l76l92 · 2 years
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فإن قال قائل: ما هو الفساد في الأرض؟ فالجواب أن الفساد في الأرض ليس هدم المنازل ولا إحراق الزروع، بل الفساد في الأرض بالمعاصي، كما قال أهل العلم رحمهم الله في قوله تعالى: (ولا تفسدوا في الأرض بعد إصلاحها) (الأعراف: 56) ، أي لا تعصوا الله؛ لأن المعاصي سبب للفساد. [#شرح_رياض_الصالحين (#ابن_عثيمين): ٣٣٩ - ٣٤٠/ ٣]. #فائدة #الحديث #إلا_رسول_الله #ما_يهم_المسلم/ــة #الهدي_النبوي #نشر_سنته #السنة #هدي_سيد_المرسلين #عليكم_بسنتي #الرجل_الصالح #المرأة_الصالحة #الولد_الصالح https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1vZP-tDBa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thedavidbowers · 3 years
TheDavidBowersAwards presents Iona James PLUS County Well
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antiz0netan · 6 years
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here is Gwen From Total Drama.
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kaiju-z · 5 years
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Seon Adventures Episode 22:  Reunions In The Big City
So it’s been a couple of months. We went on a bit of a hiatus, we did o w o;;;
But we had our 22nd session this Wednesday, so we good~!
The night of the inter-party drama goes a bit smoother than the day. With Malak taking to his room, Luctan sitting against the door to keep company, Amelia travels the town to gather flowers from a kindly gnomish  lady named Daffine. She takes a suspicious amount of them, all in good nature as the transaction occurs.
“Quite the bunch, you’re running me out of stock here!”
As the Narahs travel ever the closer to Crystalgate, singing along the way and attracting a crowd, much like in a musical and much to FIcus’ dismay, Mournimar watches from a window, with his dear companion Morgan as Nelatha sneaks her way home.
Luctan, unaware whether Malak is awake or not, talks still, in a Frozen fashion, about the events that transpired that day. He apologizes for the party’s dynamic and makes it clear that he holds no ill will towards the cleric for placing him in a Hold Person spell. He even shares the woes of this happening to him in the past.
The disguised tiefling, who surprisingly would get joined by Archie, who somehow, some way, found Luctan at the Temple, would continue talking about the complications of the lives they live from his youthful perspective. Already soured by his own experiences in the material plane, but keeping that knowledge to himself. As he only knows Malak for aproximately 3 days.
As he tries to express his perspective on morality, given the situation with the old woman from earlier, Mournimar meets up with Nel, downstairs.
“Whatcha doin’?”
“Going back to my home if that’s allowed?”  Nel answers to the taller figure and the two have a bit of a sass off.
As Nel keeps her cards to herself, expressing mainly the point of her mother’s transportation being hush-hush,  Mourni elaborates on the shenanigans of the day. Nel does love a personal story, assuming that something got the other men in the party hot and bothered for each other.
Regardless, with Amelia eventually returning to the Shadowspire Mannor, everyone finds their sleep.
The day after, Amelia is woken up early by the half-elven woman, who takes her to watch the tri-spires of the city in the morning light.
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It is a lovely and romantic experience for the two, to say the least.
Meanwhile, Luctan and Malak also wake, the first much to the dismay of the second. Before initiating any conversations, Luctan feels a familiar pain across his back. An old pain. An ever rebounding one. A Phantom Pain.
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That established, Luctan checks with the Cleric to see how he was doing. Malak has to even point out that the Temple of Kemis had accomodations for guests, he didn’t have to sleep on the ground. But Luctan merely would answer that he wanted to make sure Malak was doing ok. If he still wanted to go with the party.
Malak seems to agree to carry on and the two men make their way back to the SM. On the way, Luctan sings a merry little song, which may require attunement, as Malak points out with the offer that Belli could give him singing lessons.
Luctan’s eyes catch something on the path to the Mannor. Flyers and posters for the Spring Welcoming Festival. Upon it, Luctan sees the names of other groups, who will participate.
“Crystalgate’s Finest”, “The Darksbane Elite”, and of course... “The Traveling Gentlefolk”.
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Luctan has a hard time composing himself, in profile during this, to Malak’s confusion and unawares. 
