#happy love garcia flynn day
patientlibrarian · 9 months
IT'S LOVE GARCIA FLYNN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New to "Timeless" this year (you wouldn't believe the series we've either not had or have almost been 'hidden' from us in the UK over the years) and also social media, this isn't going to be the most professional post for this special day, but I had to join in. I'm still getting it together with blogging.
And we're off.........
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Where to start?! Oh yes!! If you can take your eyes off the biceps for a while (difficult I know) I love the way he looks so intently at the journal.
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Oh those long fingers!
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Don't worry, I won't struggle! Already reminding us of the height difference between Flynn and Lucy.
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Mean, moody, magnificent!
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"Okay, we just love to see the profile."
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"Oh, you're here at last! I'm ready! Just let me say 'goodbye'. "Bye!" Now close the door quick!
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"Don't I look adorable?"
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I REALLY wouldn't be struggling"!!! Terrific scene displaying the choices Flynn feels he has to make and how he struggles with that.
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"Sorry! Should have warned you this one was coming!" One of the most addictive scenes.
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"Had to include the tongue!"
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"Just showing off my profile again!"
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"Is this the sexiest, the absolute sexiest look of all?"
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"I DO have a 'thing' about him in suspenders/braces!"
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"It's the 'tongue' again!"
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"I quite understand! Although I'm quite ready to sit and talk if you want!"
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"And here's the tongue again!" Oh he looks like he is really having it bad in prison, as we know he does.
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He really does have to bend down doesn't he?"
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"Oh!! That protective arm. Gets me every time!" Another 'look' and indication of how he feels about her.
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Ohhhh! That look! A scene that has SO much in it.
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"Ohh! So nearly holding her!"
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+++"One of my utmost favourite clips. I STILL say that they could be holding or touching hands!" Trust you-know-who to ruin it!
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"Oh thank you!"
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"Oh those looks again!" Another of my favourite scenes and the way they look at each other not knowing what their future holds.
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"Ready and waiting."
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"This is almost too much to bear at times. Oh the emotion, the obvious way he cares about her.
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"And we're back at the 'looks' again!" One of only a few 'watchable' scenes in this episode.
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Yes, I am one of the people who believes Flynn moves in for the kiss, because of the way she looks at him. The only reason to watch this episode is for how fabulous he looks with the beard.
I can't get over what an incredibly complex character Flynn is and how his life changes after he meets Lucy. I decided I had to get involved with the series fans after surviving (just) the last episode(s) earlier this year. After "...all my love, Flynn.." I was a broken woman. I couldn't believe that the team were standing there toasting him, when the means to save him was just yards away!
I'm so grateful that so many fans have kept this series alive and what wonderful stories are to be found on AO3. Thank you.
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feeling--pink · 7 months
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So I got to be a part of @dbl_mp1 's amazing Phinabella Day collaboration animatic and I thought it would be fun to show you guys all my reference sheets and different art that I put into making scene 10 of the animatic!! :D
The video's out on YouTube now!! So go watch it!! :D 
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titanicnerd-blog · 9 months
I've been SO busy lately, but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to celebrate 'Love Garcia Flynn Day" today!
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The first and last images (not the GIF) are mine, the rest are taken from the internet, from other online sources, or are courtesy of @battleshipgarcy.
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mammalsofaction · 6 months
I think my favourite argument of Phinabella shippers who believe that Phineas has a crush on Isabella is that they don't speak the same love language.
Isabella's vision for romance stems from all the tropes you see in young adult fiction. The kissing in the rain. Sharing an umbrella. Cute little ice cream dates. Personal heartfelt gifts with value that stems not from grandeur, but sentimentality. Sure she fantasizes about them running away together into the sunset as Phineas turns into a centaur to marry and live happily ever after but they've been purposefully overdramaticised and she thinks they're unrealistic. She wants PHINEAS to tell her he likes her, because he's the boy.
GIRL. Phineas Flynn Only Speaks in Grandeur!!!! You need an umbrella to walk to your house in the rain? NO PROBLEM! He's built an underground tunnel fully equipped for housing between your houses in 10 minutes using a shovel. Never seen a rainbow? No problem! He'll build a contraption to shoot rainbows and disrupt global weather to make you happy. Oh shoot. You meant unicorns? No problem! He'll genetically engineer one from scratch for you right now! He's made full day plans and a singing event with chorus girls and 20 tier cake of your favourite flavour the size of your house for your birthday DONT LOOK THE REST IS A SURPRISE. IT GETS BETTER. What's your whim, Isabella? You want a face carved into the mountain? A national holiday where everyone fawns over your cuteness? A chair in the senate? What does he need to do to prove it? Walk over lava? Climb a mountain? Travel the world in 24 hours????? Girl, the ONLY thing he cant do for you is say what he means out loud! He's not good at feelings! That's Ferb's job! You were always the braver, put together one!!! For God's sake Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, don't make me slap you!! He's been trying to say the same thing this whole time!!!
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I will always attempt to prod you for new Garcy content, so, here's hoping this speaks to you 😂 (also happy belated birthday! <- my Tumblr wasn't working properly on you big day, and didn't let me send you a HBD greeting then, so I'm doing it now) 🥳
41. Don't look back
The New England night is rank with cold, with the briny scent of the distant sea, with woodsmoke and creosote, tar and turpentine, hay and mud. Lucy stands with her arms crossed, her coat drawn tightly over her shoulders, staring out at the dark woods that stretch endlessly beyond this simple farmhouse on the edge of Boston -- in the year 1880, a fast-growing industrial city, thronged with largely-Irish immigrants, strung up with newfangled electric lights and trolley cars, steamships moored at the docks, but still straining at the old Pilgrim bones beneath, forced to accept all this modernity at a blow. In other circumstances, she would almost like the chance to look around. Not, however, as if that is going to happen. Now or ever.
She shivers harder. She can still feel the wind cutting right through her, and surely it's her imagination that it's not just a figure of speech, that she's becoming more and more insubstantial, never-existing, by the moment. She feels dreamy, almost comfortable, the sort of lulling reverie you slip into when you're on the brink of freezing to death and it feels downright pleasant. She looks down at her hands, tries to see if she can see through them to the ground. It would be just, perhaps. It would be the only outcome.
