#technically the last day but we DO take late contributions so don't feel stressed out too much
fuckyeahspones · 2 years
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✨12 Days of Spones : December 12th to 23rd 2022✨
DAY 12
Today is the last day! However, don’t worry, if you didn’t make it this time, we’ll be taking late contributions for a week after the event ends!
We’ll also be sharing the creations made for this event on our blog for the next twelve days. There also will be a daily reminder post with information about the event and how to participate, for those who need it.
What is it? The 12 Days of Spones is an annual, winter themed event dedicated to creating fanworks for the duo of Spock & McCoy. Everyone is allowed to participate, and as long as it’s a fanwork, it’s totally acceptable! Headcanons, meta, art, videos, fic, edits, fanmixes/playlists, gifs, etc!
How to participate? All you have to do is make a fanwork that’s winter themed or inspired that features Spock and/or McCoy. Be sure to tag contributions with #12DaysOfSpones and/or mention @fuckyeahspones​ if posting on tumblr. For AO3, the collection name is 12DaysOfSpones2022. For more details, check out this post.
Unsure of what to make? These prompts/themes are optional but if you’re lacking inspiration, these can be used for ideas.
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[ID: A graphic titled PROMPTS with 11 words underneath: beginnings, ice skating, hot chocolate, decorations, moonlight, baking, scarf, fuzzy socks, secrets, wishes, fireworks.]
Have a headcanon, prompt, or message you would like to share for any of the themes? Feel free to send an ask or a submission! The inbox is open.
Have any questions or concerns? If it hasn’t been addressed in this post, then feel free to send a message to the inbox.
0 notes
littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
So I have this theory that Ozma is the final big bad and here why. So you know how the gods said they would be judging humanity what if that was a lie instead Ozma is the one going to judge humanity. I believe that when all relics unite Ozma would transform into I don't know something and then judge whether humanity should live. It course, not based on Ozma feeling alone. It would go off on every past life and, humanity feeling as well. Wish I could go into better detail but there a word limit.
Hello Dreemurr.Firstly, apologies for the very late response to your inbox, fam. Secondly, no worries---I believe I gotthe gist of your theory concept and might I say, it's a pretty interesting one. 
Ozma being the final boss of the series would be an unexpected twist. As amatter of fact, it kind of makes me think back to how the second season of Green Lantern: The Animated Series concluded. Just in case you'renot familiar with that series, in the show, there is a character named Aya.Without spoiling much, Aya was an AI created who practically one of our herocharacters fighting the good fight to protect the galaxy against the forces ofevil as a sort of honorary member of the Green Lantern Core.
In the second season, after taking out the main bigbad for that season---the Antimonitor and his Manhunters, in a surprisingtwist, Aya takes control of the Antimonitor's corpse, assuming control of hisManhunter Army with a declaration to destroy all organic life in the universe.So basically, Aya---our titular hero characters ends up becoming the mainantagonist for that season.
That being said, it would be interesting if Ozma isthe one to judge humanity in it end. However; technically, it wouldn't be Ozmathough. It would be Oscar since he is his current incarnation. Unless, my Pinehead headcanon about Oscar being the true incarnate of Ozmabecomes a thing. Even now I still love the concept of Oscar being revealed asthe embodiment of Ozma's original body that he never got backpresently born in modern Remnant.
It would make so much sense and make everythingcome full circle with who Oscar is supposed to be and why he's so different from all the other Wizardsbefore him.
Plus if Oscar is truly Ozma---the real Ozma, whatcould be a nice addition to your idea is if Oscar ends up turning away from theGods and instead of judging humanity, imagineif …the Brother Gods themselves were placed on trial by the very being theycreated to save humanity.
When I think about it, Ozma...and essentially Oscar has every reason to turn againstthe Gods or at least be furious with them enough to tell them off first chancehe got for what they put, not just him, but his past Wizards and all of Remnantthrough. From the get-go, Ozma had beendragged into a fight that he never started. Ozma never created Salem. It was Salem who dared to challenge theGods when she attempted to manipulate them into his resurrection and as aresult of her deceit, the Gods punished her with the very immortality that hasmade her the threat she currently stands to be in Modern Remnant.
It was Salem’s action that caused the genocide ofFirst Remnant. It was then the Brother Gods who chose to leave Remnant with theimmortal Salem. And it were those same Brother Gods who left their darkestcreations---both Salem and the remnants of the Creatures of Grimm left withoutthe God of Darkness to keep them at bay---to walk the lands of new Remnantknowing full well that life; unsuspecting of these beings, would return.
As much as I find the Brother Gods to be intriguingcharacters, it still bothers me how much they contributed to the currentproblems in Remnant. Salem was their creation and rather than dealwith her themselves, they abandoned Remnant with Salem still being alive withthe curse they left on her.
And what bothers me even more is that these sameBrother Gods have the audacity to say that they wish to be the ones permittedto judge humanity…after leaving it behind for years and bringing back a deadman to correct their mistake.
At least Ozma has lived amongst humanity for notjust one, butseveral lifetimes. Ozma and his descendants have watched over andguided mankind. Ozma alone has seen humanity at its best and its worst. How canthe Brothers judge humanity when they themselves have never truly lived amongsttheir creations. Not as Gods but as beings.Despite creating man, the Gods know nothing about what it’s like to be well…human.
The Brother Gods may have created humanity but dothey even understand the verycreations of life they made together? Are they even willing to understand?After all, look how quickly the God of Darkness demolished all life on FirstRemnant just because of the blunder of a few who were only influenced by theactions of one.
Honestly, it bothers me how poor Ozma (who was dead and resting peacefully by theway), was brought back to basically correct a fault that the Godsthemselves made and left behind when they chose to abandon Remnant after thepersonification of their greatest mistake (i.e Salem) forged an army againstthem.
