#technically i'm defending him in this post so do i have to tag it anti keefe?
the-way-astray · 1 year
keefe is my least favorite kotlc character and even i know that he was not "basically waiting around for sophie and fitz to break up" during legacy. like. don't spread misinformation about a character just because you don't like them. especially when there are other valid criticisms to make about the character or their actions.
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
You hate Jared for no reason? Funny, I remember you giving multiple reasons for not being a huge fan of his anymore...I say anymore, because I'm pretty sure I also watched you go from a pretty big supporter and defender of Jared, to being a realist about his actions and attitude over the past year. In fact, unless I made it all up, you didn't actually start using an anti tag for him until a few months ago.
It must've been my imagination. Obviously no one could ever take issue with such a saint with any shred of objectivity. You must be a heller or an AA, right? It's not like anyone could have an issue with him assulting people, doxxing people, being fake woke for clout while remaining tone deaf, using MHI as an excuse instead of an explanation while trying to be a spokesperson for mental health, refusing to grow up or apologize, using his fame to exploit his fans for even more money than he already gets for royalties and current show while supporting his wife's TOWWN hooey, using his fans as weapons, complaning about his children 80% of the time he brings them up, traveling to a foreign country in the middle of a pandemic for a vacation and acting surprised when the entire family caught the illness after returning, throwing public temper tantrums, or anything else that has concrete physical evidence, unless they were a heller or an AA, right?
And they certainly never make up lies or stretch truths to push their narrative. NEVER! Jared stans are clearly rational and clear headed beings not at all blinded by their biases!🙄
I swear, the stan's hypocrisy knows no bounds. Anyway, we love you Grumpy. Stay awesome.
I did! If you look at the earlier posts on this blog, it was like a different atmosphere. I defended Jared and felt sorry for him, but then I quickly ran out of reasons to defend him and THAT'S OKAY. You can still be a fan of someone and not agree with everything they do. I was technically probably still a "fan" of Jared's as recently as this year, but eventually I got tired of defending him and supporting him.
The reasons and "proof" I post and post and post are just ignored. Even the stans who were flooding my notifications yesterday all ignored the post where I presented one of them with a list of "proof". Really convenient. But I don't expect anything less from people who are obsessed with someone who is in denial himself.
Oh yes, obviously I'm an AA and a heller. You caught me. I like Jensen, but I wouldn't consider myself an AA, that's for sure. All those reasons you listed are just rumors and gossip! Jared's changed and remember all the charity he does in the public eye for everyone to see!!!! Those service workers deserved to be doxxed and the employee probably egged him on!!! Jared's fans are so levelheaded and rational!!
Grumpy loves you too!! Stay awesome and stay funny!
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