#teasing moments between rabbit and tigger
catboyfever · 2 years
I've fallen ill
Ill with rabger thoughts
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Waking Up in Vegas--Ch. 45
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A/N: This is the last full chapter. The next thing will be an epilogue closing the story out. Thank you for taking this journey with me, Mera, Dean, and Seth!
Chapter 45: Until I Woke Up
Seth, Afternoon, 1:23 PM
           I looked at Mera, trying to wrap my head around what she’d just said. That hollowness inside me seemed to respond to her words. It relaxed just a little. My fingers wrapped around hers and squeezed.
           I laughed sadly. “I don’t think I know who that person is anymore, Mera,”
           She leaned her head against my shoulder. It made me think of the years that I’d taken her for granted. The years that I’d ruined because I couldn’t be who she needed me to be. I squeezed my eyes shut to hold back the tears. God, I was ready to break down. Those moments of emptiness and hollow were breaking away, smashing beneath the feeling of Mera being there. It was as if the weight of her forgiveness… her understanding crushed my belief that I’d stopped feeling anything about it.
           “He’s still in there,” she said putting her hand on my chest. The heat of her palm burned through the fabric of my shirt. I could feel it burning and blistering against my flesh. “I know it, because I know the real you.”
           It happened before I could get control of myself. The heat burned like a pain behind my eyes. The tears came, a rush of them pouring out of me like they hadn’t in years. I turned in my seat and threw my arms around her. For half a second, she seemed to recoil. Then she sank into my hold, wrapping her arms around me. Mera cradled my head against her shoulder.
           “It’s going to be okay, Colby.”
           The sound of her saying my name—the name she hadn’t called me since I had broken everything we’d built together—it was almost too much. I clung to her harder, clutching her against me as I sobbed into her honey gold hair.
           “Mera,” I whispered, sniffling. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
           “Bee,” she soothed. “Stop. It’s over, it’s done. It’s forgiven. It’s forgiven.”
Dean, Afternoon, 1:30 PM
           I saw them at the table. For an instant, that beast in my chest roared in jealousy at seeing the two of them holding onto each other. But one look at my wife made it calm into sleep once again. Even from where I stood, I could see the softened curve of her face. The way that her entire being looked… lighter.
           My feet took me on a detour through catering. I grabbed a tray and piled it high with just about anything and everything that Seth and Mera liked. Even that super sweet lemonade that they liked. I took my time carrying everything over to the table where they sat. I stopped and talked to Jimmy and Jey, to Mustafa Ali, and Alexa Bliss, trying to give them the time they needed.
           “How is she?” Alexa asked as I leaned on the table. She, Becky, and Natalia were sitting together talking about the upcoming women’s tag tournament.
           “She’s doing good,” I said with a proud smile. “We went by the campus last week. She’s really excited.”
           I glanced toward her, focusing in on the way that she seemed somehow freer than before. Whatever the two of them had talked about, it seemed to stitch together some of the wounds that their past had left on her. Sometime soon, she would be whole.
           “Have they sorted themselves out?” Becky asked, gesturing toward where they sat. When I looked at her, I could see the real reason behind her question. Oh Christ, that’s going to be interesting.
           I gave her a sideways smile. “I think they’re about to. If you’ll excuse me, ladies…”
           Mera met my eyes as I moved toward the table. She smiled softly, and her amber eyes sparkled even with her tears. I sat the tray quietly on the table and moved a chair around to sit facing Seth.
           “Bee…” she said gently, giving Seth another firm squeeze. He clung on for a long moment before he took a deep breath and sat up. His face was red, eyes glassy and bloodshot.
           I plopped a cup of lemonade in front of each of them. “You look like hell, Rollins,” I teased. “You need a drink.”
           Seth’s eyes shot up, fear spilling over his face. Mera slid her arm around his shoulder and settled her chin on his shoulder. I grinned at her, happy to see her look so at ease.
           “You guys okay?” I asked, handing over plates piled high with their favorites. My wife beamed at me, and I felt my own smile get bigger.
Mera, Afternoon, 1:46 PM
           Seth looked across the table at Dean, not quite sure what to say. I gave his shoulder a squeeze. “It’s okay, Bee,” I whispered.
           Dean raised a brow, making him look slightly comical. “Bee?”
           I grinned. “Bear and Bee.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Huge Winnie the Pooh person when I was kid. I was Pooh Bear, he’s Bee.”
           Laughter rolled over the table. Dean’s blue eyes went bright cornflower. “Can I be Eeyore?”
           I pressed my lips together, trying not to snort. I glanced sideways at Seth, who was looking at me with an openness that I hadn’t seen since… I couldn’t remember how long. I waited, praying silently that the two of them could figure it out. That they could put this whole thing behind them and be the friends they’d been for so many years.
           Seth took a deep drink of the lemonade in front of him. He looked at it twice, making a surprised face. “This is… right?” he said to me.
           I shrugged. “He knows how it goes. He’s had practice.”
           For a second, I thought I’d gone too far. A flicker of that haunted sadness slipped into his brown eyes. Then it was gone, and he smiled like the old Colby. He bumped his forehead against mine.
           “You’re happy, Bear? Really?”
           “Very much,” I replied, staring at him like we’d used to. “But I’d be happier if you and I can be friends again.”
           Seth took a deep breath and cradled the back of my head with his hand. For a moment, he sat there without moving. Then he pressed a kiss to my forehead and smiled softly. “I’ve missed you, Bear.”
           It felt like I’d taken a truly deep breath for the first time in a long time. The smile that spread over my face was the first completely free one in years. The two halves of me finally merged together, making me finally… at long last… whole again.
           “And you,” Seth said, putting his elbow on the table and pointing at Dean. “You, are much more of a Tigger.”
           Dean’s eyes got big and round as he leaned back in his chair. He poked himself in the chest. “Me? Me? Tigger!”
           I looked between the two of them, silently marveling at how they so quickly fell into their old selves. Almost as if the past year hadn’t happened at all.
           “I don’t know, Bee,” I said meeting my husband’s eyes. “He seems more like Rabbit to me. Such a party pooper.”
