#team dayley
kennethakirkau · 2 years
Verasight Animated Explainer Video
We teamed up with Verasight to produce this Advanced Animation. ——- CREDITS ——– Account Manager: Alice Micheli Creative & Production Lead Producer: Erin Dayley & Keith Crawford Storyboard Erin Dayley Illustration & Animation: Storyboard: Erin Dayley Illustration: Magdalena Kozikowska Animation: Gosha Miroshnichenko Voiceover Amanda Utter SFX & Assembly SFX: Lukas Pilkauskas Assembly: Keith Crawford from Vidico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0vBUhwqqjY
from Vidico Video Productions https://www.tumblr.com/vidicovideoproductions/697808613650153472
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Verasight Animated Explainer Video
We teamed up with Verasight to produce this Advanced Animation. ------- CREDITS -------- Account Manager: Alice Micheli Creative & Production Lead Producer: Erin Dayley & Keith Crawford Storyboard Erin Dayley Illustration & Animation: Storyboard: Erin Dayley Illustration: Magdalena Kozikowska Animation: Gosha Miroshnichenko Voiceover Amanda Utter SFX & Assembly SFX: Lukas Pilkauskas Assembly: Keith Crawford from Vidico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0vBUhwqqjY
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jcforsapphics · 5 years
My thoughts on gha s3
* spoilers *
• let me just start with I LOVED IT
• I already knew before that they replaced Brooke and Emma but it's still felt weird
• I also knew Jackie won't be there anymore but it's still hurts
• I can't believe all we got about Jackie is two seconds of Max talking to her without even hearing her
• I can't believe Hayley didn't even ask about Jackie or texted her
• but I'm glad Hayley chose the right man
• the eagles are a bunch of dorks and I love it
• Alex was adorable during the entire season
• Hayley as an eagle is a consepet I'm here for
• Hayley is me during pe
• Sophie radiate bisexual energy
• Sophie and Brooke were angsty as usual
• I love Grace, but Danika honestly did an amazing job as Brooke
• Alex and Brooke were so cute until the break up
• and the break up lowkey made me cry
• but please hit me up with this Leo and Brooke contact
• Hayley is highkey a genius, but what's new
• but fr, give me soft Leo and Brooke please. They're so cure.
• I want to make #givesophieagirlfriend trend, because I know believe more than ever that she's a bicon
• Sophie and Enzo were lowkey cute, but hella toxic
• Daniel and Hayley were so adorable during the entire season omfg
• also Hayley saying 'I love you' to Daniel like it's something they say every day makes me wonder how many times they said it before
• I wanted to kill someone everytime someone said Emma and Max are a couple
• "we killed bambi??" Lmfao I dIED
• Hayley trying to prove she knows what's going on in basketball, oh honey
• I melted every single time Daniel called Hayley babe
• Enzo is a dick, but he's also extremely hot and secretly a softie
• I have a hate-love relationship with Enzo
• fuck Leo lives
• Becca is a bitch, but she's relatable
• I honestly don't understand why Jackie and Max couldn't just have a ldr and have some scenes of Max texting Jackie
• seriously, Jackie just leaving like that and not giving Max a chance is so out of character
• Daniel finally got some soft scenes
• Daniel reaction to Ryan saying he can call her Ryan was adorable
• Hayley as a cheerleader is A LOOK
• shut up Becca
• Sophie didn't have enough badass scenes
• Daniel and Hayley dancing I lowkey screamed
• I love this unexpected ot4 aka Parker, Sophie, Emma and Max
• we deserve more scenes of the other unexpected ot4 (Daniel, Hayley, Brooke and Leo)
• this season was peak comedy
But yeah cool season 🙃 #givesophieagirlfriend
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cody-gakpo-archive · 5 years
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ladychi22 · 6 years
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***Greenhouse Academy - Season 2 Spoilers*** ***DON'T READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SEASON 2*** The irony and foreshadowing of this scene is quite interesting. There is exactly 3 Ravens and 3 Eagles. These are the 6 I wouldn't have expected to be in the same room let alone get along with really well because of their history in season 1. They are also standing by the one they have feelings for. I don't know if this was by accident or on purpose, but it foreshadows what is to come later on. As couples they all balance each other out because they are complete opposites. The saying that opposites attract is the truth and shown here. There's also no jealousy drama either. At one point all of them were in a love triangle of some sort. What I find refreshing is that they were honest and bold about their emotions towards the one they have feelings for. I really hope if they bring season 3, that we will see some scenes of these 6 together in a fun and more relaxed situation and individually with their significant other. They are the epitome of a great team as couples and together. Even though Daniel and Hayley were the leaders essentially, everyone contributed to the outcome which I admired. They are all intelligent in their own ways and used their individual abilities to help stop the master plan. I also love how they trusted each other and no one stepped on anyone's toes. ***So to the writers of this show please give us more Team Eureka in season 3!!!
