vitocosas · 5 years
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Team Uncle Week Day 4 - Celebrations
He refuses to tell them his age so they have to improvise
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teamuncleweek · 5 years
Team Uncle Week 2019
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(Art by the amazing @kalon-dern!)
Welcome one and all! To the first annual Team Uncle Week. A whole week devoted to everyone's favorite team of uncles: Scrooge and Donald. There’s a sad lack of content about these two knuckleheads bonding, so why not take part in creating some fluff of your own?
Are you an artist? A fanfic writer? Got something else to share? Then take part! The event is running from August 11-17th with daily prompts to inspire you.
Tag your posts with #teamuncleweek2019 so we can reblog your posts here.
August 11th -  Domestic Life/Parenting
August 12th - Teasing 
August 13th - Adventure
August 14th - Celebrations
August 15th - Meddling
August 16th - Hurt/Comfort
August 17th - Physical Affection (Preening, Hugs, Cuddling, what have you!)
Only rules? Keep it light! Keep it family friendly! We’d like to limit it to fluff of Donald and Scrooge in healthy familial relationships. We’re not looking for incest or angst here folks. 
Any questions? Let us know!
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madbladder · 5 years
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Scrooge reading “Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck” to sick Donald
team uncle week- day one:    Domestic Life/Parenting
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mariposasky · 5 years
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La foto dice tutto 😊
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jay-koffee · 5 years
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Team Uncle Week Day 1 - Domestic Life/Parenting 
So sorry for the delay!  I've been a little busy this week. 
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duckversestories · 5 years
Team uncle week-affection
Donald wasnt use to being touched after the navy.
He was tense.
And God forbid you tried to touch him during his episodes.
Fireworks were banned in the mansion.
Firecrackers too.
They just made Donald jumpy.
They made him on edge.
But sometimes, his episodes just happened.
Tonight was one of those nights.
Scrooge woke to a loud sobbing and a thump. He quickly put on his robe, and rushed to the room in which the thump sounded.
He opened the door to see the dresser turned over and a sobbing coming from behind it.
"Oh donnie..." scrooge whispered, walking behind it and kneeling in front of his sobbing nephew.
"I dont want to die!" Donald sobbed out
"Shh sh Donald your ok focus on me.. can you hear me?" Scrooge asked.
"U-unca scrooge? What are y-you doing here?" Donald said looking around.
He could hear scrooge. But he couldnt see him.
"Your at the mansion donnie. I need you to focus on me. I'm going to hold your hands, ok?"
Donald nodded, clearly beginning to break out of his fit.
Scrooge grabbed Donald's hand. He rubbed it with his thumb, and he kept talking Donald out of his episode.
Donald broke out of it, about an hour later. "Can I have a hug?" Donald asked, still slightly trembling.
"Oh Donald of course lad." Scrooge said pulling his damaged nephew into a hug.
"I love you unca scroge."
"I love you too donnie.." scrooge said petting his nephews head.
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callme--starchild · 5 years
Summary: Without realizing it, Scrooge takes an important role in Donald's life.
Initially, Scrooge had seen it as a complicated task.
He did not consider himself good with children unlike his sisters, so it took him off guard when Hortense confided Donald while she and Quackmore took Della to the pediatrician after falling ill.
Matilda was in Scotland, but Elvira was on the outskirts of Duckburg, so he still did not know why his younger sister had surprised him with the work of caring for his son.
However, now that he was in it, he had no problem. Quackmore had insisted more with the respective care that a nine-month-old toddler needed, being very specific in watching him when he got him out of the cradle arguing that he was very fast when crawling, and being the overprotective father he was, he didn't want anything to happen to his duckling.
Of course, he had never felt so insulted to be considered unqualified to take care of a baby, but he could proudly presume that he did not cause him any altercation.
Literally. While he counted his coins, he occasionally watched the boy in the crib playing with his webbed feet, babbling with the pacifier in his bill or raising his hands towards the maritime mobile he had installed.
The older duck was smiling broadly when he saw his nephew so playful being commonly tantrum, and continued counting his coins, unaware of the bright and cheerful look that little Donald gave him, as well as his way of leaning on the mattress to try to put on foot.
"Three thousand two hundred and fifty, three thousand two hundred and fifty one..." A twitter was heard, and the Scottish duck smiled fondly. "Nae noo, Donnie. Yer Uncle Scrooge is very busy. Three thousand two hundred fifty two..."