           “I am not!” Dean exclaimed.
           My heart swelled happily as I squeezed Seth around the shoulder again before dropping a kiss on his hair. I stood and rounded the table, kissing Dean on the cheek. “I’m going to go check the hall. See if anyone needs me. You two get… reacquainted.”
Seth, Afternoon, 2:09 PM
           I watched Mera walk away, something familiar settling in my chest. It was a sense of comfort like I hadn’t felt in years. It was the feeling of having my friend back. Of not having to be this person who I thought everyone wanted me to be. I could breathe and, just for the moment, be the version of myself that I actually liked.
           For a while, Dean and I sat in silence. There was still something awkward about it, made sharper by the absence of Mera. I missed her, but I realized just then how much I missed Dean. We’d come up in the WWE together, and it felt wrong to not be on the same side. To not be true friends.
           “Hey, listen, I’m sorry,” I started, finding it hard to look at him. “I’m sorry for the things I said. For how I acted.”
           Dean smiled. A real, genuine smile. “Seth… I get it. You and Mera,” he said, pointing between me and the seat she’d recently vacated, “there’s something there that I’ll never be able to touch. It took me a while to figure that part out, but if it makes her happy, I can live with it. She’s missed you.”
           I groaned and tapped my knuckles on the table. “Nah, I was an asshole to her. She deserves better. She deserves you. Took me a while to figure that one out.” I stopped and glanced across the room. Mera was sitting at the table with Alexa, Natty, and Becky. The four of them laughed, and I couldn’t help but remember how Mera had worked every crowd in high school. She could be friends with anyone. “But she’s happy. Happier than I’ve seen her in a long time. “
           “Hey, she’s missed Colby, honey or whatever the fuck she calls you.” The words came out gruff, but with a hint of a smile. “Part of that happy is because you two are talking again.”
           I watched over his shoulder. Mera leaned across the table and whispered something to Becky. She covered her face with her hand, aquamarine nail polish against fiery red hair. Mera glanced back at us, and I grinned.
           “And she’s gone right back to the girl I grew up with.” Dean turned around, spoon hanging from his mouth, and waved at the girls. I groaned and dropped my head.
           “Which girl was that?” Dean asked distractedly.
           I barely had time to whisper, “The kind who hates to see anyone lonely,” before Mera reappeared at the table side, her arm around Becky.
           “Hey, Bee, I need to ask you a huge favor.” Her amber eyes glittered and she smiled brighter than a million suns. “Apparently Becks here was supposed to ride with Alexa after the show, but they’re short a car. Lexi is riding with Braun. Can you be a super awesome best friend and give Becks a ride? Dean and I would, but we have to go back to Vegas tonight.”
           I looked Mera over. She was the girl who had been every bright thing in my life for as long as I could remember. I’d basked in her devotion like sunshine for so long. But I’d consumed everything about her that had once been beautiful and bright, tossing her out like a dead and dying star. I suppose I’d learned my lesson… stars were fragile things without something to feed their flames. And I’d spent far too long taking from Mera Reynolds, and not nearly enough time giving.
           She looked at me hopefully, raising her brows and subtly flicking her gaze at Becky. Across the table, Dean was doing his best to keep a straight face.
           “Sure, Bear,” I replied, smiling just a little. “I can give Becky a lift. I’ll meet you in the parking lot at eleven thirty?”
           “Thanks, Rollins,” Becky said, one corner of her lips curled up. She shared a look with Mera and sauntered off toward the locker rooms.
           Mera grinned, her smile beaming like some new and bright thing just burst into the cosmos. Dean was right. For the first time in a very, very long time, Mera Reynolds looked whole and happy.
           Well… Mera Ambrose.
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psyga315 · 6 years
Rewriting Pooh’s Adventures
With everyone getting obsessed with rewriting, I decided to rewrite myself. However, I’m going with an old topic I used to touch up upon: Pooh’s Adventures.
Basic gist: Take a movie, insert clips of Winnie the Pooh, done. However, Pooh’s Adventures ends up having such a huge meta-plot involving villains having apprentices or the reasons behind the team ups that I can’t help but see some sort of nugget worth salvaging. So that’s what I’m gonna do. Rewrite Pooh’s Adventures to be a more streamlined story.
First off, some guidelines:
1.       It won’t be in video format. While Pooh’s Adventures is mainly shown through video, I feel like it would most benefit from something like written prose or comic format. Unless Sony Vegas suddenly becomes cheaper to access, the most people will have is a defunct application and a scramble to find an application that isn’t a free trial or overtly complex.
2.       No crapton of characters. I made a parody of Pooh’s Adventures where Pooh had 100 people that followed him, only for the number to get quickly decimated to about twenty or so. I’m not exaggerating the number at all. I remember at least one Adventure where a character outright states the absurd number of 78. As in “It’ll be just the 78 of us”. And that number grows with each character added. So, obviously we’re gonna stick to a low number, especially starting out.
3.       The Adventures in question are multi-chaptered “Episodes” of a long season. Not sure the approximate length, but 12 episodes seems like a good guideline.
With that out of the way, let’s begin:
This is a long post so...
It’ll be simple: Pooh and his friends at the 100 Acre Woods sans Christopher Robin. The set up might be a re-telling of Pooh’s Grand Adventure, but during their trip to Skull, they find Bowser there and he captures them, establishing his connection to Pooh.
Bowser then sells them to Queen Grimhilde who has them work alongside Snow White. Grimhilde has Ratigan and Fidget who keep tabs on her for Bowser. Prince Charming ends up getting replaced by Ash Ketchum, who had been separated from his friends as they faced a “legendary Pokemon”. And this inevitably gets to crossover shipping between Ash Ketchum and Snow White as she slowly realizes that Ash is the person she’s been wishing for, though Ash has cold feet about committing to a relationship, especially when he still wants to go on journeys.