To Malak’s knowledge, TDBE are the token five of TDBA.Crystalgate’s Finest are the local guard. Usually lead by the same Vigilance of the Guard.  Leyla Dustone and Terrorwind the Half Orc from TDBA will be part of the 1st team.
From what Malak knows, TTG travel as a group, typical heroic adventure types. Arrogant, but you know, pretty strong guys. They had recently been asking around the temples for a new magic practioner. But stopped asking 2 months ago. Presumably having found one.
As they carry on their path, Mournimar and Morgan exit the mannor, to search for the other guys, with his trusty dire wolf at his side, after a good vibing session.
The girls come home at this time, laughing and having a gay old time, passing by the tiefling on the way to breakfast.
As it were, the three fellows meet up. With the tieflings almost missing each other again, if not for Malak’s perceptiveness and Dexterous know how.
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After a few jokes involving Mournimar’s hair and squirrels, for some reason, they return to the mannor, for breakfast.
As Amelia picks up her furbal, from Luctan, the lads also have breakfast. Much sweeter than what they’re used to, as Belli’s gourmet usually has a variety to it.
(And we get hungri irl)
Post-breakfast, the party convene on the day’s activities. Missing an innuendo from Nel, Luctan brings out a list on possible jobs they could take:
“ Knight Kelvin Mountainsteel wants a job to be done, qualifications uncertain, ‘till we get there.”
“Ziaz, Teller of Tales, slain in the Silver District. Anyone with clues to report back and can get a reward.”
“ Lord Arwen of Elevir, Member of the Circles, wants help with an issue of possible high powered mage. Needs qualified people, who can handle magic users, rather than the guards.”
“String of Murders in the Bronze District, details inside.”
From Nelatha, the party learn that Knight Kelvin’s demeanor has given her the understandable opinion that the man is, As the word is. A “cock”. A creeper of sorts.
From Nel, the party also learn that Zias was a performer at the Voluptani Mistique, whcih strikes the party as odd as they were still fully operating, in spite of the recent murder. Guards seem to be keeping watch over the body in an alley, still.
As this gets discussed, Luctan would occasionally scratch his beard. The noise of hair being scratched would tip off Nel that something was up. Which signals to Luctan to remember that he hasn’t shared with either of them his true form.
In spite of Mournimar’s poor attempt at a lie, Nelatha suggest it fine for Luctan to keep his secret, if he isn’t comfortable sharing.
Regarding the Lord Arwen job, Nel points out that the Lord, a High Mage, isn’t a complete dick, as long as they know how to handle him during negotiations.
The party offer her a position on the Cultbusters for this job, but Nel has to refrain. As she has work to do in town, involving the training of other bards. Less experienced bards. Barldings, if you will.
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Safe to say that Luctan and Amelia admire Nel in their own respective way. Biggest fans.
Either way, it’s safely agreed upon that the party will wait for Belli’s big return, before they take on a mission.
Nel messages Belli. “It’s Nelatha. We were wondering how close to home you were and how your personal goings on’re working out for you. Will you be back soon? Goodbye.”
Holy shit, Nel?! You can reply to me? Holy god?! Ok, Ficus, me and my dad’ll be coming soon.” The Narahs were hours away. And Belli had elaborated that the family will be partying it up in Crystalgate soon enough.
Nel goes sheet white.
One way or another, something leads Luctan to remember referring to someone in his past as having “eyes like dandelions”.
As conversations go on, something triggers a response from Luctan. Or lack there of as Luctan gets a 1000 yard stare. Noticing the bout of PTSD coming to Luctan, Mournimar takes his tiefling brother in arms out for fresh air, where the two men have a heart to heart about what had transpired. Luctan, in a sour mood, confides in Mournimar about his phantom pains flaring up.
Mournimar offers to cast Cure wounds on Luctan, however Luctan catches his wrist, before he can even cast it. “It won’t work. They’re  scars.”
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art by @unholyleaf​
While the drama occurs outside, Malak and Amelia have a moment between themselves. Discussing Belli and apologizing for the previous day's outcome,   Amelia hands the Cleric one of the sets of flowers she had bought the previous night: The Hyacinth.
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A couple of hours pass and the Narah Bus comes back to town, music blaring and people in the streets, familiar with the Narah family, cheering, whooping and hollering like in one big musical. Nel, conveniently making a quick exit, the big reunion and meeting happens as Belli gives everyone hugs!
