silly-writes · 1 year
Basic rules!
Please read before requesting!!
Mostly I do x reader stuff but I will also write ships!
reader x multiple characters at once (poly stuff) is fine too! Even encouraged >:3c
Asking for non romantic just general headcanons is totally fine too! (Lord knows I have enough lmaoo)
No character suggestion limit!! Go crazyyy !!!!
Please keep everything SFW!! All the characters I write for are underage so let’s all be appropriate
(Canon typical things are fine however ie mentions of hooking up, or mentions of things that are sexual, making out general stuff like that, but please nothing inherently NSFW)
Absolutely nothing non-con
I will write things that have to do with “darker” themes (like SH, suicidal ideation and just general struggle with mental health) so long as they are in no way glorifying or feel they in anyway romanticize mental illness, and I’m in the proper headspace! (These will ALWAYS have proper trigger warnings)
No yandere stuff
No heavy gore (canon typical violence is fine, but not heavy depictions of anything that goes beyond what they would show/mention in the show)
Reader will always be gender neutral unless requested otherwise!
Anything pedophilic or incest or anything like that is an absolute NO (I don’t think I have to say that but u never know)
Characters I won’t write for!!
I write for every character except for the following:
Any of the 2023 cast (haven’t gotten around to watching yet! Lol!)
Okay that’s all!!
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td-scenarios · 3 years
Could I request Brick, Alejandro, Heather, Mike ( +Alters), with how they would react when the reader is hurt in a challenge?? If not thats totally fine! I hope you have a nice day/nice
Thank you for the suggestion!! I hope you're having a nice day as well! <3 (also I hope you don't mind if I don't do all the alters ^^ I'll just do a few.)
You know his whole "don't leave anyone behind thing"? Yeah, he immediately notices when you go down and he tells the team to wait (but knowing the Toxic Rats or Mutant Maggots, not all of them would)
"Y/N! Where did you get injured?"
Ofc he immediately asks that, and you try to tell him you're fine but your arm definitely shouldn't look like that and no shot you're making it to the end in this condition
You give him a look after he won't back down and begrudgingly tell him that it's your arm that got fucked and even though you can TECHNICALLY stand, the swinging of your arms when running/walking would cause enough pain.
The fact that it's your arm troubles him quite a bit because he can't just easily scoop you up and carry you like that.
He sits there with a puzzled look on his face before he drops down to your level and pulls you up onto his shoulders. Ofc he asks if it's okay after he does it because he didn't even stop to think before doing it.
Brick just carries you through the entire challenge, but not because he wanted to win, but because he wanted to get your arm taken care of as soon as possible.
Your team wins anyways because of the fact that the team decided to go ahead and because the other team was missing a few people.
Immediately drops whatever he's doing to your pained stance.
"Alejandro don't worry, I'm fine. Win it for the team." He has never heard such bs in his life.
"Y/N, you are not fine. You have never just dropped like this during a challenge, and besides, it'd be a shame to leave such a perfect being behind." Cue to the hand kiss which makes you wince.
Definitely sprained your wrist trying to climb up a tree or a mountain or something and now it's coming to bite you for not taking care of it earlier. To Alejandro's defense, you did just fall off of this next thing you were climbing while shouting because of your wrist.
He raises a brow at you and so you have to reluctantly agree to let him help you.
He insists on having you on his back like a koala or something. It would be the easiest way for him to carry you after all.
(Alejandro definitely continued to carry you after the climbing portion was over, but we don't speak about it. Owen already won't let it go and makes fun of him for being a softie.)
She doesn't notice that you got hurt until after the challenge is over.
The whole team is cheering because they won, but Heather slowly realizes that not everyone is there. She walks off to go looking for you.
No one else really notices because 1. They just won the challenge and 2. It's Heather disappearing. The less time with her, the better
Finally, she comes across you in the communal bathrooms, balancing on one leg as you try to patch up a nasty gash on your own.
Heather gags because ew blood, but then steps up a bit because it's you we're talking abut.
"Stop. Let me do it." Bossy as always.
