#team marinverse propaganda
a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
which “at first i thought it was an idea” character are you (ft That One Anti-Villain Guy)?
a uquiz I made a while ago for fun, but seeing as these characters are in the group oc tournament, why not post it here?
https://uquiz.com/quiz/n8mof0/which-marinverse-character-are-you (all results for those curious and tags under the cut)
Marin Reaves
You're logical, grounded, and a little bit stuck in your ways. You can sometimes seem controlling, but that's only because you feel a need to be able control of every aspect of your own life, and you hate the idea of destiny because of that. You'd trust your head over your heart any day, and can get annoyed at those who don't, often seeming self-righteous. You care deeply for your friends, but you sometimes feel like you're the only sane person in the room...
Zaida Verdine
You tend to gravitate towards lively places and larger groups of people. Doing the right thing is very important to you, but you often feel as if you're not capable of doing anything that could actually help your friends or society as a whole, especially as you're keenly aware of humanity's worse nature. Because of this, you dedicate a lot of time to trying to improve, whether that's in skills or as a person. However, to those who don't know you, you may seem optimistic and carefree, and although you might have been at some point and maybe still are a little, you wouldn't use those words to describe yourself.
Caelan Katsaros
...Admit it, you're a bit of an adrenaline junkie. You're highly competitive and love to take risks, but are also genuinely brave, and willing to do whatever you have to to protect the people and things important to you, no matter the cost. You may be seen as a bit of a prankster, and love to joke around and (affectionately) tease your friends. You like to think you have a great sense of humour, but whether you actually do... well, sometimes.
You're endlessly curious, often to an unhealthy extent, and seem to have an innate need to know everything – everything – there is to know, no matter how useless that knowledge may be. You can always seem to find interest in anything, no matter how mundane, and this ability makes you able to see some good in even the worst of situations. However, you don't cope well under pressure, and often feel insecure in your own ability to cope in a world you feel unprepared for. You throw yourself into everything you do, and often seem lively and even hyperactive, but time to yourself is also important for you. You value your own morals highly, but you recognise that they are subjective, and so don't try to push them onto other people.
Even Ulberg
You're very cynical and often insensitive, treating yourself as the priority. You're extremely confident in yourself and your abilities, often disregarding others on the basis that they'd only hinder you, not help. You tend to distrust people, as a rule. However, in the rare occasions where you do grow to care for someone, you are exceptionally loyal and will  unthinkingly extend them into your policy of protecting yourself first. You live in a world where chaos is the default and where despite your efforts, things are always out of your control – but deep down you desperately want to have at least some sense of stability and control over your own life, and hate living in that chaos.
Ayumu Alaya
You're casual and laid-back, and people would possibly consider you a bit lazy. However, you’re simply comfortable in your life right now. You tend to be creative, whether that's in music, art, (attempts at) writing, or your own appearance. You can act as something of an emotional sponge, seeming to feel what everyone else is feeling at the moment, and this can stress you out a lot. This is somewhat unfortunate, as you are often seen as someone who can be trusted and confided in, which may lead to others expressing their problems and asking you for advice. You'd love nothing more than to curl up under a blanket with hot chocolate watching a feel-good animated film, but are willing to step out of your comfort zone if you need to to protect the ones you love.
That One Anti-Villain Guy
You probably hold radical views, but believe that the major change that comes with them is the only way a good difference can be made in the world, something you strive to achieve. Despite that, you often hesitate in implementing your plans if they mean actively hurting others, which can make others see you as ineffective. You believe everyone should be treated fairly and given equal chances, and are often driven to action when you witness the injustice and inequality present in the world. However, you’re not one think about the logical consequences of your own actions, no matter how big they are.
Happy group oc tournament!
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a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
Snippets from Team “at first I thought it was an idea” ft marin, zaida and caelan interacting
(link to the actual fic here btw, though this isn’t there yet (it’s sometime in the future as of now))
Chapter ? — Snowblown
Embers flew from the fire, hissed in the snow, and Marin huddled further into her coat.
She’d known the weather was getting colder for a while now. The further west they went, the less the sun seemed to shine, and the more the wind seemed to blow. Yes, it was perfectly reasonable, and it wasn’t unexpected; even more so when considering the gradually dropping temperatures in and around the area… but the reality of it all hadn’t hit her until the day she woke up in Pike National Forest with half her tent covered in snow.
Zaida, somehow, had managed to sleep through it all. Maybe it was her luck, maybe it was her sheer sleeping prowess — either way, her own tent had remained comfortably occupied until mid-morning, when the bleak sun and Marin’s fire had warmed the camp enough, and the snow on the top had long since turned to water.
The habit hadn’t stopped. It was becoming somewhat of a ritual.
But the further out they went, the less the snow melted, and the more time Marin had to spend in the cold.
