#technically they didn't get called a slur... it was more like a gesture
lizardperson · 2 months
Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
(thanks for tagging me @lorcaswhisky <3)
ok let's see
[1] Dark Lights, Shine Loud (Original Work; 10,198 words; ongoing)
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Mika cursed when her can of energy drink let out the familiar hiss of danger. Despite her best efforts and a few quick sips, she still managed to spill some of it on herself and the couch. Great, another point for Nic's long list of things to be pissed about. As if the general mood in this apartment hadn't been shitty enough those last few weeks. Oh well, let her bitch then.
[2] No City For Old Men (Fallout: New Vegas; 4,163 words)
"Now if that isn't my favorite old man!" A familiar voice cutting through the background noise of the busy bar pulled Gabriel out of his thoughts, and he turned around. "Mika?"
[3] Just One More Step (Fallout: New Vegas; 326 words)
Eyes on the horizon. One foot in front of the other. Just one step. Then another. Another. Another. Just one more step. Away from this nightmare place. Away from the cloud. Away from the ghost people and the radios and the holograms. Away from Elijah and his fucking vault. West, towards the Mojave.
[4] 4261 Days (Original Work; 690 words)
(this one technically starts with a poem not by me which i'm skipping here)
One day since she left. Daria knows she's supposed to be in pain right now, but it barely hurts. There's just numbness. Hardly any feelings at all. It's fine, she'll manage. She has to.
[5] How To Live Your Life Without Breathing (Original Work; 736 words)
July had always been scared, wrapped up in fear all her life. The horrible knot in her chest, expanding, suffocating her. Strangling her, harder on some days, lighter on others - but never gone. Like a tumor, growing and multiplying, like nothing could ever stop it. Making it impossible to breathe.
[6] In Whiskey Veritas (Fallout: New Vegas; 963 words)
"I'm telling you, I'm gonna make a real whiskey drinker out of you!" Cass slurred, taking another swig from her bottle. Then she started coughing - turned out, drinking while lying on your back wasn't the best idea. Mika laughed and grabbed the bottle to take a careful sip. "Still tastes like ass!" she complained, then tried to put the bottle down, but missed the bedside table and dropped it on the floor. Drunk as they were, they both found this hilarious and couldn’t stop giggling.
[7] He runs and he runs and he runs (Original Work; 605 words)
After Gabriel gets the call, the first thing he does is fall apart. The second thing is to scrape himself up off the floor again and put on his running shoes. Your mother died last night. He runs. Your mother got killed last night. He runs, trying to make sense of it. He killed her. He runs, trying to make sense of the fact that his father just murdered his mother. How do you even run from that.
So these last 3 are technically all in one work, however that is a oneshot collection so i've decided to just pick my favorite 3 :> The whole thing is Fallout: New Vegas, currently sits at 7,457 words and will go on for as long as I have fun with it.
[8] Friendly Fire
"I'm so fucking sorry." "You mentioned that." "Because I am," Mika emphasized. "Really sorry." Gabriel sighed. "It's fine, don't worry about it."
[9] Peaceful Slumber
Gabriel had promised that he would wake her up early. They had a ton of things to get done, people to talk to, places to be. And usually, he had no problem with doing exactly that - they both didn't need much sleep in general, and got out of bed easily. Unfortunately, right now, Mika looked way too peaceful to disturb her.
[10] Nuka Cola Quantum
"You can't be serious." "What?" "Mika, it's literally glowing blue," Gabriel stated, gesturing at the strange soda bottle on the table in front of them. Ralph, the local merchant, had somehow managed to acquire a whole case of them for Mika. She and her damn Old World treats…
Pattern: beginnings are the WORST actually. so my normal stuff usually starts in the middle of some dialogue because i just cant do it any better lol. my more "experimental" stuff with the many repetitions and stuff starts however, i dont think there's a clear pattern on those?
also i just wanna say, i still think my baby Dark Lights, Shine Loud starts pretty well actually, because it introduces Mika perfectly - cursing, consuming caffeine, and making a mess. so on brand.
tagging uhhhhhh @ladyswillmart @ladyunderthemolehill @shadesofmauve @phoenix-is-still-here and whoever else feels like it? if you're reading this consider yourself tagged 🙏
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
03 MikeyYvonne  🍷💖
| send 🍷💖for my muse to drunkenly flirt with yours
"Don! Don please save me!" Mikey cried out regressing back to the little brother role he loved to take advantage of when ever it was well convenient for the orange banded turtle. As he ran over to his older brother making his desperate plea more apparent as he dropped to his knees and hugged them around their waist. "please Don save me and make her stop!"