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cusick-mcallister · 6 years
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Hayley’s IG Story - 12.31.17
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Lzzy Hale: I’d love to go on tour with The Darkness
Halestorm vocalist and guitarist Lzzy Hale says touring with Justin Hawkins and co would be a blast - as she reveals her dream dinner party guests
In September last year, Halestorm vocalist and guitarist Lzzy Hale sat down with the Metal Hammer magazine team to answer questions from fans.
Among the list of queries was one from reader Becca Dayley, who wanted to know who was left in the rock and metal world that Lzzy would love to meet or work with.
Lzzy replied: “In a classic rock sense, I’d love to do something with Heart. In the modern rock and metal sense, The Darkness are my pick just because I think they’re ridiculous.
“We’ve never toured with them but we know each other, we talk online all the time so I think that’s a good open door. Also, every time I think about working with The Darkness, I smile and laugh because it’d be hilarious.
“The last time I saw them in concert, Justin Hawkins did a headstand on the drum riser and made everyone clap with his legs going back and forth – it was the most amazing stage move I’ve ever seen in my life and from that moment on, I’ve thought to myself that we really need to tour with them.
“I will find a holographic catsuit if that’s what I have to do!”
Lzzy was later asked by reader James Stoodley what five guests she would invite to her dream dinner party – and The Darkness theme continued when she explained: “Since we’re talking about Justin Hawkins, we can include him, plus definitely the late, great Ronnie James Dio.
“We’ll throw Janis Joplin in, then Avenged Sevenfold’s M Shadows because he’s a sweetheart and he knows all the best sushi places so we’d be looking towards him.
“I’ll also have my little brother Arejay because he’s a good party starter. He’s my brother and my drummer but I’m still including him in things!”
Halestorm recently released a 10th anniversary edition of their self-titled 2009 debut album. It features all the original track plus demos and the b-side Still Breathing.
The band have also recorded a new EP, with guitarist Joe Hottinger recently saying: “It's something we've never really done before. Everyone's expecting a covers EP, but we wanted to shake it up a little. Technically, it is a covers EP – you'll find out. It's cool."
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dylandayley · 4 years
March into War
Trial solo #2
✗ Title: March into War
✗ Time Period: Beginning of March 2020
✗ Trigger Warnings: Mentions of murder.
It was the first day of his trial. Due to the evidence needed, the trial had been separated into three different days. The first involved opening statements along with the prosecution's and Dylan's evidence. The next day was going to be witness statements. Last day would be closing statements and anything else that needed to be shared with the jury before they disappear for deliberation. The three days had the chance to be extended if need be. However the prosecution would do just about anything to prevent that from happening. The last thing they wanted to risk was to give Dylan's lawyer and private investigator gathering any more information that could strengthen Dylan's case. At the moment all they had was evidence that Dylan was forced into a life that he didn't choose. That and the uncharacteristic methods that his father would use against him.
Changing attitudes towards how he felt about the trial and his defense was harder than he originally anticipated it would be. Pushing people away was something he had always done. It was how he protected himself and others around him who didn't need the baggage associated with knowing him. As he was being reminded of however, he wasn't completely disposable. And whether he liked it or not, now other people were invested in him. He couldn't just give up on himself anymore. 
Ironic enough the pep talk before they walked into the court room barely had any pep in it. It was Dylan sat at a desk in a small room with his lawyer who basically talked him through how it was going to work. And that under no circumstance should Dylan even talk while in front of the judge. Biting his tongue while someone spoke bad about him had never been one of Dylan's strong suits. He always spoke up with sarcasm laced in his words."Do you understand Mr. Dayley? Remain neutral." his lawyer instructed. With slight irritation about the whole situation he was going to have to sit through Dylan gave a slight nod. "Understood." 
Wearing a suit was one of the only good things about the whole event. It was a step up from the bland prison uniform that he had to wear day after day. Besides from the small possibility of getting a not guilty verdict. Having his name slandered wasn't unusual at this point so that wasn't something that bothered him. On the other hand, having his father portrayed as the victim during this whole trial bothered him immensely. 
Just like he'd done before, Dylan stood with his hands holding onto each other behind his back while the judge entered and addressed the court and jury. He was able to settle into his chair, but before he could even collect his thoughts about anything the prosecution's lawyer was already jumping into the opening statements. It was the same woman that threatened that he'd end up rotting behind bars, which was something that caused concern. Dylan knew what some people were capable if they were really determined to do something. If she was that determined to ruin his defense, he was concerned it just might happen. 
