#group oc tournament
a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
which “at first i thought it was an idea” character are you (ft That One Anti-Villain Guy)?
a uquiz I made a while ago for fun, but seeing as these characters are in the group oc tournament, why not post it here?
https://uquiz.com/quiz/n8mof0/which-marinverse-character-are-you (all results for those curious and tags under the cut)
Marin Reaves
You're logical, grounded, and a little bit stuck in your ways. You can sometimes seem controlling, but that's only because you feel a need to be able control of every aspect of your own life, and you hate the idea of destiny because of that. You'd trust your head over your heart any day, and can get annoyed at those who don't, often seeming self-righteous. You care deeply for your friends, but you sometimes feel like you're the only sane person in the room...
Zaida Verdine
You tend to gravitate towards lively places and larger groups of people. Doing the right thing is very important to you, but you often feel as if you're not capable of doing anything that could actually help your friends or society as a whole, especially as you're keenly aware of humanity's worse nature. Because of this, you dedicate a lot of time to trying to improve, whether that's in skills or as a person. However, to those who don't know you, you may seem optimistic and carefree, and although you might have been at some point and maybe still are a little, you wouldn't use those words to describe yourself.
Caelan Katsaros
...Admit it, you're a bit of an adrenaline junkie. You're highly competitive and love to take risks, but are also genuinely brave, and willing to do whatever you have to to protect the people and things important to you, no matter the cost. You may be seen as a bit of a prankster, and love to joke around and (affectionately) tease your friends. You like to think you have a great sense of humour, but whether you actually do... well, sometimes.
You're endlessly curious, often to an unhealthy extent, and seem to have an innate need to know everything – everything – there is to know, no matter how useless that knowledge may be. You can always seem to find interest in anything, no matter how mundane, and this ability makes you able to see some good in even the worst of situations. However, you don't cope well under pressure, and often feel insecure in your own ability to cope in a world you feel unprepared for. You throw yourself into everything you do, and often seem lively and even hyperactive, but time to yourself is also important for you. You value your own morals highly, but you recognise that they are subjective, and so don't try to push them onto other people.
Even Ulberg
You're very cynical and often insensitive, treating yourself as the priority. You're extremely confident in yourself and your abilities, often disregarding others on the basis that they'd only hinder you, not help. You tend to distrust people, as a rule. However, in the rare occasions where you do grow to care for someone, you are exceptionally loyal and will  unthinkingly extend them into your policy of protecting yourself first. You live in a world where chaos is the default and where despite your efforts, things are always out of your control – but deep down you desperately want to have at least some sense of stability and control over your own life, and hate living in that chaos.
Ayumu Alaya
You're casual and laid-back, and people would possibly consider you a bit lazy. However, you’re simply comfortable in your life right now. You tend to be creative, whether that's in music, art, (attempts at) writing, or your own appearance. You can act as something of an emotional sponge, seeming to feel what everyone else is feeling at the moment, and this can stress you out a lot. This is somewhat unfortunate, as you are often seen as someone who can be trusted and confided in, which may lead to others expressing their problems and asking you for advice. You'd love nothing more than to curl up under a blanket with hot chocolate watching a feel-good animated film, but are willing to step out of your comfort zone if you need to to protect the ones you love.
That One Anti-Villain Guy
You probably hold radical views, but believe that the major change that comes with them is the only way a good difference can be made in the world, something you strive to achieve. Despite that, you often hesitate in implementing your plans if they mean actively hurting others, which can make others see you as ineffective. You believe everyone should be treated fairly and given equal chances, and are often driven to action when you witness the injustice and inequality present in the world. However, you’re not one think about the logical consequences of your own actions, no matter how big they are.
Happy group oc tournament!
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Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Mihalis [False Colors @elsabet-writes]
Mihalis is a blood mage who became a business major so he wouldn’t have to beat people up, only to shatter his pacifist ideals when he hit finals. He’s the best in his chosen field, but he’s also bitter and vengeful, and more than a little sleep deprived. He runs on caffeine and the desire to crush his enemies. Mihalis is tall and dark, but missed handsome by a mile and has made up for it by sheer force of personality. However, his tendency to glower arrogantly at all and sundry is not so much down to his self-important disposition as much as the fact that he SHOULD be wearing glasses and refuses to. (Because having them hang around his neck on a beaded chain would tarnish his image and he loses them otherwise.) (He doesn’t actually wear a three piece suit in the story setting, but my sister is the artist, and he’s wearing a suit in the reference picture she used, so my world building explanation is that he is visiting someone from a culture where they DO wear three piece suits, and is not only disgusted by the very concept of a necktie, but also utterly horrified at how small their coffee cups are.)
Max Way [Sons of the Star @thegreenleavesofspring]
Max Way is the leader of a biker gang and a vigilante who fights human trafficking in his home city. He is gruff, violent, fierce, and fiercely honorable. His creed is to always protect women, children, the innocent, and the weaker, and he rules his six younger brothers with a rod of iron.
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kamalemons · 4 months
Here with a question for Pink Lemonade Diblee!
