#tcrf: gen 3
Royal News: Princess Charlotte marries!
Last weekend the royal family had cause for celebration in the form of a wedding when His Majesty King Henrik’s cousin, HRH Princess Charlotte married her long-time boyfriend Daniel Birch. The couple opted for a small private wedding with just family members and close friends at Solna’s Old Stone Church. The Palace posted these two photo’s of the happy newlyweds on their socials along the announcement.
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From the photo’s we can see that Her Highness wore a more modern but elegant knee-length dress and a elbow length veil. Mr. Birch went with a simple black suit. The couple will now be known as HR Princess Charlotte and HH Prince Daniel of Charleston.
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Lookback on this blog, and some talks about the Spaceworld ‘99 build I didn’t talk about back in 2020
I know I’ve been absent since 2019. My apologies! Will I ever get back to this fully? Who knows, but if I stumble on stuff, or feel like filling up the queue, I just might.
We’ve had this beta on our hands for 4 years now. How time flies eh? And we’ve had several other beta Pokémon news. In fact, we had a beta, in 2020 I’d say? Spaceworld ‘99 beta of Gold and Silver, with sprites in the style of the final game but with some Pokémons having totally different designs.
The most interesting sprites imo came from the Silver build
Pokémons like Furret, Ariados and Pichu weren’t there quite yet.
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Some other Pokémons like Natu and Xatu kept a bit of that old Gen 1 look, with heavy uses of white.
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Some pokémons HAD their final designs, but had totally different sprites with different poses that were scrapped.
Beta Silver -> Final Silver
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If this interests you, TCRF is your friend <3
EDIT: Ack the link is gone D: You can find this at TCRF under the Prototypes section and spaceworld 99… Sorry, tumblr mobile HATES TCRF.
All in all, I hope you’ve been well. <3
See ya
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St. Helena, Auberon, late fall 2062
Author’s note: All text written in cursive is inner thoughts
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Aurora: Let’s see, if I take the shorter route now I’ll have a few minutes extra for my lunch.
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Aurora: *Sigh* I really need to stop booking my days this full. Well anything for charity.
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???: No, you tell him to hold it off until further notice. I need to discuss this with mother first. Yes. Yes absolutely, I’ll see to it today.
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Aurora: Alright so I’ll just- Oof ???: Ugh. Oh for the love of-
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Aurora: I am so terribly sorry, sir. I didn’t see you there. ???: It’s alright miss. I wasn’t looking ahead either. Aurora: Oh your phone... ???: It’s alright I can buy a new one. Aurora: No I insist you let me repay you. After all I bumped into you.
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???: Alright then miss....? Aurora: Aurora Delafontaine-Westerberg. Pleased to make you acquittance sir..? Matteo: Matteo di Angelo. But you can just call me Matteo. Aurora: Very well then.
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St. Helena, Auberon, 2062
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Aurora: Thank you for meeting me today. And my apologizes about your phone again. Matteo: Don’t mention it. I was meant to upgrade to a newer model anyway. Besides now I got meet some lovely company. Aurora: I see you’re the flattering type. Matteo: Well my mother raised me as such.
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Aurora: Clearly. Speaking of if I may ask, who are your parents? I only know of one Matteo di Angelo myself and he happens to be- Matteo: A prince? Yes, that would be me. Though you yourself seem to be no stranger to royalty. Aurora: Indeed, I am after all a crown princess myself. Matteo: Ah, I thought your last name sounded familiar. So you’re from Charleston then, yes? What are you doing here in Auberon? We’re not supposed to have a ball or anything around the corner.
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Aurora: Haha, no indeed, I’m actually here for my charity work. I help build safe houses for women and girls around the world. We’re planning to open one here by the end of the year. Matteo: Oh, a lovely cause. Perhaps you might show me around sometime? Aurora: Only if you will show me around St. Helena. Matteo: It’s a deal then, my fellow highness.