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the jury, over the next few days I will be proving just how toxic and out of control the defendant is. You see he has committed not just one, but two murders of people who were very close to him. The first, his girlfriend at the time, Bailey. She wasn't a part of the royal life. But Mr. Dayley dragged her into that life. He was with her for two years, convincing her that he wasn't the regular stuck up royal you might encounter. Instead he was worse. He had been planning an anniversary for them. A night of dinner in the movies. Only she wouldn't make it home that night. Mr. Dayley killed her before they could even see the movie she was stabbed to death. The second murder, his own father. All he wanted was the best for his son. But Dylan got involved in drugs, drinking and strayed from his duties. A caring father, that was all he was. And because of that he's not here today," she explained while pacing back and forth in her heels which facing the jury. Fabricating a story that she knew nothing about. "That is why we're here today. Now the defendant may try to explain to you that Mr. Dayley isn't a bad guy. He's just had some bad cards dealt. If he wasn't such a bad guy, then why does death seem to follow him? Ladies and gentlemen we need to keep people like him where they belong, behind bars where the only damage he can do is to himself. Dylan is about to be a father. With his track record, the best thing we can do for that child is to lock Mr. Dayley up so that he never has the opportunity to hurt and corrupt anyone else. Especially one of an innocent child."
Dylan had to grit his teeth to stop himself from full on exploding at the lawyer. How was she able to speak lies so fluently and believe them. This was only the beginning. Dylan still had two days of these grueling accusations where he would have to sit through like nothing was being said. He needed a distraction, something he could focus on so that he wouldn't blow it all up. Especially after all the money and time Ana had put into getting the best defense team for him. Ana. With a slight turn of his head Dylan was able to turn back to see the beautiful Russian redhead sitting front row, almost directly behind him. 
Something about her presence brought a calming sense to everything. Honestly she may have been just as worried as he was, or more. But having her there to have it all play out along with him was enough. Enough for him to not want to strangle the prosecution team at least. How would that look for his case? With their statement finished up Dylan's own lawyer stood up and walked over towards where the jury sat. Twelve people. A mixture of men and woman. The only thing he really knew about them was the fact that none of them were royal. Honestly he didn't know if that was working in his favour or not. It meant they were going to have a lot more sympathy towards Bailey's case since she was innocent in everything. His father's case was a whole other story, one he didn't know how they would feel about. He tried to focus on their expressions to see if anything swayed them towards a particular option. But for the most part their faces remained neutral. 
"Now I know what you might think after you've heard that last statement. That Dylan is some heartless person who only lives to benefit himself and cause chaos to others. But really he's not. My client is being accused of two very horrific murders. The first, Bailey Thomas. His longtime girlfriend who while on an anniversary celebration was brutally murdered right in front of his eyes. They were both taken to the hospital, but the love of his life died in his arms that night. If Mr. Dayley had committed that murder why had he gained substantial injuries? Enough to be admitted to the hospital while his heart broke," his lawyer explained to the jury. None of it was helping Dylan, if anything having to relive it was triggering. As if he was going back to that night. His nails scratched against the wooded tables as he curled them into a fist. Pain was the only way to pull himself back from falling into those memories. 
"The second, his father. Now to understand what motives my client had that night you have to know a little bit about his life and the relationship he had with his father. It wasn't an easy life for Dylan. In fact it was anything but. And I know what you're thinking. What could be so hard about his life? He was a royal, he lived in a castle. The last thing he probably needed to worry about was whether he was going to take the limo or the Porsche to the event. But Dylan wasn't so lucky. He was born into a life that he didn't want to be a part of. Being a royal wasn't something that Dylan enjoyed. He didn't get to make friends easily, he always had to put off normal things like playing ball with the guys or studying for school just so he could help his father with royal duties. That involved speeches, helping with towns and cities that needed support during hardships, problem solving about how to get communities to work together. Not something that a young boy should have to be put through. He was isolated from his family, his siblings. His mother left after the divorce, not to be seen or heard from again. The detachment from his own parents meant that he had to find love and affection somewhere else. Today you're going to see evidence proving what kind of state my client was in that night. And how it wasn't his choice to just kill anyone. That it was self defense."
