vagcafe · 4 years
Don’t rush challenge...take 2 🚗 @theo_joker ・・・ Don’t rush 👋🏾 😂 . #bagged #airsuspension #baggedsa #tebao #isystem #lowlife #sourkrauts #audi #mzansirides #slammedenuff #slammed #lowcallyfamous #dailylowsociety #vagcafe https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7Ld9OBtbl/?igshid=14nm0q159c9dx
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thuvientieuchuan · 3 years
Chi phí để chứng nhận iso 13485
Theo quy định của pháp luật, kể từ ngày 28/02/2019, các doanh nghiệp phải thay đổi để áp dụng phiên bản mới nhất của tiêu chuẩn ISO 13485 được ban hành năm 2016 (ISO 13485: 2016). Đây sẽ là phiên bản thay thế phiên bản 2003 cũ (ISO 13485: 2003).
Điều này có nghĩa là doanh nghiệp cần cập nhật phiên bản ISO 13485: 2016 và các tiêu chuẩn liên quan của Châu Âu như EN ISO 13485: 2012 trước ngày này.
Loạt tiêu chuẩn ISO 13485: 2016 nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của việc cải tiến liên tục được thay thế bằng việc đáp ứng các yêu cầu luật định; yêu cầu cụ thể của khách hàng; quản lý rủi ro; giữ cho quá trình thiết kế, sản xuất và giao hàng hoạt động hiệu quả và an toàn.
Chi phí chứng nhận ISO 13485: 2016
Nhìn chung, chi phí đánh giá của các tổ chức chứng nhận là tương tự nhau. Nhưng cái khó là việc vận hành và áp dụng để đạt được hiệu quả của ISO 13485
Chi phí đánh giá toàn bộ ISO 13485 bao gồm:
Chi phí ngày đánh giá của chuyên gia: tính theo hướng dẫn tại Phụ lục D IAF MD9: 2017 (ví dụ doanh nghiệp có từ 6-10 lao động là 4 ngày làm việc)
Chi phí đi lại: Các tỉnh xa Hà Nội, Đà Nẵng, Hồ Chí Minh tính theo giá taxi 2 chiều hoặc tương đương;
Chi phí ăn ở (nếu có);
Chi phí đánh giá và chứng nhận (tùy thuộc vào tổ chức chứng nhận).
Như chúng ta đã biết ở trên, ISO 13485: 2016 https://knacert.com.vn/dao-tao-chung-nhan-iso-134852016-cho-san-pham-y-tebao gồm 8 phần chính và 3 phần đầu là các khái niệm, định nghĩa sẽ không thay đổi. Những thay đổi chính nằm trong 5 phần tiếp theo. Vậy sự thay đổi đó là gì? Giữ nguyên:
Phần 4: Hệ thống quản lý chất lượng
Phần này chủ yếu nói về các yêu cầu chung của QMS, các yêu cầu về tài liệu của tiêu chuẩn. Điều này bao gồm các yêu cầu đối với Sổ tay chất lượng, kiểm soát tài liệu, kiểm soát hồ sơ, tất cả đều là tài liệu bắt buộc trong QMS.
Những thay đổi cơ bản:
Tất cả các quá trình là một phần của hệ thống quản lý chất lượng phải có một cách tiếp cận quản lý rủi ro tích hợp ngoài việc thực hiện sản phẩm. Các rủi ro cần được xem xét trong phạm vi an toàn và hiệu quả của trang thiết bị y tế và việc đáp ứng các yêu cầu quy định.
Phần 5: Trách nhiệm Quản lý
Cùng với việc lập kế hoạch cho Hệ thống quản lý chất lượng, lãnh đạo cao nhất được yêu cầu tham gia vào quá trình đánh giá liên tục hệ thống để duy trì sự hài lòng và cải thiện trải nghiệm của khách hàng.
Những thay đổi cơ bản:
Những thay đổi chính trong phần này là làm rõ các yêu cầu hiện tại liên quan đến việc hoạch định hệ thống quản lý chất lượng, trách nhiệm, quyền hạn và đại diện của quản lý, đánh giá quản lý.