So I heard you had a not-so-fun encounter with a Jamba heart :( Do you have any hard feelings towards the members of the Jambastion like the Mage Sisters because of that, or is it all good because they're Kirby's friends now?
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She will ignore them in public and bubbles with rage privately. If she can keep that in, at least.
(oh ah, propoganda for @kirbyoctournament)
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mercyillustrator · 2 months
Why do some of your oc's have male disguises? (Not trying to be mean, sorry if my question already has been answered😅)
When I had a backstory of my AU Nonsurat which I added she/her (not cannon) I wasn’t sure how I would put into a story on that til my mind where she was join into Fighting Group when I heard about girls disguises as male I wasn’t quite sure and wasn’t interested til my mind anyways according to my OC Nebula backstory when she was done rehearsing her show at the old theater during the play and her being a dancer til she heard the alert of NME coming and where he takes female puffballs because he saw them as weak that girls can’t do anything like male puffballs that wanted to be treated fairly not special treatment.
Nebula parents I would say they were firm, worried about their kids being in danger, supportive and loving but unfortunately nebula didn’t find her parents and I’m not saying they’re dead but absent ever since the chaos happen. :0
even though GSA let female puffballs and any species to be in GSA but there are some criticism some parents that won’t support female puffballs. Some of them their old roots like my AU Nonsurat as they have the old roots of "boys are strong and girls are weak" that kind of thing :0
For Nebula when she felt being defeated by NME and monster attack her she thought she was worthless and not good enough to be strong warrior but then she has to disguise herself as a male to save everyone and honor her little sister Starla who died from NME plus had to give up her dreams.
When she works on the disguise none of the monsters and NME can tell they are secretly female in disguise if they were exposed to be female then NME would capture and corrupt them like how Knuckle Joe Father aka Jecra were. But the fighting group can show their hair if they want but being careful with disguise coming off.
And so Nebula would have filers to join fighting group and no she is not against GSA nor Arthur. Let’s say that couple of female puffballs are in GSA and no one can tell by it gender and their voice changer being male whether it’s deep, low, husky, high pitch boy, and masculine appearance. Nebula would support anyone and no matter what age if they were kids, teenagers, young adult, adults, and elder .
Fighting group has to be better safe then sorry to save themselves from NME. Nebula is the leader of the group and has the right handed warrior whose name Sir Solar aka Solaria who helps her as a general of course they treated each other like family. They use their initials as Sir or they changed their name but not pressure by Nebula though she respect their boundaries and ways.
In the future of my comic it will be shown how they got corrupt and how it started without any bad but keep it as friendly and how would the stories goes.
(It’s ok no worries you’re all good and that’s a good question to ask. When I was little I learn it from OG Powerpuff girls, books, KND, and Mulan mostly Mulan where she talks about reflection and how female warrior wanted to be strong like men’s) if you have anymore I’m free to ask :) and correct me if I make sense with words also Thank you Anon ^^
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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minor bracket round 1 group d
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oc credits: @thatonegaybastard @cobble-stone @blueandblooks @t4tnavyseal-t4t. btw if you feel like your oc qualifies for this feel free to shoot me an ask and ill add them to the team!!
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Heyo!! @deputyash and I signed our Single Parent Crossover AU up for @group-oc-tournament and here is why you should vote them when the polls come out!!
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Dove and Dean are single parents who have overcome many trials and tribulations, it takes a lot to raise kids on your own, even before the County they live in fell under the rule of a religious cult.
Said religious cult took interest in both of them and their kids, which made a horrible situation all the more stressful. When they first ran into each other they were both on guard, Dean's oldest son Caleb standing in the middle of them being what ultimately diffused the tense meeting. It wasn't easy deciding to stick together, but with the looming threat of their kids being taken or hurt they agreed being allies would be beneficial.
So the little group formed, on a dark night with a shaky handshake and weary eyes. They found an abandoned house with a bunker and made base in it, Dove and Dean reinforced and barricaded it to the best of their ability and it's served them well since.
The kids, Phoebe, Caleb, Charmeine and Ace got along much quicker than their parents. As an only child Phoebe was ecstatic to be around them and Charmeine was happy to have another girl her age to play with.
Charmeine and Phoebe became a sort of glue for the group, the two becoming best friends and sharing their secret stashes of candy and pins. Their ability to remain optimistic makes the chaos more bearable for their parents.
Caleb, Charmeine and Ace warmed up to Dove very quickly, appreciating her motherly presence and seeing her and Phoebe as welcome additions to the family. Dove of course cares about them in turn, especially as time went on on and she took care of them when Dean was out trying to help rid the County of the cult.
Dean naturally takes care of Pheobe like she was one of his own as well, sneaking her any candy he finds while he's out.
Time passes and while tensions rise with the cult their little group only grows closer, Dove and Dean opening up to each other and even sharing tips they've learnt over their years of parenting. They become pillars for each other, the normalcy of being able to swap recipes and funny childhood stories much needed in the insanity they were living in.