With the closing statements done with, the real chaos began —evidence. Going into this Dylan knew that already his case wasn't going to be as strong as theirs. That put with the limited time that they had to get everything prepared was like hoping for an old candle to light. Between that and the way that the prosecution had come on strong with the opening statements he knew that this wasn't going to be an easy fight. But if he wanted to have a chance he couldn't give up on himself. "Find an anchor," he said to himself in his head. Without even realizing it he found himself glancing back to the redhead in the front row. Still there for him even after she knew what he did and what he was capable of. "There's your anchor," the voice in his head informed. At least Ana was something that could get him through the next few days without freaking out on anyone.
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its-ashley-95baybe · 7 years
Saw both pics. On this battle, I'm Team Dayley.
Ayyeeee. Lets go!
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kennethakirkau · 2 years
Verasight Animated Explainer Video
We teamed up with Verasight to produce this Advanced Animation. ——- CREDITS ——– Account Manager: Alice Micheli Creative & Production Lead Producer: Erin Dayley & Keith Crawford Storyboard Erin Dayley Illustration & Animation: Storyboard: Erin Dayley Illustration: Magdalena Kozikowska Animation: Gosha Miroshnichenko Voiceover Amanda Utter SFX & Assembly SFX: Lukas Pilkauskas Assembly: Keith Crawford from Vidico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0vBUhwqqjY
from Vidico Video Productions https://vidicovideoproductions.tumblr.com/post/697808613650153472
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Vidico x ALFI - Rideshare Advertising Campaign Animation
We teamed up with ALFI to produce this Campaign Animation video. ------- CREDITS -------- Account Manager: Jenny Li Creative & Production Lead Producer: Erin Dayley Project Manager: Keith Crawford Storyboard Erin Dayley Illustration & Animation: Storyboard: Erin Dayley Illustration: Janis Andzan Animation: Slava Romanov SFX & Assembly SFX: Lukas Pilkauskas Assembly: Erin Dayley https://vidico.com/ from Vidico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S5O6RJBQ48
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jcforsapphics · 5 years
Thinking about writing a fanfic about greenhouse academy season 3 with Jackie and Aspen still there (possibly without Becca) and canon bisexual Sophie
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katieamazeballs · 7 years
Great, your inbox is finally open to anons!! First of all, you are hilarious and your friendship with rae is goals. Please keep the snark, I love you for it. Now, my question is in regards to dayley : I noticed you posted a little about them and I wanted to know your thoughts about them, do you think they can last, do you think they will survive the tours ahead of them? Do you think they are cute haha? (Ps: I'm with you, i'm totally team russian)
Haha! I had no idea my inbox wasn't open until a few weeks back. Once I opened it I figured it was only a matter of time till the anons found me. Welcome to my blog o snark! I make no apologies for my opinions. My friendship with @rae1105 is probably the best thing that has come out of Tumblr. We met on here and clicked immediately. #soulmates! Now to Dayley. I absolutely love them. When we get little glimpses, they are the cutest. I'm not sure if they'll last, only because she's very young, but I have high hopes. I think that they will make it through this tour for a few reasons. #1. He is the one who is traveling this time. He seemed to be the one who had a hard time with her being gone, even if it was only that once that we saw. #2. I think she is more likely to go see him on tour, unlike how he never flew to see her. #3. I think he will be busy and have less time to sit and stew over what she's doing, especially if she goes to see him. I think the problem with the DWTS tour was they didn't see each other from Christmas to when the show went to Cali.
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cusick-mcallister · 7 years
Tag List
Witney Carson
Lindsay Arnold
Team Fish Upon A Star
Team Franney Pack
Dancing with the Stars
So You Think You Can Dance
Other Tags
Hayley Erbert
Brittany Cherry
The Cusicks
The McAllisters
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dylandayley · 4 years
It’s All Over
Trial solo #4
✗ Title: It's All Over ✗ Time Period: Beginning of March 2020 ✗ Trigger Warnings: Mentions of murder.
