utaitemusic · 6 months
【エイプリルフールver.】エイリアンエイリアン / ニコニコ☆食べもの探しチーム
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koch-snowflake-blog · 8 months
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大原 優乃は、日本のグラビアアイドル、女優、ファッションモデル、ダンサー、YouTuberである。エイベックス・マネジメント所属。Dream5の元メンバー。 鹿児島県川内市。 神村学園高等部卒業。 ウィキペディア
出生地: 鹿児島県 鹿児島市
生年月日: 1999年10月8日 (年齢 24歳)
身長: 154 cm
学歴: 神村学園高等部 (2018年)
事務所: エイベックス・マネジメント
公式サイト: プロフィール
特筆性のある親族としては、仲の良い2歳下の弟であるダンサーの大原明人(おおはら あきと)がおり、自身のSNSにたびたび登場している。『大!天才てれびくん』のコーナーに出演経験もある弟は、地元・鹿児島のストリートダンスユニット「Team KAGOSHIMA」のメンバーとして2017年8月29日にイギリスのグラスゴーで開催されたUDOストリートダンス世界大会 (UDO Streetdance World Championship 2017) の18歳オーバーエイジ・上級・チーム部門で優勝している。
2018年12月29日の『有吉大反省会』(日本テレビ)では、姉が弟への溺愛ぶりを反省しつつ、DA PUMP「U.S.A.」のダンスで共演している。17歳以降、グラビアアイドルとして注目されることの多い大原優乃であるが、弟がそうであるように、生来重ねてきたのはダンサーのキャリアで、スタイルはストリートダンス系である。
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Here are some more Danganronpa fankids, this time with the Kaede x Rantaro, Teruya x Kiyoka, and Setsuka x Hibiki ships.
Information under the cut:
Name: Shion Amami (晃裕 紫音). Age: 17. Parents: Kaede Akamatsu and Rantaro Amami. Gender: Female. (Possible) Ultimate Title: Ultimate Bicycle Racer. Birthdate: February 22 (Pisces). Height: 179 cm. Weight: 65 kg. Chest Size: 90 cm. Blood Type: B. Likes: Souvenirs, bicycles. Dislikes: Smoke, cars.
Coming from an universe where the Team Danganronpa's killing games never happened, and Kaede Akamatsu and Rantaro Amami ended up marrying each other, Shion is a laid-back girl who tends to avoid conflict, and prefers to spend her time reading about tourist destinations, or training for her constants bicycle races, something that has gave her fame all around the world, but has hindered her ability to get friends, thanks to a lot of them being more interested on her fame than on be her friends.
With all the traveling she has to do thanks to her "job", she has started a souvenir collection, that slowly but surely started to get filled with a bunch of trinkets she bought on all of those foreign countries she was sent to compete, and doesn't shows signs of stopping any time soon.
Name: Akihiro Otori (鳳 晃裕). Age: 9. Parents: Teruya Otori and Kiyoka Maki. Gender: Male. (Possible) Ultimate Title: Unknown. Birthdate: April 10 (Aries). Height: 149 cm. Weight: 32 kg. Chest Size: 65 cm. Blood Type: AB. Likes: Hanging out with his friends. Dislikes: Horror movies.
In a world where the Tragedy never happened, and class 79 was able to have normal lives, Teruya Otori and Kiyoka Maki ended up with a son. Spending his days mainly helping with his father's work or hanging out with his friends, Akihiro is a pretty excitable and cheerful boy, who likes to spend his time with people he loves, even though he doesn't likes to work very much, and tends to be scared pretty easily, something that has made him the butt of teasing on his school, something that irritates him.
In the future, he would inherit his dad's family market, continuing the Otori family legacy, eventually giving the family business to his future kids.
Name: Kohana Otonokoji (音ノ小路 小華). Age: 12. Parents: Setsuka Chiebukuro and Hibiki Otonokoji. Gender: Female. (Possible) Ultimate Title: Unknown. Birthdate: September 12 (Virgo). Height: 155 cm. Weight: 45 kg. Chest Size: 74 cm. Blood Type: AB. Likes: Jokes, music. Dislikes: Cheating, her aunt.