In conclusion they are a sweet little found family in the midst of a holy war and they keep each other sane and safe and deserve your vote!!
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fifty-ten · 1 year
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(participant information under the read more)
Magical Girl PA•RO•DI - A trio of magical girls who have been tasked with saving the world from darkness. Their story is a pretty by-the-book magical girl story, until someone suggests that the antagonist moves his plans from "covering the world in darkness" to "completely rewrite reality". Characters that would be entered into Art Fight would be Patty, Roxanne, Diane, the mascot, and the magic baby.
Mermaid Lights! Lovely Recovery - A duo of magical girls, one a normal human and one a mermaid, are tasked with protecting all life on earth from a group that is trying to haphazardly mine the earth for all of its resources. Characters that would be entered into Art Fight would be Amber (human), Wave (mermaid), and their mascots.
Midnight Tear - a dark magical girl (in her twenties) who has entered into a contract with a demon, and now must kill whatever it wishes or else face the consequences. Characters entered into Art Fight would be Midnight Tear (Nana) herself and her demon partner.
Phoenix Girl Ashley - a normal everyday girl discovers that she's the reincarnation of a legendary hero known simply as The Phoenix. Now, she finds herself at odds with all sorts of strange magicians from all over the world. Characters that would be entered include Ashley herself and the phoenix hatchling in her care, Phoebe.
AviBattler - A hit mobile game of the fighting genre based off a cult-classic arcade game that was released over 20 years ago. No one knows who developed this new mobile version. Anyways, Avis are the characters in the game, who grow and change based on the player's fighting style and how they train the Avi. Characters that would be entered are Alex (main protagonist) and his Avi (currently unnamed)
PROJECT★Athena - In the not-so-far future of 2030, corporations run the world and robots are commonplace. 15-year-old Tally finds that her aunt has mysteriously disappeared but left her with a USB drive, which Tally uploads into an android she was building for a school project. The USB drive contains an AI with no memory named Pallas. From there on out, the two of them work to solve the mystery of Tally's aunt's disappearance and the truth about Pallas, whose AI is more complex than it seems. Characters entered into Art Fight would be Tally and Pallas.
Sinnohan Coordinators - a set of 5 Pokémon Coordinators from the Sinnoh Region. The main protagonist, Lila, has dreamed of being a coordinator since she was little, and has planned her path to Top Coordinator down to the smallest detail. But from the moment she meets her Piplup and starts traveling, she begins to learn a lot about the world and about herself. Characters entered into Art Fight would be Lila, Theo (friend/sometimes traveling companion?), Junji (main rival), Kiyomi (friendly rival), Oswalda (rival with problems), and Perry (rich boy rival)
Splatoon OCs - Pretty self-explanatory, they're the player characters/Agents from my Splatoon files. Characters that would be entered include Candy (captain), Sorbet (4), Sweet (8), and Gelato (new3)
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crimsxnsxul · 1 year
crazy how a kirby oc tournament is going on but by the time i first saw it submissions were closed and now my boy ester cannot compete i'm sad
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foundfamilyhq · 1 year
Welcome + Rules
Welcome to the Tumblr Found Family HQ! Here, we present your blorbos to the masses to have them vote upon whether they should be added to the collective tumblr found family or not. Submit your blorbos here:
See which blorbos have already joined the found family HERE! To avoid seeing the results posts, mute "ff results" The rules are: 1. Play nice; be respectful to others 2. Blorbos can be of any age, since a found family can be just that. So feel free to submit a one-day old infant or a ten thousand year old tree, if those are your blorbos 3. No Harry Potter (or other titles associated to this series or the author) 4. No real people (might make an exception if it's funny) 5. "No real people" includes no individual tumblr users, youtubers or streamers (this might seem obvious, but there were still a lot of them submitted) 6. No OCs. All your OCs are great and I'd feel sad if they got rejected from the found family F.A.Q. under readmore:
Q. When are submissions opening? (Pinning this one to the top, because it's by far the question we get the most) Short answer... I don't know, sorry! Long answer... Because of the way the blog is set up, it's very hard for me to figure that out. Basically, each fandom gets one poll a week, but as there are often multiple characters from some fandoms in the submissions form, it's a pain to figure out exactly how many characters are left to add new polls for when you factor out the repeat fandoms (and also, if a repeat fandom's poll would end before submissions are opened, then a new character from that fandom will be polled before submissions are opened, meaning I'd need to work that out as well). There are often about 200 characters in the submissions form, so you can understand this is too much for me to figure out manually, especially since I'm a full-time shift worker, so my schedule doesn't give me a lot of free time. I don't even like to give a ball park estimate to this question, because with being a shift worker, if I have to do a lot of extra work at short notice and can't meet when I said I'd open submissions, I feel like I'e let you all down and that feeling sucks However, when I do open submissions I try to vary it so that one round will be open at roughly 7-10am GMT and the next round will be open at roughly 7-10pm GMT, to try to catch as many people possible. I know that's not ideal for everyone and people have expressed disapointment about this in the past, but those are all the hours I'm able to give :(
