belveal · 7 years
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#bigd17 #TechDeco (at Belveal Art Studio, Frisco TX)
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diveimmersion · 5 years
TechDeco The new app on the block, and it´s good
TechDeco The new app on the block, and it´s good
Are you looking for a decompression planner app for Android? Look no farther!
Disclaimer: This is only for Android and I don’t know the developer.
The user interface (UI) is quite simple but effective, this includes the display and how the user interact with the input and output information. Everything needs to be manage through settings, for example the Gradient Factors GF[low/high]with the…
View On WordPress
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coup2gueule-blog · 9 years
Campagnes électorales
Ahah, les élections des BDE approchent, c’est le moment pour ceux qui se présentent d’afficher leur potes dans des positions pas très sympathiques, si vous voyez ce qu’on veut dire : au lit avec leur plan Q du soir, photo en boîte complètement arrachés, photos à poil, photos de bouteilles de vodka vides, etc... tout ça pour attirer du peuple.
En gros, ces gens sont prêts à se faire une bonne réputation de merde sur Facebook ( voir twitter ? ) tout ça pour pouvoir organiser des soirées en boîtes l’année prochaine.  Liens FB des 2 principaux BDE actuellement en gue-guerre ( mais chut faut pas le dire ils préfèrent faire les faux-culs ! )
Comme dans les élections normales : TOUT EST BON POUR GAGNER DES VOIX
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justinstoned · 13 years
On hectic days like this I have to remember the amazing tribe of creatives that I humbly find myself surrounded by. With out my friends, muses, lovers and mentors that grace my day to day life- I'd just be yet another self loathing computer nerd with nothing to do. Thank you Scoot, Walt, Chris, Burbank, Johny and the others I'll be posting today. I love them and so should you. LIKE REBLOG REPEAT
my head & heart
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coup2gueule-blog · 9 years
1 semaine est passée et...
L’occasion était trop belle pour ne pas passer ses nuits en boîtes avec les “best”... Pourquoi se priver quand on peut se taper tout le monde, tout le temps ...
Ah au fait, pour certaines personnes de TC, pour ceux qui n’ont pas encore / plus copulé depuis longtemps, il suffit, on cite : “d’aller faire un tour en boîte et ce sera réglé” Bien la réputation ?
Allez, bonne journée....
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coup2gueule-blog · 9 years
C’est les vacances !!
L’occasion pour nos chers tc d’aller se taper n’importe qui en boîte sans avoir la/le petit/e ami/e sur le dos !!!
N’oubliez pas les partiels et surtout vos “campagnes électorales bde”
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coup2gueule-blog · 9 years
Rigole avec eux sur un sujet un jour, soit sur/e qu'ils te planteraient un couteau dans le dos le lendemain pour le même sujet
mentalité techdeco
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coup2gueule-blog · 9 years
Les couples en tc
Alors, “ connaître l’amour en tc” : impossible, enfin si, si vous êtes quelqu’un/e qui adore être infidèle et qui passe sa vie a “pécho de la meuf / du mâle en boîte tous les jeudi soirs” (Même si vous êtes en couple ça passera, ils s’en foutent). Exemple : Plusieurs mecs et filles de la promotion sont en couple et pourtant ça  ne les empêche pas de taper à côté ou de mater des profils Facebook et de baver sur des filles / mecs en amphi.... Si vous saviez ce qu’on peut entendre vous rigoleriez bien. Et le pire c’est que le copain / la copine en question ne se doute de rien, plus c’est gros plus ça passe ( se taper la meuf/le mec de son/sa pote vite fait par exemple)
En somme :
Fuyez tc si vous cherchez quelqu’un de “normal”, ou faîtes tc, mais ne comptez pas sur les personnes de la promotion pour vous apportez un quelconque brin de fidélité ( se référer à l’article précédent ).
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coup2gueule-blog · 9 years
BOIRE,BOUFFER,BAISER, c'est la devise des tc !