Just then, there's a particularly loud commotion in the farmhouse behind her, and she turns around sharply. She hasn't been paying attention to the low-level clamor -- the shouts, the shots, the smashing, the screaming, the sort that would attract the neighbors if there were any in range. As it is, there aren't, and that too is all by design. She stands here, a cold and merciless goddess, listens to men die inside, and feels... nothing. Her mother has, in the end, done her job too well. Carol Preston dutifully raised her daughters in Rittenhouse, trained Lucy to be the heiress, the crown princess, and now it's playing out exactly as she intended, with one devastating little twist. It's Rittenhouse dying in there, all of them, or at least Lucy so badly hopes. All her ancestors, her great-grandfathers and uncles and whatever else, and that means that when they get back to the present day (if they get back to the present day), there is a very good chance that she will never have existed at all. Will be a revenant, a time-ghost, a relic from another timeline who has nothing left at all, no root to her old life, and not even anyone else's memories. Hell, she might just wink out on the spot, a twisted paradox too contradicted to exist. Is it worth it? Can anything possibly be worth this?
Yes, Lucy thinks. Her face is stone, her eyes are dry, she does not weep a single tear. Yes, it is.
At last, the banging and blasting falls silent. Ruthlessly effective as he is, Garcia Flynn is far from subtle. There's a long moment in which Lucy panics, thinking that they managed to strike a lucky blow, that he's gone too, but then he emerges, tall and dark and shadowed, his suit sleeves spattered in blood. He looks at her and doesn't say a word. Just goes to his knees in front of her (even so, he's still almost as tall as she is) and holds out the gun, a medieval knight pledging his sword to the service of his lady. At last, his voice half a whisper in the wind, he says, "It's done."
Lucy shivers from head to toe. She looks down at him and doesn't answer. Yes, her ancestors might all be dead now, but there's still no guarantee that Rittenhouse has been erased, root and branch. One of them might have left a pregnant wife somewhere, or a secret mistress with a love child, or all the other ways history contorts around on itself to protect its continuity. She could have done all this, live with the knowledge of it forever, and still failed. Flynn might have gone in there to kill her whole family, but Lucy is the one who brought him here.
(What would she have done, if they hadn't found each other? Who would she be? Carol's perfect little Rittenhouse princess, just as planned? Not this, this Salem witch, hands dripping with blood just as much as Flynn's. It's only on his because she asked him to do it, and he agreed. That's love, she supposes. A twisted and dark and desperate version, but still love. He is the only thing she has.)
"Flynn." Lucy doesn't recognize her own voice. "Please. Get me out of here. Get me out of here."
Flynn considers, then nods once. He lifts her halfway, arms around her waist; as ever, her weight is completely negligible to him. It's going to be a long walk back to the Mothership, where Rufus is waiting nervously. When they get in, the jump very well might not work, as long as Lucy is in there. The space-time continuum might reject traveling back with an alien entity, an erased object. She might have to get out and stay in 1880 forever, the price of removing Rittenhouse in the present. Is she ready to do that? Can she stand it? Or will she just simply evanesce away?
"Flynn," she starts again, shaking, her face buried in his shoulder. He walks quickly, but somehow without hurrying. The wool of his jacket smells of lamp-oil and fresh blood. "Flynn, I'm not going to be able to come back, not if I don't -- "
"Yes." He sounds calm, certain, cold as the snow. "You're going to be fine, Lucy. Rufus will figure it out. You'll come home with us."
"But back there -- " Lucy twists, tries to peer over his shoulder, to look back at the dark farmhouse where Rittenhouse has, pray God, finally met its utmost end. "If you -- "
"Shh." Flynn's grip tightens on her. "Don't look back, Lucy. It's all right. Trust me. I would never do anything to hurt you."
It's a deeply ironic utterance, considering what he just did to her whole family (on her express invitation, but still) and how their relationship started, but she does. She trusts him. She holds onto him with both hands. Don't look back. Like Lot's wife fleeing from Sodom, unable to resist the curse, transmogrified into salt. There are tears on her cheeks. She tastes it on her lips. She doesn't know who she's crying for. It seems impossible for it to be her.
Don't look back.
Lucy buries her face in Flynn's neck again, and does not.
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Small Bracket Round 1
Small Bracket has passed the planning stage!
Should I have just put them through a random number generator and called it a day? Probably. But I didn't, so there
Blanket disclaimer that I don't know every nominee so a lot of this is based on research and I'm sorry if I got the vibes wrong
Full bracket under read-more
Rules over Hades/Robot Hell
Hades                   (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Robot Devil         (Futurama)
Fans hate him
Aechmea             (Houseki no Kuni)
Ladd Russo         (Baccano!)
Daniel    (Camp Camp)
Extra knife-murder
Johnny C             (Johnny the homicidal Maniac)
Alpha                    (Dollhouse)
Music Videos
The Evil Bald Guy from the Genghis Khan music video     
(The Genghis Khan music video)
Dr. Carmilla        (Dr. Carmilla and/or The Mechanisms)
Fight your shadow self!
Professor Venomous       (OK K.O. Let’s Be Heroes)
Shadowy Figure                (OK K.O. Let’s Be Heroes)
Friendly old women
Kanchenjunga Sarrektjaka            (Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians)
Lesley    (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Pathetic soggy washcloth of a man
King Richard       (Galavant)
Namakelder        (Happiness Charge Precure)
Ghetsis                 (Pokémon (gen 5))
You vs the guy she told you not to worry about but the guy she told you not to worry about is you wearing lipstick
Lugnut                  (Transformers Animated)
Clobber                (Transformers: Cyberverse)
The ones that I can only appreciate from a distance cause if I take 1 step closer I just say yikes and walk 5 more steps backwards
Dr. Boris Habit   (Smile For Me)
Shaun Gomez     (Smile tapes)
Am                        (I have no mouth and I must scream)
Yikes pt.2 but for entirely different reasons
Clay Puppington                (Moral Orel)
Cruel Angel Clionel          (The Battle Cats)
Mariko Kurama                 (Elfen Lied)
Traumatized girlbossses can commit a little murder as a treat
Ada Graceheart                (Medieval Cop)
Helena G. Wells                (Warehouse 13)
I am so sorry about this, I shouldn't make them fight but I thought it'd be really funny to have a person vs that same person inverted and with gold spooky eyes
"Then teach me how to knit" vs "knitting isn't as fun as murder"
Morgan Sterling                (S and D tier)
Alex Stewart                      (S and D tier)
Lil psycho/Lil in love   (... I lied, these losers are both head over freakin heels)
Beatrice (Bibi)    (I Love Amy)
Claire Stanfield  (Baccano!)
If you take away all context, and I mean ALL context, I genuinely think this is the same character.  