Q. How does this work? A. A post featuring a blorbo shall be made, stating who they are and their source material. A poll will be attached set to one week, asking if the blorbo should join the tumblr found family. At the end of the week, based on the result, I will announce if the blorbo has joined or not Q. What is a found family? A. A found family is a family you find for yourself. It is a term often used in fandom to describe a group of characters who aren't related by blood (although a few members might be) but have come to think of each other as a family through circumstance. Alternatively, they might not be officially recognised as a found family in canon, but wider fanon regards them as such Q. Is this a tournament bracket? A. Nope, blorbos aren't competing against each other, they're only here to be judged by you. We are here enternally submitting blorbos (at least until I run out of steam or pass away lol) Q. I'm not sure if my blorbo counts because of ___ reason? A. If it's not any of the reasons mentioned in the rules, then feel free to send an ask. Or just submit them anyway and I'll decide Q. I submitted a blorbo and they haven't been posted. Did you get them? A. Again, feel free to send an ask. I don't have a regular schedule for posting these. Somedays there'll be batches of polls, others there'll be one or none Q. My blorbos are a duo/trio/etc., who cannot be separated. Can I submit them as a group? A. While I would prefer to stick to individual characters, if you have some who absolutely cannot be separated, I might make exceptions. Most likely, I'll make a poll asking if they should be judged as a group or individually, since there's a lot of media I won't be familiar with Q. My blorbo didn't get voted into the found family! Fuck you! A. Friend, as a fan of Theseus from Hades Game, I understand what it's like to have your fave hated by fandom. Anything decided on this blog can never affect your personal headcanons, so go in peace with your middle finger held high Q. What are your icon and header? A. The icon is of the Pokemon Bouffalant and Natu, based on a series of trading card art where Bouffalant finds two Natu and rescues them - the true spirit of found family. The header is a group of characters called the Black Ravens from the Professor Layton series - a group of ragtag working-class kids who make a black market together Q. I wrote some propaganda on the submission form, can you post it or send it back to me? A. Submissions are deleted as the polls are posted, so I can keep track of how many I have left to post, which means I can't do this. Please save your propaganda for the post and not the submissions form Q. Did you know you used fan art on ___ poll? A. Unless I'd mentioned getting permission from the artist, then please assume that I did not know and let me know. I hate art theft and wouldn't want to partake in that, but I'm just not familiar with a good 80% of the series submitted, so sometimes it might slip through the cracks Q. Can I submit a character who isn't my blorbo? A. Also fine! I enjoy it when people submit controversial characters to see how they'll do Q. What happens if there's a tie? A. The blorbo in question becomes an occassional family member who appears with our found family for some important cutscenes, but isn't officially considered part of the found family
Q. No, but seriously, my blorbo got ditched. Do they get another chance? A. At the beginning of each year we host a Redemption Event, where any past blorbos who were submitted get another chance. Because of the high volume of ditched characters, to be included in the event, your character will need to be submitted with propaganda via a form that will be released about a month before the event Q. I think the image used is a big reason why my blorbo got ditched. Why did you use that image? A. If an image hasn't been submitted, I will just grab one from an image search result in most cases. You know your blorbos best, so if you have a specific (non-fan art) image that you think shows them in their best light, please do submit it when you submit them Q. Did you mean the book version or movie version of that character? A. Whichever version of the blorbo that gets submitted, that'll be the one I use. If no specific version is mentioned, I'll just post that blorbo in general and use whatever image is most common when I look them up, unless an image has been submitted or a book cover has been requested to be used Q. My blorbo is a character played by a youtuber and/or streamer, not the youtuber or streamer themselves, is that okay? A. If it's a character, then it's fine. But please mention this on the submission. Because if I look them up and the result looks to be just some real person, that won't be included. I am largely unfamiliar with these kind of fandoms and will always err on the side of caution about their inclusion Q. What counts as a "sweep"? A. Any character who gets 90% or higher in either joining or not joining is counted as a sweep. This doesn't give them anything extra, it's just for bragging rights Q. What counts as a "close call"? A. Any character who's poll results are within the 49%-51% range for join/don't join is counted as a close call Q. How many characters can I submit at a time? A. There's no hard rule, since the form doesn't track emails, but please be considerate to others and try not to submit more than 10 characters per submission period. See next question for more details Q. How many characters from the same series can I submit at a time? A. Four (4) characters per series per submission period. I'll be lenient for if they've been submitted by multiple people, but from my experience running this blog, it's only the current Hot New Thing that'll be submitted by multiple people and anything else is usually one person submitting one character after another. I used to allow more, but people took this for granted and submitted 50+ from the same series, so now 4 is the cap Q. You missed a tag from that poll! Can it be added? A. Sure! Tags are either provided by the submitter or where left blank, I'll use my best guess. At minimum, you'll get the name of the character and series as they've been submitted. If you know more, let me know and I'll add them to the post during the voting period. Please note: The polls themselves cannot be edited after being posted, only the tags Q. Can fictional characters based on real people be submitted? A. Fictional characters that are inspired by real people (e.g. Steven Universe being inspired by Rebecca Sugar's brother) are generally fine. But characters that are basically just some real celebrity making a cameo somewhere (e.g. Simon Cowell appearing on the Simpsons), are a no. Q. I don't understand what this blog is A. Don't worry about it, friend. Just keep driving and whatever you do, don't wind down the window. We'll be safe soon :) Q. Didn't this blog used to be called the Found Family Adoption Agency? A. It did, but I were made aware that the language used on the blog could be seen as potentially harmful to real life adoptees, so I changed the name of the blog and made some edits to try to avoid using such language. Posts made prior to 5th May 2024 will still contain references to adopt/ditching, so tread with caution on older posts
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a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
Snippets from Team “at first I thought it was an idea” ft marin, zaida and caelan interacting
(link to the actual fic here btw, though this isn’t there yet (it’s sometime in the future as of now))
Chapter ? — Snowblown
Embers flew from the fire, hissed in the snow, and Marin huddled further into her coat.