Mournimar gets a hug! Amelia gets a hug! Luctan gets a hug! Malak gets a hug! Even a random kid gets a hug out of this situation!
Belli gets like 3 gold and 20 silver from her performance.
And so the party meet Bob. Mournimar and Amelia get easily intimidated by the large Orc Man, hiding behind Luctan, comedic as it is with Mournimar having a few inches over Luck without counting the horns.
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Words are traded, double pistols and winks are had, dad stares were involved at some point as well! The old bard takes a big moment to thank everyone for being there for Belli, when her family couldn’t. Belli counts the others as her family as well.
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Before Bob leaves for the  Tabernax inn, it is made known that a big party will be happening, with the Narahs helming it to make their grand return.
Luctan offers Ficus a position on the team, given his mood and the half-orc rogue accepts, joining them for the quest that Belli picks, in honor of her return: The job for Lord Arwen.
Notably, Ficus knows of the Lord, better than the rest, thanks to his underground contacts. His wife had been, at some point, a mark for a crime?
That said, he would lead everyone to the Dunspire, casting Disguise Self to make himself appear as a more elveny half-elf than he already was.
The Dunspire. Mostly silver with a spiral pattern. Windows repeating on every floor. There’s a magical aura to the place. The specific shape and position of the windows change, whenever the winds do.
The only ground entrance seems to come in the form of a single door, guarded by an interesting pair. A Golliath woman with a shaven head and a halfling man. One with a greataxe, the other with a pair of scimitars.
With Luck and Ficus doing the talking and showing the flier the Fighter would have taken at some point, Luctan assures them an audience inside, even though the two guards give each other an “Get a load of these guys” look.
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Instructions are given, as well:
The party are to hand over their weapons at the entrance. Follow the path up to the 4th floor, where the Lord sits and do not enter any other parts of the tower.
Entering, the six put away their weapons on the designated spot, one person at a time under the watchful eyes of what appear to be mostly elven and half-elven soldiers.
"Do I leave this?” Belli asks, showing off her kazoo.
“That will not be necessary.”
“How about this?” she asks again, showing her ukelele.
“That will not be necessary.”
“How about this, do I leave this?” she shows off the flute.
“That will not be necessary.”
Offering a cupcake to a half-elven man, Belli is told, yet again, by what a Gwendoline Cristie looking elven woman the words, as a punchline:  “Providing food will not be necessary.”
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And so. We go up.
Walking past the 2nd floor… Amelia and Mournimar notice and spot Nel, for some reason. There is a blood splatter up her arm. She notices the party. As Amelia gets a one arm hug. “I wasn’t expecting you to be up here in the Dunspire.” and talk shop, Luctan makes a bigger revelation... The blood is not hers.
Thinking fast, he writes a message on her palm, using Prestidigitation, while Nel confides in the group to carry on to the Lord.
While Mournimar and Belli have a conversation over what could have happened with Nel, Amelia and the titular hold a private conversation.
The group soon part with the bard, Belli sharing that the family is coming soon enough.
They eventually get to the Lord’s office. Knocking, the door opens on it’s own.
A Dark haired, elven man sits behind his desk. Lord Arwen himself.
After giving their credentials with the most notable of activities, the party enter. 
Lord Arwen explains the problem:
He pulls out two scrolls from the table, unravels them and they are maps of crystalgate from different perspectives. On each there is a seemingly perfect circle in red and blue crosses. Each of these little marks is a spot where a lightning strike has hit, loud thunder clatter.
A magic user conducting a ritual. It’s uncertain whom. Could be one of their mages? Could be dangerous or a curious mind. Not a muscle by a wizard gets lifted in Crystalgate, without the Circle knowing about it. So this mystery understandably has them spooked.
Somewhere, in the South East, outside the walls of town, someone was dropping lightning bolts and they didn’t know who, why or how.
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People, who stop there are less well off. There are orphanages and one of them is in the area. Also lots of ex-military. Religion wise, these are Bellinas worshipers.  Possibly people, who talk a lot of shit about Qorin. If there would be an area, worshipping Dahktot, it’d be that kinda area.
That said. They hadn’t found any  ivine energies in the area, so arcane user.  Adventurers are perfect for this, ‘cause people don’t trust the Circle.
A list of people living in the area is provided to the group, to aid them in questioning people in the outskirts.