Vu sur la page du WEI, au final c’était vrai vu les rumeurs qui couraient (et qui étaient vraies en plus) après celui-ci.... On vous sortira les plus beaux dossiers des personnes tc.
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coup2gueule-blog · 9 years
Bonjour à toi, visiteur, ici tu verras ce qui se passe vraiment en DUT tech de co, les faux-culs, les cours en amphi, les profs chiants et enfin les (rares) moments drôles. Des photos seront publiées de tc, de n’importe qui, n’importe quand et n’importe où.
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techdeco · 13 years
[BLOG] Social Networking and Social Media Infographics
Infographics have become the method of choice to communicate data, facts, figures and statistics about a given topic.
Social media has fueled their growth and popularity, and there have been a large number of social media infographics created over the past year.
Whether you’re interested in analyzing the growth and history of social networking, or you want to break down a given social network and analyze it, there are plenty of social networking infographics to provide all the data you could need, in an easy to read format.
We’ve gathered up 60 informative social networking infographics and social media infographics that will show you the differences, growth and social network demographics, as well as the rise in social media advertising spending, social media addiction, and where the blogosphere may be headed next.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing it with your favorite social network, it would only make sense to after all.
Class of 2011 – If Social Media Was a Highschool
The Biggest Shift
The 2010 Social Network Map
Foursquare vs Gowalla – Who Won the Geolocation War?
The Gender Balance on Social Networking Sites
When Social Media ATTACKS!
Facebook vs Twitter
MySpace – From Hot To Not
The Do’s and Don’t’s of Social Media for Businesses
The Amazing Rise (and Inevitable Fall?) of Groupon
Social Networks Across the World
Age Distribution of Social Networks
Breakdown of the Blogosphere
Facebook vs Twitter
How People Tweet – What Twitter Tools People Use
If Facebook Was a Country
The Profile of a Twitter User
The History of Social Networking
Building a Company with Social Media
Understanding the Google Buzz Privacy Impact
The Rise in Social Networking Ad Spending
The Web Before Twitter
The Web After Twitter
Why LinkedIn Must Play a Role in Your Career
How Social Media Strengthens Companies
How Executives are Using Social Media
The Journey of a Tweet
Social Web Involvement
Twitter Territory in the United States
Who Participates Online?
How Well Are Newspapers Using Facebook?
Twitter Stats – If the Community Was 100 People
The Art of Listening – Social Media Style
The Hectic Schedule of a Social Media Manager
The Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
Twitter PR Strategy
Inside the Political Twittersphere
Inside the Political Twittersphere II
The Internet’s Undersea World
How People Share Content on the Web
Donut Marketing
How Twitter Got Attacked by a DDoS
The Boom of Social Sites
The Spectrum of Online Relationships
Balance Your Media Diet
Google Facts and Figures
How Mobile Devices Change Social Media
How Fortune 100 Companies are Leveraging Social Media
Social Marketing Compass
The Social Media Effect
The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication
How the World Spends Its Time Online
A Day in the Internet
The Jazzy Rise of WordPress
Popular Site Demographics
Social Media Addiction
Social Media Spending
The Truth About Infographics
Visualizing 6 Years of Facebook
Women in Social Media
Related articles
Schools.com Launches Infographic That Details How College Admissions Use Social Media (prweb.com)
Advocating on/for Social Media (lenasbeat.wordpress.com)
Who Profits From Social Media? (smallbusinessmavericks.com)
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techdeco · 13 years
[COMIC] MYTHFITS: Another delightful day in the beautiful relationship between Robot & Unicorn
Mythfits: A blog comic by Justin Winslow ©2007-2011
Created by illustrator Justin Winslow, MYTHFITS is a popular blog with a loyal following.
As well as posting regular comic strips, Justin sells t-shirts based on his designs. One of the more unique features of the MYTHFITS blog is Justin’s use of web polls to poll his followers on what should happen next in the story.
This is a great touch, and really makes the blog feel like more of a community.