Donald held the bars of the cradle while holding the pacifier and began to make small leaps, trying to get his uncle's attention with twittering and babble.
"Hmm!" He exclaimed, suddenly afraid that the elder could not hear him and kept trying to jump, trying to get out of the crib and make sure he was wrong.
However, that didn't seem to attract adult attention either...
"We can play as soon as Ah finish, just be patient."
...and being patient is the worst thing they could say him! Donald felt the urge to cry, extending both arms towards Scrooge, releasing the bars and falling on his bottom when his legs could not bear the sudden extra weight.
"Pa…!" He raised his voice as soon as he could, feeling the pacifier fall and starting to cry as a result.
That being how Scrooge felt the gears of his brain fail. Selfless if he lost count, he rose from his desk hastily walking through the study, leaning on his cane to avoid tripping.
His breathing had been cut for a second.
"…Wha' did ye say?" He questioned in a voice, baffled by the infant's outburst. He did not hesitate to release his cane to lean on the cradle and thus take him watching him kick. "Wha' did ye say, wee Donnie?"
He felt the rattling of his heart in his chest as soon as the duck's tearful gaze focused on him.
"Papa!" Tears bathed the child's yellowish plumage in a desperate call. As soon as he felt the warmth of his uncle, he clung to his coat while still crying. "Pa..."
Before he knew it, his body began to shake and he accommodated his nephew better on his shoulder.
"Nae, laddie, Ah'm not yer Papa," he spoke as he could, feeling a lump in his throat and his eyes beginning to cloud, leaning against the cradle. "Ah'm unkie. Unkie Scrooge."
"Papa," of course, a baby of Donald's age could not tell the difference between unkie and papa. And Scrooge was on the verge of crying.
Being the caretaker of his baby nephew, who had just said his first words, did not stop his paternal instincts from exploding.
Did he need anything? He questioned himself, holding the boy in his tushie and carefully moving his hand back and forth on his back.
Dirty diaper? No, without feeling it, he could have known, and not much had happened since the last change.
Hungry? Quackmore had been very specific in that his son became extremely demanding—and in other cases violent—, behavior he did not perceive in him.
Without moving Donald's body from his shoulder, he took his pacifier to bring it closer to his bill. Crying less, he accepted it without questioning.
He wanted to play? Peeking out, Scrooge saw his nephew's teddy bear, intact, next to his favorite little sailor hat. He commonly filled it with saliva, or required multiple walks to pick it up from the ground before one of his multiple outbursts of anger, which ruled out the possibility.
Did he miss Della? It would not surprise him. Both siblings were strongly united since their hatching: they bathed together, ate together, slept together, and didn't even accept a diaper change if they weren't together. They refused to leave each other's side when they perceived discomfort, and shared that inexplicable power of babies—or twins, he didn't know—of knowing what the other was saying despite babbling.
Maybe he should call Hortense?
"Awricht, Donnie, Ah need tae call me sister." Holding him carefully to perceive him calmer, he try to change his position, being taken off guard when the duckling exclaimed with discontent clinging back to his coat. "Wha's up, m'boy? Ye dinnae wan' tae talk wit' mommy?"
He carefully held the toddler's head, stroking his hair feathers.
"Ye dinnae wan' tae talk tae yer sister, nephew?" Analyzing the more relaxed behavior of the bairn, he took his cane again, grateful that the months and insistence of his sister and brother-in-law taught him how to deal with a baby in his arms.
"Papa," Donald stammered again. When he clung again to the warm body of his proclaimed Papa, the businessman could have sworn to feel tears beginning to form in his eyes.
Upon realizing, he soon dried them with a sleeve. As proud as he was to be present at the first words of his nephew, it causes a turn in his heart to be considered his father figure.
But he was tougher than the toughies, smarter than the smarties and sharp than the sharpies! He couldn't afford to cry about it.
"Ah knoo ye're aware tha' Ah'm not yer Papa, wee Donnie, but ye knoo? I's really an honor" observing the youthful, plump and tearful face of the wee one, he walked with his cane to his chair, sitting and leaning him on his lap so he could take out a handkerchief and remove the traces of tears and mucus. "Wai' ta see yer mama's reaction when she finds oot!"