Something interesting gets noted. 5 previous parties had stepped on this floor before the Cultbusters, regarding this job.
One half of the group never bothered with the quest. The other half thought it too dangerous and the 5th, the info coerced by Malak, failed.
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Through the haggling of Luctan and Belli, the party are offered 90GP each for finishing this job. Collecting all physical information the group need, they take to the streets, determined to get the job done.
Walking through the South Eastern part of outer Crystalgate, Luctan bumps into someone.
Standing at 5′6, with red hair and a pair of blue eyes that surprisingly match Amelia’s, he comes face to face with a lovely young woman in blue robes.
She looks from the “human” fighter to the air genasi monk with a look of familiarity.
The two recognize each other as Amelia sees, for the first time in a long time, her sister.
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Her sister, who refers to her as “Dee-Dee”.
End of session/episode.
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titinnuraeni · 3 years
Hari Menanam
Hari ini, kegiatan di tempatku bekerja, adalah menanam atau di sebut TDBA. TDBA kependekan dari Tatanen di Bale Atikan. Ini adalah salah satu program Dinas Kabupaten Purwakarta.
Dalam kegiatan TDBA ini, kelasku menanam sayuran pokcoy. Siswa setiap angkatan menanam sayuran yang berbeda. Dimulai dengan menambahkan media tanah ke dalam polibag, lalu memasukan bibit yang sudah di semai sebelumnya.
Para siswa sangat antusias untuk melakukan setiap rangkaian menanam hari ini. Salah sarunya siswaku yang bernama Denisyah. Dia sangat senang melewati setiap prosesnya. Dengab semangatnya dia membantuku membereskan tempat untuk menyimpan tanaman siswa.
Mengapa kita harus menanam?
Ternyata, menanam itu ada perintahnya.
"Nabi ﷺ bersabda: 'Tak ada seorang muslim yang menanam pohon, kecuali sesuatu yang dimakan dari tanaman itu akan menjadi sedekah baginya, dan yang dicuri akan menjadi sedekah. ... Tak ada seorangpun yang mengurangi, kecuali itu akan menjadi sedekah baginya'.” (HR. Muslim).
Masya Allah. Sungguh tak ada yang diciptakan sia-sia. Dari hadist di atas, kita bisa tahu, bahwa tanaman yang d rusak, di curi itu termasuk sedekah bagi sipemilik pohon. Allah Maha Baik.
Islam merupakan salah satu agama yang cinta dan peduli terhadap alam ini salah satunya ialah anjuran Rasulullah dengan menanam pohon sebanyak-banyaknya hingga hari kiamat.
Maka itu, Nabi SAW mewanti-wanti, “Jika terjadi hari kiamat sementara di tangan salah seorang dari kalian ada sebuah tunas, maka jika ia mampu sebelum terjadi hari kiamat untuk menanamnya, maka tanamlah.” (HR. Bukhari dan Ahmad).
Oleh karena itu manusia sebagai khalifah fil ard hendaknya selalu menjaga Bumi ini dengan sebaik-baiknya dan dilarang merusak lingkungan karena pada dasarnya Bumi yang kita tinggali ini adalah titipan dari Allah SWT. Begitulah perhatian Islam terhadap lingkungan salah satunya dengan menanam pohon.
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sdn1kertajaya · 3 years
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IHT Peningkatan Kompetensi Abad 21 Berbasis TDBA Hari Kedua Pemateri : Ibu Titin Hamamah, S.Pd Ibu Erni Asmawati, M.Pd . . . . Kunjungi : sdn1kertajaya.sch.id Subscribe : youtube.com/c/sdn1kertajaya Follow IG : instagram.com/sdn1kertajaya Follow FB : facebook.com/sdnegeri1kertajaya Follow Tw : twitter.com/sdn1kertajaya Follow Tmb : sdn1kertajaya.tumblr.com #sdn1kertajaya #berdikari #purwakarta https://www.instagram.com/p/CUtmKeIJwcx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wearechillbo · 4 years
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CLIQ Camping Chair
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goutfreelife · 7 years
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thedearbones-blog · 10 years
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Before + after (almost). This bear was mounted in the 1960's/1970's and was in need of a little TLC. I will be finishing his nose + eyes tonight. As much as I love mounting new taxidermy, there's just something about breathing life back into old pieces like this that makes me feel good.
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