The whole point of Dylan taking the stand was to but time. It couldn't hurt his case anymore by him talking the truth of his situation. As it turned out however that wasn't the case. Even though it had been striked from the record, the prosecution was hungry for justice and was willing to prove everyone just the kind of person that Dylan was. Given the fact that he hadn't always lived the best life or been the best person, there was a lot of material that they could have used against him. The fight seemed pointless at this point. His private investigator was still MIA and everyone seemed to have made up their minds that Dylan wasn't someone to be pitied. He was somebody that deserved to rot for the things that he had been proven being behind. Sitting at the same table in one of the backrooms of the court Dylan was alone with his lawyer, going over the strategy. Between the way that he paced back and forth and the silence between sentences, Dylan knew that he was a lost cause. Neither of them had heard a word from his private investigator since he'd left to go in search of this hidden footage. And with the time ticking by there wasn't a lot more they could do to convince the jury that he wasn't some cold blooded killer. "All we need is one," his lawyer began to speak. Scrunching up his features, the Australian male couldn't help but be confused by his words. "One what?" he asked almost bitterly. "All we need is one person on the jury to question the story that they're being fed. The vote has to be unanimous. So if just one person questions the prosecution then they can't give you a guilty verdict. At least not right away." The explanation made sense, but any hope that Dylan had of being saved from this mess had fallen short. Their attempts to show what a monster his father was had somehow backfired completely to show just why Dylan shouldn't be trusted or let free. "It doesn't matter anymore. We both know fully well that by now it's all over. I'm going to prison for the rest of my life and there's nothing we can do anymore to stop that," he muttered. Standing from his chair Dylan turned so that his back was to the other male. There was pain in his features. Pain that he let himself get his hopes up for something that didn't pan out. Pain from getting himself into this situation in the first place. Pain for the pain that he was causing others for being in this situation. "Don't worry, you'll still get paid, Ana will make sure of that. But let's stop pretending that I still stand a chance. Now let's get in there and just hear whatever else is to be said before I get locked up again." Without any objections his lawyer led the raven haired male back into the court room that was completely filled by now. As he walked to the table that he had spent the last three days his crystal blue hues fell to the redhead who had remained right at the front of the wooden seats the whole time. Never giving up the faith she had that she could somehow fix the situation. Get Dylan out and give him another chance at actually living his life. She deserved better. Better than Dylan, better than the chaos that he unleashed into her life. Admitting to himself that it was all over and going to prison was one thing. Admitting it to Ana was a whole other level that he wasn't sure he was ready for. She deserved to know before it happened though. She deserved to know that he wasn't coming back to the estate. That moment where he looked at her felt like a lifetime, yet at the same time felt like it didn't last long enough. Swallowing the emotions that he felt, he shook his head at her. Hoping that she got the message that he wasn't getting out and that she was able to prepare herself for the guilty verdict. The judge gave each side a chance to give any last thoughts or words that they may have had. The prosecution who already had her case pretty well backed up refused the chance. She knew that she had the case and the jury the way that she wanted it. Saying anything else would have been pointless. All she wanted was to see what else his team could possibly come up with to somehow save the whole thing. Dylan's lawyer gave one last glance to him as if he was trying to get permission to argue the case more. But it was pointless. Anything he could have said would have gone straight over their heads. With a stern nod to his lawyer Dylan gave him the sign to give in. It was already over. "N-" his lawyer began to speak, but was quickly cut off by the doors at the back of the court room opening and a mix of chatter breaking out amongst those who sat watching the case unravel. Staying stood properly in place, his head turned around in curiosity to find out who could have possibly been trying to walk in at the very end of the trial. When the private investigator caught his attention he didn't know how to feel. Angry that he'd been ignoring everyone for the past day and a half? Annoyed that he showed up at the last possible moment? All of the questions and feelings disappeared however when he noticed a disc being held in one of his hands. Making his way up to where Dylan and his lawyer were, he whispered with his lawyer. Quiet enough that Dylan couldn't actually make out anything that they were saying. "Order, order," the judge called out, banging his gavel against the table in front of him. "Now, does the defense have anything else for the court before the jury resides to make a decision?" His lawyer took the disc from the other male, before turning his attention back to the judge. "Actually yes, your honour," he spoke clearly. Any form of uncertainty completely gone from his demeanor. As if on cue a television setup was wheeled up the front so that everyone could see what was about to be played. "We're here for my client to stand trial for two murders. The first being Miss Thomas who was his girlfriend at the time," he began to explain as he inserted the disc into a DVD player. "Well here I have proof that Dylan Dayley was held down and forced to watch the victim be killed in