Laughing with that comment, he smiled again affectionately when Donald laughed with him, clapping with innocent joy.
He charge the baby again at the height of his face by planting fast and loud kisses on both cheeks and stomach, satisfied with the laughter and babbling he cheered.
"Who's a big lad?" He exclaimed with clear pride as soon as he assured he was only accompanied by the duckling in the study. "Aye, ye…"
That Donald said his first words was a clear sign that his nephew was growing; having been present made him happy, but being in whom he saw a father figure touched him.
He was clearly a smart boy.
"Pa!" calmer, but especially happier, he kicked the air playfully, putting both hands on his uncle's beak. Scrooge allowed himself to smile kissing the palms of those hands.
So he just wanted to be with him? Well, in that case he wouldn't mind stop counting his coins if that meant spending quality time with his family, especially after discovering how loved he was.
Especially if there were no cameras nearby that compromise his image of the miser businessman.
"Do ye knoo, Donnie? Ye just became me a very prood unkie."
"I hope Scrooge could with Donald." Opening his wife's car door, Quackmore kept his gaze fixed on the sleepy Della he carried on his other arm, lulling her in his chest.
"Ye worry too much, honey. Thoogh not apparent, Ah knoo that Scroogey did a good job," said the red-haired duck, giving him a confident smile. Aye, her brother wasnae exactly the same bairn dedicated to his family as she remembered. But if he was the same bairn who took care of her in Glasgow when she was equal or younger than the twins, she knew he would be the same with one of them.
"I insist we should take the boy too, how about he is sick?" Sensing how Della moved awkwardly in her father's arms, the duck cooed her gently, accommodating her in a more comfortable position.
Stroking the short hair of the duckling, she smiled warmly as they both started up the main stairs.
"It's Donnie we're talking aboot, dear. He would have made it known. Ye knoo he is more sensitive than her sister." Laughing without a mocking eagerness, she smiled amused.
Stopping, she adjusted her dress and knocked on the door a couple of times before continuing to appreciate her daughter, gently stroking her cheek in response to the soft exhaled whisper.
"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Duck." Looking up, the couple was greeted by a tall dog. "Next comes Master Scrooge. Let me take your coat."
Hortense smiled at the stoic appearance and monotonous tone of the butler, properly removing the garment and tending it with a smile and a gentle thanks.
"Thank you very much." Holding Della, Quackmore gave him a sly smile, settling beside his wife in the foyer.
Of course, the red-haired duck was ready to cheer her brother upon their arrival, but she repressed when the soft pounding and the sound of spat-clad webbed feet were heard in the upper hallway.
Slowly, Scrooge started down the steps. In his free arm he held a sleepy Donald, curled up in his uncle's chest as he sucked his thumb.
"Hoo is Della?" He asked almost immediately, looking affectionately at his normally playful niece sleeping peacefully in his brother-in-law's arms.
"Fortunately, it's nothing serious." Approaching slowly, Hortense smiled sideways at the familiarity with which her brother carried the duckling. "She shoold only take medicine for a week. Wha' about ye? Donnie didnae cause ye much trooble?"
The older duck had to suppress a snort and a boastful smile, sitting on his armchair in front of the muted fireplace while listening to Duckworth continue his work in another room.
"If a diaper change counts as a problem, then aye," he carefully adjusted his nephew on his shoulder, keeping himself static when he felt him fit by holding his coat, voluntarily ignoring the warm look his sister gave him. "Still Ah need to learn his language, Ah'm surprised tha' ye knoo wha' they want without speaking."
For a moment he considered revealing that the lad had given his first words, but he preferred to see the expression of surprise that both could show when he woke up and talked to them. Of course, even if that meant listening to his sister's happy and tearful cries.
"It is a talent tha' improves with the months. That, 'n' the help books for first-time parents tha' Mama and Papa gave us as soon as we visited them at Dismal Downs when they were barely in the egg" explaining happily, Hortense covered his beak to suppress a tender sigh when she saw Scrooge holding Donald. It had been a long time since he last charged one of the twins.
On the other hand, the elder duck had to fight against his willpower so as not to smile fondly at the sensation of his nephew's calm breathing while happily sucking his thumb.
Smiling while playing with the bairn, listening to him say Papa again and again and chasing him every time he crawled away was one thing. But doing it in front of other people was the page of another book.
