oorjainstitute · 3 years
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Let's learn Colors theme with Oorja ( Nursery teacher training/Primary teacher training) 
Warm colors such as red, yellow evoke warmth because they remind us of things like the sun or fire.
Cool colors such as blue, green evoke a cool feeling because they remind us of things like water or grass.
Primary colors are the base of every color we mix in the studio. Think of primary colors, Yellow, Red, and Blue, as the original parents of all the future generations of colors. 
Secondary colors, Orange, Purple, and Green are the children to the primary colors.
OORJA INSTITUTE FOR NTT/PTTnursery teacher training.
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Call now - 8178849721
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oorjainstitute · 3 years
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Teaching opens doors teaching changes lives bring this change in your life by becoming a teacher.
Eligibility For Primary Teacher Training Course- Anyone who has completed the 10+2 level is eligible to get admission to this course. Nursery Teacher Training (NTT)
Primary Teacher Training (PTT)
Call Now For Admission- 8178849721
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