She’d known the weather was getting colder for a while now. The further west they went, the less the sun seemed to shine, and the more the wind seemed to blow. Yes, it was perfectly reasonable, and it wasn’t unexpected; even more so when considering the gradually dropping temperatures in and around the area… but the reality of it all hadn’t hit her until the day she woke up in Pike National Forest with half her tent covered in snow.
Zaida, somehow, had managed to sleep through it all. Maybe it was her luck, maybe it was her sheer sleeping prowess — either way, her own tent had remained comfortably occupied until mid-morning, when the bleak sun and Marin’s fire had warmed the camp enough, and the snow on the top had long since turned to water.
The habit hadn’t stopped. It was becoming somewhat of a ritual.
But the further out they went, the less the snow melted, and the more time Marin had to spend in the cold.
And Zaida wasn’t the only one with a questionable sleeping schedule. Caelan, too, seemed determined to make Marin’s mornings as tiring as possible. He was up with the sun’s first rays, searching for monsters, following clouds as if they meant something. It made Marin almost happy Zaida was still asleep. If only because she and Caelan would freeze to death chasing squirrels otherwise.
It was on one of these mornings, with the fire still too weak to warm anything and the snow still spiralling down, that Caelan came to her with news of something other than floating water droplets — not that it was any more substantial.
“...You want us to follow a ghost story.”
“I see it more as... ‘investigating an opportunity’.”
“An opportunity you got from a few superstitious storytellers wasting their lives?”
“It’s better than- I mean, I thought you’d think it would be better than investigating the intriguing prophetic nature of clouds.”
It was. She’d give him that. “Congratulations, Caelan. On finding something better than clouds to chase.”
Caelan, looking over, gave her a dramatically scorned look.
“...Fine,” she sighed, walking over. “What’s the story?”
His eyes lit up in a way they only could when faced with some sort of thrill. “Basically,” he said, “basically. You know how people hike through here, right? And how it snows?”
“Of course I know how it snows, I’m standing in it.”
“Yeah, well, you don’t. Stop ruining the atmosphere. Anyway, so it’s really creepy, because the snow,” he paused, for dramatic effect, “is almost alive.”
Marin stared at him. “What.”
“Hey, I’m just repeating what I heard. Can’t say if I believe it, but weird stuff happens, right? And apparently, there are snowstorms around here which are really weird. Nobody can predict them, the weather forecasts are completely useless, they just turn up out of nowhere. And they’re not proper snowstorms, either, they’re really, really small — but the weirdest part is that they seem to actually chase people. I don’t think anyone actually died, but loads and loads of people who hike through here just get caught in one of them and lose all their stuff.” He looked right into her eyes. “And they never happen any other time.”
“...Apparently,” she replied. “We don’t know that.” But as unlikely as it seemed, the story represented a chance to have an actual goal in mind; to have a purpose which encompassed more than wandering aimlessly. It intrigued her more than she’d have liked to admit. “Do you know when all this started?”
“Oh yeah, about two and a half years ago.”
Not forever, then. That definitely made it more plausible than it had been, but there was still…
“Two and a half years ago?”
“Well, yeah, that is what I just said.”
The wind whipped around them, and the fire sputtered. There was a chill in the air that only served to emphasise her point. “The same time Pikes Peak started to get really, really cold?”
“Yeah, it would be…” Caelan’s eyes glinted, and he stopped himself before continuing. “Yeah, of course. Yeah, I knew that. See? I told you I was onto something.”
Marin’s lips twitched upwards as she headed over to their supplies, picking out a pair of tongs. “Stop it.”
“...I think I’ll pass.”
She rolled her eyes with tired affection, and walked up to the fire. Embers sparked as she nudged some blocks of wood, preventing the gust from reaching the heart of the flame.
“Alright. Let’s assume, just for now, we’re up to chasing this idea. Who did you hear it from?”
Caelan smiled mischievously. “Well, there was this drunk old lady in this tavern… oi, Marin, relax”, he called out, seeing Marin’s hand on the tongs freeze. “It wasn’t a drunk old lady at a tavern – contrary to popular belief, I do actually possess some sense of reason. No, basically there was this couple who lost their stuff…”
Marin sat at the edge of her tent, brows furrowed “...And this has happened how often?”