He had a reputation to keep after all, even in front of his own family.
"We can give ye a couple of tips if ye agree, Scroogey. That, if ye wan' tae take care of him another time. We could also bring Della," said the duck, smiling playfully, feeling Quackmore's incredulous look behind her.
Of course, Scrooge was about to argue with his younger sister. His expression changed, though, when he perceived Della starting to wake up, her sleepy and bright gaze focusing on him, raising both arms between happy babble, probably wanting to address her brother.
He looked at Donald again. He sucked his thumb more slowly, very deep in his rest after playtime to which he practically dragged his uncle, babbling between dreams and drooling on his shoulder.
In his innocent little face showed the apex of a smile; ignoring if he sensed the presence of his sister and parents, he constantly kicked.
That boy basically had an immense affection to consider him his Papa. And though he hoped that it would not affect the way he saw his true father, the image of that moment would be printed in his memories more than he wanted to be believed.
"Ye knoo wha'? Ah would really love it." Grinning, he carefully handed Donald to Hortense, looking directly at the joyful face of his sister, before kindly asking Duckworth for the duffel bag with the duckling's stuff.
Deep down, he hoped to be equally present in his first steps, ready to wrap him in his arms when he ran between wobbles toward him, hoping to be again the richest uncle in pride in the world.
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mikouzumaki · 5 years
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Team Uncle Week Day 1: Domestic Life / Parenting Mcduck's temper is something to be careful of and Scrooge knows it, but that is not a sufficient reason for not being able to use it in special situations. if you mess with an mcduck, assume the consequences.
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galoots · 5 years
Donald pushes himself too hard while he's sick, and Scrooge has to take care of him. It's a bit difficult to care for your nephew when he incessantly insists he isn't sick.
The bitter winter wind sliced through Donald’s heavily bundled form like a knife’s edge. His slow, winding route up Killmotor hill came to a temporary halt as a violent shiver racked his body. Pulling his scarf tighter around his beak, Donald made labored steps through the thick snow. Duckburg had gotten several inches overnight, so his normally long walk to work was made even longer. Bad weather was much less charming once the glamour of the holiday season wore off.  
          The holidays, in fact, had come to an end a few days prior, along with his incredibly short-lived vacation. Grey, listless January lumbered into town, bringing with it the disappointed march of children back to school, and adults back to work. Donald’s normal shift at his uncle’s bin resumed, meaning early mornings, a troublesome commute, and long days spent polishing coins, filing taxes, and handling other odd jobs his uncle needed doing. But hell, it paid. So here he was, fighting his way up the snow-blanketed hill on a freezing January morn.
Last night’s tell-tale tickle of a sore throat had turned full blown pharyngitis when he awoke this morning. An unsurprising turn of events, since he’d nursed the triplets back to health after they caught a nasty virus only a week prior. Throughout his morning routine and his commute to work, his under-the-weather feeling turned into more of a maybe-I-should-go-to-the-hospital feeling, but he continued on anyway. Sure, he had sick days saved up and sure he felt like death was wrapping its icy grip around him and sure his kids had softly suggested that it might not be in his best interest to head into work today, but those were just excuses. Mind over matter was the way to think of it! If he didn’t acknowledge this so-called bug, then it had no power over him. With willpower you could overcome any physical problem, and Donald had a will of steel. Besides, a silly little fever couldn’t stand in the way of his paycheck, not after he had splurged on a spectacular Christmas for his kids. In hindsight, it hadn’t been the smartest choice, given his lean holiday bonus, but the spirit of the season had trumped his sense of frugality.
           Climbing the stairs to Scrooge’s office left him winded after a few steps, forcing him to pause to catch his breath on the landing. Several times he had to wait out nasty coughing fits that racked his body with violent spasms. Despite these delays, he was still able to reach Scrooge’s office on time. He greeted his uncle while he hung up his coat and hat, deciding to leave his scarf and thick woolen sweater on to combat the chills bombarding his body. Even inside, sheltered from the wind and the fire stoked blazing hot in his uncle’s old-fashioned cast iron wood stove, he felt the winter’s chill deep done in his bones. His head swam, feeling thick as molasses, as he grabbed his rag and tub of polish. He barely registered his uncle’s greeting and small talk about the weather as he stumbled to the Bin’s interior. Scrooge’s concerned inquiry about his well-being was lost on sinuses so clogged it was as if he had shoved cotton in his ears.