Despite her tone, she's extremely gentle as she has you sit up on the sink as she gathers the supplies to help properly clean it up.
If you didn't have feelings for Heather before, this definitely helped you see her in a new light as it shows that she really cares.
Heather finishes it up and helps balance you when you get off the sink.
You try walking on your own, but she doesn't even allow it. Girlboss immediately just holds on to you and walks along with you. Probably calls you an idiot or something, affectionately of course.
Let's just say, Heather doesn't really get on your nerves as much anymore.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N, are you okay?!" Because y'all be ride or dies on a challenge, right next to eachother or some shit
You're not really sure if you're okay. Like, yeah, you just busted your ass pretty badly there and it may hurt to stand, but it's not like it'll impair you.
Yeah you just fell again.
Mike helps you stand up this time, heavily concerned about your state of being.
He isn't even worried about winning the challenge anymore he just wants you to be safe.
Mike would definitely call for help for you and then refuse to leave your side, even if it costed the team the challenge. He has so much love in his heart for the people he cares about :(
The obligatory "Crikey!" followed by him asking if you're alright.
You're clearly not and so ofc he just scoops you up and keeps on going.
No questions asks. Mans carries you until the end of the challenge and takes you to your cabin afterwards.
If you guys don't think Manitoba knows how to take care of someone you're dead wrong.
He now despises that challenge with a passion and will do anything to make sure you stay away of the area.
I'm saying that you get hurt in a fighting challenge just because I want Vito to throw hands.
He would.
He can't very well throw hands with some dirt or water or something, so of course you need to get hit by someone because of a challenge.
Shirt: Off
Fists: Out
Someone's Halls: About to be decked
"Eyyy what d'ya think you're doin' puttin' yo hands on this beaut?"
You're not the only one that's coming out of this challenge injured.
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shimospookyapple · 6 years
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I don’t care that he’s in the ‘villains’ team. Jacques is the best ❤️❤️
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totaldrama--sierra · 9 years
O-M-G! I’M Finally Watching It!! TD New Season Now!!!
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nightstarwolf · 9 years
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Am I the only one who noticed this?!
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tdisierra · 9 years
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my-sun-and--stars · 10 years
Ugh. Now we have to wait another year for the next season. :(
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td-scenarios · 3 years
How they react to you talking to someone they don’t like
this one may not be my best, but I hope y’all don’t mind! i dont think im good at writing anger too much,,,, <3
You already know he wouldn’t say anything about it. Unless they’re like extremely dangerous and he wants you to know, but other than that he’ll just try to act as calm as possible
Definitely won’t make too big of a deal of it afterwards either, will probably just lightly bring it up
“Uh yeah, Y/N, I’m not too sure about them. Are you sure you want to keep in contact?” Very careful with his words
But if this person is a douche you best believe that he’ll be all on it giving them a taste of their medicine in 10 seconds flat
Yes, never forget how he bonded with Geoff and Duncan in Island over bullying Harold since he kept having his clothes lie around. He doesn’t tolerate immodesty and you best believe he’ll step up when needed.
Isn’t having any of this shit.
You wouldn’t even be caught dead talking to anyone she dislikes because she does vent to you about those who get on her nerves at any chance.
If you forget and start walking towards someone she doesn’t like to go say hi or something, she’ll just grab your hand and lead you away, not wanting to deal with whoever’s bullshit
She doesn’t like HAVING to interact with people she can’t tolerate and if she has deemed them irredeemable then that’s that.
Not even a plausible scenario.
Not at all.
This boy doesn’t have a mean bone in his body
Even if he slightly dislikes someone, you better fucking believe he’s still going to keep talking to them to see if he can find more likeable traits within
Maybe he’ll voice some discomfort like “Are you okay with talking to them? They give me the heebie jeebies.” But not much more than that.
