#teach me how to be happy Axl Low
american-satanxx · 5 years
Animal in Me//Chapter 9
Author’s note: Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. I’m also accepting requets. Just an FYI
Today's Tom Sawyer, He Gets High On You
I wake up to the sound of someone pounding on my door. A groan escapes my lips as I bury my head into Nikki’s back. But sadly that only blocks out the sun and not the asshole pounding at my door. “Ria, do you know where the Sixxster is!?” Tommy yells as he continues the pound against the door. “I’m going to kill that kid.” I mumble into Nikki’s back. “Not if I kill him first.” Nikki chuckles. “Why is he coming to you and not Doc?” “You do know Tommy wants us together, right?” I ask him. Nikki just rolls over and looks at me with questioning eyes. “Apparently not by that look.” “He’s told you this?” “In not so many words.” I say before getting up out of bed. “I might as well answer it before we piss off the people in the other rooms.” “Aria, have you seen Nikki!?” Tommy frantically asks as he pushes his way into my room after I answer the door. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Nikki sitting on my bed in nothing but his boxers. Tommy then turns his attention back to me and looks at what I’m wearing. I’m still in my Pink Floyd t-shirt and red lace panties from last night. “What the fuck?” “Nothing happened.” I inform the drummer. “We sat and talked and devoured room service food. That’s it.” I shoot Nikki a glance. “She’s right, nothing happened.” He states. “But since when do you want us together?” Tommy looks at me. “You told him?” “I thought he already knew.” I shrug before going to my bag to get clothes to change into. “Talk amongst yourselves. I’m going to get changed before we have to get back on the bus.” “Seriously Nikki, what do you think you’re doing?” I hear Tommy’s attempt at a whisper. “She mentioned you wanted us together!” Nikki’s attempt at a whisper isn’t any better. Someone has to teach these boys to whisper I think to myself as I pull up my leather pants and tune out the rest of the conversation. I strip from my t-shirt and put on my bra before heading out into the room. Both men stare at me. “Dude, you’ve seen tits before, these aren’t special.” “Yea but they’re yours.” Tommy points out. “They’re more forbidden.” “Suuure.” I give him a look before going through my bag before finding my Jimi Hendrix t shirt. Both Tommy and Nikki are still staring at me. “Guys, seriously!? They’re just tits. They are fat deposits on my chest. That’s it! Nothing special about them.”
“You must be really comfortable around us.” Nikki smirks. “Or you wouldn’t be strutting around it just your bra.”
“OR I could be comfortable in my skin.” I counter. “Ever think of that? Besides, I’ve spent the majority of my life around guys. I’m never going to be shy around them.” Both of them still have smirks on their lips. “If I show you my tits would you leave and get ready to head to the bus?” Both of them nod their heads. I roll my eyes before pulling up my t shirt and bra showing them my boobs. “You have your left nipple pierced!?” Both of them say in unison. I just chuckle as I pull everything down. “Now leave.” I tell them. “And don’t share with Vince or Mick. Not like Mick would care anyway.” They bounce out of my room and they are quickly replaced with Doc, with an all knowing grin on his face. “They seem happy. You showed them your boobs didn’t you?” “They’re simple boys.” I smile. “But it got them to get ready to head towards the bus.” “I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.” Doc notes. “This bus won’t be the same.” “We still have a week and a half left.” I remind him. “We’ll make the most of that time won’t we?” “Those boys, especially Nikki, are going to miss you.” “They’ll find another blonde.” “There will never be another you.” ** “So when were you going to tell me you have your nipple pierced?” Nikki whispers in my ear as he sits next to me on the bus. I turn to him with a smirk on my lips. “Not my fault you grabbed the wrong boob last night.” I whisper low enough for him to hear. “Are we going to talk about last night?” He whispers back. “Do you want to talk about last night?” I question him at a normal tone once I realize no one else is around us. “Since when you rockstars want to talk about that kind of stuff.” “You’re not a groupie.” He replies with a shrug. “You’re not another girl.” “I also leave in less than two weeks.” I remind him. “It’ll be just like hooking up with a groupie.” “Not really.” He smiles. “Because if I really wanted to, and I probably will, I can have a repeat of this whenever I get back to L.A.” “You sound so fucking cocky right now.” I laugh. “No, it’s confidence; there is a difference.” “How high are you right now?” “Does it matter?” “I’m not the girl you come and fuck whenever you have an itch you can’t scratch.” I tell him. “I don’t do casual hookups. And you’re not the relationship type.” “And how do you know?” He questions me. “You’ve only known me for a little over two weeks.” “In these two weeks I’ve seen you use and abuse small town girls for your own perverted pleasure.” I begin. “You’ve slept with countless women since the moment I got on this bus. And you can’t tell me you haven’t. I’ve heard you and Vince talking. I may not know you well, but I know your type. I’m through dating guys like you.” “Axl cheated on you, didn’t he?” “Does it matter?” “If room service didn’t come right when it did, how far would you have gone last night?” He asks me. “I was caught up in the moment.” I admit to him. “Probably all the way. Part of me really wishes it didn’t come right at that moment. But another part of me is glad it did.” “And why are you happy it did?” “I don’t want to be just be another notch in Nikki Sixx’s bedpost.” With that I get up out of my spot and head towards my bunk. I think it’s time for me to have some time for myself...