          His descent down the ladder leading to the coins was an arduous one—his sense of balance was all in a tizzy and his hands clammy on the rungs. A strong dizzy spell hit him hard when he attempted another step down, his sweaty hand slipping off the rung, sending him hurtling to the coins stacked high below.  
          For once, the tinkle of metal on metal didn’t cause a thrill to spark down Scrooge’s spine. Instead, a keen sense of dread settled in his stomach, launching him up from his office chair, over his desk, and to the ledge overseeing his three cubic tons of money.
          His nephew was usually groggy and unresponsive in the morning, typical since the boy much preferred to sleep late. But that morning, he’d stumbled into Scrooge’s office like a man possessed, barely responding and marching forward like an automaton. Scrooge’s fears were confirmed once he peeked over the ledge and spied the prostrate body of his nephew below. He scrambled down the ladder, calling for Duckworth to ready the company car.
          Donald was conscious but delirious, so Scrooge’s queries about how he felt were meet with incoherent answers. Inspecting the boy himself, nothing seemed broken, but he was hot to the touch and panting shallowly. The damn fool was sick as a dog! Hauling him up onto his back, Scrooge started for the ladder to carry him out of the bin.
           Donald awoke in his bed with a yawn. He smacked his beak, content to fall back asleep, letting his eyes shut close again. Before he drifted back asleep, he thought how strange the quality of light was at this hour. It was far too bright out for six am on winter morning; it should be still be dark out. The slow, subtle descent of panic wormed its way into his heart as he realized what this meant. He overslept. Jumping out of bed, he tore off his pajamas and threw on his sailor suit. Uncle Scrooge hated nothing more than a tardy worker and, given how bright it was, Donald was very, very tardy. He could see his end with unshrouded eyes—Scrooge was going to kill him.
          There was no time to shower, no time for breakfast, barely even time to stop and think. He hurtled down the hallway, careening around the corner almost slipping before he grabbed the banister to steady himself. He started down the stairs only to trip over his own feet after a few steps and tumble the rest of the way down, landing with a thud.
          That thick Scottish brogue could only belong to one man—his ornery Uncle Scrooge. It was too late for him. The old boy was already here to chew him out. Donald screwed his eyes closed for a moment. Farewell kids! Farewell Daisy! Farewell temperamental Fate! Life was short and unkind, but at least he’d find a swift end. And at least he’d never have to see Gladstone again.
          A strong arm grasped his own and Donald held his breath, thinking it would surely bring about his death, only to find that he had been pulled to his feet. He readied an apology as Scrooge lead him by the arm into the kitchen, following his uncle in a guilt-ridden slink. Scrooge was frowning heavily, almost grimacing.
          Maybe, if he launched into an apology, he could head off the worst of the yelling. “Uncle Scrooge, I am so, so sorry, I didn’t mean to oversleep, I—”
          Scrooge pushed firmly on his shoulders, plunking Donald down into the chair he had pulled out from the kitchen table. He opened his mouth to speak again but his apology was cut off with the harsh rap of Scrooge’s cane against the floor. He winced at the sound, shrinking into his chair. Scrooge had to be furious with him.
          “I take you all the way home to get some rest and you catapult yourself down the stairs the second I leave you along?” Scrooge scoffed, pushed Donald’s chair in, and walked over to the stove.
          Donald pried one confused eye open, spotting his uncle puttering around the kitchen in the frilly, pink apron Daisy gave him last Valentine’s day. What the hell was going on?
          His uncle placed a bowl of soup in front of him with a tut of disapproval. “Eat up. It’s just from a can. Nothing fancy. You know I’m not much of a cook.” Before sitting down next to him, Scrooge tucked a napkin into Donald’s collar.
          Donald wrapped his chilled hands around the warm bowl, peering at his perplexed reflection in the surface of the chicken noodle soup. He sipped the soup directly from the bowl, not bothering to pick up the spoon next to him. His head swam with confusion. He could barely breathe through his nostrils. His body felt achy and sore but not from his fall. His body was feverish, yet he felt chilled all the same. And Uncle Scrooge was in his kitchen, wearing his apron, and serving him soup. Had the world gone mad?