In a universe where Mikado Sannoji never did the Utsuroshima killing game, and Kanade Otonokoji was caught and sent to jail because of her crimes, her sister, Hibiki, started a new life with the investigator Setsuka Chiebukuro, who never thought that her simple mission of solving a case of food poisoning was going to end up like that, and had a daughter together. Thanks to the crimes that her aunt committed to keep her mom to herself, and the media circus surrounding the case, she's a bit of a nervous wreck, using jokes to cope with the stress, and wearing a metaphorical mask of being a laid-back and snarky girl in public, only acting like herself when she's with her mothers.
She wants to become a singer like her mom Hibiki, but her knowledge of the things she suffered has left her stressed, fearful of something similar happening to her.
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prosekahell · 8 months
POLL 1 - Theme of Niccori Survey Team
Song composed by: Jizasu-P Reblogs appreciated!
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sorairokakera · 2 years
characters development, friendships & romances
この音とまれ! Kono Oto Tomare
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If I get asked which manga with romance in it that I like the most or would excitedly talking about, I likely will mention Kono Oto Tomare! first or it certainly on my top list. I didn't expect I would like a manga with music theme, traditional music instrument Koto, this much. I really like characters developments and relationships in Kono Oto Tomare!. Some of them seem to bring troubles but they learn to face their struggles together and their bond gets stronger, they really are a good team. Each of them has their own problems but with genuine supports from their team, their true friends, they are able to be their better self and walk side by side. Friendship and romance parts in Kono Oto Tomare! are really good.
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/major spoiler alert/
My (two) most favorite characters are Kudo Chika 久遠愛 and Hozuki Satowa 鳳月さとわ!! I love both of them, they are very adorable and charming. I love their interactions. They also one of my top 2 favorite couple (not yet, but their feelings are mutual) among all mangas. I really like when Chika feels the urge to touch or embrace Satowa, oh my heart!!
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When Satowa answered Uzuki why she wants to protect Chika (Satowa best woman!!) then Chika remembered his grandpa's last wish, they hugged each other tightly- uwaaaghh all this wholesome moment made my heart burst feeling overload!! While waiting for next chapter update, I read from the beginning of manga again, it just, really good ; ;
What lies ahead of you will, without a doubt, include countless moments where you'll have to make a decision. In those times, do not hesitate. Always choose the road that leads to your happiness. That is something only you can do. No matter how much others extend a hand to you, no matter how much they push you forward, whether or not you take that step, whether or not you take that hand, that is something only you get to decide. So become happy, Chika.
Really, I cried at this part. Chika's grandpa T_T Really— 幸せになれ、愛
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Several chapters after, Satowa's feeling got accidentally recorded in the footage they watched in koto club room, when others tried to help the situation after they heard her feeling toward Chika, Chika straightforwardly gave the best response!! (Chika best man!!) MY HEART—!! When Isaki talked about what Chika said at that time, Chika's words made me cried, knowing him feeling that happiness I'm- ;_;
I don't want to make this into something to be "embarrassed" about. To have somebody convey their love for me, and then being able to say that I love them back, I just thought how happy I was to experience that.
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I also really like Takaoka Tetsuki 高岡哲生, best best friend!! He cares deeply for his friends, good at studying, cooking and at fighting too. Very kakkoii and gentle man, his father too. Sane, kota, and Mittsu are very nice friends but Tetsuki just-(my heart). Kurata Takezo and Kurusu Hiro, very nice senpai in koto club, their relationship also adorable~!! I love both lovely couples (not yet) in Kono Oto Tomare! I also interested in Takinami Suzuka sensei, wondering will he also be in relationship, maybe with Akira sensei? or Isaki? No romantic relationship is fine too.
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I enjoy reading Kono Oto Tomare so much, it might be one of mangas that I re-read most often. Heartwarming and adorable, they also encourage me with their words. I watched anime because I want to listen to their koto, hope they will adapt it till the end with nice improvements. I wonder will I get to watch and listen to koto live performances someday, it's so charming.