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rainbowchip2003 · 5 years
Casablanca Plaza OC
Name: Ameera Beydoun
Age: 19
Appearance: Long straight dark brown hair, brown eyes, wire framed glasses. About 5”6 and kind of skinny.
Place of employment: Baby-O Records (full time)
Arab American—Lebanese to be specific.
College sophomore
Economics major
Didn’t expect to like working at Baby-O so much, but she loves it.
She does get quite a few people who badmouth her for her religion and being Arab American or snidely ask if she even knows any of the bands found in the store. Sometimes these are the same people.
But she decides to stay professional about it. Those kinds of people are a minority of the customers anyway.
When she first started work: “Hey, guys! How have you been?”
Has somehow figured out Baby-O’s organization system—Blas keeps asking her to teach him her ways.
Queen stan, and will happily scream out the lyrics to a Queen song with Mark.
All four of the guys will pick up the slack for her in regards to the asshole customers she gets.
Even if she didn’t get that kind of shit, they’d still be protective of her.
One time Bobby caught a creepy guy leering at her while her back was turned. He dragged him out of the store and threatened to beat the crap out of him if he ever came back.
They would adopt her, but she’s happy with her actual family, so they’re content being like her older brothers.
Mark’s nickname for her is “Short Stack” since she’s shorter than all of them.
She taught the boys how to dance the dabke; they in turn figured out how to dance the dabke in the store without knocking anything over.
Do not EVER mention Sigmund Freud’s name in front of her; she will go on a rant about what a sexist hack he was.
Example: one time she was waiting for her order at Thunderbolt and heard Phoebe start talking about Sigmund Freud, and this is what happened:
“I heard one time Sigmund Freud said—” “Lemme tell you something, Sigmund Freud was a fucking HACK who I wouldn’t trust to tell me the sky is blue!”
Tommy still laughs at the memory of this.
Speaking of Phoebe, Ameera avoids her whenever possible. Not just because of the Freud thing, but because she doesn’t want to know how the hell she’s attracted to Gene.
She also avoids Gene whenever possible. Because duh.
Gets along well with everyone else otherwise.
Used to keep her distance from Dee, for obvious reasons, but warmed up to him after a while of him being perfectly friendly and accepting of her religion to her.
Also maybe the only employee in the mall Mick the mall cop doesn’t have to keep tabs on, because she’s responsible.
When she’s not working or attending classes, she can sometimes be found browsing Kiss Kosmetics. She lets Vinnie use her as a therapist, but also tells him he should probably go to an actual one. She also gets along really well with Paul.
Paul may or may not be in a fake custody battle with Dana over her.
She also likes to look at the stuff in Cyndi’s, and spend any extra cash she has at Overjoysticked.
Accidentally called Cyndi “Mom” once, which led to something similar to the Brooklyn 99 scenario.
She low-key thinks it would be adorable if Mark and Dana got together. Currently has an ongoing bet with Blas over how long it’ll take until it happens.
She also sees the love triangle of Vinnie, Bruce, and Eric, and always wonders why they don’t just have a poly relationship.
In addition to Phoebe and Gene, she also avoids Bill the Boomer whenever possible. Because... boomers.
The last time Bill saw her, he stopped her and went into a whole anti-Islam speech and all the other dumb stuff xenophobic people say. Her response was to cover her ears and loudly sing the chorus of “We’re Not Gonna Take It”.
“How about you and your other Islamic sinner kind go back to—“ “WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT! NO WE AIN’T GONNA TAKE IT! WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMOOOOORE!”
Once heard Bill criticizing the butterflypea flower cloud tea. Now regularly buys it out of spite. Also because it’s actually really good.
Working at Baby-O has given her a new appreciation for rock music. Now adores Def Leppard. Will also fight you on Taylor Swift’s validity. Also a Joan Jett stan and will sing along whenever they play her in the store.
Likes to make sardonic jokes about FOX News.
Gave Tommy her sympathy after he got friend-zoned by Nikki.
She will also go on passionate rants about how Futurama was a gold mine of wasted potential.
One time she had a customer who was a Communist and loudly let everyone know it. He also made an ignorant comment about Islam, to which Ameera calmly replied, “That was very cash-money of you, comrade.”
Blas and Bobby still laugh at the memory of this. It took them a second to get the joke, but they now consider it an iconic moment.
Her text tone is the Kim Possible beeps. Whenever Dana hears it, no matter what’s going on he will without fail shout “WHAT’S THE SITCH?”
Slash likes to troll her and ask if she supports capitalism. Her response of “Fuck capitalism!” the first time he asked has now become a mall meme. You’ll often hear the Skidz employees gaily shouting “FUCK CAPITALISM” whenever they damn well feel like it.
Is the only person in Overjoysticked history to get close to beating Axl at Gauntlet. She lost by twenty points. Steven still let her choose any prize she wanted tho.