Phần 6: Quản lý tài nguyên
Đây là phần liên quan đến nguồn nhân lực và nguồn lực cần kiểm soát bao gồm cơ sở hạ tầng vật chất và môi trường làm việc.
Những thay đổi cơ bản:
Các nhà sản xuất cần xác định các kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm cần thiết cho nhân sự tham gia vào việc duy trì hệ thống quản lý chất lượng. Ngoài ra, khi đạt tiêu chuẩn ISO 13485, doanh nghiệp cần duy trì hệ thống quản lý để đảm bảo trình độ kỹ thuật của người lao động.
Ngoài ra, điều khoản này có một điểm đột biến là đề cập đến vấn đề kiểm soát nhiễm bẩn đối với thiết bị vô trùng.
Phần 7: Triển khai sản phẩm
Phần này bao gồm các nội dung chính về lập kế hoạch tạo ra sản phẩm, các quy trình liên quan đến khách hàng; thiết kế và phát triển sản phẩm; Mua, tựa vào, bám vào; sản xuất và cung cấp dịch vụ; điều khiển các phương tiện theo dõi và đo lường.
Những thay đổi cơ bản:
Phần 7 của loạt tiêu chuẩn ISO 13485: 2016 https://knacert.com.vn/dao-tao-chung-nhan-iso-134852016-cho-san-pham-y-teđề cập đến các yêu cầu cụ thể của từng lĩnh vực cụ thể trong phạm vi triển khai sản phẩm. Các nhà sản xuất dự kiến ​​sẽ kết hợp các nguyên tắc quản lý rủi ro trong việc xác định việc áp dụng các yêu cầu này.
Phần 8: Đo lường, phân tích và cải tiến
Phần cuối cùng bao gồm các yêu cầu cần thiết để đảm bảo bạn theo dõi được liệu QMS của mình có hoạt động bình thường hay không. Điều này bao gồm đánh giá mức độ hài lòng của khách hàng, hệ thống kiểm soát nội bộ, giám sát chất lượng sản phẩm và quy trình, xử lý các sản phẩm bị lỗi và hư hỏng cũng như bắt đầu các hành động khắc phục và phòng ngừa.
Những thay đổi cơ bản:
Các nhà sản xuất sẽ tiêu chuẩn hóa các quy trình nhận phản hồi từ quá trình sản xuất và hậu kỳ và phát triển các phương pháp báo hiệu để đưa thông tin phản hồi vào chương trình quản lý rủi ro của họ. Các yêu cầu về kiểm tra và kiểm soát các sản phẩm không đạt tiêu chuẩn, và các yêu cầu về sửa chữa và ngăn ngừa lỗi đã được tăng cường. Các quy định này nhằm phục vụ cho việc xử lý khiếu nại, báo cáo cho các cơ quan quản lý.
Qua những thay đổi trên, hệ thống ISO 13485 ngày càng hoàn thiện hơn. Tiêu chuẩn này bao gồm chu trình sản xuất và tiếp thị của các sản phẩm thiết bị y tế. Doanh nghiệp cần tuân thủ chặt chẽ và nghiêm ngặt trong việc áp dụng bộ tiêu chuẩn mới. Điều này sẽ giúp chất lượng sản phẩm của bạn tốt hơn, tạo tiền đề cho sự phát triển.
