#technically my unit design for him???????(? im not tagging that however
f0rgetf0rgetting · 1 year
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old art style practice with wxs kaito (feat gakupo and miku)
also art inspired in the art style of the anime gankutsuou uhhh
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dessarious · 5 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt45
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
“I hope the girls are alright. I can’t believe we got separated.” Luka’s words made Damian hate his life even more. He’d practically had to drag the other boy away so Marinette could transform and now he was stuck pretending to cower behind a building to keep Luka safe. It was insulting and a complete waste of his skills.
“I’m sure they’re fine.” As soon as the words left his mouth Discorde was thrown over their heads and Ladybug swung under to catch her. Technically he was right, for the moment. He and Luka however were directly in the line of fire. He grabbed the other boy and pulled him into the warehouse they’d been behind. Luckily the Akuma wasn’t causing physical damage.
“You seem tense.” Damian just glared at the other boy. “I mean more than usual and more than you normally do even during an attack.” He looked away hoping Luka would just drop it. He had no wish to discuss even the things he could. Luka just started humming and Damian felt himself relax.
“Stop doing that!” It was bad enough when his own urges and training made it hard to control himself, but he wasn’t going to let someone else manipulate him like this. Luka stopped and looked hurt. Damn it. “I don’t want to be distracted by whatever your abilities are and I don’t like being manipulated.”
“I told you I’m not Meta, but I am sorry if you feel I’ve been influencing you against your will. You’re a bit high strung and I was just trying to help so you don’t get Akumatized.” Damian just rolled his eyes, even as he felt something… it wasn’t gratitude exactly but something close. He felt his cheeks heat as well and was suddenly glad the lighting was so bad. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk? I’m a good listener and it might help.”
“Marinette says the same thing. Talk doesn’t fix problems, actions do.” Luka smiled and Damian felt more heat in his face.
“Perhaps, but talking things out can give you more or better ideas on how to act.” Damian sat with his back against the wall and remained stubbornly silent. Engaging with people in these types of arguments rarely went well for him anyway. Luka started humming again for a moment before he caught himself. Unfortunately he started fidgeting instead.
“Fine, just hum. Bouncing your leg like that is even more annoying.” He was going to go insane stuck in here with a civilian while Marinette of all people was out there being a hero. The universe had a terrible sense of humor. The boy started humming again but Damian refused to let it relax him. “Why can’t you just be still and silent? You do know how to meditate I believe.”
“Why can’t you just let me do what makes me happy without assuming it’s all about you?” As soon as the words left his mouth Damian could see the regret in his eyes. He wanted to respond but his immediate reaction was to apologize and he wasn’t sure he wanted to do that. Ever since he’d met Luka the boy had been messing with his head. It was perfectly reasonable for him to assume it was being done on purpose.
“You’re just mad because I��m calling you on your bullshit when no one else does.” Default: hostility. Thank you League of Assassins. Luka was now looking at him like a kicked puppy and Damian had an almost overwhelming urge to hug him. He didn’t hug people. Where the hell did that thought even come from?
“Music is the only thing I understand. It’s how I communicate and observe the world around me. I’m sorry if you have a problem with that but I’m not going to give up my only link to the world around me because you feel like throwing a hissy fit instead of talking about your real problems.” Damian could only sputter as he tried to find an argument.  
“I do not throw hissy fits.” His words came out as more of an annoyed hiss than anything else. How dare he even imply such a thing. Luka had the audacity to roll his eyes.
“You claim I’m annoyed with you for calling me out when the truth is you’re scared of being around me and you don’t know why. Not to mention you’re the one who has an issue with people pointing out your problems.” Luka was up and pacing now. At least he wasn’t the only one agitated.
“I’m not scared of anything least of all you!” Luka stalked towards him with a strange smirk on his face.
“Oh really? Then why do you refuse to be around me without the girls there to act like a buffer? Why does my music bother you so much? Why do you run away anytime I get too close?” Luka was leaning over him invading his personal space. Everything in him was screaming at him to either get away or get closer. None of this made sense. He couldn’t run, not with Luka daring him to, but he couldn’t come up with any other plan of action. His head felt fuzzy and all he could concentrate on was the fire in Luka’s eyes. He’d never seen the other boy act aggressive. That had to be the problem.
“I’m not scared of you.” His voice was weak even in his own ears. “I just don’t like being around people who are liabilities.” As soon as the words were out, he wanted them back. He meant them, but not in the way most people would assume. Honestly he wasn’t completely sure what he meant by them. Luka opened his mouth to respond, but cocked his head in thought instead. He was looking for something, or listening Damian supposed. Whatever he heard caused his gaze to soften and Damian felt like something in his chest loosened.
“Okay then.” He moved to sit next to Damian with their shoulders touching. What the hell was that?
AO3   Beginning   Previous    Next
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