Related articles
Create a Comic Blog using WordPress [ComicPress] (shoutmeloud.com)
The cartoonist and the creator (redletterbelievers.blogspot.com)
Bleeker strip bridges online, comics page (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
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techdeco · 13 years
[BLOG] The Four-Day Workweek: Pros and Cons
When you know a three-day weekend is just around the corner, do you try hard to tie up loose ends during the week so you can enjoy it? I know I do.
When you get back to work on a Tuesday, doesn’t the rest of the week seem to fly by?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a four-day workweek every week? You can!
When faced with a short workweek I know I am more productive during business hours.
Here are some other benefits:
People have more time to spend with their families.
Employees save money on commuting to and from work.
The business saves money on energy costs.
Studies show that employees with a four-day workweek are more productive and happier overall.
But there are drawbacks, too. Working 10 hours a day isn’t for everyone.
When thinking about creating a four-day workweek, people tend to think about how great it will be to have more time away from the office rather than how increasing their workday by two hours may affect them and their families. Less time in the day outside of work means less time for running errands on your workdays. Another drawback is the fact that just because you only work four days a week, it doesn’t mean your customers don’t need you on your “off” day. Some companies can’t shut their doors for one day a week because of the nature of their business. If there are enough employees to stagger the 5th day off, this may work for you—some employees get Monday off and some Friday.
TGIT: Thank God It’s Thursday
The state of Utah instituted a four-day workweek in 2008 for most state employees, and researchers found that 79% of employees reported a positive experience with the four days a week/10 hours a day routine and 63% of the employees reported increased productivity. The same employees also reported lower levels of work-family conflict and higher levels of job satisfaction.
Utah also found that by implementing a four-day workweek their employees saved $6 million in gasoline costs and cut the state’s greenhouse-gas emissions by 12,000 metric tons a year.
Companies large and small across the country are looking for ways to save money. Pensions, as we’ve seen in the news, are a hot button topic. Many companies are not offering the same things to their employees that they used to—namely 401(k)s and health insurance. A four-day workweek, a plus to many, might just be the thing that keeps disgruntled workers happy and in their jobs. A shorter week could also be a big perk when hiring new employees. And a healthy work life balance is becoming more and more important to people.
Predicting the Future
Pretty soon those Generation X-ers (born from 1965–1978) everyone has been complaining about for decades are going to be at the age where they are the decision makers in business. And Generation Y (born from 1979–2000) are looking to do things differently than their parents’ generation. Big changes are in store—and one of those changes could possibly be an altered workweek.
A lot of people don’t even need to show up at the office anymore to do their work, and are already working an altered workweek — albeit virtually. Heck, working 40 hours might very well become passé over the next 10 years! We won’t know until we get there.
But before you implement a four-day workweek you need to do some homework. Find out what your goals are. Are they to keep employees happy? Save money on energy costs? Cut down on traveling expenses? Know what you want to achieve and institute a way to measure the results to see if it’s working or not.
You also want to talk to your employees. The people who will have the hardest time with a four-day workweek are parents who have children in daycare. Give them some warning and find out how they will deal with the schedule change.
Fortunately a four-day workweek isn’t a new idea—so there are lots of people out there that can give you their two cents. But summer is right around the corner — a great time to try out the four-day workweek…if you ask me!
Related articles
Why did working people get five-day workweeks (wiki.answers.com)
The Four-Day Workweek Is Winning Fans (time.com)
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techdeco · 13 years
[EVENT] Banksy at MOCA’s “Art In the Streets”
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Of course, Banksy was the “special guest” today at MOCA’s Art In the Streets.
The best kept non-secret had a large space next to Street Market, Jamie Reid, and a fantastic mural by Mode 2.
Banksy brought in some really nice paintings, and a very large construction vehicle to, you know, hang out in a museum.
Related articles
How to Sell a Banksy (rdvculture.wordpress.com)
Banksy in disguise? (clicksmedia.wordpress.com)
Banksy-fied “Elephant” Tank Was Actually Somebody’s Home (laist.com)
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techdeco · 13 years
[EVENT] Facebook Pages Gone Wild
This post is by Lori Randall Stradtman, who designs WordPress sites and blogs about social media trends at Social Media Design and Social Media Examiner.