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Aurora’s residence; St. Helena, Auberon, 2062
Authors note: All text written in cursive is spoken through a phone
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Aurora: Hey Athena, I’m home.
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Athena: *Prrrpt* Aurora: Ah there you are. Would you like some food?
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Athena: Meow! Aurora: I know, I know. Here you go.
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Aurora: I’ll be upstairs Athena. Athena: Meow
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Aurora: Whew, I could do with a shower. Ah but first, I wonder if Daisy brought that package I asked.
A few minutes later
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Britta: So how was the meeting? Had they finished the shelter? Aurora: It went fine. The new shelter looks good and we might be able to get it up and running by the end of fall. Britta: That’s wonderful! How’s your trip been otherwise? Met anyone exciting? Aurora: You could say so. I quite literally ran into a Matteo di Angelo today and effectively broke his phone in the process. Britta: Wait, di Angelo as in the royal di Angelo’s?
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Aurora: Could be though I can’t say for certain. I haven’t seen any recent photo’s of anyone in the family save for Queen Maddalena and her husband. Britta: But they have a son named Matteo right? I can’t remember it that wrong. Aurora: Well I’ll let you know. I arranged to meet him for coffee tomorrow to payback for his phone. Britta: Oooh, exciting. I’ll be waiting for your call! I want to hear everything!
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28th of September 2062; Princess Brigitta’s 18th Birthday Ball; The Ballroom
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Aoife: - and then this man has the audacity to claim that it’s due to poor management, fully knowing I went over the files just days prior. Michael: Unbelievable. You fired him right? Philip: Oh on the spot. It was glorious. I’ve never seen a grown man so embarrassed. Henrik: Clearly he didn’t know not to mess with the Dragon of Rionnag. Aoife: Oh you flatter me boys.
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*Guests chattering, music playing in the background*
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Stefan: Honestly, you couldn’t have worn something neater? Ben: What I’m wearing is completely acceptable, Stefan, and you know it. Now get off my back.
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*Guests chattering, music playing in the background*
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Aurora: I just don’t get how they could’ve even ended up in that situation. Don’t they do any background screening or anything over there. I’d swear they stage these scandals to keep the public talking if I didn’t know how serious Queen Helena is. Anastasia: Hardly they’d be willing to put their own through that. Plus you know how families like the Moretti’s are; give them enough money and influence and they think they’re untouchable.
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Aurora: I suppose you’re right. Still I feel a bit bad for Eleanor. To find out like that.. Anastasia: Love makes us blind. Though I can’t even imagine her heartbreak right now. It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life and now.. Aurora: Tell me about it. If I wasn’t the heir I’d honestly just skip the whole thing and get married at the city hall.
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Anastasia: Mm-m but weddings have their own beauty. Ah, it seems Lord Villareal is waving to you again. Aurora: Oh gods not again. I swear he’s been trying to set me up with his son for all evening now.
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Anastasia: Well get ready cause he’s about to try again. Aurora: *Sigh* Of course he is. Can I count on you to stay by my side? Anastasia: Always.
The subject of gossip: @thegrimalldis​
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28th of September 2062; Princess Brigitta’s 18th Birthday Ball; The Ballroom
Author’s note: all text written in cursive is inner thoughts
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Julia: *Sigh* Another year, another ball..
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???: Ummm excuse me? Julia: Oh sweet Matron! ???: Sorry! Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.
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Julia: No no it’s okay. Umm but what are you doing up here? The party is downstairs. ???: Yes, about that. I got lost. I was looking for the restroom and the server told me to take a left at the hallway and somehow I ended up here. Julia: *Chuckle* So do you tend to get lost often Mr...?
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Sebastian: Ah yes, Lord Sebastian of Carlisle. Nice to meet you Miss..? Julia: Julia of Charleston. Sebastian: Well Miss Julia, the pleasure is all mine. And once again sorry for startling you. Julia: *Chuckle* It’s quite alright. I just didn’t expect to see anyone else. Sebatian: So what are you doing up here by yourself? Not a fan of crowds or?