“She didn’t say, but from the way she was talking, that’s the case much more often than not. She even tells people to bring two copies of everything they’re taking outside now, in case one of the pairs of stuff goes missing. Not that it usually works,” Caelan answered, now poking the fire, “but it’s common enough for that to be an actual safety measure.”
“And every single time people’s things went missing after a snowstorm?”
“...Has anything been found?”
“If it has, it sure isn’t very often. There are notices for lost belongings all over the place.”
Wait. “Notices for lost belongings? So we can-”
They were interrupted by a yawn coming from a tent nearby. Looking over, Marin saw the edges stretch as something pushed against them, and a few moments later, a face poked out of the entrance.
“…guys… why are you… talking so loud, it’s only…” Zaida pushed the hair out of her eyes and looked up at the sky, blinking tiredly. Falling snowflakes rested on her cheeks, giving her new freckles. “…seven thirty or something...”
Marin glanced at her watch. “Nine, actually.” Despite her attempt at being unimpressed, she couldn’t help a small smile.
“That’s the same thing, it’s still… sleeping hours… can I just-”
“Now Zaida, Zaida, Zaida,” Caelan said, walking over. “Would you really want to sleep on this fine morning, where we have not two, not three, but… well – one – lead?”
She jolted up at that, looking at Marin. “We have a lead?”
“…Caelan’s found a story. Which still seems a bit suspicious, but…” she sunk down into a crouch “...it’s better than nothing. Essentially…”
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Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Billie Way neé Knows-the-Ground [Clans of the Coyote-Girl @ The_Anonymous_Coauthor]
A former teen mom and cocaine addict, Billie smacked into the wrong person in an intersection and got landed in jail for two years, leaving her eldest daughter Nikki to try and bail her out and take care of Billie's other three children. After Riser Way bails her out, she begins trying to get her life together and become a good mother to her children. When Riser Way proposes in order to facilitate taking care of the children, she accepts, and must learn over again how to be a good wife, as the bleak winter of deprivation and hard times thaws into a spring of abundant love.
Black [System Collapse @chrystallink]
Black is a pretty nice and chill guy, also rather timid. He's simply a normal guy with a small gaming vlog, no cool gadgets or powers, or anything. He works in a local arcade, cleaning up and doing maintenance to the gaming cabinets. After a chance encounter, DeathScreen became interested in him, and...well, started messing with him hard whenever they happened to cross paths. Black is terrified of him as a result.
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zprite-x · 5 months
I caved and decided to try and join the Kirby OC tournament :]
The Lost Warrior from a not too far-away planet, traveling at the speed of a comet, your new competitor has arrived!
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Name: Halley
Reference Image/s:
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Notes on Personality:
Halley in fewest words possible is sharp as a needle, an observant analyst. An aloof, battle hardened warrior to some, a polite, helpful guide to others, and to a few - a wholehearted friend.
Backstory and Lore:
CW - Death
Halley is from a not-too-far planet in the Gamble galaxy, just a couple solar systems away from popstar’s. Born from stardust meeting fire much like most of her kind, she was taken in by her mentor, Stal. Although under a different name at the time, Halley was taught the ways of her culture revolving around stories of warriors, paradise, and butterflies. The cycle of life, death and rebirth. Taught to respect the butterflies passing by as they guide souls. Taught they are protectors of life, but should never interfere with death. It was a lot for Halley to grasp, but with time she’ll soon understand the weight of her role in this life.
Outside of lessons with Stal, Halley would hang out with a few of her friends. They’d all do typical things you’d expect a teenager to do - walk in the woods, gossip about other apprentices, spread harmless little rumors, and the likes. Though one day the small group of moth-like aliens noticed something peculiar. There was an uptick in the amount of remains of bones, sure they’d come across them every-once-in-a-while (animal’s got to eat you know). Now being so closely tied to the cycle of life and death, the gang could tell there was something not right with this. It was almost like a dark smog emitted from the skeletons, consuming every living thing in its wake. They all fled the scene before anything could happen and decided to bring this up to their mentors who they have looked up to for all these years. After informing them, the small community had brought this up with their elders, who brought it up with their higher ups, and so on and so forth.
It was weeks until they got an answer back, death in the forest had spread to nearby villages. Everything made since when they learned it was Necrodeus and his lackeys invading the solar system. Claiming everything in its icy cold grip of death. Not ceasing until it snuffs out the brightest star in the universe.
How long has this been going on?
How many have died with theirs lives cut too short?
Mentors have increased training, less free time for apprentices. After all there was going to a war soon. They had to defend their home. They needed every second they could.
Outside of the increasingly harsher training that an upcoming war brought, Halley’s friends taught her about self-expression, leading to Halley to question who she is for once, think about life outside of training. Her and Stal talked about how Halley felt like she was more than who she is, something better, something greater than how she currently looked. Son renaming herself to Halley and taking on the feminine uniforms, she started to feel more like herself. Stal guided and supported her through every step of the way, even defending her on a few occasions. Halley felt a kinship with Stal - that no matter what happened, Stal would be there to guide her.