Tigerstar              (Warrior Cats)
Darkstalker         (Wings of Fire)
Wet Dishrag Men pt.2
Simon Keyes                      (Ace Attorney)
Ogata Hyakunosuke         (Golden Kamuy)
Ben Linus                            (Lost)
Girlbosses who deserve an entire kingdom to lie, broken, at their feet
Cassandra           (Tangled the Series)
Charlie                 (Don’t Starve Together)
They're just pleasant- If it weren't for the atrocities
Izaya Orihara                                    (Durarara!! and Durarara!! x2)
Thomas Jerome Newton               (Fringe)
Yugi Tsukasa                                     (Toilet Bound Hanako-San)
Dottore                               (Genshin Impact)
Midori/Sou Hiyori            (Your turn to die)
Alfred Bester                     (Babylon 5)
Just a little guy!
Invader Skoodge              (Invader Zim)
Fawful                                 (Mario and Luigi)
The Nome King                 (Oz)
The Butler did it ™
Shelly De Killer   (Ace Attorney)
Argalia                 (Library of Ruina)
Just a little guy (clown edition)
Jevil                      (Deltarune)
Dimentio             (Super Paper Mario!)
The freakin theater mask aesthetic (Yes one of them is a sentient theater mask)
SCP 035                (SCP)
Janus Sanders     (Sanders sides)
The smitten™
Garcia Flynn        (Timeless)
Joshua Kiryu       (The World ends with you)
The Camp Capitalists
GoodtimeswithScar         (Third Life SMP + Hermitcraft)
O’Malley                             (Red vs Blue)
Did someone say lizardmen?
Toffee                  (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Elim Garak          (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
The Ace Attorney games said prosecuting lawyer should be evil dramatic and 100% committed to the aesthetic
Manfred von Karma        (Ace Attorney)
Barok van Zieks                 (The Great Ace Attorney)
He's Horrible (❤️ ω ❤️)
Isaac “Felix” Gates           (Red vs Blue)
Marcus Cutter                   (Wolf359)
Warren Kepler                  (Wolf359)
Bill Cipher Wannabes + bird doctor (aka: I was bound to have one miscellaneous category, actually I have 7 >:3)
Bob                       (Voltron)
Samuel White    (Kill Count (Webcomic))
SCP 049              (SCP)
Father went to Evil class but got distracted and became a theater kid. (Also, the trouble with twins)
General Tarquin                (Order of the Stick)
L. D. Curtain                       (The Mysterious Benedict Society- specifically the TV Show)
Discovers things that shouldn't be real
Rafaam                (Hearthstone/ World of Warcraft)
Artemis Fowl      (Artemis Fowl)
The Camp Capitalists Tyrants
Lord Dominator                                              (Wander Over Yonder)
The Monarch (Malcolm Fitzcarraldo)        (The Venture Bros.)
Would be going against HAL but they'd be so crushed
XANA                    (Code Lyoko)
Rie Kishibe          (Digimon Cyber Sleuth)
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isharaneith · 1 year
My YouTube playlist with fan videos for Timeless. The lion's share is Wyatt/Lucy and Flynn/Lucy, but there are some single character as well (mostly Garcia) and as many Rufus/Jiya as I found (which is sadly not a lot :( ).
I'm going to repeat myself, over and over. But I think, the following, applies to all fandoms.
In my opinion, playlists are currently one of the best ways to find fan videos on YouTube. Especially for less popular or older fandoms or smaller creators. If you have one created for Timeless, I encourage you to reblog or comment under this post with a link. Let's spread the love for vids and vidders and help each other find hidden gems.
Also, please, if you like any of the videos, don't get discouraged by the fact that they're old. Like, save and make comments. I have yet to find a creator who isn't happy when people interact with their older creations. It can make someone's day. Who knows, maybe it will motivate them to dust off their skills and love for the fandom, if they have time.
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#2, 3, 7, and 10 for Time Wars for the AU ask game, please!
2: Summarize this au in 5 sentences.
In a world where Timeless, Haven, Sanctuary, and Grimm all take place in the same universe, lives are about to collide. When Rittenhouse, the evil power-hungry organization hidden in the shadows, splits into two groups, they both choose the same strategy to bring each other down: the impossible. One side aligns with the Troubled of Haven, people with powers they don't want and can't get rid of. The other chooses Wesen: shapeshifters, hidden in plain sight, fearsome and deadly. As a group group heroes come together to stop both sides, all eyes are on Helen Magnus, and her Sanctuary of Abnormal creatures; how long can she stay out of this war?
3: Did anything inspire this au?
This AU is actually the latest form of a couple of crossover aus I've had in the past: The Heatherverse and the Megaverse. Basically, I just wanted an excuse to combine all of my favorite shows.
7: What ships are canon in this au?
What ships aren't canon-
Will Zimmerman/Lucy Preston (Sweet Nerds)
Elizabeth Lascelles/John Druitt (Murder-but, like, polite murderers who love their families)
Henry Foss/Jordan McKee (PAIN but Let Them Have A Happy Ending)
Noah/Ruby (Rittenhouse for awhile, but will it last?)
Eric Renard/Emma Whitmore (Murder, and they Like It. Will probably end up killing each other one day, and they both know it.)
Garcia Flynn/Lorena Flynn (RESURRECTED WIFE)
Wyatt Logan/Jessica Logan (Also a resurrected wife, but there's murder. Also a lot of pining.)
Possibly Duke Crocker/Kate Freelander (thieves who joined the good guys and have huge hearts.)
Probably more.
10: Is there a character you wish you could've included, but couldn't? Why?
One of my favorite dynamics in the Megaverse was Helen Magnus and Neal Caffrey. Neal is from White Collar, and I really didn't have the desire to bring that world into the Time Wars, so my options were to keep just Neal and not give his world its fair share of the plot (which would be Unfun for someone who decided to read it knowing mainly WC), or yeet him.
So he has been yote, but with great sadness.
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televinita · 2 years
Top 100 Ladies of TV
Looking at old blog posts, many years ago I did a "100 favorite female characters" list, but I have met so many wonderful new ladies now that it is quite out of date and needs a major update to accommodate them. International Women’s Day seems like the perfect time to do so!
Only this time I'm restricting it to TV characters, or I will die of Overwhelm.
NOTE: This list is not in any kind of order, I just wrote them down as they came to mind. I considered alphabetical, but found it was nicer to keep everyone from a given show together. And rather than starting from scratch, I kept as much of the original list as I could and just added newer favorites on at the end, if you're wondering why some of these Very Old Fandoms are clustered at the top.