Pooh is, for the most part, that kind of spectator protagonist, as are his friends. They witness the journey rather than partake in it. Of course, sometimes the characters take a course of action, like Tigger who Grimhilde easily manipulates into hunting down Snow White in trade for freeing him and his friends. This drives an already huge wedge in between Tigger and Rabbit and makes a conflict for Pooh on whether to trust one of his closest friends. Pooh, while not taking an active role, is going to be the most affected by these adventures.
The episode ends as usual, with Grimhilde dying, albeit the lighting bolt that broke the cliff is from Pikachu’s Thunder attack. Ash has a guilt trip over murdering someone in the heat of the moment (he realized he does love Snow White, but was too late to save her, at first) that he shut himself away. It’s here that he encounters newly appointed Conscience, Jiminy Cricket, who serves as Ash’s companion for his B-plots. Yeah, Ash is the deuteragonist for the story, at least for this first season. And yes, I do mean season.
Bowser, for now at least, is this overarching villain who always enters Pooh’s life in one way or another. Mostly through his associates or allies. As foreshadowing to his eventual final fight, Ratigan gets slightly angry, only for Fidget to calm him down and the two retreat. Upon hearing that Grimhilde is dead, Bowser mourns a bit for her before he mutters: “He won’t be happy to hear this”…
With Pooh and friends now freed from Grimhilde’s grasp, they go on a journey to find home. This lands them in France where they grab the interest of an inventor named Maurice, who instantly adores and wants to help them. They soon meet his daughter Belle who gripes about this man named Gaston and you know where this is going.
Ash, meanwhile, upon the advice from Jiminy, seeks to try and find someone to regain his strength. He finds Gaston and, upon hearing how he’s a hero to the town, effectively becomes a second LeFou and hangs on his every word. Though it isn’t until Ash eavesdrop on a conversation between Gaston and an old judge named Frollo that not only is Gaston a dick, but that Frollo, like Ratigan, is working under Bowser.
Gaston quips about how Frollo supposedly died at Notre Dame, only for him to chuckle and go “the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”, all while he seemingly holds onto a wooden talisman. Ash tries to confront Gaston, only for him to beat him up and leave him for dead in the snow. There he’s taken in by the Enchantress and healed up. Jiminy recognizes her as a fey, akin to the Blue Fairy. She warns Ash that what he did against Grimhilde stained his heart with darkness and that it would take an act of equal value to cleanse it. In other words, Ash must revive or otherwise save someone’s life, even indirectly. She also warns him that dark hearts will attract other dark hearts, even if they are slightly tainted. In other words, Ash is gonna find himself bumping into villains more than Pooh will.
Speaking of, the experience at Beast’s Castle helps Pooh to better trust Tigger. There may also be a nod to the Christmas Special where they joke about that time a piano tried to kill them (may be in feature length though) and after Gaston is killed, Ash and Pooh reunite and go off on their next journey. Maurice helps Pooh out by inventing a means for easier transport. “I call it the Wah-gon.”
There, they go to Agrabah where we get a little more insight as to the villains as Jafar has a brief chat with a dark fey named Maleficent about Bowser’s plan to get revenge over Grimhilde’s death, with a brief aside that Bowser plans in involving him into the matters.
Meanwhile, Ash and Pooh are easily separated. Ash ends up with Aladdin and is concerned about his thieving considering the Enchantress’s warnings about dark hearts attracting dark hearts. However, he eases up as Aladdin hands a spare piece of bread to a child. Pooh ends up in Jasmine’s palace, where, like before, her father ends up being enamoured with the stuffed animals. Jafar easily spells trouble for Pooh and friends, especially after he mentions someone named Bowser Jr. as a potential suitor for Jasmine.
Details are rough here, but I do want to see a scene where Jasmine initially gets interested in Ash over Prince!Aladdin, if only to hammer in the point that Jasmine loved Aladdin for himself and not for his riches. There’s also a bit where Jafar, after getting the lamp and becoming a sorcerer, gloats to Maleficent about obtaining more power than her. They have a brief clash to which Bowser interferes and tells the two to knock it off. Maleficent merely glares at Jafar and leaves, telling him that pride comes before the fall. Jafar is soon defeated and with a free Genie, he decides to tag along with Pooh, just for a bit while he stretches his legs.
There’s a rather light-hearted episode about them encountering Alice and going to Wonderland. For the most part, it’s just a silly episode to break away from the more serious stories. Even a funny bit where Ratigan tries to recruit the Queen of Hearts, only to find she’s off her rocker and goes “okay, screw this, I’m outta here”. Because Wonderland is meant to be wacky. That said, there’s two important bits of information: one, Alice recognizes Pooh as Christopher Robin’s toy and explains about how he’s been busy with school but that he’ll always have Pooh in his heart. And two, Ratigan mutters that he’ll try “the other Queen of Hearts.”
Another light-hearted, but more serious story involves Cinderella. Having been through this before, Ash and Pooh resolve to beat up Tremaine, only for the Fairy Godmother to interfere and tell them that by doing so, they’ll increase the dark stain in Ash’s heart. For Tremaine to truly be defeated, they must instead help Cinderella. The group take her advice and leave to help her. The Godmother is happy at this change and waits to help Cinderella in her time of need…
Only for Maleficent to find the Fairy Godmother and kill her, taking her wand. Genie is the one that replaces her in the “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo” sequence (citing he can’t stand to see a pretty woman cry) and stays out of helping her because he knows Pooh and Ash have it handled.
Ratigan is seen “helping” the mice, only to instead tip off Tremaine and her sisters about Cinderella. Pooh and Ash see Ratigan during the “break Cinderella out” scene and confront him, only for him to obtain control of Lucifer through a magical bell given to him by Maleficent. He uses Lucifer to nom at least some of the lesser important mice before being forced to retreat after Ash sics Pikachu at them. Ash still feels a little shook given how the last time he used Pikachu, he murdered someone, but Pooh reassures him that he’s helping Cinderella.