After a few years of sharpening her skills with the blade, Necrodeus drew closer, war was one the horizon. Halley was finally announced to be a full fledged warrior. At the ceromony, Halley was gifted a neatly cut piece of Stal’s cape, the one which she presently wears around her neck.
It wasn’t long after that until battles were being planned, attacks and ambushes launched on both sides. Halley had learned how to scout and terminate anything that drew near effectively and efficiently.
Many were lost, enemies revealed themselves as well as allies shone through the darkness with them, Halley had to even part with some close friends being lost in smog of death. There was a growth in incidents of apprentices turning on their mentors or vice versa. Many believed it was the influence of Necrodeus. Soon Halley was brought to the heat of battles, no longer remaining a guard for the villages. For a while it seemed like Halley’s tribe was winning. The smog that polluted the air was less and birds began to sing in the skies again.
That was until one tragic day, while out scouting, an ambush was launched. Everything went by so fast. All Halley could see was a thick black fog, all they could smell was the scent of death. Trudging through for survivors. Halley spotted the orange -not so much anymore- iridescent cloak of their mentor among the trees. Rushing to her aid, Halley spotted for the first time in a while, a butterfly. Never once did she want swat it away, to keep preserving someone’s life, to go against everything her mentor as taught her. Not once until now.
It wasn’t her time.
Not yet, it couldn’t be!
But as she stood there frozen with a mix of volatile emotions boiling inside her, Stal’s breathing eventually became shallower and shallower before ceasing indefinitely. Become nothing but embers in the air. Leaving a scrap of torn cloak, and Halley. In shock.
Why didn’t she do anything? Why didn’t she take her to safety or the very least say goodbye?
A search party was sent for Halley 2 days later. She was eventually found not far from the village, disheveled and clutching a scrap of her mentors cloak.
Returning safely and being sentenced to bed rest until she could recover. Halley could hear rumors blaming her for Stal’s death. Too in shock and snapping at a few, Halley became more and more distant. Newer recruits saw a cold warrior. Elders saw a grieving child.
Returning to battle, Halley rarely talked to anyone. Remaining focused on fighting back, a fire that still burned brighter than ever with grieving rage. However all efforts were fruitless, Halley’s tribe was soon overwhelmed. Some began fleeing to other planets. Halley watched as numbers dwindled, soon elders were begging her to save herself, Necrodeus has won, the planet was his. Halley heeded their advice weeks later. When her community finally fell. As far as Halley knew, they were the last of their kind on this planet, the rest have fled. Where to? She didn’t know, but she did know that she wasn’t dying to something so cold and suffocating. This is not her end, she will keep going for Stal’s sake.
Fleeing the planet, going far through a few solar systems. Till she reached a brighter planet. This was far enough she thought.
Arriving to Popstar just a little before a spring breeze flew on through, Halley noticed the air was different. They could finally smell life, and the birds were singing sweet songs that wasn’t mockery of death. It was nice. For a moment, Halley could allow herself to feel relaxed. It was so… peaceful.
Wandering from village to village, she learned that she arrived to a planet called Popstar. For food, she offered protection. And when she learned the layout better, she offered guidance from place to place. There was never a real reason to protect this place as there was just an air of serenity everywhere but some folks were a little more paranoid than others.
Soon in her journey across Popstar, came across a rather squishy looking serpent. They introduced themselves as ‘Pollineocene’ but would much rather be called ‘Poli’. Going on a business spiel about what they sell -relics and artifacts-. Some Halley recognized, a few were from her planet. She gained some suspicion towards the snake. Deciding to keep a close eye on them, Halley travelled with Poli under the guise of protecting them from roadside thieves.
How did this sly serpent get their grubby claws on these?
Answers soon revealed themselves as they both reluctantly (to Halley) grew closer. While some of Poli’s relics were real, most were expertly crafted by them. Annoyed by the act of fraud, Halley scolded Poli for their trickery. Which of course went over Poli’s head. Halley started to tamper with several of their relics, so they’d break as soon as Poli tried to touch them. Revealing their ruse.
However due lack of knowledge on how real were some, there was a minor incident of possession. Poli was their to save Halley, and may or may not have learned a few things about the moth’s life.
Gaining a new sympathy for Halley and Halley gaining trust of Poli. The two soon became inseparable. Halley would never admit it but they did admire Poli’s knowledge on these artifacts. As well as perplexed on how they are able to handle them.
Poli did eventually lessen on the fraud, not so much the questionable business schemes. Halley became more and more relax, being to caught up in Popstar’s lax lifestyle and almost forgetting about Necrodeus. Almost.
Until the day comes, Halley supposes she’ll enjoy the peace, but still stay prepared for the inevitable.