front of him." Pressing play a clip filled the screen of the night that Dylan and Bailey were walking to the movie. At first it was a usual clip, the two young people holding hands while walking down the narrow alleyway together when out of nowhere multiple people in black hoods appeared to hold Dylan back and two others to attack Bailey with a knife. Watching the whole thing play out was triggering. Reliving the worst thing that had ever happened in his life and knowing that there wasn't anything he could have done to stop it. Or help the person that he loved. If only he'd fought back harder, he could have changed it all. When he watched his head being hit against the brick wall and a knife cutting his leg it was just reinforced that he really couldn't have done any more than what he did at the time. When the black hooded people disappeared Dylan was seen pulling Bailey into her arms while she bleed out in front of his eyes. Horrified gasps were shared amongst the jury and everyone alike. Everyone except the prosecution. They seemed like they had been put off by the footage coming to light, but that wasn't enough for them to simply throw their hands up. They were going to fight it. "How do we know that Mr Dayley wasn't behind planning that attack?" she called out loud enough to draw everyone back to the fact that they were in a court room, not watching a horror movie. As if he was expecting the question, Dylan's lawyer was ready with an answer. "I'm so glad that you asked that. You see Mr Dayley was behind it. Just not the one you're thinking of." With the click of a button the footage changed to a few streets away from the alleyway. Dylan recognized it because the route they took that night was imprinted in his mind. The timestamp down the bottom showed the time to be twenty minutes before the attack of Dylan and Bailey took place. At first the screen was quiet, showing a few cars driving past but other than that nothing else. Until the same black hooded people stepped forward. Their hoods were down, revealing their faces in this clip. Then, to everyone's shock his father came into view. The group talked amongst each other before his father handed over cash and gave the go ahead. With that they pulled their hoods up and disappeared. ——— After the footage was played, the court was dispersed pretty quickly. Probably a mix of letting the jury go off to think and not having a complete riot from everyone else in the courtroom. Given the fact that he wasn't allowed bail he was taken back to a holding cell to await for a verdict. It didn't seem like he had been there long before a guard came to get him. "It's time to go back, the jury has reached a verdict," the guard explained as he opened the cell door. This only confused Dylan. He'd heard of jury's that sometimes took days to make a decision. Considering the severity of his case he assumed that it would take a lot longer than it had to come to a conclusion. Being led in cuffs back to the court room that had now been tainted with all of the things he had seen in it, Dylan couldn't help but notice the silence that echoed across the room. Everyone had already found themselves back into formation and Dylan was the last one to arrive. Even the judge was already nestled up at the front of the court room. With the cuffs being taken off of his wrists, Dylan was allowed to stand next to his lawyer behind the same bland wooden table that he had previously. "Now, I understand that you have decided on a verdict," the judge questioned, his attention turned to the jury who all nodded. "Right, well let's hear it then." One of the officers grabbed the paper from one of the jury members and walked it over to the judge for him to read aloud in front of the court. Something about how quickly the decision was made concerned Dylan. Did they just completely disregard everything that his private investigator had uncovered? Swallowing the lump that was growing in his throat, Dylan's attention fell completely onto the judge as he began reading the verdict. "We the jury find Dylan Dayley on count the first, murder of Bailey Thomas," the judge began to read, although the pause felt like an eternity. After all his fate was quite literally on the line. "Not guilty." A weight felt like it was lifted in that moment. Honestly he didn't care what happened with his father's case. But being accused of killing somebody that he truly loved cut deeper than anything else could. It didn't seem to bother the prosecution so much. They still had another murder that was backed up with logic and evidence that Dylan was actually responsible for. "On count the second, the murder of Mr Dayley," the judge read out. If Dylan thought the pause before was like an eternity he was mistaken. The pause now was longer. Like the judge was stretching everything out so that he would have to stay frozen constantly in this moment. No chance of ever escaping. "Not guilty." This sent the whole courtroom into an uproar. Some happy, some furious at the verdict. For Dylan though everything turned silent and blurred around him. He'd been hoping that this was something that would happen, but he hadn't ever actually saw it as ever happening. He really was free. Free of this case, free of his father — free to live his life.
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endorsereviews · 7 years
Complete HypnoThoughts Live 2016 Conference MP3 Audio Recordings Package
Complete HypnoThoughts Live 2016 Conference MP3 Audio Recordings Package
*Complete HypnoThoughts Live 2016 Conference MP3 Audio Recordings Package Full Conference Audio Recordings plus all available presenter handouts Available on CD-ROM or USB Flash Drive
This package features audio recordings of all sessions recorded exactly as is happened at the Conference.
Includes MP3 files of every session. Listen on your computer or fill your iPod or favorite MP3 player with all the live audio from every session. This package allows you to review presentations and is a lasting valuable resource.