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colt-peacemaker · 1 year
tagged by @/lacunasbalustrade !!
last song i listened to:
niccori ^^ survey team cover by kaemito+togabito on sc!
currently watching:
hmm ive been watching oshi no ko and horimiya i think!
currently reading:
nothing much :<
currently obsessed with:
nijisanji + hololive/stars (vtubers)
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leecat · 9 months
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🟡 Trước khi vào Phượng Hoàng Cung để phò tá cho Hoàng Thượng, tôi cũng là người thành lập ra Tiên Giới Thần Đạo, nhưng quả đúng là so với Phượng Hoàng Cung hay Chấn Long Hội thì nhóm của tôi thực sự không thể so về độ lớn mạnh. Có điều Tiên Giới Thần Đạo do tôi cai quản nên trách nhiệm cao và tập trung nhiều vào nó, thành ra tôi cũng không vướng vào con đỹ tình yêu trong chính cái nhóm mà tôi tạo ra, nhỏ nhưng mà yên bình. Thêm nữa những người trong Tiên Giới Thần Đạo cũng cùng chung chí hướng nên không có quá nhiều bất mãn như ở 2 nhóm kia để trái tim của tôi phải đau nhói vì bất kỳ ai.
🔴 皇帝を補佐するために鳳凰宮に入る前、僕は仙界神道の創始者であったが、確かに僕の会は鳳凰宮や震龍会と比較すると規模が比較にならないほど強いだ。 しかし、仙界神道は僕が管理しているので責任は重くて、集中しなきゃ、自分が作った界には僕は誰でもと愛情に絡まれることもなく、小さいながらも平和だよ。 また、仙界神道の人々も同じ志を持っているため、僕は他の二会ほど誰に対しても胸が痛むほどの不満はない。
🔵 Before I joined the Phoenix Palace to assist the emperor, I was the founder of Senkai Shinto, and it is true that my association is not incomparably stronger in size than the Phoenix Palace and the Thunder Dragon Association. However, since I am in charge of Senkai Shinto, I have a heavy responsibility so I have to focus to my team, and although the world I created is small, it is peaceful because I am not tangled up in love with anyone else. Also, the people of Senkai Shinto have the same aspirations, so I don't have as much heart-wrenching dissatisfaction with anyone as I do with the other two groups.
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pow00000 · 10 months
2023.11.25(sat) 東京ナード学園@浦和KUNI HOUSE
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POW's DJ setlist (40min)
01.ONE NIGHT CARNIVAL ~ティッケー・ティーンズロード / hy4_4yh 02.ちちんぷいぷいぷい / たこやきレインボー 03.心の旅 / なんちゃらアイドル 04.Triumph of love (hayabusa Remix) / 市川由衣 05.Automatic (totsumal Funkot Remix) / 宇多田ヒカル 06.WOW WAR TONIGHT ~時には起こせよムーヴメント~ / ハレトキドキ Feat. 栄免建設株式会社 07.恋愛15シミュレーション (申し訳 Sweet×3 Curry Remix) / 星井七瀬 VS the nanapremes 08.Future Pop / Perfume 09.Galge / 桃井はるこ 10.かえして! ニーソックス / creamy♥parfait 11.ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ / 乃木坂46 12.No, Thank you! / カノエラナ 13.BELIEVE IN LOVE / SUPER☆GiRLS 14.元気者で行こう! / 真野恵里菜 15.LIKE A ANGEL / 清春 16.堕天使BLUE / AYABIE 17.星が瞬くこんな夜に / supercell 18.夜明けBrand New Days / ベイビーレイズJAPAN 19.Symphony #5 / MyDearDarlin' 20.恋せよ乙女 エクスプロージョン! / SKE48 (Team S) 21.声出していこーぜ!!! / SKE48 (Team E) 22.Pretender / Peaky P-key (愛美, 高木美佑, 小泉萌香, 倉知玲鳳) 23.初恋サイダー / asfi 24.空色パズルピース / 真っ白なキャンバス 25.夢 / 欝P 26.小さな恋のメロディ / 筋肉少女帯 27.押すだけDJ / ザ・リーサルウェポンズ
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otajo · 11 months
新ミュージカル「スタミュ」2024年1月上演!team 鳳・team 柊・華桜会キャスト&ビジュアル発表 「星瞬 COUNTWODN」MVも公開
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0853massage · 1 year