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Kimberly Hart (Power Rangers)
Katherine Hillard (Power Rangers)
Pamela Beesly Halpert (The Office)
Kelly Kapoor (The Office)
Angela Martin (The Office)
Amita Ramanujan (Numb3rs)
Abby Sciuto (NCIS
Ziva David (NCIS)
Abby Lockhart (ER)
Neela Rasgotra (ER)
Sarah Riley (ER)
Rachel Berry (Glee)
Quinn Fabray (Glee)
Tina Cohen-Chang, respect (Glee)
Marley Rose (Glee)
Juliet Burke (Lost)
Alex Rousseau (Lost)
Kensi Blye (NCIS: LA)
Nell Jones (NCIS: LA)
Marisol Delko (CSI: Miami)
Alexx Woods (CSI: Miami)
Calleigh DuQuesne (CSI: Miami)
Samantha Spade (Without a Trace)
Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
April Kepner (Grey's Anatomy)
Addison Forbes Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice)
Sara Sidle (CSI)
Jess Angell (CSI: NY)
Dana Scully (X-Files)
Summer Roberts (The O.C.)
Charlotte "Chuck" Charles (Pushing Daisies)
Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)
Joan Girardi (Joan of Arcadia)
Kat Miller (Cold Case)
Tru Davies (Tru Calling)
Elaine Benes (Seinfeld)
Daphne Moon (Frasier)
Carla Espinosa (Scrubs)
Jordan Sullivan (Scrubs) -- it's either her or Ellie Torres from Cougar Town, real 6-of-1 situation
Donna Pinciotti (That 70s Show)
Jackie Burkhart (That 70s Show)
Kitty Forman (That 70s Show)
Kara Danvers (Supergirl)
Stephanie Tanner (Full/er House)
Grace Adler (Will & Grace)
Lexi Vaziri (Blood & Treasure)
Jaz Khan (The Brave)
Lux Cassidy (Life Unexpected)
Rachel Matheson (Revolution)
Julia Shumway (Under the Dome)
Nancy McKenna (L.A.'s Finest)
Paige Donohue (Scorpion)
Happy Quinn (Scorpion)
Max Black (2 Broke Girls)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Mae Jarvis (Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders)
Reba Hart (Reba)
Cheyenne Hart (Reba)
Jess Parker (Primeval)
Abby Maitland (Primeval)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Tani Rey (Hawaii Five-0)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Alexis Castle (Castle)
Kat Warbler (The Class) - FOREVER UPSET we were robbed of more than 22 eps of her snarky glory!
Ivy Lynn (Smash)
Elizabeth McCord (Madam Secretary herself)
Carrie Heffernan (i'm sorry i LOVE HER) (The King of Queens)
Frankie Heck (The Middle)
Sue Heck (The Middle)
Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project)
Lisa Miller (News Radio)
Beth of no apparent last name (NewsRadio)
Sabrina Spellman (the Teenage Witch, Good Version [WB])
Tia Landrey & Tamera Campbell (Sister, Sister) (I know it's rude but they're both aces and this way my list is secretly 101!)
Jade McKellan (Family Reunion)
Holly Tyler (What I Like About You)
Anathema Device (Good Omens)
Eve Baxter (Last Man Standing)
Sabina of no official last name (Siberia)
Ryan Clark (Off the Map)
Phoebe Buffay (Friends)
Monica Geller (Friends)
Rachel Greene (Friends)
Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Melissa Schemmenti (Abbott Elementary)
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary)
Ava Coleman (Abbot Elementary)
Molly Flynn (Mike & Molly, a terrible show made watchable by its women, though I only have room for 1 today)
Henrietta/Hetty Woodstone (Ghosts [CBS])
Shirley Bennett (Community)
Alex Russell (Maid)
Jenny Hoyt (Big Sky)
Cassie DeWell (Big Sky)
In conclusion:
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jazzymarie1006 · 6 years
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Phineas Flynn & Isabella Garcia-Shapiro in "Act Your Age".
Milo Murphy & Amanda Lopez in "Cake 'Spolison ".
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patientlibrarian · 9 months
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Well he's getting ready for" "Love Garcia Flynn day(s)" tomorrow, and so am I!
Hello everyone, everywhere, I'm planning to sit down for ever and ever tomorrow to go through all the goodies for "Love Garcia Flynn Day". Won't do my poor knees any good at all, but never mind!
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warning: swearing
Chapter 1
“Thank you for agreeing to guest lecture this semester. My students are really looking forward to hearing stories from a real life FBI agent,” Professor Walker was giving Spencer a tour of Georgetown University.
Spencer had agreed to guest lecture once a week in Professor Walker’s Criminology course following the return of the very much alive Emily Prentiss to the BAU. Spencer had snapped quite a few times at his co-workers and was still adjusting to the sudden development so Hotch signed off on this as a little break for Spencer.
Professor Walker was explaining faculty parking when Spencer heard that voice. It was so nostalgic and comforting, filling him with a sense of warmth that he desperately craved. He thought he would never hear it again.
“My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from three to six. Can you make the lab up one of those days?” the voice asked.
Spencer was desperately looking around, trying to find the owner of voice so he could prove it wasn’t all in his head and you were actually really here.
Then, Spencer saw you. You looked as gorgeous as ever. You were in a black pencil skirt and a dark green blouse with pale pink high heels which was a far cry from the crewnecks, leggings, and converse that Spencer had known you to wear most of the time in college. You looked very mature and that is not to say you didn’t seven years ago but you had this sense of confidence about you now.
“Okay perfect, see you then,” you hung up the phone and made eye contact with Spencer.
Your jaw went slack, eyes widening in what appeared to be horror, and you ceased all your movement.
“Dr. Reid? Do you have any questions?” Professor Walker asked, forcing Spencer’s gaze to drift back to him.
“Uh no, I-I’m all set,” Spencer stuttered.
In reality, he had not listened to a single word he had just said but he took the metro so he didn’t have to worry about faculty parking. He was still trying to process the brief eye contact he had just made with you and figure out if it was a dream or not.
“Perfect, then you are free to go! I’ll see you Monday morning, bright and early!” Professor Walker chuckled.
Spencer waved as Professor Walker strolled off to his office and his eyes scanned the campus for you once again. However, you were long gone. Maybe it was a figment of his imagination.
“What the fuck!” you whispered to yourself as you were in a full-on sprint in your heels.
You were trying to locate your car keys in your purse while maintaining your speed. You simply could not handle seeing him ever again. You didn’t even know why he was here. He chose the FBI over you so shouldn’t he be on a private jet or something flying across the country?
Once you made it to your car and slumped into the driver’s seat, you knew you were safe. He didn’t know what car you drove and there were way too many cars to go around looking in the windows of each one.
You took a moment to collect yourself before pulling out of the parking lot. You drove your normal route to Wesley Elementary School and turned off the ignition, hopping out the car.