Xem thêm tại KNA: https://knacert.com.vn/blogs/tin-tuc/quy-trinh-cap-chung-chi-iso-13485-he-thong-chat-luong-thiet-bi-y-te
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urdupower · 7 years
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تبو نے شادی نہ کرنے کی وجہ اجے دیوگن کو قرار دے دیا ممبئی(آن لائن نیوز اردو پاور) بالی ووڈ کی نامور اداکارہ تبسم عرف تبو نے اداکاراجے دیوگن پرالزام لگاتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ انہوں نے آج تک اجے دیوگن کی وجہ سے شادی نہیں کی۔ اداکارہ تبو کا شمار بالی ووڈ کی صف اول کی اداکاراؤں میں ہوتا ہے۔ بے تحاشہ شہرت سمیٹنے والی اداکارہ تبو نجی زندگی میں کافی خاموش طبع ہیں۔ یہ ہی وجہ ہے کہ 45 سال کی عمر ہونے کے باوجود آج تک کوئی نہ جان سکا کہ انہوں نے شادی کیوں نہیں کی لیکن اب انہوں نے خود ہی اس راز پر سے اٹھاتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ان کی شادی نہ کرنے کی وجہ کاجول کے شوہر اداکار اجے دیوگن ہیں۔ بھارتی میڈیا کے مطابق ایک انٹرویو کے دوران اداکارہ تبو نے اپنی غیر شادی شدہ زندگی کے راز سے پردہ اٹھاتے ہوئے کہا کہ میں اور اجے گزشتہ 25 برسوں سے ایک دوسرے کو جانتے ہیں، اجے دیوگن میرے کزن سمیر کے پڑوسی تھے اس لحاظ سے ہم دونوں میں بھی بہت اچھی دوستی تھی، ہماری نوجوانی کے دنوں میں میرا کزن اور اجے دیوگن مجھ سے بات کرنے والے تمام لڑکوں کا پیچھا کرتے تھے اور انہیں دھمکاتے تھے۔ کبھی کبھی تو یہ لوگ مجھ سے بات کرنے والے لڑکوں کو مارتے بھی تھے لہٰذا اگر میں آج غیر شادی شدہ ہوں تو اس کی وجہ صرف اور صرف اجے دیوگن ہیں۔ تبو نے کہا کہ اجے بالکل بچوں کی طرح ہیں اور میرا بہت خیال رکھتے ہیں لیکن اب وہ ان کیلئے دولہا تلاش کریں جس کے ساتھ وہ شادی کرسکیں ۔ واضح رہے کہ اجے دیوگن اور تبو ایک ساتھ 23 برس قبل فلم ’’تکشک‘‘ میں نظر آئے تھے دونوں کی جوڑی کو شائقین نے بے حد پسند کیا تھا اور یہ جوڑی ایک بار پھر روہت شیٹی کی مزاحیہ فلم ’’گول مال اگین‘‘ میں نظر آئے گی۔
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saedmefree · 7 years
Me #1
Meeting someone that you really obsessed makes you have a hard time to over it. I sometimes wonder why I love him,I find a lot of reasons to answer my question for myself but none of it rights. When you love someone that it means your TEBAO fix his TEBAO. It makes a chemistry though he have never been your style before.
Me dunt know myself.
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Topbright: Participate in the Guangzhou Toy Fair​ - topbright,http://www.topbright.vip 
From April 8th to April 10th, 2018, the 30th Guangzhou International Toys and Models Exhibition and the 9th Guangzhou International Baby Carriage and Baby Products Exhibition will be successfully completed. Topbright will carry many explosions. Debuted at the Poly World Trade Center Expo, the scene was crowded and the cooperation was warm.
       At the Guangzhou Toy Fair, Topbright/Tupper exhibited more than 200 products, which attracted many domestic and foreign distributors and buyers to watch the experience. The atmosphere was very warm. Among them, "Frog Music Around the Pearl", "Four Track Glider", "Caterpillar Alphabet Music Beads", "Multifunctional Chicken Music Drum" are especially popular among domestic and foreign buyers. In order to increase the fun of the exhibition, Topbright brought the brand figure Brant, and took photos with the buyers on the spot.
      Among them, the Tebao four-track glider won the annual hot product award, which has accumulated more than 500,000 sets of sales in 2017, and has established a good reputation in the maternal and child-rearing platforms. Product list Mom's word of mouth selection of popular children's toys, popular with the majority of users.