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Julia: Something like that. Sebastian: Well hey I get you. They can get quite overwhelming now can’t they. Anyway I should probably head back before your security comes to escort me from the premises. Julia: Oh they wouldn’t do that. You’d be taken straight to the dungeons for trespassing on royal property.
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Sebastian: *Laughs* Oh, you’ve got jokes. Well now I’m truly glad that we met. Even if it almost got me locked up. Julia: Luckily we avoided that yes. Do you think you can find back by yourself? I can escort you downstairs if you’d like. Sebastian: I think I’ll be fine. I’ll just head back the same way I came.
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Julia: Alright. Well have a great evening Lord Carlisle. It was a pleasure to meet you. Sebastian: As well as you Miss Julia. Perhaps we’ll meet again someday. Julia: Perhaps, yes.
Sebastian by @royalhouseofcarrington​ 
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One week and you’ll be finally meeting them all and their chaotic sibling relationships.
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28th of September 2062; Princess Brigitta’s 18th Birthday Ball; On the Ballroom Balcony
???: I need some fresh air
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???: Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t realize someone else was out here. Finn: Oh don’t worry about it. I’m Finn Ó Mordha, and who might you be?
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Xenia: Umm, I’m Xenia. Xenia Shakhovskoy. Finn: Now that’s a name you don’t hear often. Where are you from Miss Shakhovskoy? Xenia: Uh yeah it’s probably not that common around here. But I’m from Krasnoyarsk.
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Finn: Krasnoyarsk, huh? Sadly I’ve never been myself. Heard it’s lovely though. Xenia: It is. Though I suppose since I grew up there my view is hardly objective. Finn: On the contrary, I think you have a better understanding and appreciation for your country than someone who just sees the polished outside. Xenia: That.. That’s a wonderful way to put it.
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Finn: Well I have kind of been thought to speak elegantly. Xenia: Ugh can I agree on that. Finn: Your parents have big expectations for you too? Xenia: To put it mildly. I may be the youngest but they trained me practically the same as my older siblings.
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Finn: You’re the youngest of your family? So is this your first international event then? Xenia: Yes, actually! Well first one on my own I mean. I’ve been to state visits to our neighboring countries with my parents before. It’s kind of refreshing to be on my own. Finn: I’ve yet to be on one on my own so I can’t really say. Even now I’m here with both of my parents and both my siblings. 
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Xenia: Is it typical that you go as an entire family where your from? Finn: No, but these are my cousins. My father is the younger brother of King Henrik. So it’s more like a family gathering for us when we come to Charleston. Xenia: Ah, that makes sense. So you’ve visited here often then? Finn: Yup, ever since I was a baby.
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Finn: Well I better get back inside before my mother comes looking for me. “Social events are all about connections” and stuff. It was nice to meet you Miss Shakhovskoy.  Xenia: Yes, you too Your Highness.
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Xenia: You too..
Xenia by @krasnoyarsk-nobility​​
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28th of September 2062; Princess Brigitta’s 18th Birthday Ball; The Ballroom
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Damien: Whew what a party. Did mine have this many people? Brigitta: Yes, if not more.  Damien: Kinda quiet though. You should’ve asked papa to let you hire a DJ. That would get the party going. Brigitta: Mien! This is just a quiet moment, you’ll see. It’ll get livelier soon. ???: Heck yeah it will!
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Éabha: And that’s obliviously because your favorite cousin is here! Garret: The favorite being me of course as we all know. Brigitta: Éabha! Garret! You made it! Damien: Weren’t you two supposed to be grounded? Garret: You know mom, she can’t stay mad at us for too long.
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Brigitta: Aaahh it’s great to see you. It’s been too long. Éabha: Agreed. That’s why you’ll come to uni in Rionnag so we can meet more often right? Damien: Well about that... Garret: Oh? What did you do Bri? Brigitta: Well I got accepted to the CUA. In their esteemed arts program. Damien: Aaaannnd, they’d even let her start this spring.