A dark idea I have that might not be featured because this is involving way too much than what is necessary is that Maleficent comes in Cinderella’s time of need and offers her power in trade for her allegiance to Bowser. In a moment of weakness, she accepts and burns the Tremaines, her hair turning blackish brown from the ashes. She goes full coocoo for coco puffs and embraces the teasing nickname she is given, renaming herself Cinder Fall. You can see why I’m not so keen on the idea, though if it sounds like a fun idea to you guys, I might include it.
Instead, Ash confronts Prince Charming (who ends up being the same Prince Charming that would have saved Snow White) about Cinderella and the two trade opinions. Ash tells Prince Charming that if he truly loves Cinderella, he has to be the hero and save her, while Prince Charming tells Ash about how he feels like marriage is an obligation, especially after his father passed away and it was made imperative that he married. Tempted to go further with this, go all Once Upon A Time, and reveal that he’s really the Pauper to the real Prince.
Tremaine also confronts Ash and tells her the backstory she had from the 2015 remake, where she had married Cinderella’s father and tried to make it better for them, only to realize that she had lived in the shadows of both the deceased mother and of Ella herself. She merely wanted to bring joy to their lives only to get slapped in the face and be indirectly told that she’ll never be significant in their lives. Ash shoots her down by pointing to the depressed Cinderella and telling her that rather than bring joy, she brought misery and despair and says how she will merely become a shadow that haunts Cinderella’s dreams.
So, after the glass slipper breaks, rather than bring out the spare, Prince Charming decides to go with his gut and accept Cinderella as the woman he fell in love with. Tremaine has one last talk with Cinderella where she breaks down and apologizes, only for Cinderella to forgive her. However, Tremaine is so wrecked with guilt that she feels like she can’t be forgiven, and goes into exile. Ash realizes how, like him, she too has a dark sliver in her heart that must be overtaken with an act of equal value. He goes off to follow her as Genie parts ways with Pooh to travel the globe.
This is a turning point as it’s a two-parter.
Pooh, following on a letter given to him by Alice, goes to the Darling estate, close to where Christopher Robin lives. However, they get a detour when Tinkerbell accidently puts pixie dust on Pooh and the happy thoughts of reuniting with him end up making him fly. Meanwhile, Ash finds Ratigan about to manipulate Tremaine to the dark side and confronts him. Ratigan ambushes them though and takes them to Captain Hook’s ship where they’ll be taken to Bowser to complete their corruption.
Thankfully, Hook has a one-mind track named Peter Pan and is busy fighting him instead of transporting them to Bowser. Once he gets more serious about killing Peter Pan, Ash believes it’s because he lost his hand to him and confronts him on it, only to be told that he lost more than that: Peter Pan killed his wife. Ash, having met him at some point during the battles between him and Hook, doesn’t believe him and that there has to be more to the story than that. Tremaine proves to be an effective lady on the ship and puts the pirates in line, helping Ash escape in the huge climax.
During said climax, rather than getting chased by Tick Tock like in the original, Hook tries to get Peter Pan to admit his murder. Maleficent appears and tells Hook to hurry up. The way she enters via green fiery entrance causes Hook to notice something off and remembers how his wife died: green fire. He asks Maleficent if she killed her. Maleficent gloats about it, telling him that she did kill his wife and blamed Peter Pan for it, if only to ensure that he’d side with Bowser. She reminds him that he’s only Bowser’s lapdog and that he should do as told if it’s good for him. Hook takes out a sword and swears revenge…
And then Maleficent explodes him with magic a la Watchmen. She groans and as Ash tries to fight her, she goes “ENOUGH OF THIS!” and uses the Fairy Godmother’s wand.  
Ash wakes up in another timeline where Hook survives, never knowing of Maleficent’s actions, but Peter Pan has grown old and has kids. He tries to tell Hook the truth, only for him to refute Ash. He has gone on too long without revenge and the fact that Peter Pan gets to have a happy life and not him drives him to the deep end. Tremaine, meanwhile, tries to get through to Peter’s son, who has grown upset with his negligence, something she feels like she has done to Cinderella.
Pooh, meanwhile, is on another timeline where it’s Wendy who grew old and had kids. Basically the plots for both Hook and Return to Neverland happen side by side. However, Pooh is able to get through to Hook a lot easier than Ash by simply being dumb enough to let Hook come to the conclusion that Maleficent killed his wife himself. He swears vengeance on them, gives up fighting Peter Pan, and takes them back to London just as Ash returns from his version of Neverland. When the wand is used, it split the realm into two timelines, hence why London is the same. Ratigan is there to try and capture them all right here and now.
Ash retaliates by having Pikachu fight him. The fight is where Ratigan loses his temper and goes all out. The two are evenly matched until Pikachu steals the bell from Ratigan and causes him to fall off of Big Ben (with a little help from Peter Pan, who ends up getting synchronized between Hook!Peter and RTN!Peter thanks to returning to London.) Ash, not wanting to have any more blood on his hands, uses Pooh and his friends as makeshift cushions to save Ratigan and tells him to run. He does… then finds Maleficent who monologued about using the wand for her own purposes. Thinking she wants to overthrow Bowser thanks in part to his anger, he tries to fight Maleficent… only for her to step on him and call him vermin.
Oh, and at one point during this two parter, there’s a nod to Ash never aging from Peter Pan and possibly an implication that Ho-Oh gave him that immortality. And also the words “all of this has happened before and all of it will happen again” becomes a pretty relevant phrase throughout the two-parter and throughout the next couple of episodes.
Wendy informs Pooh that Christopher Robin has gone on a field trip to the amazons, so that’s where Pooh and his friends go with the help of Hook’s ship. This is where Hook departs, telling them that if they ever need a lift to simply call him with a repurposed communicator device that Bowser originally gave him. There, Pooh meets Jane, Christopher Robin’s aunt, who is out wanting to research for gorillas. There, he also meets Clayton and Injun Joe. Having met the Neverland Injuns, Pooh assumes both Clayton and Joe are friendly. Spoilers: they’re not.