Here for the drama and the cash money; not here for your bullshit.
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intellectualth0t · 8 years
"What are 5 tips you'd give a fellow dancer? About technique, competitions, life, anything (:"
I received this anonymous question on my curiouscat account. I was flattered, actually. I was happy to read the question and think that someone- Another dancer- finds me qualified to give advice. While I could have answered blandly (due to character-limit), I didn't. I have far too many words for 5 pieces of advice, so here they are. This ones for you, anon (and everyone else interested in reading) 1. Stretch every chance you get Stretching prevents injuries AND increases your flexibility- both necessary to dance. You've probably heard your director/teacher say it a million times, but watch tv in your splits or do your homework in a straddle- basically, stretch at any time you'd normally be stagnant. Any little time you have to stretch can be used very VERY well if you're actually determined to use it wisely. And even when you're stretching along with your team at practice/class, don't just sit in a position and gaze off- ACTUALLY focus on your muscles. 2. Take care of your body. You use 100% of your body to dance, so it's only fair to be nice to your body & keep it in shape in order to continue doing what you love. Eat Right. Please eat right. I cannot stress how important this is. I'm not saying to go on a diet or anything, but just be highly aware of what you're eating and when you're eating it. Eat all the burgers & chicken nuggets & fries & chips & milkshakes you want, but do your best to avoid eating those things anytime close to when you'll be dancing because heavy foods will weigh you down, give you cramps and other uncomfortable pains, and possibly even make you vomit. Basically, just avoid any sort of heavy, greasy, or super-high-in-sugar food before or immediately after practicing. Along with eating right, PLEASE stay hydrated. Set an unrealistic-sounding expectation, like drinking 5 bottles of water a day. As unrealistic as it may sound, attempt to meet this goal anyway. But much like eating, drinking water has to be done carefully too. Before practice or during water breaks, take small sips. Don't chug, it'll give you cramps. Going back to stretching- continue stretching even after practice (I would recommend stretching before going to bed every night). Heavy activity builds up lactic acid in your muscles (which makes you sore), but stretching out your muscles distributes & spreads out the lactic acid so it doesn't stay clumped up in one place. Although you'll still feel tinges of soreness, it won't be as severe if you stretch :) And last but not least, shower every day & wear deodorant. This is very basic, self-implied knowledge for everyone- dancer or not- but just another reminder to take care of yourself after a highly-physical activity that can leave you extremely sweaty. 3. Reach out/talk to other dancers! Common ground is always super nice. If you happen to know anyone from school who dances, don't be afraid to strike up a conversation! You already have something in common anyways. If you see other dancers from other schools around social media, follow them. Like their posts. Shoot them a message. Drop some comments. Talk about styles of dance, competition experiences, songs to dance to, costumes, etc. There's a lot to talk about in the dance-world. And as a dancer myself, I can tell you that I absolutely LOVE when other dancers reach out to me via social media. It makes me feel admired (lol). Despite that we may or may not know each other irl, it's nice to create a bond over something we love doing :) 4. Improv is scary and a lil intimidating. DO IT ANYWAYS. Everyone has always kinda poked fun at me for how excited I get when it comes to improv. While everyone scoots to the back of the line, i relentlessly fling myself out of the floor, moving without a second thought. Most people are reluctant to improv because they're shy- because they don't want to make a fool of themselves doing something impulsive. But that's the thing about improv: it's supposed to be foolish. If you feel even slightly dumb making up moves on the spot, you're doing it right. If you feel like you're going to mess up, you're not. You can't mess up, because the only rule of improv is to keep dancing. Don't worry about people watching/judging whatever you come up with because chances are, they have no idea what they're doing/going to do either. With a lot of practice, improv will definitely break you out of your comfort zone- and perhaps even teach you a few new innovative moves you never knew existed. 5. There is A L W A Y S room for improvement It's bland, it's cliche, and you've heard it a million and one times. But PUSH YOURSELF. Set a goal. Say you're striving to get a triple pirouette. You give everything you have into working towards this skill, you gracefully accept every constructive critique you're given. After infinite tries- bam. You land 3 flawless rotations. Fantastic! Now aim for 4. Basically, don't stop once you finally reach your goal. D O N O T S T O P. Once you reach your goal, put in everything you can into making it stronger. Even if your goal sounds impossible (like the water thing I mentioned earlier)- aim for it anyways. Axle into a switch-firebird into a triple coupé into toe-touch. Try it- I dare you. From what I've noticed being on school dance team and going to a studio, is that people are afraid to improve because they're afraid of messing up. They're afraid of falling out of fouéttes, or their Russian being low, or face planting out of a calypso. IT'S OKAY. I myself have fallen and failed and flopped far too many times to count. But in the end, I achieved the skill I was aiming for (plus I got a good funny story out of it). Basically, just leave all of your fear and pride at the door of the studio. Walk into class or practice repeatedly telling yourself that you're going to learn something new today. Because after all, dance is infinite- there is absolutely no limit to what you can to with your body.
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