This also kind of highlights the hypocrisy of the God of Light in a way.When Salem first approached the God of Light to return Ozma to her, he refusedher request deeming it an act of imbalance and all that philosophical jibberjab. Yet…later in the Lost Fable, we saw Light resurrect Ozma (well his soul atleast) for the sake of fulfilling an objective that he slapped him with.
At the end of the day, Ozma spent countless oflives roping a culmination of innocent men into aiding him in fixing a problemthat was not of his own doing. May I stress again that it was the Gods who madeSalem immortal, destroyed the first wave of humanity because of her and evenleft Remnant with her.
And rather than correct this mistake themselves,their solution is to force an innocent soul who had long passed on intocleaning up their mess regardless of how many lives it took him to do so.
And at the end of it all, what does Ozma and theWizards get for their efforts? Based on the events of V6-V7, the answer is blamed for choosing to keep the dangerof Salem’s existence from the world a secret. All of his previous efforts andsuccess at maintaining the peace for years erased.
It's actually be kind of sad how Ozma and byextension, Ozpin and now Oscar---are treated practically the scapegoats for the fault of the Gods andSalem too. While the Wizards have made many mistakes themselves throughout theyears, it doesn’t change the fact that all of it was to correct a mistake thatGods made. The Gods made Salem. This all started with them and her feud withthem..
And what? In the end, when the Relics are united,instead of granting its user the power of a God---it’ll summon the Gods back toRemnant from where ever to judge humanity on the one day that things go to shit? Y’know…exactly like what happenedlast time/
Going back to your theory, it would actually bemore fitting if Ozma---well Oscar--- was the one to judge humanity or at least pleadfor humanity’s salvation against the Gods’ final verdict since, in my opinion,the Gods have no right to place judgement on the creations they abandoned witha problem of their doing.
Not to mention that the Gods have never lived amongtheir creations---not unless, Ozma (and by extension all of his followinglives) have unknowingly acted as the vessels through which the Gods existedamongst their so-called greatest creation.
Y’know like whatif…since it’s the God of Light’s power that’s been keeping Ozma’s cyclegoing for so many years, how do we knowthat the God of Light hasn’t been ‘silentlyobserving’ the development of humanity through Ozma and his descendantswithout their knowledge? How do weknow that the Wizards haven’t been a surrogate vessel for the God of Light all this time?
As a matter of fact, do you know what wouldactually be kind of ironic? I remember joking about this once upon a time in apast theory post but---imagine if…theWizards---Ozma and all of his successors--- are basically meant to be thetitular Jesus character of Remnant.  In the Bible, God sent his one and only son toEarth and ultimately, Jesus died on the cross for the sins of man.
So what if…thatwill be the case for Oscar’s fate as part of a choice he makes in the end, in asense? What if… ultimately, the Godsdo end up deeming man irredeemable with plans to destroy Remnant only for Oscar---asthe successor to Ozma---humanity’s champion--- to make the ultimate self-sacrifice. His life for humanity.
Think about it. When Salem first challenged theGods, all of Remnant was killed except for her and the Gods left Remnant forgood. So what if…this time, when theGods return, Oscar tells them to takehis life to save all of humanity and due to his noble choice, Remnant is sparedwith the Gods returning to make humanity whole again just as the God of Lighthad told Ozma before.
I know this sounds like an “eh” type of theory to consider but it’s worth putting on the tableof possibilities, right? Unless…the person to give up their life for Remnant isRuby Rose instead of Oscar. If Irecall, Ruby once commented that as a child, she always wanted to be a herojust like the ones in the tales read to her in her childhood.
In fairy tales, don’t the heroes normally dowhatever it takes to protect the world? Even at the cost of their lives. Imean, not going to life, I can definitely see Ruby agreeing to give up her lifefor Remnant too. I can picture it just as much as I can picture Oscar makingthe same type of choice.
They are our two smaller, more honest souls and asit was said once upon a time, victory is in a simple soul…or something alongthose lines. Then again, this too is only just a small theory.  
So in conclusion---as I said, I like your idea Dreemurr. Ozma---meaning Oscar, judginghumanity would be a pretty neat twist. Then again, I would love this idea evenmore if the Gods are placed on trials by Oscar himself somehow.
I mean, the Relics were claimed to be the gifts that the Gods left humanity sothat they can learn about themselves or something to that nature. So youhonestly expect me to believe that the only thing the Relics can do is summonthe Gods back to Remnant for them to judge it? That’s it?
The CRWBY Writers really want me to believe that one person gaining the power of knowledge, creation, destruction andchoice between light and darkness can’tascend to godly status themselves?
I know that would’ve been the cliché approach but,I dunno---imagine how much more chaos something like that would’ve stirred ifthe general public of Remnant knewthe existence of magical artifacts that could grant a normal human such divine powers.Especially if, similar to magic, the Relics are used against the Gods in an actof revenge to force them to fall from grace.
Again, cliché but…I dunno, I can’t help that partof me that wants someone to tell off the Brother Gods or make them feel somesemblance of comeuppance for the problems their actions caused Modern Remnant;y’know what I mean?
This makes me question the mortality of the Godsthemselves. If the Brother Gods created Remnant, the Grimm and Man then whocreated the Brother Gods? Is there a third high being who is responsible forthe birth of light and dark?
Despite being powerful beings, can the Gods bekilled in some way? And since Light and Darkness exist to balance the otherout, what would happen should one of them disappear or die? What sustains the existence of a God? Is there a heart that beats at their core or are they just walking bodies of magic?
While I doubt we’lllearn anything new about the Gods for a while, these are some of my more curious questionsabout them. 
But for now, I think that’s all I have to say to your questionDreamurr. Not sure if I answered you but I hope I did in some way XD
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