This time, Ash is with the heroes and Pooh is with the villains. The reason is that Ash sympathizes with Tarzan as he had encountered someone like him before (The Kangaskhan Kid) and also how Tarzan’s savagery had him confused that he’s the one he should be worried about, not Clayton. Meanwhile, Pooh gets friendly with Clayton, while Rabbit and Tigger’s schism gets to its boiling point, causing the two to split. Tigger encounters Ash and finds the gorillas. He then goes to Clayton and tells them the location of the gorillas. This causes Clayton’s true nature to be revealed, to which Rabbit and Tigger just grow further apart.
There’s a brief war between man and gorilla, though in the moment of this, Maleficent appears before Clayton and Injun Joe and tells them to accomplish their gorilla hunting mission for Bowser. To help, Maleficent uses the Fairy Godmother’s wand to turn the in Injun Joe’s heart to turn him into a vicious Beast named Injurin’ Joe. Yes, I’m going with that. However, Joe’s new powers get to him and rather than Clayton hanging himself, as soon as he’s defeated, Joe kills and eats Clayton. Ash fights him, only for Pikachu to come in and save him with a Thunderbolt to the chest, killing Joe. Ash’s flashbacks are triggered and he shakes. Keep in mind that he’s a ten-year-old and had not only witnessed death, but also murdered two people at this point. Needless to say, Ash isn’t all right in the head, but Tremaine comforts Ash. By this point, she’s become the mother of the group, much to Rabbit’s dismay.
Jane informs Pooh that Christopher Robin sadly was lost at sea during a storm. The group is devastated. Too devastated to even move on…
A group of sailors hired by Professor Porter escort the group home on the ship, only for the storm to kick up again. Jiminy, in the midst of this, recognizes a whale that attacks them as Monstro, the very same whale that ate Geppetto and Pinocchio. With no time to react, the group is nommed by Monstro and this becomes our Belly of the Whale episode. With the very real fate of being digested by Monstro, Pooh and the others must make do with the fact that Christopher Robin may have died.
Pooh is depressed knowing his journey is for naught, Piglet is upset that Tigger and Rabbit are fighting amongst themselves, Eeyore is depressed because he’s Eeyore, Ash is convinced he’s doomed to be a villain, Tremaine is confronting her cruelty over Cinderella, and overall everyone’s bummed out. That’s when they hear a familiar voice. It’s Christopher Robin! Turns out he isn’t dead, but rather saved by Monstro. Jiminy wonders how that makes sense since the last time he met him, he wasn’t so nice…
Turns out he wasn’t. He expels them out before the newly crowned Queen of the Sea: Ursula.
Ursula, after granting the group the ability to breathe out of pity, tells them about how Bowser wanted them alive. Pooh & friends to once again be Bowser’s slave and Ash & Tremaine to become fully corrupted. Ash is tempted to use Pikachu to thundershock her, but that’s when Ursula stops him, pointing out that with each kill he racks up, it’s another stain on his heart. When it becomes fully tainted, he’ll be one with the darkness.
She locks them up and gets ready to meet Bowser. However, Ariel, in the process of trying to nab the trident from Ursula, finds Pooh and his friends, then breaks them out. Ariel ends up being fascinated with Ash and Tremaine given they’re humans while Pooh goes over and takes the Trident from Ursula. The group fight Ursula and manage to defeat her, only for Maleficent to appear and attempt to capture Pooh and his friends… Then Pooh uses Triton’s trident and causes a disruption with the Fairy Godmother’s wand, splitting the group including Maleficent. They split across time once more…
Ash awakens in the Fairy Realm where the Enchantress finds Ash. Her not knowing who Ash is confirms he’s in the distant past of Sleeping Beauty. Pooh and the others end up in a cottage where three kindly old ladies and a growing girl take them in, the present time of Sleeping Beauty (the past). And lastly, Maleficent and Tremaine end up at her broken castle in the future (the present).
Let’s break this down:
Ash and the Enchantress come across a beautiful fairy with hawk-like wings. To his surprise, she is Maleficent. Yes. I’m. Going. There. Anyways, this is the eve where Stefan goes to kill Maleficent to be crowned king. However, he can’t go through with it and so cuts off her wings. Ash confronts Stefan about this to which Stefan comments how he is willing to do anything to be king, but killing the one he loves is a line he couldn’t cross. He says that Ash should be grateful that Maleficent was spared and goes off into the night.
Pooh learn about the situation from the fairies and realize how much of a dick Maleficent is. The fairies conveniently leave out the bit where she used to be good until Stefan screwed her over. Prince Phillip is revealed to be a cousin of Prince Charming. The plot goes pretty much like Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent, except without Stefan going crazy-go-nuts in-between scenes.
Tremaine and Maleficent discuss about what Maleficent wants, as she recognizes the wand from the tales she used to read Cinderella. A wand with infinite powers, even reviving the dead if need be. She asks why she holds such a power to which she tells her about Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. Or rather, she tells her about how she held so much power and yet did nothing when Cinderella suffered under her heel or even before Tremaine entered her life.
Tremaine is both upset and angry at this, but this time not to herself, but at the Godmother. Maleficent rubs this in by telling her about the Enchantress and how she turned a prince into a beast, with the servants being turned into items just to spite them. She gives her the revelation that fairies used to be nice and good, hearts of pure light. Then man intruded on their lands and turned them rotten. Now they wish to exact revenge on humanity, with Bowser giving them the means to do so. What she left out was that the fairies only do so to rotten humans. Those with black hearts. Prince Adam was selfish and so turned into the Beast. Injun Joe was cruel and so turned into Injurin’ Joe. Only to those who are pure of hearts or have a chance at redemption do the fairies intervene and help them.
And that’s what the Blue Fairy does: intervene. And boy is she pissed. Maleficent murdered her own kin for power. Maleficent calls her out by showing the wand. What kind of all-powerful being just sits there and does nothing while people suffer? With the wand’s power, she will save everyone, starting with herself. Before the Blue Fairy can do anything, she casts the spell and goes back in time.