澳門靚仔☎️WhatsApp—852-4405-4887男模技師微信SPA3995,巴釐島芳香Spa Telegram:AjieSpa男技師QQ:1989997466上門服務LINE:spa3995今天是2023年06月12日星期一24小時營業,安排個人化療程, 釋放身心靈, 舒解壓力, 重新呈現獨特美態, 助客人輕鬆擁有健美體態及健康心靈。專業按摩師團隊, 一直致力為客人提供六星級的Spa按摩、美容、纖體及保健養生,加強肌膚抵抗力,舒緩泛紅敏感,令皮膚平滑有光澤,重拾彈性,均勻膚色,回復水嫩美肌。堅持「絕不硬銷、明碼實價、質素保證」3大原則,網上自助下單俾錢錢買療程,完全無壓力勁享受。意大利人手面部SPA。通淋巴。服務: 通淋巴, 排毒, 面部按摩,精油SPA,女子私密護理,巴釐島女子SPA,夢巴釐女子SPA,泰國抓鳳筋,聯繫微信SPA3995,男模技師QQ1989997466,帥哥選人Telegram:AjieSpa男模會所LINE:spa3995Macau ☎️WhatsApp - 852-4405-4887 Male model technician wechat SPA3995, Bali Fragrance Spa Telegram: AjieSpa Male technician QQ: 1989997466 On-site service LINE: spa3995 is open 24 hours today on Monday, June 12, 2023, to arrange personalized treatment, release the body and mind, relieve pressure, and re-present a unique beauty, helping guests to have a healthy body and mind. Our team of professional masseurs has been committed to providing guests with 6-star Spa massage, beauty, slimming and health care to strengthen skin resistance, relieve redness and sensitivity, make skin smooth and glossy, restore elasticity, even skin tone, and restore tender and beautiful skin. Adhere to the three principles of ”never hard selling, clear price, quality assurance“, online self-service orders for money to buy treatment, completely no pressure to enjoy. Italian hand Face SPA. Lymphatic clearing. Services: Lymphatic, detox, facial massage, essential oil SPA, women‘s private care, Bali women’s SPA, Dream Bali women‘s SPA, Thailand grab phoenixes, contact wechat SPA3995, male model technician QQ1989997466, male male model club Telegram: AjieSpa LINE: spa3995
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0852massage · 1 year
香港靚仔☎️WhatsApp—852-4405-4887男模技師微信SPA3995,巴釐島芳香Spa Telegram:AjieSpa男技師QQ:1989997466上門服務LINE:spa3995今天是2023年06月12日星期一24小時營業,安排個人化療程, 釋放身心靈, 舒解壓力, 重新呈現獨特美態, 助客人輕鬆擁有健美體態及健康心靈。專業按摩師團隊, 一直致力為客人提供六星級的Spa按摩、美容、纖體及保健養生,加強肌膚抵抗力,舒緩泛紅敏感,令皮膚平滑有光澤,重拾彈性,均勻膚色,回復水嫩美肌。堅持「絕不硬銷、明碼實價、質素保證」3大原則,網上自助下單俾錢錢買療程,完全無壓力勁享受。意大利人手面部SPA。通淋巴。服務: 通淋巴, 排毒, 面部按摩,精油SPA,女子私密護理,巴釐島女子SPA,夢巴釐女子SPA,泰國抓鳳筋,聯繫微信SPA3995,男模技師QQ1989997466,帥哥選人Telegram:AjieSpa男模會所LINE:spa3995Hong Kong ☎️WhatsApp - 852-4405-4887 Male model technician wechat SPA3995, Bali Fragrance Spa Telegram: AjieSpa Male technician QQ: 1989997466 On-site service LINE: spa3995 is open 24 hours today on Monday, June 12, 2023, to arrange personalized treatment, release the body and mind, relieve pressure, and re-present a unique beauty, helping guests to have a healthy body and mind. Our team of professional masseurs has been committed to providing guests with 6-star Spa massage, beauty, slimming and health care to strengthen skin resistance, relieve redness and sensitivity, make skin smooth and glossy, restore elasticity, even skin tone, and restore tender and beautiful skin. Adhere to the three principles of ”never hard selling, clear price, quality assurance“, online self-service orders for money to buy treatment, completely no pressure to enjoy. Italian hand Face SPA. Lymphatic clearing. Services: Lymphatic, detox, facial massage, essential oil SPA, women‘s private care, Bali women’s SPA, Dream Bali women‘s SPA, Thailand grab phoenixes, contact wechat SPA3995, male model technician QQ1989997466, male male model club Telegram: AjieSpa LINE: spa3995
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0853massage · 1 year