The kindergarteners were all lined up in a not-so-straight line behind their teacher with their little coats and colorful backpacks on.
“Hi Mrs. Flynn!” you greeted, heading to the back of her line.
You saw a flash of purple before you felt two little arms wrapping around your knees.
“Mommy, I missed you so much,” she exclaimed as you picked her up.
“How much?” you asked.
“This much,” the girl outreached her arms, creating a gap the size of her arm span between them.
“I missed you even more than that, Josephine,” you kissed her cheek, carrying her back to the car.
You placed her in her car seat and got her all buckled up as she talked to you about her day.
Yes, Jo was Spencer’s, that much was obvious from her big brown eyes and curly brown hair. She looked just like her dad but he didn’t even know she existed.
You and Spencer had dated for a little over a year at Cal-Tech. He was already on his third PhD and you were in your second year of undergrad but you both were twenty.
You thought he was the one but looking back on it now, what did you know. You were young, dumb, and in love. As soon as he was recruited for the FBI, you were swiftly dumped as he gallivanted across the country to be a badass and save lives. Fuck Spencer Reid is all you could think as you moped around your apartment for the first two weeks, absolutely miserable.
Then, you realized your period was late and you were never late. When you found out you were pregnant, your friends and family were very supportive, your parents especially, they said they would support your decision either way.
You decided to keep the baby even though you were still very young. You knew it would be hard but you knew this was something you wanted. You knew ever since you were a child playing with baby dolls and then growing up and babysitting your neighbor’s kids that being a mom would make you happy.
You never reached out to Spencer though. He broke up with you and then moved across the country. You weren’t really up for a “hey listen, I know you live thousands of miles away now and don’t want anything to do with me anymore but I’m having your child” phone call so you simply never made it. Sure, some help may be nice but you had your parents. You certainly didn’t need any help from the asshole.
It had been hours since Spencer had seen Y/N but he still couldn’t wrap his head around it.
He went to his old dusty computer on his desk and typed in “Y/N Y/L/N”. He wasn’t proud of this but he wanted to know what you were up to.
He found your section on the Georgetown University website. You were an Associate Professor in biology. Spencer smiled, remembering all the night you would come over to his apartment with a bundle of flashcards and have him quiz you until you got every single one right.
Your instagram profile was private and Spencer didn’t even have an account to request to follow you on. Not that he would, an ex seeing you in public after seven years and then requesting to follow you on an account that he just made would definitely come off as creepy.
He could ask Penelope to do further digging but you weren’t a bad guy so that would be an invasion of your privacy and he didn’t really want to deal with all of Garcia’s questions.
Spencer sighed. He missed you. He thought about you very often. Spencer thought it would be selfish to keep you tied down to him when he wouldn’t be able to see you very often. He thought it would just make you miserable so he broke up with you in order to save you from the future pain. But it hurt him so much that he actually cried the entire plane ride to Virginia, the poor woman next to him handing him tissues occasionally. You were way out of his league to begin with, you would find someone new and better in no time, he thought.
In the seven years that had passed, he had a few occasional flings but never even close to what he had with you. You were his first love and undoubtedly his last because he had realized too late that you were it for him.
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It is going to be a huge text, so I will just highlight some points to the people who don't want to read it all. If you don't want to read everything just search for paragraphs like this
So, basically, I started watching timeless when it first aired in 2017. I passed trough the cancelling drama and stuff, but ended up not watching the second season because I was too busy for that.
Now, five years later, I have finally got my hands onto a streaming that has Timeless (I'm not from USA, so this took a while) and was ready to watch it. I finished everything in like three days and I'm just... a.
There's a lot of things that I think that happened just because they couldn't explore the plot well in 90 minutes. These thing's I'll highlight in green.
About Wyatt, Lyatt and Jessica
I actually liked Lyatt in the first season and the Hollywood episode was pretty nice. It was clear that they liked each other, and even though It wasn't mega exciting, I was happy for them. But then Jessica happened...
Wyatt was nice in the first season, but in the second one I think the writers tried really hard to make him despicable AND MANAGED TO DO IT.
I didn't hate him, but he was clearly dumb, selfish and the things that Jessica said about their marriage were never prooved to be wrong, so he was also explosive and dangerous. I was actually waiting for the series to reveal that he wasn't that cheating drunk man that Jessica portrayed, but it never did it.
Just look at how he punched Lucy! It was without intentions, but he couldn't control himself when she came closer! Man...
I think Jessica was really pregnant, but they didn't have time to explore it in the short season's finale so they just gave that terrible and quick excuse.
- Hey, what about that baby that would cause a big trouble or at least a really sad scene of Wyatt discovering that he was being fooled? - Oh, just make future Wyatt tell it was a lie in one line.
C'mon guys!!! The way the series portrayed before S02x11, Jessica actually really loved Wyatt and it was going to be a big problem for Rittenhouse in the future.
I understand that, just like Wyatt said, his situation was without precedents (usually your dead wife doesn't come back from the dead XD), BUT he was still acting terrible. Just like my babe Flynn said: Lucy is not your wife, the blonde girl is.
I can fully understand Wyatt and still despise him so much, it is just hard.
About Garcia Flynn and Garcy
First, I have to say that I have always loved Garcia Flynn. I watched the first season a long time ago so I couldn't remember exactly why, but it didn't take too long until I had fallen in love with him all over again.
Garcia is just charming, smart, funny and even though it concerns me, I felt completely in love with him everytime he punched a bad guy. This man is just... wow.
I have always tought that he and Lucy where just friends, really. I thought that he only admired her for who she was and for helping him (even though we didn't know how at the beggining) to revenge his family.
But man... It all started when Jessica came back. The way Flynn waited until she was clearly single to make a move on her... Not only smart, but so cute!
As they were always next to eachother we were able to see the way he looked at her... just... so sweetly. He knew her from the diary and started admiring her by that, but I believe that as soon as he started to know the person behind those writings it just was impossible not to fall in love.
That moment between them in the Chinatown episode I went just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA When she read about the kiss in the Titanic also, man! My heart even started racing! He takes care of her and knows how to do it, it was so obvious that he was in love and I just- I JUST CAN'T DEAL WITH IT.
She started to look for him, to trust him and actually pay attention on him in a romantic way...
They have only killed Flynn because he was a HUGE loose end. In a universe where Flynn exists Lucy would never end up with Wyatt.
His chemistry with Lucy was CLEAR and only growing every episode.
The way he was always there for her, the way their friendship was growing and revealing to be way more than that... Lyatt could never.
Lyatt was obvious and quick, something that I could have easily accepted to watch ending. Garcy was being built carefully with a good foundation. It was suposed to be Flynn with Lucy in the end.