- Halleys kind is born of stardust and flame - born to protect the living until there eventuality arrives (morpho is their god)
- Halley is trans
- Necrodeus invaded Halley’s homeplanet - sending them till war for disrupting the cycle of life and death
- Halley lost their mentor who she though of as a mom, Halley is also blamed for the death of their mentor
- Halley’s planet was lost to death
- Halley fled to popstar and met poli
- Halley waits for the day Necrodeus arrives for revenge
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lancer-league · 1 year
That's right everybody, it's time to have tumblrs favourite lancers duke it out in the arena
To start let's make sure we're all on the same page
What is a Lancer?: put simply, a Lancer is character who serves as a foil to/contrast their leader. They must be part of a group of 3 or more.
Ideal lancers are generally kind of an asshole, jaded, snarky, more morally grey than the leader and often oppose the leader. While these are great none are strictly necessary. They can be stoic, part of the bad guy team, or even a half Lancer half leader with another half Lancer half leader. Characters can Lancer and be lancered by multiple people. It's unlikely I'll accept real people or Ocs so unless you can bring a great, long argument for their inclusion so if you can't then don't bother
Usual brackets style, a series of one-on-ones, progressing through several rounds. Fighters will mostly make it to round 1 based on number of submissions(spaming is negative submissions) but when theres equal submissions remaining I'll chose based on how convincing your descriptions are.
@ing for broadcasting:
And I ran @sexyman-sillyguy-battle a while ago
Icon is from OSPs youtube video on lancers which can also give you a good idea of what a Lancer is.
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kirbyoctournament · 8 days
Hello again folks! it’s that time again, and new match ups are here!
The Semi-Finals (and Second Chance #3) Are Here!
Matchups for the Semi-Finals and Third Round of second chance brackets are located in the same google sheets document as our competitors list was previously. you can navigate to them by clicking the “SEMI-FINALS” and/or "SECOND CHANCE" tabs in the bottom left of the screen! Previous rounds can be found in the “PREVIOUS ROUNDS” tab.
Posting of polls for the Semi-Finals and the Second Chance Brackets will begin posting on September 23rd.
The Semi-Final polls will be posted individually. The Second Chance Round Three polls will be posted in groups of two and three, simultaneously with the main bracket! Polls will be posted to the tournament blog in the randomized order they were generated, as shown in the document! Each poll will last one week, and once the final poll ends, there will be approximately another two week break before the next polls are posted just like the previous rounds! This allows us co-hosts plenty of time to compile the new brackets, queue polls, and for competitors to make new propaganda!
If you want to remove your character from polling, please reach out to us non-anonymously!! you can ping the cohosts role in the discord server and/or send an ask to the tourney blog (which we will reply to privately!)
please note that all match ups are final! We are no longer accepting any new ocs, nor will we be moving ocs around, for any reason!
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runomye · 3 months
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Finally drew the rest of my wizard101 ocs after , what? a year and a half.
Meet the Solar Surges! A group primarily focused on activities like Beastmoon and tournaments. That's why their 'team name' is based on a pvp spell(that no longer exists) This is also Nora's friend group from before the events of the game.
From right to left:
Ryan Lorelock (Myth He/Him)
Sabrina Skyblade (Fire She/Her)
Sloan Emeraldeyes (Life He/Her)
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mercyillustrator · 5 months
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Name: Lady Nebula (Sir)
Nebula story
Her backstory She lives in a big town with her family and wanted to be a dancer for theater when she was little but as soon she got older when her town was attacked she had to give up her dream to protect everyone not just puffballs everyone in different species and form a group called fighting group where girls can fight too like GSA as well to get them and her accent is Italian-Korean/Japanese when she saw Nonsurat at the fighting group she saw her as a sister figure Husky male voice (disguise) and strong women voice (without disguise)
Got a scar from trying to protect her little sister Starla from NME during the event where NME takes female puffball but it doesn’t affect her to protect everyone just like how GSA knights protect.
after her first performance at theatre but unfortunately she’s dead happens around she got accept to be in theatre to be a dancer in her first performance.
Older sister figure to Nonsurat as she taking care of her, buying her food and protecting her also playing in the woods with her ^w^
Nebula personality is Protective, Strong, Fearless, Serious, Leadership, Integrity, Self Respect, overprotective older sister to Nonsurat and Honesty
Favorite food and drink: dumplings, Sushi, Freeze Dried Candy and Lemon Tea
Least favorite food and drink: Olives, Pickles and Diet Soda
Hobbies: Training, Practice to do CPR, Dancing and Supporting everyone on every ways
Age: Older then Nonsurat (not related to her)
Likes: Nonsurat, Keeping everyone safe, exercising, training, caring for others, dancing, reunion, working out and caring for others
Natural with GSA (not hate or against them)
Dislikes: NME, female puffballs getting corrupted and captured, seeing others getting hurt, feeling like a failure, meltdown, king dedede and escargoon, breaking her foot just like her kid age, not able to dance, and camera flashes her eyes too much
Vote for her and fun facts she will be a villain as corrupted female puffballs in my comic with her fighting group ( a group of undercovers female puffballs that were disguised themselves as male or smt)
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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