          Scrooge tugged the lapel of Donald’s uniform like he was a commanding officer during an inspection. “You changed into your day clothes too? After all that trouble I went through to get you into your pajamas?” Scrooge released his hold on him and sighed. “Foolish little thing. You’ve got no sense in that feathery head of yours!”
          Scrooge was giving him a scolding, but not the one he had anticipated. His uncle sounded exasperated, not angry and he made no mention of his tardiness, speaking confusing sentences Donald couldn’t parse.
          “What are you talking about?” Donald fixed his uncle with a wild-eyed look. “I thought you were here to yell at me for being late?”
          Scrooge knit his eyebrows together, leaning forward to get a closer look at Donald. “You don’t remember coming in to work?”
          “I was at the Money Bin?”
          His uncle wore a genuine look of concern. “How sick are you?” Reaching across the table, Scrooge laid a hand on Donald’s forehead to feel his temperature. He startled at the touch, feeling it far too tender to be the action of his uncle. Scrooge didn’t hesitate to close the gap between his hand and his nephew’s forehead. “Just checking your temperature lad.” He muttered something about Donald being awfully jumpy, then deliberated for a moment or two. “You feel hot.”
           Standing up decisevly, Scrooge walked over to pull out Donald’s chair. “Head back upstairs. You need to get some rest.” Despite the stern tone, Donald remained seated, trying to recall whether or not he’d left the house that morning like Scrooge had claimed. Growing impatient as his nephew failed to comply, Scrooge huffed and pulled him to his feet. With an arm wrapped protectively around him, he walked Donald out of the kitchen and back to his bedroom.
          Donald thought of complaining about the tight grip Scrooge had on him and readied a remark about his ability to climb the stairs all his own but paused when he remembered he had tripped on the way down. Whatever. He felt too tired to bicker anyway. Let the old man carry him, he thought sullenly—too proud to acknowledge the rubbery feeling in his legs or how they shook with each step.
          Back upstairs in Donald’s bedroom, Scrooge pulled a fresh pair of pajamas from Donald’s wardrobe, placing them in a neat pile next to where Donald sat on his bed. Donald waited a few moments for Scrooge to leave, granting him some privacy to change his clothes, but Scrooge continued to stand in front of him.
          “Um.” Donald mumbled, his voice sounding nasally and pinched to his stuffed ears.
          “Well, what are you waiting for, boy? An invitation? Arms up!” Scrooge commanded.
          Dumbly, Donald lifted his arms without knowing why. His uncle pulled his sailor’s uniform up over his head with a swift movement. Donald jerked to cover himself as a self-conscious reflex as Scrooge folded his top and placed it off to the side.
          “I-I can do it myself!” Donald tried to swat Scrooge’s hand away from but found it difficult to do while continuing to cover himself.
          “Oh please.” Scrooge fended off his pathetic attempts to save himself, catching him by the wrist, and guiding his arms through the sleeves of his button-up nightshirt. “I used to change your diapers, you absolute numpty. Nothing I haven’t seen before. Besides,” Scrooge skipped over the buttons for now, turning to pick up the pajama bottoms, “I know if I left you to your own devices, you’d just fall asleep in your clothes like a ninny.”
           Donald grumbled unhappily about this accusation, regardless of the fact his uncle hit the nail square on the head; he was feeling so exhausted he wouldn’t have even bothered to climb the stairs back up to his room, let alone change into pajamas. Mostly dressed, Scrooge nudged him to lie down, and Donald sluggishly slipped his legs under the blankets. He started to button up his shirt, but found his hands didn’t want to comply, fumbling over the first button with little success. With another tut, Scrooge pushed his hand away and placed it by his side, giving it a little pat as if to say keep it right there. Scrooge pulled a little tub of Vic’s Vaporub from his nightstand, uncapped it, and began to rub it gently into his chest. Once again, he felt the urge to fight his uncle for treating him like an invalid but was only able to blink groggily as he fought against his heavy eyelids. He must have dozed off for the next thing he knew Scrooge had finished dressing him, set up a humidifier, and tucked him in tight. For a moment, he wondered if this was a fever dream because of how unreal everything felt.
          “Rude, Donald.” Scrooge bat him lightly on the head with a newspaper. “Forget to use inner voice again?”