Other points
It is also sad how Jiya's powers were just ignored in the last episode. I think that time related powers would have probably become a thing in the series and generate a lot of plot for us.
Timeless, in my point of view, could have been here with us for at least two more seasons.
I feel sad about how it was cancelled. I don't think it was a 10/10 series, but I still had a emotional conection with it and its characters. I almost cried when Rufus died and I didn't even knew that I loved him this much.
Lucy also decided out of nowhere not to save her sister because this was ALSO a loose end. I believe that her sister could have been a new villain.
And her father just giving up on Rittenhouse like this? A big no for me. It just happened for the series finale. We have already learned that people in Rittenhouse struggle a lot to get out.
Emma wasn't that weak to die so quickly and had already proofed herself to be actually dangerous. She KILLED the head of the Rittenhouse and people did nothing out of FEAR.
About characters
Jiya Marri was awesome with her powers and inteligence. I was completely OMGOMGOMGOMG when she ran away from Rittenhouse!
Rufus Carlin was cute, even though I have found him annoying sometimes.
As I said, I can't even remember why I did like Wyatt Logan in the first season.
Garcia Flynn will haunt my dreams just as Lorenzo from TVD has done (literally, I dreamt about him for weeks). I think that it is becoming too common for me to fall for european bad guys and I need to find my own XD
I can't believe how I started to like Lucy Preston. One of the saddest things in the series ending is that I won't be able to see more of her.
In the end, after 40 minutes writing, I just have to say that I enjoyed Timeless and it is really sad that it just has 2 seasons.
I give it a 8/10 for making me love the characters, even though i think that some dialogue lines where a little bit cheesy.
Thank you, Timeless, for everything that you provided to us.
~Especially Flynn~
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My reading goal for 2022 is to read at least 100 books. I will post each book I've read here:
1. The Plantagenets: The Warrior Kings and Queens Who Made England by Dan Jones (1-04-22)
2. Henry VI Pt.1 by William Shakespeare (1-06-22)
3. Henry VI Pt.2 by William Shakespeare (1-07-22)
4. Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert* (1-08-22)
5. Henry VI Pt.3 by William Shakespeare (1-10-22)
6. This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson* (1-11-22)
7. The Shadows by Alex North (1-11-22)
8. Richard III by William Shakespeare (1-13-22)
9. Why Didn't They Ask Evans by Agatha Christie (1-16-22)
10. The Wars of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors by Dan Jones (1-19-22)
11. Radio Silence by Alice Oseman* (1-21-22)
12. The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix (1-22-22)
13. King John by William Shakespeare (1-23-22)
14. Anne of Kleves: The Princess in the Tower by Alison Weir (1-29-22)
15. A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham (2-04-22)
16. Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly* (2-05-22)
17. The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins (2-07-22)
18. Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte (2-09-22)
19. Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall* (2-11-22)
20. The Whisper Man by Alex North (2-12-22)
21. The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian* (2-14-22)
22. 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard (2-16-22)
23. The Invited by Jennifer McMahon (2-19-22)
24. Katheryn Howard: The Tainted Queen by Alison Weir (2-23-22)
25. Not a Happy Family by Shari Lapena (2-28-22)
26. Tudors: The History of England Vol. II by Peter Ackroyd (3-04-22)
27. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (3-08-22)
28. Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake by Alexis Hall* (03-10-22)
29. No Exit by Taylor Adams (03-11-22)
30. Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (3-13-22)
31. Murder Most Actual by Alexis Hall* (3-15-22)
32. The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James (3-17-22)
33. The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley (3-18-22)
34. One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston* (3-20-22)
35. The Replacement Wife by Darby Kane (3-21-22)
36. The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf (3-25-22)
37. All The Missing Girls by Megan Miranda (03-29-22)
38. The Verifiers by Jane Pek* (4-02-22)
39. The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena (4-05-22)
40. Emerett Has Never Been in Love by Anyta Sunday* (4-09-22)
41. I Kissed a Girl by Jennet Alexander* (4-10-22)
42. Cameron Wants To Be a Hero by Anyta Sunday* (4-17-22)
43. They Never Learn by Layne Fargo* (4-19-22)
44. Leo Loves Aries by Anyta Sunday* (4-22-22)
45. Bennet, Pride Before the Fall by Anyta Sunday* (4-24-22)
46. A Stranger in the House by Shari Lapena (5-02-22)
47. Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall* (5-07-22)
48. Finley Embraces Heart and Home by Anyta Sunday* (5-10-22)
49. The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould* (5-11-22)
50. Elliot, Song of the Soulmate by Anyta Sunday* (5-18-22)
51. The Lying Game by Ruth Ware (5-19-22)
52. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee* (5-25-22)
53. The Charm Offensive by Allison Cochrun* (6-02-22)
54. Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake* (6-05-22)
55. Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky* (6-07-22)
56. Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar* (6-10-22)
57. Summer's Edge by Dana Mele* (6-12-22)
58. Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales* (6-15-22)
59. Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur* (6-17-22)
60. Simon Vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli* (6-21-22)
61. All Our Hidden Gifts by Caroline O'Donoghue* (6-25-22)
62. The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky by Mackenzi Lee* (6-26-22)
63. She's Too Pretty to Burn by Wendy Heard* (6-28-22)
64. The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager (7-3-22)
65. I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston* (7-6-22)
66. Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins (7-09-22)
67. The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas (7-13-23)
68. Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty (7-19-22)
69. This House is Haunted by John Boyne (7-20-22)
70. You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa (7-24-22)
71. First Born by Will Dean (7-28-22)
72. Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey (7-29-22)
73. My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix (8-04-22)
74. Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney (8-07-22)
75. Lock the Doors by Vincent Ralph (8-23-22)
76. Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell (8-25-22)
77. Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix (8-30-22)
78. These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall* (9-11-22)
79. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix (9-19-22)
80. We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix (9-24-22)
81. The End of Her by Shari Lapena (9-29-22)
82. The Mary Shelley Club by Goldy Moldavsky (10-02-22)
83. When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey* (10-06-22)
84. Suburban Hell by Maureen Kilmer (10-08-22)
85. Curse of the Reaper by Brian McAuley (10-11-22)
86. So Happy for You by Celia Laskey* (10-13-22)
87. The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson (10-18-22)
88. Dead Flip by Sara Farizan* (10-21-22)
89. Cackle by Rachel Harrison (10-23-22)
90. The Burning Girls by C.J. Tudor (10-26-22)
91. The Stroke of Winter by Wendy Webb (10-30-22)
92. Paperbacks From Hell: The Twisted History of 70's and 80's Horror Fiction by Grady Hendrix (11-01-22)
93. Badasstrounauts by Grady Hendrix (11-07-22)
94. Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six by Lisa Unger (11-11-22)
95. The Return by Rachel Harrison (11-16-22)
96. Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison (11-23-22)
97. Dead Leprechauns and Devil Cats: Strange Tales of the White Street Society by Grady Hendrix (11-26-22)
98. Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice* (12-07-22)
99. The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice* (12-15-22)
100. The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice* (12-22-22)
101. The Last Invitation by Darby Kane (12-25-22)
102. Goddess of Filth by V. Castro (12-31-22)
*means book has LGBTQ+ representation
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
I'm so glad to see you again, even if it's just to drop by. I've been thinking about you in the heat wave(s) and all but I wasn't sure if you'd appreciate me bothering you with messages. 💗
Also also! I see that you're also a fan of Timeless! You have most excellent taste in media. However judging by the gif set you reblogged, I have to wonder if you're a lyatt shipper and if we'll have to come to blows over my lord and saviour the gloriousness of Garcia Flynn and the garcy ship. 😉
Ahh thank you ♥ and you're no bother! I'm just behind on all my DMs rn, and it's a little daunting ಥ_ಥ
I love Timeless. I'm so sad it got cancelled. But, as with most of my fandoms, I am a multishipper. I love Lyatt, I think they're gods damn adorable, and I somewhat love that the issue in their relationship (the wife) isn't...actually Wyatt's fault, for once. He didn't take back his ex-wife or something, time changed on him and suddenly he had her back and had to cope with that! I thought that was a great twist on the usual ~drama~ in shows where the guy is just a cad who goes back to his wife because, idk, they had a one-night stand while he was on a break with his gf and now she's pregnant, or she swears she's changed or whatever.
