#technically a headcanon specific to that verse but I finally got to elaborate it with proper reasoning :')
incandescentia · 7 months
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I think I talked about it before with Shi, but there is actually a good reason why Basaraverse Megohime holds off childbearing for a while in her early 20s (she's around 18-20 at the start of the series… basically just put her a few months to a year below Masamune) If you look at onscreen couples in SB, none of them are depicted having a child, even couples who have been married for longer like Matsu and Toshiie (I assume Oichi and Nagamasa haven't been married for that long?) has no children shown on screen. With how chaotic their universe works, it's safe to assume that having a child would be one of the last priorities a ruler could have before they finally settle for real. Marriage to secure alliance and potential future heirs is one thing, but childbearing is another thing that requires a good amount of commitment. When Masamune is out on a campaign, she often stays behind in Oshu as the temporary castellan of Aoba Castle, so rearing a child would surely take most of her attention away from what she's currently doing (yes, the domestic job as a castellan is not as easy as it looks) and it would be even riskier when the territory is suddenly under attack. Of course, with how often the army march out from Oshu, the child would also not see his/her father often and Megohime doesn't want the child to cultivate a fatherless behavior (hdjdkslsl idk how to word it) since young. Well... in the end, whenever they want to have a child is up to him as the clan leader, and Megohime would have to be ready for it in any moment. I can totally imagine her saying that very last line while blushing and looking away, LOL.
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