Ash, due to the time travel on Maleficent’s part, ends up getting warped back to the point where Stefan is about to cut off Maleficent’s wings, only for Maleficent, the Blue Fairy, and Tremaine to appear. Maleficent tries to kill Stefan before he can do the deed, but Ash stops her and shows her how he couldn’t go through with killing her in the past. That, deep inside, he truly loved her enough to spare her. Maleficent, however, is far too gone to reconsider and before she can attack Stefan, the Blue Fairy rams into Maleficent and forces her to the present.
By this point, Pooh & friends are at the scene where Phillip is captured and the fairies go to break him out. It’s revealed that this is before Maleficent has teamed up with Bowser, let alone team up with him. Pooh and Christopher Robin break Phillip out while Rabbit and Tigger, finally finding a common ground, beat up the goblins while Piglet and Eeyore get the wagon ready for the group to ride out on. Soon, Ash’s group emerge and the two Maleficents, as they share the same time now, merge and the result is a more powerful dragon, the likes of which not even the fairies can stop. The Blue Fairy, however, summons Charizard and Ash hops on him to fight Maleficent in a sky battle while Pooh and the others figure out how to defeat Maleficent. The fairies enchant Phillip’s sword, but it can’t pierce the scales. Pooh, however, figures out a weakness and as soon as Maleficent roosts, he climbs on her. She can’t feel Pooh because he’s stuffed with fluff and during the battle, Pooh slowly and surely starts to rip apart her scales, eventually leaving a piece of flesh where Phillip can impale her. For added cool points, this is right after Ash’s Charizard does that “fly around the world” Seismic Toss he’s known for.
With Maleficent dead, Ash looks at the remains of her: the Fairy Godmother’s wand. He frowns and mutters that she’s the one whose darkness overtook her heart. He picked up the wand and with that resolve in mind, he goes to Stefan and tells her about Maleficent, only for him to break down into tears and realize the consequences of his actions. Tremaine notices this and reconciles with Stefan, telling him that what’s done is done and that they can only work towards a brighter future. She announces her intent to stay with Stefan and Aurora. Blue Fairy takes everyone back to present time where Ash finds that Tremaine had lived a good life with Stefan and Aurora, having found her one true place and redemption.
It seems like the happy ending is achieved since Pooh is reunited with Christopher Robin and Ash seems to have resolved his inner conflict, buuuut there’s one more obstacle that comes in and attacks Pooh and Ash: the same legendary Pokemon that split Ash from his friends. It descends and transforms into a warlock, who declares that Ash killed his sister, Queen Grimhilde.
The man introduces himself as Maliss and wants revenge on Ash. Ash steps forwards and tells him to kill him if it satisfies him. To which he does… Only for Pikachu to take the bullet. Cue that scene where Pikachu talks and everyone freaks out. Thankfully, Pikachu is spared thanks to the Blue Fairy’s intervention, but she ends up weakened from it. She reveals the reason fairies only intervene for good humans and punish bad ones. The pureness of someone’s heart fuels the magic. If the magic is to benefit a cruel person, then the fairy is punished for it by giving their life force. Same goes if they punish a kind person. It was put in place by Mother Nature herself to keep the Fairies in balance. There’s also one other problem, one that explains why the Fairy Godmother didn’t just bring Cinderella’s mother back: life must be paid with life. Essentially, Pikachu’s wounds transferred over to the Blue Fairy.
As the Blue Fairy dies, she tells them to seek out a wizard named Merlin. Before Maliss can continue his onslaught, Mewtwo intervenes and teleports them to his hideout: Skull, the same place Bowser was at. It turns out that the reason Bowser was there to begin with was to try and strike an alliance with Mewtwo, only for him to rebuff. Ash tries to talk to Mewtwo, given how he met him, but he tells Ash that he doesn’t remember Ash. The only human he does remember his is creator, someone named Dr. Spengler.
He explains that, like the previous Mewtwo, he escaped, but was without purpose. That’s when the Blue Fairy came and told him to prepare for a battle against the forces of Darkness. He basically gets Pooh up to speed about how Bowser is this evil dude who has legions of villains and he won’t stop until the world’s in his grasps. Ash feels guilty over what happened and goes to sulk. The Blue Fairy’s wand activates with the Fairy Godmother’s wand and sends him to an alternate universe entirely for a brief moment. There, he meets an adult Snow White who is happily married, not to him, but rather the Prince Charming that was meant to marry Cinderella. Snow White finds Ash familiar, but can’t seem to put her finger on it. Ash wants to tell Snow White how sorry he is for not reciprocating her love, but realizes that she might not even know what he’s talking about, so he words it as a “I have a friend” situation. She tells Ash not to lose hope and that true love can break any curse.
Ash flashes back and, with that resolve in mind, he goes off to revive Snow White with love’s first kiss. Snow White wakes up and they have a touching reunion. Maliss comes by to crash the party, but Pooh, with the help of Mewtwo, stop him. Bowser then arrives, fed up with Pooh’s constant interference and how each of his allies fell to him. He attacks Pooh while Ash fights Maliss. It’s a pretty climatic showdown, but Pooh is shown to be on the ropes despite putting up a good “fight” (read: running from Bowser). That is until Aladdin shows up on Carpet and slashes Bowser with a scimitar. Then Tarzan throws a spear at Bowser. Peter Pan flies in with his knife. I’d add more returning characters, but Adam’s no longer the Beast, Wonderland is explicitly a dreamish realm with no desire to interfere with this war, Ash is pulling double duty for Prince Charming, Ariel can’t walk on land yet, and Phillip died of old age.
But the point still stands, Pooh may not have strength, but he has something Bowser can never have: friends. This is made poignant when Christopher Robin, the friend that kickstarted his adventure in the process, being the one to defeat Bowser by tipping him and having him on his back. Bowser retorts by saying how his circle of mages are his friends and that he will come back with many more. Before the group can finish him off, a large owl flies in and carries Bowser off, telling him that his father wishes to speak to him.
Ash, meanwhile, utilizes a weakness of Maliss: he uses a cape that turns people into stone. Ash grabs the cape and uses it on Maliss, turning him to stone. He falls down and gravity finishes him off. Ash feels guilty at first, but doesn’t have the same twinge of malice he had when he killed Grimhilde nor the fear when he killed Injurin’ Joe. He feels Snow White hugging his back and realizes why. He wasn’t fighting for revenge or in the heat of the moment. He was fighting to protect the people he loves.