Friday, August 26, 2016 Build Your Practice Through Referrals William Arendell Mesmerizing Mind & Body Mona Abdulrahim-Santl Spiritual Journeys Howard Batie Non Verbal Matters Teresa Perciful Help Your Mary Kay Lady Jo Moon Stage Hypnosis Safety Susan Rosen From Stressed to Best Ruth Scheider Progressions for Success Bob Burns Sensational Solutions for Hot Women Louise Baker Hypnosis in Medical, Surgical and Clinical Settings Kate Beaven Marks Closing the Deal getting the Client to Say Yes Selena Valentine Fascination with Fractionization Cheryl Ellman The Essential 4 Randi Light Mindfulness in the Treatment of Pain Birgit Zottmann Hypnotic Headlines Jason Linett Stage Hypnosis vs Comedy Hypnosis Alan Sands Want Business Success? Joan Courtney Walking in the Hypnosis Arena Jodi Hert Why Dr. Flowers Jo-Anne Eadie Stories as a Tool for Creative Conflict Resolution Mark Andreas What’s Emotional Intelligence Beryl Comar How to Make Stage Fright Your Friend Nicholas Pallesen Working with Military and Emergency Services Karl Smith Motivation Workshop Michael Watson Speed Attraction Dave Snyder Golfnosis Doug Juola Utilizing Cellular Plasticity in Your Hypnosis Practice Michael Ellner How to Run Ongoing Meet Up Groups Nancy Mac The Art of Successful Change Mercedes Herman Energy Work for Hypnotists Nicole Weber Overcome Allergies in Just One Session Kevin Cole Post Traumatic Growth Peter Bedard Group Trance for Hypno Junkies Sara Pugh I’m a Hypnotist. Now What? Carm Blacconiere Trance with NO Induction Kweethai Neil The CIA Dream Team Pattern Sara Carson Optimize Your Weight Loss Fern Tasig From Zero to Hero Keith Barker Instant & Rapid Hypnosis Sean Michael Andrews The Mind of an Alchemist Carl Pruitt Stuttering, Obesity, Fears, Allergies and more H. Larry Elman Everything You Wanted to Know About Hypnosis Shelley Stockwell Allergies, Sensitivities, Pain and Cravings William Wood Addiction Treatment in the 21st Century William Horton The Secret Way to Market Your Products Richard Barker Autoimmune Disorders Melissa Roth Conversational Regressions Jess Marion The Contender Pattern Toni Bryant Weight Loss: Deep Psychology Johnn Farley The Care and Feeing of Entertainment Agents Bernie Stevens 3 Must Have Sessions John Cerbone The Hypnotic Bridge Martin Peterson Creating Expectations for Your Client Michael DeSchalit Habits of Success Zoilita Grant The Shamanic Journey Tess Meissner Spoon bending 1.0 James Dayley Introduction to Ericksonian Hypnosis Mike Mandel Love, Care for and Train Your Man Sandi Graves Time Distortion in Hypnosis Richard Nongard Information Retrieval Regression Tech Marx Howell Supercharged Hypnotic Phenomena Jason Linett Say What? Kathy Gruver The Mutual Motivation Model James Hazlerig Insights into Relationships Hena Husain Body Language Secrets David Snyder Effective Presentations / Fast Phobia Release Joanna Cameron Stage Hypnosis for the 21st Century Daniel Jamison-Goyette Saturday, August 27, 2016 Hypnotic Public Speaking Derrick Watkins Breathe! Kimberly St. Laurent “ASMR” Phenomenon and Your Hypnosis Practice Jen Wilding Unlocking the Power of the Mind For Ultimate Weight Loss Didi Vergados Intro to Handwriting Analysis Linda Martinez Goodnetter How to Start Stage Hypnosis? Gyula Kovacs Locking in the Desired Change for Good! Ken Guzzo Changing Self-Concept and Self-Esteem Donald Pelles Trance Through Time Shawn & Sarah Carson, Jess Marion Introduction to the Simpson Protocol Ines Simpson Power Networking Hena Husain Internet Marketing for Hypnosis Part 2 Steve G. Jones Conflict Deescalation & Resolution Mike Wilson The Vertigo Induction Robert Otto Getting the Read on Your Client Robbie Spier Miller Rapid Release Regression Techniquies A.L. Ward Mentalism as a Hypnotic Show Warm-up Devin Knight Hypnosis and the Law Gary Urso 3 Principles and the Outside Outcome Michael Watson Kinesiology and Muscle Testing Dottie Ward Six Criteria for Creating Lasting Change Patrick Singleton Hypnosex Stin-Neils Musche Improv – You Can Do It! Cindy Levy Quickly Boost Results in Your Sales, and Sessions! Andria Michele Practical Applications of Laughter Therapy Kelley Woods Past Life Regression Therapy Debbie Papadakis How to be a Fearless Agent of Change Luke Howard Integrative Hypnosis for Sleep Melissa Tiers Pick Up the Phone to Book Gigs Rich Alexander Publishing Your Very Own Hypnosis Book for Fun and Profit Michael DeShalit Show Your Clients