patientlibrarian · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Claudia Doumit.
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "Goran Thursday". Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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docjen · 6 years
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New Bracket! Vote for Flynn and Lucy!
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prairiepirate · 6 years
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Timeless text posts: Garcia Flynn (screencaps courtesy of TeamGarcy)
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Head over to my new Twitter account!! Follow TeamGarcy!! Will become a multi ship account in the future at some point!! But mainly for our beloved Garcy ♥️😍♥️
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patientlibrarian · 4 months
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Getting through Monday.
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "getting through Monday."
Currently suffering through the appalling Eurosport coverage (and commentators) of the French Open tennis at Roland Garros in Paris. It's the only way I can get to see it here in the UK. I say "see it" but most of the time the camera positioning means that the top third of the picture goes very dark - probably because of the sun going in and out. Still I am getting geared up for the Rafa Nadal match this afternoon as it may be the last chance we ever get to see him play in this tournament.
Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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patientlibrarian · 4 months
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Sorry, am I repeating this, again, can't think why!!!!
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Scruff Sunday
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "scruff Sunday". Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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patientlibrarian · 8 months
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Oh how we wish there was nothing to worry about!
Hello everyone,everywhere, it's "Flynn Friday" and cold and damp where I am in the UK.
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patientlibrarian · 9 months
IT'S LOVE GARCIA FLYNN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New to "Timeless" this year (you wouldn't believe the series we've either not had or have almost been 'hidden' from us in the UK over the years) and also social media, this isn't going to be the most professional post for this special day, but I had to join in. I'm still getting it together with blogging.
And we're off.........
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Where to start?! Oh yes!! If you can take your eyes off the biceps for a while (difficult I know) I love the way he looks so intently at the journal.
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Oh those long fingers!
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Don't worry, I won't struggle! Already reminding us of the height difference between Flynn and Lucy.
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Mean, moody, magnificent!
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"Okay, we just love to see the profile."
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"Oh, you're here at last! I'm ready! Just let me say 'goodbye'. "Bye!" Now close the door quick!
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"Don't I look adorable?"
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I REALLY wouldn't be struggling"!!! Terrific scene displaying the choices Flynn feels he has to make and how he struggles with that.
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"Sorry! Should have warned you this one was coming!" One of the most addictive scenes.
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"Had to include the tongue!"
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"Just showing off my profile again!"
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"Is this the sexiest, the absolute sexiest look of all?"
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"I DO have a 'thing' about him in suspenders/braces!"
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"It's the 'tongue' again!"
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"I quite understand! Although I'm quite ready to sit and talk if you want!"
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"And here's the tongue again!" Oh he looks like he is really having it bad in prison, as we know he does.
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He really does have to bend down doesn't he?"
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"Oh!! That protective arm. Gets me every time!" Another 'look' and indication of how he feels about her.
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Ohhhh! That look! A scene that has SO much in it.
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"Ohh! So nearly holding her!"
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+++"One of my utmost favourite clips. I STILL say that they could be holding or touching hands!" Trust you-know-who to ruin it!
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"Oh thank you!"
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"Oh those looks again!" Another of my favourite scenes and the way they look at each other not knowing what their future holds.
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"Ready and waiting."
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"This is almost too much to bear at times. Oh the emotion, the obvious way he cares about her.
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"And we're back at the 'looks' again!" One of only a few 'watchable' scenes in this episode.
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Yes, I am one of the people who believes Flynn moves in for the kiss, because of the way she looks at him. The only reason to watch this episode is for how fabulous he looks with the beard.
I can't get over what an incredibly complex character Flynn is and how his life changes after he meets Lucy. I decided I had to get involved with the series fans after surviving (just) the last episode(s) earlier this year. After "...all my love, Flynn.." I was a broken woman. I couldn't believe that the team were standing there toasting him, when the means to save him was just yards away!
I'm so grateful that so many fans have kept this series alive and what wonderful stories are to be found on AO3. Thank you.
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patientlibrarian · 3 months
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Flynn Friday
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "Flynn Friday". Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
Absolutely gorgeous pic of Goran follows on next page.
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patientlibrarian · 10 months
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"Yeah it's been a tough week and I still don't know if Santa has had my letter!
Hello everyone, everywhere. It's "scruff Sunday". Phew! After re-posting all the wonderful Battleship Garcy quotes and pics I feel quite emotional. As a newbie it was nice to catch up with them.
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patientlibrarian · 8 months
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"In keeping with "scuff Sunday" I'm going the whole way!
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "scruff Sunday" and he certainly looks that here. Excuse me, I'm off to read chapter 26 of "Bodyguard" while my partner is occupied elsewhere.
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patientlibrarian · 9 months
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To Battleship Garcy: thank you for two wonderful days of Garcia Flynn. You must have spent an age putting all the clips together and your comment on each was extremely interesting. Thank you so much.
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patientlibrarian · 10 months
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Oh please don't go!!
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's suited Saturday. Another few reblogs today. Love the fact that many of you liked the "goran eating" pics.
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patientlibrarian · 10 months
AU. Flynn has fun! Something is happening in the safe house that night and everyone tries all sorts of ways to find out what it is. Only Flynn and Dave know the answer. And what about those underpants? Introducing FlamBam! Includes Teddy bears! A ‘demonstration’ with a difference! Who likes dark chocolate coconut macaroons? With so little to amuse them, sometimes you never know what to expect next. Dave Baumgardner is in on the fun. Consensual protected sex. Suggestive sexual thoughts/comments/innuendo.
Flynn: “You do realise that Lucy will try everything to get me to tell her?”
Dave gave a very broad smile, nodded and chuckled.
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patientlibrarian · 1 month
Wednesday August 21
Shades: pic of the day:
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Hello everyone, everywhere, well, all things Garcy have been given a tremendous boost by the AI vids produced by @fuckupthebest which surfaced yesterday. I re-blogged the first one straight away and today we have more. Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
I am reblogging these from my next page onwards, together with screencaps by @battleshipgarcy at @teamgarcy. There are about 10 reblogs in all. Quick viewing is available at :
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