Will definitely still talk to whoever is giving him the heebie jeebies
He is just so sweet and nice y’all he would never
She wouldn’t technically not like somebody, I just don’t think she’d enjoy their vibes
“Haha yeah, that’s cool. Anyways, Y/N you wanna go somewhere that isn’t near [insert literally any annoying person ever] like at all? No reason!” All sweet as if she didn’t just insult them by saying that
You’d listen to her because she may not be bright sometimes, but after her whole Heather thing, she had gotten better at telling if someone was a walking red flag
Before saying anything about the person, she’d probably be glaring or just be so fake throughout the entire exchange 
Is pretty much tired of people and their bullshit because of how she gets treated sometimes, might become more forward as time goes on
“Yeah, I’d rather you not talk to this person. Ever. Like, forever ever.”
He doesn’t leave places much unless it’s to “gather supplies” or something of that sort, so you’ll tell him about the exchange after it happens
Thus begins the longest speech about safety like oh my God
“-And that’s why you shouldn’t be near them. I can’t lose you now!” 
The exchange will definitely end in you comforting him because the domino effect his mind created because of this situation got too intense. 
He’s a pretty attentive guy anyways so you tell him that you’ll try to keep interactions with this person short if you ever bump into them again.
That calms him down a bit and you both go on, business as usual
Anne Maria
Looks up from her compact mirror to see you in a conversation  with the person of her annoyance, mirror immediately snaps shut. Shit’s goin down.
“Oh you just had to show your greasy, no-good, breakin’ out face, around here, huh? Not on my watch, nuh-uh. Go on, get, I don’t want to see you evah talkin’ to my partner again, got it?!” Her volume just continuously rising
After the person is gone, you immediately round up on her, wondering what that was all about.
“What was what all about?” She takes a second before realising. “Oh that? You just don’t need snakes like that in your life, babe. Trust me I’m doin’ you a favor.”
She’ll put her arm around your shoulder and leads you guys away, you still just trying to process it.
Eventually you’ll just shrug it off because if the fight doesn’t have anything to do with her appearance, Anne Maria usually has a good reason to be getting angry.
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td-scenarios · 3 years
Base Lines!!
Just so you all can know which requests I’ll take and not take! I’ll also sometimes just be writing whatever I want so y’all can see what type of posts I’ll be making. (my favs will be bold :] )
Characters I’ll write for:
Mike (+ all alters!)
Chris McLean
Anne Maria
Then pretty much every character you don’t see listed here, I won’t write about. It may be best to request them anyways because there’s a possibility I forgot someone I WILL write for or I may be feeling nice!
All plots are welcome! What I 100% won’t write is:
Anything Non-con
Heavy Gore
Heavy NSFW
More may be added to that list if anything come to mind!
Other generic rules:
Reader will be gender-neutral unless requested otherwise
Mostly scenarios, but I will write hcs or full one-shots if wanted
Will probably take place during the competitions unless stated otherwise
I will take both ship and x reader suggestions!
And that’s it for now! I hope you all enjoy my blog and will like what I have to put out there!
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tdisierra · 10 years
Fresh TV Speaks On Audience For The Ridonculous Race
The obvious question is that if The Ridonculous Race isn’t Total Drama Season 6, is there going to be a Season 6 at all? Right now we can officially say there aren’t any immediate plans for a Total Drama Season 6.
It’s wild to think that the fans who watched the original Total Drama Island and stuck with us all these years are graduating from high school or already old enough for university. The Ridonculous Race is the result of feedback and suggestions from that dedicated fan base, which is how we know you’re going to love it! Right now we’re devoting all of our energy to taking the Total Drama universe to the next step and creating something that can live up to that dedication while still resonating with a new generation of fans as well. You can read the full article here: FreshTV Article
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tdisierra · 10 years
Predictions for TDRR?
Who do you think will make a comeback for a shot at the prize? Tell me what you think!!!
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tdisierra · 10 years
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People boycotting The Ridonculous Race without giving it a chance because Chris isn't the host....I'm judging you.
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tdisierra · 10 years
do you know where the new show is gonna happen? Is it gonna be on a plane or sumthing like that?
Actually, the Ridonculous Race is said to have challenges take place all over the world! That’ll be fun to watch!
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