#technically solimiller but mostly background
myaoiboy · 11 months
u got me reaaaal interested in Otacon x Kaz 👀👀👀
I've been meaning to write some of this out for a while so... (a bunch of brain-barf under the cut)
Okay it's worth saying i have like. 3 or 4 distinct versions of Kaz that stew in my brain with varying levels of canon/fanon/hc influence so just know that like. I'm fully aware of the level of delusion I'm on lmao
First off if you want some fic recs, this is maybe my favorite fic of all time (it currently ends on a cliffhanger fyi, if you're someone that doesn't like reading unfinished fics) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22810450/chapters/54512233
And this is another fic I like a lot, that kind of influenced my characterization of kaz https://archiveofourown.org/works/35337892/chapters/88074730
I feel like Kaz probably originally has some hostility towards Otacon because of Huey. He assumes that much like Snake share's Big Boss's positive traits, Otacon is likely to share some of Huey's traits. He starts out being kind of a dick, Snake probably has to be the one to tell him to tone it down because Otacon is *terrified* of him, absolutely scared to death.
I'm extremely split between accepting canon and being a firm "Kaz didn't die in Alaska" truther, and then split again on what he would do if he didn't die. I think that canon!kaz, if he were spared, would probably fuck off and never be seen again, least of all by Snake. But I think it's more fun if he realizes he holds a guilty conscience for using Snake to kill his ex, and ends up helping with Philanthropy, doing the cooking and bookkeeping for the three of them while Otacon hacks shit and Snake is the boots on the ground.
I think that if he's even capable of feeling guilty, he does at first, inserting himself into whatever they have going on. He's a grouchy old guy and it was already pretty shady to hook up with Snake while he was mentoring him, but now it's a whole different ball game. He knows on a basic human decency level that he should let them be young and together, but decency has never stopped him from doing anything before, so why should it now?
At first, it's just a continuation of his old thing with Snake, and Otacon avoids them both HARD. They hadn't talked about exclusivity (why bother when you're way out in the backcountry? and then always on the run?) so he doesn't figure he has the right to feel hurt.
Kaz definitely is a little smug, but less at Otacon's expense and more in a "still got it" kind of way, and that adds insult to injury. Otacon and Snake have a fight at some point while Kaz is out on a run or a grocery trip, both are kind of assholes, both are kind of right.
It's later while Otacon is tuning up Kaz's prosthetics (it's not like he gets support from the VA when "McDonnel Benedict" Miller is, you know, very much supposed to be dead, so that's Otacon's job now) that they're alone for any substantial length of time. Otacon is, understandably, kind of pissed with him, but never going to say that unprompted, but there's a tension you could cut with a knife. He does intentionally fuck up sensation calibration just once, and it hurts Kaz just a little. Makes him feel just a little better about the whole situation.
Kaz is the first one to speak up and apologizes (poorly, because my man is nothing if not kind of awful at considering other people over his own hedonism) for getting between snake and otacon. He probably also mentions how much Otacon reminds him of Strangelove, in hopes of smoothing things over somewhat. There's probably a weepy conversation about her.
Because the process requires quite a bit of contact (some may say manhandling) Otacon definitely starts to get what Snake sees in Kaz. A touch lingers a little too long while he's re-fitting his arm, or he leaves a hand too long on Kaz's thigh, or he just plain doesn't realize how close his face has gotten to Kaz's, and the next thing he knows he's kissing that old man.
It's pretty chaste between them at that moment but definitely within the next few days they're all three sharing the same bed.
NOBODY has talked with Snake about any of this, and while there's some nagging thought in the back of his mind that it's funny how fast Otacon's opinions of Kaz have flipped, he's mostly just glad they're getting along. Though he IS a bit miffed when he doesn't get to be the middle, I feel.
Weird side note I feel like Otacon deserves Kaz to be a soft dom with a lot of praise. Not sure how in-character I could make that though.
I kind of wonder how much he would be into Hal as his own person as opposed to a way to get back at huey, much like how I think a lot about how much he likes snake as snake vs as BB's son. Or alternately as BB/Ocelot's weird memetic-brother, bc we know he knows about that.
So yeah that's me rambling headcanons about otakaz/otasoilimiller for probably way too long lmaoooo
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