And Zaida wasn’t the only one with a questionable sleeping schedule. Caelan, too, seemed determined to make Marin’s mornings as tiring as possible. He was up with the sun’s first rays, searching for monsters, following clouds as if they meant something. It made Marin almost happy Zaida was still asleep. If only because she and Caelan would freeze to death chasing squirrels otherwise.
It was on one of these mornings, with the fire still too weak to warm anything and the snow still spiralling down, that Caelan came to her with news of something other than floating water droplets — not that it was any more substantial.
“...You want us to follow a ghost story.”
“I see it more as... ‘investigating an opportunity’.”
“An opportunity you got from a few superstitious storytellers wasting their lives?”
“It’s better than- I mean, I thought you’d think it would be better than investigating the intriguing prophetic nature of clouds.”
It was. She’d give him that. “Congratulations, Caelan. On finding something better than clouds to chase.”
Caelan, looking over, gave her a dramatically scorned look.
“...Fine,” she sighed, walking over. “What’s the story?”
His eyes lit up in a way they only could when faced with some sort of thrill. “Basically,” he said, “basically. You know how people hike through here, right? And how it snows?”
“Of course I know how it snows, I’m standing in it.”
“Yeah, well, you don’t. Stop ruining the atmosphere. Anyway, so it’s really creepy, because the snow,” he paused, for dramatic effect, “is almost alive.”
Marin stared at him. “What.”
“Hey, I’m just repeating what I heard. Can’t say if I believe it, but weird stuff happens, right? And apparently, there are snowstorms around here which are really weird. Nobody can predict them, the weather forecasts are completely useless, they just turn up out of nowhere. And they’re not proper snowstorms, either, they’re really, really small — but the weirdest part is that they seem to actually chase people. I don’t think anyone actually died, but loads and loads of people who hike through here just get caught in one of them and lose all their stuff.” He looked right into her eyes. “And they never happen any other time.”
“...Apparently,” she replied. “We don’t know that.” But as unlikely as it seemed, the story represented a chance to have an actual goal in mind; to have a purpose which encompassed more than wandering aimlessly. It intrigued her more than she’d have liked to admit. “Do you know when all this started?”
“Oh yeah, about two and a half years ago.”
Not forever, then. That definitely made it more plausible than it had been, but there was still…
“Two and a half years ago?”
“Well, yeah, that is what I just said.”
The wind whipped around them, and the fire sputtered. There was a chill in the air that only served to emphasise her point. “The same time Pikes Peak started to get really, really cold?”
“Yeah, it would be…” Caelan’s eyes glinted, and he stopped himself before continuing. “Yeah, of course. Yeah, I knew that. See? I told you I was onto something.”
Marin’s lips twitched upwards as she headed over to their supplies, picking out a pair of tongs. “Stop it.”
“...I think I’ll pass.”
She rolled her eyes with tired affection, and walked up to the fire. Embers sparked as she nudged some blocks of wood, preventing the gust from reaching the heart of the flame.
“Alright. Let’s assume, just for now, we’re up to chasing this idea. Who did you hear it from?”
Caelan smiled mischievously. “Well, there was this drunk old lady in this tavern… oi, Marin, relax”, he called out, seeing Marin’s hand on the tongs freeze. “It wasn’t a drunk old lady at a tavern – contrary to popular belief, I do actually possess some sense of reason. No, basically there was this couple who lost their stuff…”
Marin sat at the edge of her tent, brows furrowed “...And this has happened how often?”
“She didn’t say, but from the way she was talking, that’s the case much more often than not. She even tells people to bring two copies of everything they’re taking outside now, in case one of the pairs of stuff goes missing. Not that it usually works,” Caelan answered, now poking the fire, “but it’s common enough for that to be an actual safety measure.”
“And every single time people’s things went missing after a snowstorm?”
“...Has anything been found?”
“If it has, it sure isn’t very often. There are notices for lost belongings all over the place.”
Wait. “Notices for lost belongings? So we can-”
They were interrupted by a yawn coming from a tent nearby. Looking over, Marin saw the edges stretch as something pushed against them, and a few moments later, a face poked out of the entrance.
“…guys… why are you… talking so loud, it’s only…” Zaida pushed the hair out of her eyes and looked up at the sky, blinking tiredly. Falling snowflakes rested on her cheeks, giving her new freckles. “…seven thirty or something...”
Marin glanced at her watch. “Nine, actually.” Despite her attempt at being unimpressed, she couldn’t help a small smile.
“That’s the same thing, it’s still… sleeping hours… can I just-”
“Now Zaida, Zaida, Zaida,” Caelan said, walking over. “Would you really want to sleep on this fine morning, where we have not two, not three, but… well – one – lead?”
She jolted up at that, looking at Marin. “We have a lead?”
“…Caelan’s found a story. Which still seems a bit suspicious, but…” she sunk down into a crouch “...it’s better than nothing. Essentially…”
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