With everything neatly wrapped up, Ash leaves with Snow White to find his friends, Mewtwo stays in Skull while petting a wolf he calls Aisling, and Pooh and Christopher Robin have a heart-to-heart about school and how Christopher Robin tells Pooh that while he won’t always be around, he’ll still have a place in Pooh’s heart. Roll credits, everyone lives happily ever after, right?
Bowser is brought to a world of darkness by the Grand Duke of Owls. There, he is brought face to face with a robed man he calls “father”. The man demands to know why some of Bowser’s strongest wizards have been put out of commission, to which Bowser tells him of Pooh. He is intrigued by the notion that Bowser was defeated by a fluffy teddy bear, but also embarrassed. He declares that Bowser’s son, Bowser Jr., will depart to far-east Asia to prepare for the oncoming storm. Bowser tries to protest, grabbing the man by the collar. The hood falls off, revealing a skeleton.
The skeletal man reassures Bowser. He’s training with a powerful empire and that when he returns with his betrothed, he will be the most powerful Koopa in the land. Bowser is pissed, but acknowledges what needs to be done. “I know… I must avenge Mother….” The skeleton then tells the Grand Duke of Owls to fetch him a potato sack. Confused, the DGoO obliges and goes over to fetch a sack. The skeleton then summon forth bugs to go over and infest the bag, eating the potatoes and eventually making the sack its home. It then rises and stands straight up before contorting the bag to make arms and legs, and finally, a head.
“What brings me to your service, oh Wiseman?” Oogie Boogie asks.
And yeah, that’s basically how I’d rewrite Pooh’s Adventures. Took about a good 6 hours to write up the first season. What do you guys think?
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bangtangurlarmy · 7 years
BOO! || Hoseok
Request - Anonymous said: Hi love! Could you write a scenerio, Hoseok dating reader, when they go to the Halloween costume party with the rest of BTS? I can imagine Suga screaming stuff like "OMG THEY ARE RELATIONSHIP GOALS" XD      
Pairing - Jung Hoseok x Reader
Genre - Fluff, Halloween! AU
Summary - When you complained about not wanting to wear that cute but annoying bunny outfit you’d gotten years ago, Hoseok gave you another idea which sounded appealing. Why, Yoongi couldn’t stop screaming.
Gonna put a Keep Reading link because I got too into it LOL.
You were absolutely not going to wear that grey bunny suit. No way. Uh uh. Jungkook wore that last year, and now you were absolutely regretting lending it to him because you did not know what that boy did to your costume. Besides, your cheeks got too squishy every time you wore the head gear, so you hoped it was for the best...?
You groaned loudly as you eyed the dreadful costume on your bed with a scornful look. How could you have not thought about buying a new costume? Shops were lined with absolutely cool looking ones and you totally must have missed all the good ones by now. You stomped your feet like a whiny kid and groaned again.
“Hey, babe, you good? You’ve been groaning like that for the past hour.” A chirpy voice cooed from behind you. Turning around, you saw a bright orange hooded head pop from behind the door, a fully covered bright orange clothed arm hanging loosely over the knob. You hunched instantly, and your lips curved into the biggest pout you could muster.
“Hobiiiiiiii, I don’t have a costume to wear to the party!” You whined, your feet dragging as you walked sulkily towards your dressed up boyfriend. You still couldn’t even get a glimpse of his costume.
His eyes darted to the bulky, bunny costume on the bed and his brows rose in contemplation, “Well then tell me that’s not a dead rabbit lying on the bed.”
Your feet halted and you snorted loudly. “Ha ha, funny, Hope. I really don’t have a costume! Help me!”
Hoseok scowled playfully. “Baby, what is that on the bed?”
Your shoulders drooped lower and you glanced at the bed before you replied, “A bunny costume.”
“A what - I didn’t hear you.”
“A bunny costume.”
“COSTUME! A BUNNY COSTUME, HOBI!” You yelled exasperatedly, aware of him teasing you. But he simply shrugged. “So, you do know it’s a costume right?”
“Oh my god- Hobi, Jungkook wore that last year and I have no idea what the kid did with my costume, I think he rolled in mud or something and it stinks- please help me.” You said everything so quickly, you had to take a deep breath before you groaned again, your mouth hanging slack. You didn’t even care if this was being childish on an extreme level. You just wanted to have a good costume for the party you had to attend. Was that too much to ask for?!
“Oh, hush, Y/N. Come with me and stop being such a baby.” He grumbled, his covered hand beckoning you over before he left the door and waited for you to follow.
You followed him eagerly and because you couldn’t resist, you whispered, “I’m your baby, though.”
Hoseok snorted, indicating he’d heard you loud and clear.
You were about to open your mouth to speak again when you stopped dead in your tracks the moment you noticed the orange tail swinging as he walked to another room, the onesie so big on him it made him look like a huge, cuddly bear.
“Hoseok.” You said, stopping him. He turned around, and when he noticed you scanning his costume, his face flushed bright. “OH MY GOD HOBI YOU LOOK SO CUTE CAN I-” You didn’t even finish your sentence and you were already running towards him with outstretched hands, ready to get a steel grip on his cheeks. But he darted away like an arrow into the room he was leading you into and before you even noticed, a heavy cloth hit you in the face causing you to cry out in surprise, your butt hitting the floor with a thud.
“Oh gosh, baby, I’m sorry, are you okay?” You heard Hoseok’s voice from a corner, small yet audible. Moving the heavy costume from your head, you looked for him. You found him peeping from the back of a sofa, the two small ears on the hood of the costume perked. You giggled at the sight. “You have bad aim.”
You got up on your feet and held the costume in front of you.
“Well, I’m sorry you were running behind me like a lunatic- baby, you’re holding it the other way around.” He sighed, and you giggled, embarrassed.