       In addition, this Guangzhou Toy Fair has a domestic hot mom red man MCN organization - 13 hours of the network of red hot moms came to the Tebaoer exhibition site. Each hot mom took a selfie stick in the form of short video, live broadcast, etc., to increase product exposure and make up for the regret that many people can't come to the scene. Hot moms have hailed the variety of toys and functional puzzles of Tebao children. They collectively smashed the goods on the last day of the exhibition.
     With its sophisticated design and functional design that is close to the needs of consumers, Topbright has attracted many buyers to experience and understand the functions of the products. Buyers carefully watched the products placed on the display cabinet, and sometimes took it down to play the research, and asked the on-site staff about the specific functions of the product.
      Topbright is an educational toy brand originated from Europe. It always adheres to the mission of “lighting the talent of children”. It brings together European design and R&D teams and integrates the product development concepts of nature, technology and education. The aged children provide environmentally-friendly, safe and educational wooden toys that follow the rules of the child's physical and mental development. They aim to let children explore, discover and perceive the world in their play and grow up happily in exploration.
The Mixer Truck is Easy to Drive Home topbright,http://www.topbright.vip
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BOA TARDE GALERA SIGAM MEU MAS NOVO CANAL E COMPARTILHA SE ACHAR LEGAL PARA OUTRAS PESSOAS OBG . . . #familiacrescendo #estamosgravidos #agorasomosquatro #canalnoyoutube #zunkyrodas #megaspace #sparrados #expobaixos #tebao #tebaosuspensoes #castorsuspensoes #fixa #7008films #quadrados #vw #volkswagen #choraboy #edemenina #socados_ #socados #lowcarb #natal #presentes #nascimentodejesus #youtube #arvoresdenatal #vídeo #tequileirasdofunk #bomdia #selfie
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Hongyuan Case of Topbright Animation Intellectual Property -topbright,http://www.topbright.vip 
Recently, Zhejiang Hongyuan Toys Co., Ltd. infringed the design patent of the Topbright  brand product “Children's Car (four wheels)” under the Topbright Animation Group Co., Ltd., and won the case with the Topbright Animation Group. The defendant Zhejiang Hongyuan Toys Co., Ltd. and its legal representative Lin Hongbing were judged by the judges of the Intermediate People's Court of Hangzhou in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China. The defendant Hongyuan Toys must immediately stop the implementation of the infringement patent number 201630025073.6 "Children's car (four wheels) The behavior of the patent right is to immediately stop the manufacture of the product involved; at the same time, the defendant Hongyuan Toys shall compensate the Topbright Animation Group Co., Ltd. for its economic losses and RMB 30,000 paid to stop the infringement within 10 days from the effective date of the judgment.
In recent years, Topbright Animation Group Co., Ltd. has always attached great importance to the development and protection of intellectual property. At the development level, intellectual property protection and service units are hired from outside, and in the process of patent application, there is no spare capacity in writing materials and submitting applications. At the protection level, the external related team is entrusted to form a professional rights protection team. Once there is an infringement phenomenon, the active rights promotion process is actively promoted.
The company's brand TOPBRIGHT Tebao, as an educational toy brand originating from Europe, attaches great importance to the design and development of toys. At present, it has 162 toy patents, including 54 utility model patents, such as turtle beats and fishing. Toys, two-in-one table tool, etc., 106 patents for design, such as fruit cutlery, multi-function school bus, chicken drawing board, etc.
Wooden children's walker
The product involved in this infringement is the TOPBRIGHT Tebao children wooden sliding walker. This product is also loved by the majority of consumers, reasonable color matching, childlike styling, left a deep impression on the user.
Defending independent innovation, resolutely defending rights
Upon discovering that Zhejiang Hongyuan Toys manufactures products that infringe on its own patents, TOPBRIGHT Tebaoer actively organizes the initiation of rights protection procedures, assigns lawyers to participate in the whole process, obtains evidence from multiple parties, and actively conducts rights negotiations. In the whole process of rights protection, TOPBRIGHT has always maintained a high degree of rights awareness, using legal weapons to protect its intellectual property rights. In the end, Topbright Animation Group won the case, and Hongyuan Toys compensated Topbright Animation Group for the benefit of infringement of intellectual property rights.