Almost a year ago I created my first, my personal, Facebook Fan Page.
I’d resisted the pull, the allure, and enticement of Facebook algorithms no longer and plunged face first into the world of my own company’s Facebook Marketing.
It’s been an exciting, enjoyable year and now it’s time for me to give back by sponsoring this one and only, first ever
Pages Gone Wild, Spring Break 2011
Yes, it’s never been done before. Yes, it’s a little wild and reckless.
But I’m creating an event that will introduce your own Facebook Page to more people than ever before at one time unless you’ve bought a LOT of advertising!
This is free and fun.
Here’s how it works:
I’ve created an open Facebook Event called “Pages Gone Wild, Spring Break 2011.”
Everybody shares a link to their Facebook Page.
Everybody likes everybody else’s Page.
On Friday, April 29th at 5:00 EST I verify who’s liked everybody on the Page.
Monday morning I publish a huge “Pages Gone Wild, Spring Break 2011″ post with everybody’s picture and a link to their Page.
The post will go out to well over 100,000 people even if it doesn’t go viral.
Who says Spring Break is just for kids?! 
You did what?!
Know anybody with a Band, a Book, or a Business that would like some free publicity and to make lots of new friends?
Please share this.
Related articles
How to Create a Vanity URL for Your Facebook Page (lorirs.com)
[TIP] Facebook Page Changes: What’s In It For You? (billyburgwick.org)
Facebook is working on placing Facebook ads on sites (mbcalyn.wordpress.com)
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techdeco · 13 years
[BODY] Marko’s Tips: Hair In Between Seasons?
So April is a weird season …
You’re over bundling up, feeling drab, and are just ready for a change.
It’s not quite warm enough to really switch it up and you’re not really sure if you’re ready to brightening up to full on Spring/Summer since it’s still Winter/Spring and your budget doesn’t quite allow you to go in for a little spruce up now and then again next month.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret to bump up your hair and give it a little pop to hold you over a few weeks until it really is season to hit that head with some highlights.
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Warning: Now you must follow these directions ultra precise or risk your hair turning ORANGE!
Only do this once in between professional color or you will turn ORANGE!
Not following my advice will result in ORANGE hair.
This is for ALL hair color and types.
Items Needed:
Get yourself a box of: L’Oreal Dream Blonde; 8G (Sunflower Princess), 2 minute timer, shampoo & conditioner.
Mix the L’Oreal Dream Blonde; 8G (Sunflower Princess) (according to directions) …
Then pour it into a bowl .. Add 5 tablespoons of shampoo and mix it up ….
Now hop in the shower.. Wet hair… Shampoo your hair with the mixture … As soon as you apply it to head start the timer .. Work in into a lather for only 2 minutes ..
Rinse thoroughly … Shampoo and condition as you normally do.
Now you’re pumped up
Be sure to tell your colorist you did this, so they are aware of it and don’t run into any problems.
Platonic Fey Contribitor Marko Tomassetti
When it comes to hair, Marko Tomassetti’s passion is working with natural pigment. He believes that hair color should be within two shades of its natural color. His philosophy is, “it may not be your natural color, but it should look like it is.”
Marko’s professional career began in 1996 at the age of 19 when he apprenticed under Louis Licari at his eponymous NYC salon. He then moved to the Jose Eber Salon where his hard work earned him the honor of becoming youngest colorist in the company’s history.
Marko continued his career at the famous Privé Salon where he honed and perfected his color techniques.
He splits his time between Sally Hershberger Downtown in the Meatpacking District and Sally Hershberger Los Angeles.
Related articles
Fashionista Hair Day (limehappy.wordpress.com)
Dry Haircare (coolhunting.com)
Vidal Sassoon’s Bad Hair Day (kennethinthe212.com)
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