Don't get him wrong he was pretty fond of Yvoone for a number of reasons. For one she seemed to make Donnie happy so that was reason enough to like her. But she also was pretty nice to him as well, even helping him out with his own business which he appreciated a lot. She also had a similar vibe to Don so she could be kind of claiming like his brother was. What he couldn't handle to much of? was the questions. Not the ones about Don, nah that was different. It was the ones about begin a mutant and such something research or whatever but once she got started? Boy could she talk! And Mikey had hit his limit a bit ago. Assuming Don was going to help him assuming she would listen to him at least he feel his bother pat his head and he offers a smile before moving to get back up no that Von caught back up to him. Mikey watched as his brother stood up from his chair and worked his way to the butterfly mutant. Relief already settling on his shoulders. So grateful to his brother, look Mikey could talk about himself for hours if asked but the questions she asked were more technical. And Mikey needed a break. Why couldn't she talk to one of the other mutant turtles in the liar today, or Master Splinter even hell LH was mutant they could talk. He was a brainy guy himself he might like it.
Mikey hummed when he heard Don says his name smiling expecting Don to have talked him free of his torment. Only to have a slight twist in his stomach when he noted how Don set a hand to her shoulder, gesturing his arm out towards Mikey. The followings words of 'go ahead ask him' had Mikey hanging his mouth.
"Traitor!" Mikey whines nearly, "I your only little brother by the way Donatello!" Full name being used as he walks over to his betrayer in the moment. "Come to you for help and you help in my pain!" HE wanted to add for a girl in there but he didn't want to throw in any wrenches between them. "I can't not believe you!" He huffs in a clear none dramatic move as he huffs his way out of the lair.
Well least his little stunt did seem to get Von off his shell for sometime. Still slightly hurt with his brother though in part he knew he was being a bit over the top here. But still the sting was there finally venturing out of his room after getting sometime to drift away into his favorite comic story lines. Having been going back over Civil War he understood the pain Capetian America felt being at odds with Tony Stark. Mikey found there little stash of alcohol it was mostly beer cans thanks to Casey. But didn't mean Mikey could add something with it to cut that bitter taste. Grapefruit juice was the usual go too since it was easy to get their hands on. Mikey went and made up his little at home attempt of a mixed drink as he settled himself at the table. Current issue in hand as he went about reading, never matter how often he read a series or issue alone he always got so wrapped up in what was going on.
At some point he gone threw a few cans and the rest of the bottle of juice and he felt like words just no longer worded as they should. Staring at the same little panel for who knows how long he knew it was an explosion or he thinks it was on the panel when he heard the sound of heels against the floor he lowered his book. And slightly narrowed his eyes not meaning to look like he was upset he just couldn't focus his gaze enough to understand who he was looking at. Till Von stepped in closer. "OH hey Potts" He slurs a little he giggles a bit.
"I call Don, Tony Stark so thata make chu Pepper to his Tony." He soon snorts as he follow the explanation with a giggle soon after. "And leta me yell yous about your Tony though! He's a back stabber!" Mikeys tone soon switched his annoyance still on display, it seemed as he held up his cup and eyed it a moment soon tipping it back to finish The last of it in one firm glump. Before he lowers his chin to the tables surface. Bottom of his beak hung low in a firm pout. "He's a jerk. I'm like captain America and we're meant to be friends. Worse I'm his only little brother!" Slightly complaining over the lack of special treatment he felt that should automatically give him. Curly his arms around his head. So to rest his head in at the moment.
"I think you should be Peggy instead though, she fits better." He randomly suggests mostly out of his drunken hurt emotions towards Donatello in that moment. "She a take charge kind if gal, also you got brown hair like her." He knows Peggy's not in the comic he had laid out in front of him so he went and pulled out his phone trying to locate an image of the charater he's referring too.
"Oh there she's is! See with red lipstick!" He exclaims several octaves than what was needed for this conversation. Mikey smiles though proudly "I bet ya look real pretty with her hair style too oh and the blue blazer she wears! She'd a total babe." He indirectly compliments her. "Man I wish I had hair likes yours it's so nice and wavy and flower. Raph says Casey's got real pretty hair." He pauses a moment "you can tell people he said that, anyway, I think he's wrong I think your far prettier." Mikey says.
If this was someone else maybe it be easy to confuse it all as flirting but he wasn't even flirting not really in that sort of way. "Ya know I bet April's got rollers. Oh! we should have girls' night. But no Donatello talk he's rude. But I still wanna curl your hair mostly outta curiosity? Bicuiosity? Uhh I dunno the word whatever it means I'm using you to experience something I can't." He soon states in a moment of defeat.
"And then because you look so damn pretty well send a picture to Don, and then I'll tell him to bad you can't see her in person!" The plan completed now. Well maybe exposing something here in the open. "Cause he was mean and didn't help me." Then again should he also be upset with Von? Maybe but his mood was aimed at his brother. "Then we'll make him jelly cause im hanging out with you when your all pretty. Then we can can find Raph too and have him join us make Donnie double jelly at that point. Maybe Leo too he'll even casye everyone but Don basically. Well have a marvel party!" Mikeys mind was clearly moving at its own speed here. "You can the Peggy to my Steve!" He exclaims happily. "Sounds good let's do it!"
Mikey went to stand, having forgotten how his legs worked, though he soon found himself well aquinted with the floor of the kitchen. He's prettt sure he hurt something but he could tell as he laid on the kitchen floor. He slightly quirks his beak. "I should tell you to get my brother but im still upset so can you give me an ice pack instead?"
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