Over the years, Topbright Animation Group has been committed to the protection of intellectual property rights of various products. Once there is an infringement phenomenon, it will rely on legal means to spare no effort to safeguard the rights, highlighting the determination and strength of Topbright Animation Group to firmly protect intellectual property rights.
The Mixer Truck is Easy to Drive Home topbright,http://www.topbright.vip
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Topbright appeared at the China Toy Fair​ -topbright,http://www.topbright.vip 
From October 18th to 22nd, 2017, the 16th China Toy Fair and Play Fair organized by China Toys and Baby Products Association was successfully held in Shanghai. In the E3 Hall of the New International Expo Center, the European design educational toy brand TOPBRIGHT Tebaoer takes the concept of “lighting the child's talent” as the concept, bringing many new educational toys to the exhibition, which is favored by the general public. Among them, many toys such as mane blocks, frog music around beads, multi-function school bus, six-track glider and so on have become popular "star products", which have emerged at the exhibition.
Media coverage
During the Toy Fair, the staff of the Tebao Children's Exhibition Hall lingered, attracting many industry people and mothers and children to come to the media for interviews. As a popular form of new media communication, live broadcast has gradually become a weapon for their media to directly hit the show. For example, the parenting website has a baby video section "Fat Super East Travel Notes: Fun 2018 Shanghai Toys Show", host Fat Chao in the live video to focus on the Tebaoer exhibition area, with everyone on-site experience of the Treasures Many new products. At the same time, well-known mother and child parenting blogger Hu Ma Pan Pan also came to the Tebaoer exhibition hall to broadcast live on the first day of the show, to experience a variety of exhibits, and many netizens interacted on the spot, the live broadcast was very hot.
Play the fair, the Raiders and the big stage
During the 21-22th World Expo, the Tebaoer exhibition area is one of the most popular exhibition halls in the whole building. The venue is crowded and lively. A variety of new products and toy experience areas have attracted many parents and children to stop and experience play. The special design of the Raiders of the Treasures, the Central Grand Stage and other activities have brought parents and children a good opportunity for parent-child interaction. When children experience the fun of Tebao children's toys, they feel the joy of their parents.
Donated toys to help public welfare projects
It is reported that this exhibition, Tebaoer provides a lot of exhibits for the official platform low-child toy display area, including gliders, multi-purpose school buses, turtle beats and so on. The products that participated in the exhibition will be donated to the “China Children and Teenagers' Fund” to give children in need the opportunity to play the Tebao children's educational toys and open the door to the new world. This is in line with the sense of corporate social responsibility that Tebao is committed to participating in various public welfare projects in recent years.
Over the years, TOPBRIGHT has been committed to the concept of “lighting the talent of children” and hopes to provide environmentally friendly, safe and educational toys for children aged 0-6 worldwide through this exhibition. The law is designed to let children explore, discover and perceive the world in their play, and grow up happily in exploration!
The Mixer Truck is Easy to Drive Home topbright,http://www.topbright.vip
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Topbright Animation Win Intellectual Property Case -topbright,http://www.topbright.vip 
Recently, Fujian Mingta Toys Co., Ltd. infringed the design patent of the TOPBRIGHT Tebaoer brand product “Sliding Track” under the Topbright Animation Group Co., Ltd., and won the case with the Topbright Animation Group. Under the mediation of the Wenzhou Intermediate Court Judge, the two parties reached a settlement. The defendant Mingta Toys Co., Ltd. stopped manufacturing and selling the products suspected of infringing the "car track" appearance patent, destroyed the mold and the remaining infringing product inventory, and compensated the plaintiff Topbright. The Group's economic loss is RMB 50,000. If it is manufactured, sold and promised by Mingta Toys Co., Ltd. three months after the signing of the agreement, it is suspected that the plaintiff Topbright Animation Group Co., Ltd. “sliding track” design patent The product should be compensated to the plaintiff Topbright Animation Group Co., Ltd. for RMB 200,000.