That said, I also love Garcy so much. I used to watch this fanvid on repeat so much. They tick all my boxes.
I feel like Lucy and Wyatt were always going to be endgame, they were very much set up that way (and, gods, the episode where they got together was gorgeously put together), but I was so invested in seeing where Lucy and Flynn went, seeing how they enemies-to-lovers'd and so on.
I think if I had to choose between Lyatt and Garcy I would choose Garcy, but I'd be downright moody about it because I loved Lyatt a lot.
That said, I was... very upset when Timeless got cancelled, but I'll be honest that in hindsight I wish the finisher revival hadn't happened. They did Flynn dirty and I don't think I'll ever get over it, and I dislike pretty much every other decision they made in that whole thing. I get that they had to finish the whole thing - which they clearly had numerous plans for that would, potentially, have spanned 5 or more seasons - in, what was it, two hours? But fuck.
I enjoyed it when I watched it, don't misunderstand. My mom and I watched Timeless together (and OFMD, and the Witcher, and a bunch of other shows I drag her into the hell of with me 😂) and when the finale came out we were so excited and we nestled down and put it on and I really enjoyed it with her (up until Flynn's end, actually, at which point I immediately stopped enjoying it), and then afterwards I actually... thought about it? And I hate it, in hindsight. I enjoyed watching it at the time, but I really hate it.
I didn't even like Wyatt's wife (Jessica? Was her name Jessica?) very much but I felt she was done horribly dirty ("oh the pregnancy was a lie!" was such a cop-out, but an understandable one, I suppose), I thought Flynn was done horribly dirty (I think if I was writing it, I'd have him and Lucy have an ongoing on-and-off thing that was never really right but was full of love and passion, and in the end I'd have Lucy be the one to choose to save his family (possibly over her own sister) and send him back to them, erasing everything he'd gone through, all the ways he'd become a monster and learned to hate himself, to show how much she loved him - enough to let him go, to be happy. And then maybe I'd have him see her at the end and say something like, "I'm sorry, do I know you?" to show that maybe, just maybe, a door was left open, and maybe they'd find each other again, one day...)
I think Lucy was done so horribly dirty I don't even know where to start. It's like - no pun intended - her sister never existed? But her sister was her whole drive. Like I say, I love Lyatt! But Wyatt wasn't her drive. Nor was Flynn. Her sister was her drive, she was desperate to get her sister back, to fix what had been done.
I feel like Lucy and Flynn were horribly out of character in the finale, the only thing they had in common with their s1 and s2 selves was their faces. That's it. Lucy would never give up on her sister, and Flynn would never give up on his family! It wasn't about getting to go back to them, he had already accepted he'd never get to go home after what he'd become, it was about his kid getting to live, more than anything else, just like it was about Lucy's sister getting to live too.
Then there was Rufus and Jiya who I love more than I can express in words and I feel like they were done dirty too :( I think Rufus is the only reason I'm vaguely glad the finale happened? I'm glad he got to live? But we already knew he'd live! That was made clear in the s2 finale, so even then I don't...feel like I need the finale to be sure Rufus lives on. I did not like how they doubled down on Jiya's trauma with only two hours to deal with it, I did not like how Rufus acted with Jiya. I don't know. It all sucked lmao
but yeah I love Garcy. I think my otp is, well, lucy/flynn/wyatt but [gestures] that was never going to happen, but nor was lucy/flynn as any kind of endgame, I don't think.
Anyway, you won't have to beat me up in a parking lot, I promise I love Garcia Flynn ever so much. He is my problematic fave ♥
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Hi Sarah! My friend and I are starting a bookclub (as much as you can with two people who aren't pressed for deadlines) and I was wondering if you have any recommendations? (That is if you have time to rec anything!) We're starting off with Deathless and have Fitzgerald next in line somewhere but I def want to try to expand the genres we read and tbh from years of following you, I trust your judgement
I don’t...like giving recommendations? At least not directly, it seems like too much opportunity for getting it wrong. Everybody has their own tastes, after all, and even the best of friends don’t necessarily vibe with what you vibe with. (I’ve experienced this with multiple friends, so I know what I’m talking about.) Truly, one of the reasons that my whole “I’m going to get back into reading for pleasure!” push has been so successful is that I only bother with books that interest me, and stop reading when they fail to catch my attention.
But I’ve now read at least 60 books in 2020, which is approximately 60 more than I’ve read in the years prior, so I’m happy to share that. Below is my list of recent reads, beginning to end, along with a very short review---I keep this list in the notes app on my phone, so they have to be. Where I’ve talked about a book in a post, I’ve tried to link to it. 
Peruse, and if something catches your interest I hope you enjoy!
2020 Reading List
Crazy Rich Asians series, Kevin Kwan (here)
Blackwater, Michael McDowell (here; pulpy horror and southern gothic in one novel; come for the monster but stay for the family drama.)