“Is this...” You looked at the division of the costume and how the red stopped halfway through the cloth and yellow covered the rest of the costume. When you noticed the clothed paunch at the belly of the costume, you recognized instantly who it was. “WINNIE THE POOH! OH MY GOD, HOBI, AND YOU’RE TIGGER!”
Apparently the size was too big, which caused the paunch to obstruct your walking. So when you tried to walk, all you could was waddle.
You rolled your eyes when you noticed Hoseok taking out his phone for a video, his cheeks red with the smile that never got off his lips.
“You know,’ You sighed as you tried to run in your costume so you wouldn’t have to be blackmailed with an embarrassing video of you wobbling through the streets in the future - but that mistake caused you to trip over your feet, almost falling flat on your face. “You should’ve gotten me a penguin costume instead.” And from the loud snicker that escaped Hoseok’s mouth, you were damn sure he had your little accident on tape.
“Aw, Y/N, then we wouldn’t look that cute like we do now. Pooh and Tigger are a cute pair, don’t you think?”
“Well, a penguin is an animal too, if you’re searching for a common ground.” You grunted as you reached your arms below the clothed paunch to pull it up. You didn’t care how ridiculous you looked as you carried the paunch in your hands. But as long as it could help you walk faster, you were going to let it strip off every ounce of your pride to get you to that party.
“YOU GUYS! LOOK AT Y/N, SHE HAS THE MOST ADORKABLE COSTUME EVER!” Taehyung literally shouted over the music that blared loudly through the house, his smile so wide it made his Joker make up look creepier. You sighed loudly as you walked in, and you regretted it as soon as you heard Yoongi cry out, “CUTE CUTE CUTE CUUUUUUTE!”
It wasn’t a surprise because he’d managed to show you every side of himself the first year you’d met him. This was old news. You bared your teeth in what you wouldn’t have definitely called a smile as you walked over to the empty hall, the decorations on the wall the only things having your attention. You didn’t know if you were more pissed at the paunch that kept hitting your thighs or Taehyung’s occasional shriek when you looked at him. He kept accusing you of looking too adorable.
“Y/N, cheer up, the guys love you both in these costumes!” Namjoon, who’d worn a Gryffindor uniform as his costume, shouted over the music, his eyes twinkling from behind his round-rimmed glasses as he smiled at you. You couldn’t help but chuckle when you noticed Taehyung had managed to cover his nose with a red ball. “He got you didn’t he?”
“He’s just living up to his title of a Joker, Y/N, don’t mind it.” He rolled his eyes playfully as he turned back to look at the rest of the gang. That’s when your eyes caught Jimin’s costume. You were glad to see Hoseok having fun with the youngest whose costume was not even to be reckoned with.
“Hey, I thought we were supposed to dress cute or scary?” You asked Namjoon, as your hips began swaying automatically to the music blaring through the speakers.
“Yeah, why?”
“How does Jimin get to dress sexy, then? Or at least, part sexy.” You asked, genuinely puzzled and quite frankly, embarrassed on behalf of him. Namjoon turned to look at Jimin and began laughing so hard, he almost snorted the punch he was drinking through his nose.
“Oh, that. It’s a Halloween dare. We do it every year. Last year it was Jin Hyung, and we made him wear that cowboy with a horse costume.” He bent over in laughter and you could feel it bubbling in your throat. You watched Jimin sulk but at the same time own his costume of a pole dancer, and part...superhero? All you could see was, he was shirtless, with a pair of BT21 stickers boxers and a cape that said ‘DO NOT FEAR, JIMIN HERE.’
You giggled as you made your way past Jungkook, who was dressed in a Sailor Moon costume - you didn’t even want to ask - and when you reached Jimin, you tapped his shoulder. He turned around and you couldn’t help but snort.
“You missed an ‘is’.” You said, eyes staring pointedly at his cape. He leaned closer, “What?”
“You missed an ‘is’! It’s supposed to say ‘JIMIN IS HERE’ not ‘JIMIN HERE’!” You said, laughing in between words. He immediately jumped back, “Oh, go throw yourself off a cliff, Y/N. IT’S A DARE!”
“SO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE ONE, YOU IDIOT!” You shouted back, and you both stared at each other before breaking out into a fit of laughter. Jimin had to inhale deeply at least thrice before he could speak.
“What is that?” He asked, pointing to the cloth bunched at your abdomen and upper thighs. You looked down at the paunch. You smiled fondly. “That’s my baby.” You said, and you looked up at a Jimin who looked so shook you broke out into laughter again. You slapped his arm playfully, your hand trying to clutch onto your real stomach. “JIMIN YOU ASS- I’m just kidding!”
“Oh. OH. Never mind.” He shook his head in disbelief. Just then, something bright shone into your eyes. Before you were blinded by it, you noticed Jin had walked up to you.
“Oh my god, Jin, what are you, knight in shining armor?” You meant it as a joke, but when the metal clips weren’t shining threateningly in your eyes anymore, you noticed you were somewhat close.
“Hmm, something like that.” He smirked as he took notice of your astounded look. He was literally dressed as a prince.
“HEY I THOUGHT YOU SAID CUTE OR SCARY MAN!” You yelled, infuriated because now that paunch and the wobbling was of no use if he was allowed to bend the rules.
“Hey, calm down-” He laughed, before he turned serious again, “Who said I can’t be cute?” And then he proceeded to make the most obnoxious yet cute face ever.
You cursed under your breath for almost agreeing that he did look cute if he wanted to and spun around to hide your blush when you bumped into someone.
“Woah. Hey there, Pooh.” You looked up to see a pale looking guy staring down at you. It took you three seconds to realize what Yoongi had dressed up as.
You chuckled in amusement. “Boy, you didn’t even try, did you?” You eyed his all white costume. The only extra efforts he’d bothered to put into it were the white contacts and the kohl lining his eyes. He smiled, proud of his costume. “Nope.”
“Well, I could say the same.”
“Hobi bought your costume, didn’t he?” He asked, his lip lifting into a knowing smirk. You nodded absently before it clicked you what he’d asked. You eyed him suspiciously. “How did you know?”
“I wonder who gave him the idea?”
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