      In recent years, Topbright Animation Group Co., Ltd. has always attached great importance to the development and protection of intellectual property. At the development level, intellectual property protection and service units are hired from outside, and in the process of patent application, there is no spare capacity in writing materials and submitting applications. At the protection level, the external related team is entrusted to form a professional rights protection team. Once there is an infringement phenomenon, the active rights promotion process is actively promoted.
     The company's brand TOPBRIGHT Tebao, as an educational toy brand originating from Europe, attaches great importance to the design and development of toys. At present, it has 144 toy patents, including 47 utility model patents, such as racing rails, two One-piece drawing board, two-in-one table tool table, etc., 97 patents of design, such as nut tool cart, multi-function school bus, shape cognitive mixer and so on.
Wooden Racing Truck
      The product pulley track involved in this infringement is the star explosion product of TOPBRIGHT. It is reported that in 2017, the cumulative sales exceeded 500,000 sets, and at the same time established a good reputation in the major maternal and child rearing platforms, and the popular children's toys in the year of the 2017 childcare net celebrity list, which is popular among the users. This product was independently developed and designed by the TOPBRIGHT Tebaoer R&D team. As early as July 6, 2016, it has obtained the patent license for the appearance patent of the relevant department.
Defending independent innovation, resolutely defending rights
       Upon discovering that Mingta Toys sold products infringing its own patents in the market, TOPBRIGHT Tebaoer actively organized the initiation of rights protection procedures, appointed lawyers to intervene throughout the process, obtained evidence from multiple parties, and contacted the infringers to actively carry out rights negotiations. In the whole process of rights protection, TOPBRIGHT has always maintained a high degree of rights awareness, and righteously took up legal weapons to protect its intellectual property rights. Finally, the two parties reached a settlement agreement, and Mingta Toys compensated Topbright Animation Group for the benefits of infringement of intellectual property rights.
     Over the years, Topbright Animation Group has been committed to the protection of intellectual property rights of various products. Once there is an infringement phenomenon, it will rely on legal means to spare no effort to safeguard rights. At present, there are still several rights defending cases actively following up, involving a variety of products such as tetrahedron, hexahedron and seal jigsaw, highlighting the determination and strength of Topbright Animation Group to firmly protect intellectual property rights.
The Mixer Truck is Easy to Drive Home topbright,http://www.topbright.vip
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Topbright Help Children Grow Safely - topbright,http://www.topbright.vip 
On the occasion of the 315 International Consumer Rights Day, in order to promote safe consumption, the China Toys and Baby Products Association, in conjunction with Jingdong Maternal and Infant, launched the 3,16 toy and baby products safety commitment brand purchase activities. As a member of the "Safety Commitment Brand", Topbright actively responds to this event and promises to help promote safe growth and escort a good childhood.
Background origin
     In 2013, the China Toys and Baby Products Association launched the "Caring for Children, Safety Starts with Me – Brand Self-discipline China Tour" campaign. Brands who have settled in the "Safety Commitment Brand" have taken their responsibility to "care for children's growth and safety from me" and make a solemn commitment to ensure product quality and safety.
     In the past 4 years, this activity has attracted the participation of major mother-and-baby brands across the country with its far-reaching influence. By the end of 2016, a total of 142 enterprises and 201 brands have been approved as "safety commitment brands".
Activity: Safe Consumption general mobilization
        On the occasion of the 315 International Consumer Rights Protection Day, the China Play Association, Jingdong Mother and Baby United Toys and Baby Products Safety Commitment Brand launched the "Safety Commitment Brand Consumption Festival", which aims to enable consumers to purchase without leaving home. Affordable and quality products, advocate the awareness of safe consumption among the whole people, supervise consumer safety, and build a healthy, safe, secure and trustworthy consumer environment.