Fire and Hemlock, Diane Wynne Jones (here; weird and thoughtful, in ways I’m still thinking about)
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn (here; loved it! I can see why people glommed onto it)
Swamplandia!, Karen Russell (unfinished, I could not get past the first paragraph; just....no.)
Rules of Scoundrels series, Sarah MacLean (an enjoyable romp through classic romancelandia, though if you read through 4 back to back you realize that MacLean really only writes 1 type of relationship and 1 type of sexual encounter, though I do appreciate insisting that the hero go down first.)
The Bear and the Nightingale, Katherine Arden (here)
Dread Nation, Justine Ireland (great, put it with Stealing Thunder in terms of fun YA fantasy that makes everything less white and Eurocentric)
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson (VERY good. haunting good.)
Tell My Horse, Zora Neale Hurston (I read an interesting critique of Hurston that said she stripped a lot of the radicalism out of black stories - these might be an example, or counterexample. I haven't decided yet.)
The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society, T. Kingfisher (fun!)
St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Karen Russell (some of these short stories are wonderful; however, Swamplandia's inspiration is still unreadable, which is wild.)
17776, Jon Bois (made me cry. deeply human. A triumph of internet storytelling)
The Girl with All the Gifts, M. R. Carey (deeply enjoyable. the ending is a bittersweet kick in the teeth, and I really enjoyed the adults' relationships)
The Door in the Hedge and Other Stories, Robin McKinley (enjoyable, but never really resolved into anything.)
The Hero and the Crown, Robin McKinley (fun, but feels very early fantasy - or maybe I've just read too many of the subsequent knock-offs.)
Mrs. Caliban, Rachel Ingalls (weird little pulp novel.)
All Systems Red, Martha Wells (enjoyable, but I don't get the hype. won't be looking into the series unless opportunity arises.)
A People's History of Chicago, Kevin Coval (made me cry. bought a copy. am still thinking about it.)
The Sol Majestic, Ferrett Steinmetz (charming, a sf novel mostly about fine dining)
House in the Cerulean Sea, TJ Klune (immensely enjoyable read, for all it feels like fic with the serial numbers filed off)
The Au Pair, Emma Rous (not bad, but felt like it wanted to be more than it is)
The Night Tiger, Yangsze Choo (preferred this to Ghost Bride; I enjoy a well-crafted mystery novel and this delivered)
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Le Guin (unfinished, I cannot fucking get into Le Guin and should really stop trying)
The Ghost Bride, Yangsze Choo (enjoyable, but not nearly as fun as Ghost Bride - the romance felt very disjointed, and could have used another round of editing)
Temptation's Darling, Johanna Lindsey (pure, unadulterated id in a romance novel, complete with a girl dressing as a boy to avoid detection)
Social Creature, Tara Isabella Burton (a strange, dark psychological portrait; really made a mark even though I can't quite put my finger on why)
The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins (slow at first, but picks up halfway through and builds nicely; a whiff of Gone Girl with the staggered perspectives building together)
Stealing Thunder, Alina Boyden (fun Tortall vibes, but set in Mughal India)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant; The Monster Baru Commorant, The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson (LOVE this, so much misery, terrible, ecstatic; more here)
This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone (epistolary love poetry, vicious and lovely; more here)
The Elementals, Michael McDowell
Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir (didn't like this one as much as I thought I would; narrator's contemporary voice was so jarring against the stylized world and action sequences read like the novelization for a video game; more here)
Finna, Nino Cipri (a fun little romp through interdimensional Ikea, if on the lighter side)
Magic for Liars, Sarah Gailey (engrossing, even if I could see every plot twist coming from a mile away)
Desdemona and the Deep, C. S. E. Cooney (enjoyed the weirdness & the fae bits, but very light fare)
A Blink of the Screen, Terry Pratchett (admittedly just read this for the Discworld bits)
A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine (not as good about politics and colonialism as Baru, but still a powerful book about The Empire, and EXTREMELY cool worldbuilding that manages to be wholly alien and yet never heavily expositional)
Blackfish City, Sam J. Miller (see my post)
Last Werewolf, Glen Duncan (didn't finish, got to to first explicit sex scene and couldn't get any further)
Prosper's Demon, KJ Parker (didn't work for me...felt like a short story that wanted to be fleshed out into a novel)
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
His Majesty's Dragon, Naomi Novik (extremely fun, even for a reader who doesn't much like Napoleonic stories)
Three Parts Dead, Max Gladstone (fun romp - hard to believe that this is the same author as Time War though you can see glimmers of it in the imagery here)
A Scot in the Dark, Sarah MacLean (palette cleanser, she does write a good romance novel even it's basically the same romance novel over and over)
The Resurrectionist, E. B. Hudspeth (borrowed it on a whim one night, kept feeling like there was something I was supposed to /get/ about it, but never did - though I liked the Mutter Museum parallels)
Stories of Your Life and Others, Ted Chiang (he's a better ideas guy than a writer, though Hell Is The Absence of God made my skin prickle all over)
Gods of Jade and Shadow, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (fun, very much a throwback to my YA days of fairytale retellings, though obviously less European)
Four Roads Cross, Max Gladstone (it turns out I was a LOT more fond of Tara than I initially realized - plus this book had a good Pratchett-esque pacing and reliance on characterization)
Get in Trouble, Kelly Link (reading this after the Chiang was instructive - Link is such a better storyteller, better at prioritizing the human over the concept)
Gods Behaving Badly, Marie Phillips
Soulless; Changeless; Blameless, all by Gail Carriger (this series is basically a romance novel with some fantasy plot thrown in for fun; extremely charming and funny)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf, Marlon James (got about 1/3 of the way through and had to wave the white flag; will try again because I like the plot and the worldbuilding; the tone is just so hard to get through)
Pew, Catherine Lacey (a strange book, I'm still thinking about it; a good Southern book, though)
Nuremberg Diary, GM Gilbert (it took me two months to finish, and was worth it)
River of Teeth, Sarah Gailey (I wanted to like this one a lot more than I actually did; would have made a terrific movie but ultimately was not a great novel. Preferred Magic for Liars.)
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (extremely fun, though more trippy than Gods and the plot didn't work as well for me - though it was very original)
The New Voices of Fantasy, Peter S. Beagle (collected anthology, with some favorites I've read before Ursula Vernon's "Jackalope Wives", "Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers" "The Husband Stitch"; others that were great new finds "Selkie Stories are for Losers" from Sofia Satamar and "A Kiss With Teeth" from Max Gladstone and "The Philosophers" from Adam Ehrlich Sachs)
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