澳門靚仔☎️WhatsApp—852-4405-4887男模技師微信SPA3995,巴釐島芳香Spa Telegram:AjieSpa男技師QQ:1989997466上門服務LINE:spa3995今天是2023年06月12日星期一24小時營業,安排個人化療程, 釋放身心靈, 舒解壓力, 重新呈現獨特美態, 助客人輕鬆擁有健美體態及健康心靈。專業按摩師團隊, 一直致力為客人提供六星級的Spa按摩、美容、纖體及保健養生,加強肌膚抵抗力,舒緩泛紅敏感,令皮膚平滑有光澤,重拾彈性,均勻膚色,回復水嫩美肌。堅持「絕不硬銷、明碼實價、質素保證」3大原則,網上自助下單俾錢錢買療程,完全無壓力勁享受。意大利人手面部SPA。通淋巴。服務: 通淋巴, 排毒, 面部按摩,精油SPA,女子私密護理,巴釐島女子SPA,夢巴釐女子SPA,泰國抓鳳筋,聯繫微信SPA3995,男模技師QQ1989997466,帥哥選人Telegram:AjieSpa男模會所LINE:spa3995Macau ☎️WhatsApp - 852-4405-4887 Male model technician wechat SPA3995, Bali Fragrance Spa Telegram: AjieSpa Male technician QQ: 1989997466 On-site service LINE: spa3995 is open 24 hours today on Monday, June 12, 2023, to arrange personalized treatment, release the body and mind, relieve pressure, and re-present a unique beauty, helping guests to have a healthy body and mind. Our team of professional masseurs has been committed to providing guests with 6-star Spa massage, beauty, slimming and health care to strengthen skin resistance, relieve redness and sensitivity, make skin smooth and glossy, restore elasticity, even skin tone, and restore tender and beautiful skin. Adhere to the three principles of ”never hard selling, clear price, quality assurance“, online self-service orders for money to buy treatment, completely no pressure to enjoy. Italian hand Face SPA. Lymphatic clearing. Services: Lymphatic, detox, facial massage, essential oil SPA, women‘s private care, Bali women’s SPA, Dream Bali women‘s SPA, Thailand grab phoenixes, contact wechat SPA3995, male model technician QQ1989997466, male male model club Telegram: AjieSpa LINE: spa3995
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0852massage · 1 year
香港靚仔☎️WhatsApp—852-4405-4887男模技師微信SPA3995,巴釐島芳香Spa Telegram:AjieSpa男技師QQ:1989997466上門服務LINE:spa3995今天是2023年06月12日星期一24小時營業,安排個人化療程, 釋放身心靈, 舒解壓力, 重新呈現獨特美態, 助客人輕鬆擁有健美體態及健康心靈。專業按摩師團隊, 一直致力為客人提供六星級的Spa按摩、美容、纖體及保健養生,加強肌膚抵抗力,舒緩泛紅敏感,令皮膚平滑有光澤,重拾彈性,均勻膚色,回復水嫩美肌。堅持「絕不硬銷、明碼實價、質素保證」3大原則,網上自助下單俾錢錢買療程,完全無壓力勁享受。意大利人手面部SPA。通淋巴。服務: 通淋巴, 排毒, 面部按摩,精油SPA,女子私密護理,巴釐島女子SPA,夢巴釐女子SPA,泰國抓鳳筋,聯繫微信SPA3995,男模技師QQ1989997466,帥哥選人Telegram:AjieSpa男模會所LINE:spa3995Hong Kong ☎️WhatsApp - 852-4405-4887 Male model technician wechat SPA3995, Bali Fragrance Spa Telegram: AjieSpa Male technician QQ: 1989997466 On-site service LINE: spa3995 is open 24 hours today on Monday, June 12, 2023, to arrange personalized treatment, release the body and mind, relieve pressure, and re-present a unique beauty, helping guests to have a healthy body and mind. Our team of professional masseurs has been committed to providing guests with 6-star Spa massage, beauty, slimming and health care to strengthen skin resistance, relieve redness and sensitivity, make skin smooth and glossy, restore elasticity, even skin tone, and restore tender and beautiful skin. Adhere to the three principles of ”never hard selling, clear price, quality assurance“, online self-service orders for money to buy treatment, completely no pressure to enjoy. Italian hand Face SPA. Lymphatic clearing. Services: Lymphatic, detox, facial massage, essential oil SPA, women‘s private care, Bali women’s SPA, Dream Bali women‘s SPA, Thailand grab phoenixes, contact wechat SPA3995, male model technician QQ1989997466, male male model club Telegram: AjieSpa LINE: spa3995
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