      Topbright actively responded to the call of this event, and launched a special sale on the Jingdong Mother and Baby Platform, which will make more concessions for consumers, while ensuring the same safety quality, so that consumers can buy and buy at an affordable price.
Topbright: Help for Safety
       To ensure the safety and safety of children when using toys, and to ensure the safety and quality of children's toys, it is the responsibility that Tebao has to shoulder. Topbright always adheres to the mission of "lighting the child's talent" and is also the initial heart of Topbright.
       Since its founding 28 years ago, Topbright Animation Group, the parent company of topbright brand, has not forgotten its original intentions, and has gathered many European designs. It uses a lot of natural and environmentally friendly materials such as logs, environmentally friendly plastics and fabrics to make children happy and parents feel at ease. Safety toys.
     Selected imported wood, from material to processing, adhere to environmental protection and natural; use water-soluble pigment children's paint, higher than EU standards, environmentally friendly and non-toxic bite; strictly control the production of toys from the initial material to the final quality of each quality inspection process Through the seven safety inspection certifications such as GSV\BSCI\ICTI\EN71\ASTM... strictly control each production and processing process, so that all families who choose Treasure can be assured and assured.
      It is reported that this year's safety commitment brand shopping festival will last from March 16 to March 18 for three days. As a member of the "Safety Commitment Brand", Tebao will continue to support the activities sponsored by the Association and respond to the "Best for Children" call to provide parents and children with products that are safe and secure to buy. Practice corporate social responsibility.
The Mixer Truck is Easy to Drive Home topbright,http://www.topbright.vip
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Topbright’s Team Building for Double Eleven Successfully Held​ - topbright,http://www.topbright.vip 
From September 23rd to 24th, in order to enhance team cohesion and motivate everyone to face the double eleven in 2017, Topbright Animation Group's Topbright e-commerce team has more than 44 employees and conducted a two-day double in Lishui, Zhejiang. Eleven mobilization and team development activities. The event was successfully held smoothly. Everyone relaxed in the laughter and laughter, and enhanced team cohesion and belonging in the intense and enthusiastic expansion project.
At 8:30 in the morning of September 23, the staff packed up and drove from Rui'an to the ancient scenic spot of Lishui, a famous scenic spot in Lishui. After a hearty lunch, the employees went to the ancient painting town for a moment. , ushered in the highlight of the event - to expand the game.
All the staff were divided into 4 teams - the Red Eagles, the Wolves, the Lions, and the Angry Tebao team. After the introduction of the magnificent team, the fierce official activities began. Under the guidance of the team leader, the team development project was conducted in the form of team-to-team competition. After the bamboo arrow throwing pot, thousands of thousands of feet, relay dribble, brush writing and other rounds of projects, successfully decided the victory team of this event - the Lion King! The winning team members received a small gift carefully prepared by the team leader, and the backward team received a small punishment. The atmosphere of the event was warm, and the whole process of cheers and shouts continued.
The Lion King, where the employee Xiao Li is located, won. He is very happy. "I think today's expansion game is fun and meaningful. Especially in the relay dribble, it is a test of collaboration. There are several times when the ball falls to the ground. It’s all the colleagues who take the lead to successfully reach the end. I hope that during the double eleventh of this year, everyone can be so united and sprint to our goal!"
In addition to the intense expansion projects, there are also easy projects for everyone to relax. On the second day of the tour, under the guidance of the tour guide, everyone visited the Shimendong Scenic Area of the 4A-level scenic spot and visited the scenic spots such as "The Cliff Inscription", "Folding Cliff Waterfall" and "Liu Wencheng Gongyu". Relax yourself in the beauty and sweep away the tiredness of working on weekdays.
Looking back at this unique team development activity, there is fatigue and sweat, but more is excitement, a sense of accomplishment, and unity and cohesion. I believe that all colleagues will continue to carry forward the spirit of mutual trust, unity and innovation in the next work, and face the 2017 double eleven with a new look, and re-create sales!
The Mixer Truck is Easy to Drive Home topbright,http://www.topbright.vip
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