          Rubbing his head, Donald turned to see Scrooge sitting casually in a rocking chair he set up next to his bed. He colored as he realized he must have spoken aloud by mistake.
          “To answer your question, no this isn’t a fever dream. Although you did have one earlier in the car.” Scrooge unfolded his newspaper, hiding his face behind newsprint. “Kept crying for your Unca.”
          Donald didn’t need to see Scrooge’s face to know that self-satisfied smug grin he abhorred was plastered all over it.
           “No, I didn’t!” He firmly denied his uncle’s allegations but, frankly, he had no memory of his trip back home.
          Scrooge stood up, throwing his newspaper back on the cushion of his chair, to tousle Donald’s head feathers. “Aw, someone’s fussy.” Donald leveled his best grimace at his uncle but had the sinking feeling that it came off as petulant rather than intimidating. For Scrooge’s mocking grin only intensified as he sat down on the bedspread next to him. “Oh,” Scrooge crooned, “What’s the matter? Does the wee barra need a hug from his unca?”
          His head rocked as Scrooge gave his noggin a little push with a smarmy chuckle. He groused, folding his arms over his chest.
          “Anyway. I’m fine now so you can go. Actually, I feel better than ever! I can head back to the Bin with you.” Donald moved to throw the covers off of him, but Scrooge stopped him. His uncle raised an eyebrow at him, grabbed his arms, and easily pinned him back into bed.
“You’re not going anywhere. Look at you! You’re as weak as a kitten.”
           Scrooge raised an eyebrow at him, grabbed his arms, and easily pinned him back into bed. “You are as weak as a kitten!”
           Scrooge smirked. “Go ahead then, lift your arms and prove your well enough to head out.”
           Under normal circumstances, Donald could easily escape from the hold his uncle had him in. But right now, with his muscles weakened from the virus, all he could do is strain helplessly against his captor and caretaker. He pushed and he pushed, but he barely budged his trapped arms. Exhausted, he flopped his head back against the pillows, frustrated he couldn’t accomplish the show of force he needed to escape.
           Scrooge chuckled at his futile attempt and wiggled his limp limbs. “Heh! Look at that, you’ve got no fight in ya’ at all.” He moved Donald’s arms like a puppeteer, laughing with amusement at how easy it was to manipulate the boy’s limbs.
           Donald tried to jerk his arms from Scrooge’s hold but failed to do even that. He affixed a snarl on his face, if he couldn’t fight with strength, then he’d have to use his words. “Glad someone’s enjoying himself.”
          “Oh, girn and fash all you want, boy-o, but it won’t make you any less ill.” Scrooge stopped playing with his arms, letting them lie on the bedspread, his hands still gripped loosely around the boy’s wrists.
          “I’m not sick,” Donald sulked, “And stop treating me like a little kid. I’m an adult!”
          “That so?” Scrooge mused, “Well I beg to differ. You’re obviously sick as a dog. What’s more: “Adults don’t push themselves to the point of collapse. Adults have the good sense to take time off to recover from illness. Adults don’t show up at their relative’s doorstop half-dead and delirious. Adults definitely don’t puke on their uncle’s freshly shined spats on the ride home. Adults—”
          Donald cringed at each allegation Scrooge listed off, growing more embarrassed with each one. “Ok! Ok! I get it,” he cried, thumping his hands angrily against the bedspread.  
          Scrooge finally let go of Donald so he could cross his arms. “Do you? Because you just insisted a minute ago you were well enough to go into work.”
          Opening his bill to snark back, Donald was cut off by a series of explosive wet coughs. With a sigh, Scrooge rubbed his back until the fit subsided. Donald croaked out a sullen little thank you under his breath, hanging his head as he settled into a proper sulk.  
          Scrooge used a finger to tilt Donald head up, making him look at him squarely. “Just being grown doesn’t make you an adult. If you can’t take care of yourself, or exercise enough common sense to ask for help, then I am going to treat you in an appropriate manner. To wit—like a toddler in a huff. Understood?”
           Donald stared at him for a moment before dropping his eyes from Scrooge’s stern gaze. “Yes, sir,” was all he could meekly mumble in return.
           Scrooge pulled his hand from his nephew’s chin and moved to pat his head, looking pleased. “Good boy.” Patting his hands on his thighs, Scrooge pushed against them to lift himself off of Donald bed.