How the Mind Works Carm Blacconiere Creating the Vision of Your Success and making it Reality Scott Schmaren Inside Marketing: Techniquies to Propel Your Business Forward & Get More Clients Kathy Gruver Trauma Collapse Technique – The Castor Protocol Martin Castor A Pretty Website Should Also be Convincing Steve Stork Mental Training for Athletes and Performers Randi Light Five Keys to Power Anchoring William Wood What is the “IT” in Spriritual Hypnosis Keith Dykes Are You Effective? Kate Beaven Marks introduction to Crafting Metaphors Mike Mandel Become a Hypnosis Recording Artist James Dayley Perception, Curiosity & Creativity Elizabeth Carnwith The Reality Distortion Field Shawn Carson 2 Rapid Inductin Tricks Sandi Graves Heroic Hypnosis Bob Offer The Clubnosis Experience – A Mind/Music Mashup Matt Hale Autism and Aspergers Kevin Cole & Kelley Woods Troubleshooting the Dave Elman Induction Workshop Sheryl Elman Mediation Padman Pillai Neurology 101 – Left and Right Brain Sara Pugh Why You Should Become a Practitioner of the Virtual Gastric Band Joanne Eadie How to Write Your book Using CreateSpace.com Kathy Linkdert IBS and Hypnotherapy Melissa Roth Energetic Healing with Opening the Heart Transmissions Paul Wong Inductions That Convince Your Client Scott McFall Dealing with Distractions During Self Hypnosis Nancy Hunter Hypno Spa for Practitioners and Performers Patricia Eslava Vessey Sunday, August 28, 2016 Your Six-Figure Hypnosis Business Suzie Bowers Groups & Spiritual Hypnosis Cheri Baumann Hypnosis & NLP for MMA and Combat Athletes Joshua Manuel Day Traders Can Make You Money Jeffrey Richrds A Mind is an Awful Thing to Waste Marx Howell OTHER Inductions H. Larry Elman Lie to Me… If You Dare – How to Catch a Liar David Snyder Hypnosis for Heroes Steve Roehm Group Sessions Made Easy Robert Otto Transpersonal and Suprapersonal Hypnotherapy Timothy Trujillo Coaching the Unconcious Mind Melissa Tiers Moving Through Struggles to Grow Your Practice Greg Beckett Working with Military and Emergency Services Karl Smith Musical Inductions James Hazlerig & Rachel Raucher Scripted (Don’t Sell the Sizzle!) Bob Burns Let’s Talk Sex Will Horton Corporate Clinical Hypnosis Programs John Cerbone Q & A on the Business of Smoking Cessation Ken Guzzo Interactive Erotic Hypnosis Ethics Discussion Linda Nelson Refining Your Access to Past Life Regression Albert Marotto The Perfect Presentation to Medical People Seth-Deborah Roth Spoken Word a Tool for Change Mercedes Herman & Toni Bryant Designing Your Own Self-Hypnosis Regimen Adam Kilgore Easiest Way to Book High Paying Corporate Speaking Robert Harrison Hypnosis for Heroes Rick Green Demonstrational Hypnosis Mariana Mathews & Sean Michael Andrews Stepping Into Your Power Scott Schmaren Come Get Hypnotized! Rory Fulcher Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking Roy Hunter Waltzing with Wolverines: Working with Troubled Teens Mark Andreas How to Kill Cravings William Arandell Crush Facebook Marketing Richard Barker The Magic of Erickson: Moving Beyond Language Patterns Jess Marion Enneagram & Hypnosis Nancy Hunter The Free Speaking Secret Heather McFall The Magic Mirror: Hypnosis & The Differently Able Robert Schlesinger Helping Injured Athletes Heal Jo Moon Secretes of a Successful Hypnosis Session Stin-Neils Musche Spriritual Regression and Progression David Newman How to Heal a Broken Heart Beryl Comar Use Meetup to Grow Your Practice Robert Riddlemoser The Key Belief That Prevents Change Duff McDuffee Inductions , Inductions, Inductuions! Timothy Trujillo Rapid Non-Contextual Trauma Resolution Michele Braun Conversational Hypnosis in Client Settings Michael Ellner Hypno-Scan – Using the Super-Conscious Mind to Heal Ted Robinson Hypnotic Webinars for Explosive Profits Jason Linett Acupressure Facelift Dottie Ward Twice the Money… Twice the Fun Zolita Grant Why I Did it & What I’d do in a Different Venue Kevin Lepine The Rapid Inductions Workshop Rory Fulcher You Can Make Your Own (Template) Website Tina Pineiro Evidence Based Miracles Kevin Laye 26 Direct Suggestions Richard Nongard Subliminal Therapy Eugene Popa Connecting to Your Source Agnie Hernandez Stern-Sentencing: The Techniquie You Need to Know About Phylicia Mason
Complete HypnoThoughts Live 2016 Conference MP3 Audio Recordings Package posted first on premiumwarezstore.blogspot.com
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