL ask… 🥲
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Huh, you know, this is very strange because usually I have playlists or songs I associate with specific characters for my original stuff, but for TCOL, I do not right now. I guess I can list a few songs I was listening to when coming up with the initial concept? They’re not really applicable lyrics-wise. More vibes than anything.
Ame Wo Matsu - Minami (gives me Ayr and Emmi vibes)
subside - Oso Oso (the triplets, Zinnia too)
Say It Now - Hannah Jadagu (ok I have an animatic idea for this one. the feeling of it is perfect, even if the lyrics aren’t super applicable. gives me major Ingis and Rivi feels but the animatic concept works for the whole cast. Also it’s a pretty song! Please check it out!)
The Only Heartbreaker - Mitski (Aster)
Second Chance - Shinedown (the triplets and Emmi)
Bleed - Grundeis (Ayr, Emmi and Miralee)
Hometown - Twenty One Pilots (Ingis, Gef, Canna and Angra)
Phantom - Of Monsters and Men (Rivi)
I was also listening to a beautiful mix of piano and string music when I was first writing my ideas but I can’t seem to find it atm… maybe I’ll make a proper tcol playlist sometime.
Character ask game here
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