#team skull newsletter | psa
((jsyk because i. got asked twice today what the why
if you wanna draw loch you’re welcome to. you don’t even have to ask just like tag me or something when you post it if you do if you need a reference his about has a detailed description if you scroll down far enough, Mitzi drew this picture of him and Sadie which is A++ and i’ll probably make a visual reference tag if more art somehow comes into existence
ALSO SIMILARLY while one of my rules and the general rules of rping is “don’t godmod”. . .loch is kind of.  in the way.  constantly. like officially in the game he’s based off of a character that’s in your way. as a character, he’s constantly checking on guzma and sometimes ordering around grunts, has probably sent you a more-than-monthly set of long text messages if you’re a member of team skull, and if you’re a non-skull member who’s ever been in po town he’s been in your way if you were going to see guzma--unless you were being dragged in which case he probably looked at you in an entirely malicious way and looked forward to whatever punishment guzma was going to enact on your ass.
so if you need/want to like. temporarily godmod instructions from him or his being in your way or whatever? you can totally do that. if you wanna do a thread where your skull grunt is stealing something and want a quick alibi/reason you’re welcome to say ‘loch said we gotta steal stuff because shady house is running low’.
now if it’s something like ‘i forgot the passwords and got mad and tried to punch loch in the face and he threw me down the hallway and that’s why my arm is entirely bruised’ THAT i wanna hear about first.  Like major actions like that i wanna be consulted for first.  everything else? loch has a set of “admin” actions and if for some reason you wanna rely on the guy for them you’re welcome to.  :D))
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