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Éabha: Wait you mean Charleston University of Arts?! Oh my god, Britta! Garret: Damn girl! One of the worlds most esteemed universities is asking after you? Like I know you’re a genius and stuff but damn! Éabha: Okay yeah, that’s totally valid on skipping Rionnag. You are taking it right? Please tell me you are. What am I saying, of course you are! Come on we need a celebratory toast. Brigitta: Shhh it’s not public yet! Garret: Okay so a quiet toast then. Now get moving I need some champagne in me.
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28th of September 2062; Princess Brigitta’s 18th Birthday Ball; Near the ballroom
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Brigitta: *Sigh*
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Henrik: Hey lilla sol*. What’s on your mind? Brigitta: Hey dad. I was just wondering..
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Brigitta: Do you think grandmother would’ve liked me?
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Henrik: Oh she would’ve loved you. All of you really, though I suppose she would’ve had a bit of hard time with Ben. Brigitta: *Chuckles* I can imagine. Henrik: She was a, well, a rather serious woman to be honest. But she was also a woman of family. And I think she would’ve been especially fond of your gentle heart.
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Brigitta: Wouldn’t it be considered a fault though; caring so much about people. Henrik: That’s the thing, she was just the same. Though she lacked your ability to express and act on it. Still she cared very much for our people and to see her granddaughter do the same, well I imagine nothing would’ve made her happier. Brigitta: Thank you dad. Henrik: Any time darling. Now let’s go. They’re waiting for you.
* Lilla sol translates to little sun
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28th of September 2062; Princess Brigitta’s 18th Birthday Ball; Julia’s room
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Julia: Britta are you ready? They’re waiting for you downstairs. Brigitta: Just a minute. I lost my lip gloss. Ah there it is! Julia: *Chuckle* Honestly how you manage to lose things that are right in front of you is beyond me.
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Brigitta: I swear it’s like they just disap- Oh my gods Julia! Julia: So I know I can’t participate to the actual party but I still wanted to show my support. Brigitta: Awwww Jules! Come here.
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Brigitta: You look so beautiful! And thank you for letting me get ready in your room. Julia: Any time. I know how stressful these nights can be. Now go have fun and dance for me too, okay? Brigitta: Absolutely! I promise to bring you cake too afterwards. *Door opens* ???: Britta we need to- Ah sorry to interrupt the moment. Julia: It’s okay Rora, we were just finished.
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Aurora: Hello birthday girl. I see you went with the yellow and blue one after all. Brigitta: Of course! It has both of my colours.  Aurora: A lovely thought. You ready to go? Brigitta: Yes, I think so. See you later Jules! Julia: Later!
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Here’s a little teaser to you all of Henrik and Michael’s kids and the storylines they’ll be leading…
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So while real life has stopped me from finishing The Burn Arc before Christmas I still want to share with you all these portraits of where the story will pick up after the war. Consider it my Christmas gift to all of you!
Happy Holidays! Love, Ani
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An update
So it is with some sadness that I inform you all that I will not be finishing the war arc and will instead skip straight to gen 3 and their stories. This decision was difficult to reach as the few posts that would finish the arc up give Henrik a lot of character development which will be very prominent in gen 3. However due to recent world events I also consider these posts, and the subjects they tackle, as out of place at the moment. I’ve done some re-writing to implement the repercussions of these events into the storylines to come. All of the character development and big main events WILL happen, I just won’t be showing it to you.
I don’t have a set starting day in mind yet (I have a few things to write and tie together still) but it will (hopefully) be soon! And who knows, maybe one day I’ll share the stories you missed with you all.
Stay safe everyone, Ani
(Oh and incase someone was curious, I fully stand with Ukraine. F*ck Putin.)
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Whew gen 3 has a lot of sims. And this doesn’t even include Adelaide’s kids 😬😬😬
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From left to right;
Stefan, Harry, Éabha, Brigitta, Ben, Julia, Garrett, Minnie, Aurora, Damien, Finn & Charlie.
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