          His motion froze halfway when he heard Donald mutter underneath his breath: “I’m fine though.”
          Sitting back down with a groan, Scrooge cradled his head in his hands for an exasperated moment. The McDuck’s were stubborn folk certainly, but this? This was plain ridiculous. “Ach, Donald.” He dragged a weary hand down his face before turning to look at Donald again. For a moment, he swore he saw that angry little boy from years before, protesting as his uncle cared for him while on a visit from Elvira’s farm. The vision faded just as quickly as it came, and staring back at him was an adult Donald, just as petulant despite his years.  
“Listen,” Scrooge poked Donald’s chest to make him pay attention, “if your boys were ill, would you make them go to school?”
          “No, of course not!” Donald crossed his arms. “I’m not a monster, I wouldn’t make them attend school if they weren’t feeling well.”
          “So why aren’t you treating yourself with the same kindness you treat them?” Scrooge poked him in the chest as he made his point.
          Donald didn’t have a good answer for that. His anger was falling away under the heavy weight of sheepishness. Whether he liked it or not, Scrooge had a point: if he wouldn’t treat his loved ones the same way he treated himself, then it didn’t reflect well on his own estimation of his self.
          Scrooge’s stern look softened as Donald withered slightly under his words. Silently, he pulled Donald into a stiff, little hug, patting his back awkwardly. For a moment, Donald tensed before relaxing somewhat into his uncle’s hug, wrapping his arms around his uncle tightly but uncertainly.
          With Donald pulled up against him, Scrooge could feel the heat radiate from the lad’s body, his back slightly damp to the touch after sweating while he rested. Cautiously, Scrooge rubbed the back of Donald’s neck with a light touch. He wondered if Donald would be acting this way if it were Elvira here to look after him instead of his grouchy, mean ol’ Uncle Scrooge.
          He heard Donald sniffle a little, whether it was from getting choked up or just plain congestion, Scrooge couldn’t tell. He pulled away and stood up, “You still haven’t taken any medicine. I’ll go fetch some for you.” Before he walked out the door, he turned back to fix Donald with another stern look. “No funny business, you hear? I’ll be right back. So, don’t even think of moving.”
          Donald watched Scrooge softly shut the door to his room as he exited. He idly eyed the window, wondering if his uncle had anticipated his attempt to escape out of it. The snow would cushion his fall, right? He sighed heavily, crossing his arms over his stomach. Fine, he thought, I’ll stay put and let the old man look after me. But I don’t have to like it. Or... he could at least continue to pretend he didn't like it.
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keriwi1 · 5 years
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Heavily inspired by songs
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alendarkstar · 5 years
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vitocosas · 5 years
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Team Uncle Week Day 7 - Physical Affection
The best and most delicious hugs are from Donald and Scrooge.
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teamuncleweek · 5 years
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(Arte por @kalon-dern ♡♡!)
¡Sean bienvenidos a la primera semana anual del “Team Uncle Week”!.
Una semana entera dedicada a los tíos favoritos de todos: Tio Rico y Donald.
Tristemente existe muy poco contenido acerca de la relación entre este par de soquetes, así que, ¿Porqué no crear un poco de cariño por tu cuenta?
¿Eres un artista? ¿Un escritor de fanfic? ¿Tienes algo más para compartir? ¡Entonces participa! El evento se llevará a cabo del 11 al 17 de agosto con indicaciones diarias para inspirarte.
Etiqueta tus publicaciones con el hastag #teamuncleweek2019 así podemos rebloguear tus publicaciones aquí.
11 de agosto - Vida doméstica / Paternidad.
12 de agosto - Tomarse el pelo!(bromas, burlas, como quieran llamarlo).
13 de agosto - Aventura.
14 de agosto - Celebraciones.
15 de agosto - Intromisiones.
16 de agosto - Dolor/Confort.
17 de agosto - Afecto (acicalarse, acariciarse,abrazarse, ¡lo que sea!)
¿Reglas? ¡Tomalo con calma! ¡Mantenlo familiar! Nos gustaría limitar el evento solo a muestras sanas de paternidad entre Donald y Tio Rico.
No buscamos incesto o tragedia aquí, amigos.
¿Alguna pregunta? ¡Haznos saber!
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For team uncle week day one? Yup!!
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mariposasky · 5 years
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Playing catch up, here’s day two!!
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