#technology is trying to kill me 2kallyears
seldnei · 3 years
I got myself a refurbed laptop to make life a little easier.  So far, so good--the only issue is it has one of those little eraser mice in the keyboard, and the cap is missing, so I had to order a replacement cap off Amazon so it won’t drive me batshit.  It’s a little worn, but the keyboard is really nice and I feel very punk rock right now.  I’ve got some stickers for it, too.
I have entirely forgotten how to deal with a trackpad (yeah, it has both).
It’s weird how little it takes to set up tech nowadays.  I was done in like fifteen minutes.  It probably helps that all I needed to load was Scrivener, since I have the Office subscription already.
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seldnei · 5 years
Jesus Christ, all I want to do is make photo books for Xmas!
Boatload of photos on my phone
Saturday I connect phone to desktop
Computer needs an OS update to connect to my phone
Office needs to be updated before the OS update so I don’t bork* all my files
So ... Sunday I buy and install new Office
Also install new OS
Hey, why don’t I get Outlook, too?
Nope, that’s not gonna happen, apparently, thanks Bill Gates
I am done for the day, Jesus
Tonight I plug in my phone
Open the photos app
The library needs to update
30 minutes later, we’re at 56%
So, yeah, I’m going to update the fucking library, then call it a night. TUNE IN TOMORROW to see if I actually get my photos off my fucking phone.
*is “bork” the correct term?
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seldnei · 7 years
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seldnei · 8 years
So today we got a new desktop computer.  Our old one was from ... 2008?  The boy was a baby and getting that computer was his first successful Long Day of Shopping.  We were very proud of him.
Anyway, it was slow, glitchy as fuck, and nothing was going to be able to update on it because its OS was waaaay out of date, but it couldn’t run anything better.
And, of course, rarely is getting a new computer, especially a new computer to replace the main family machine, an easy process, but jesus fucking hell.
First we ended up springing for the bigger memory version.  Okay, so we asked for five minutes to discuss this idea, and got knocked out of queue at the Apple Store, resulting in waiting HALF AN HOUR in order to just buy the model we wanted.
Start to set the thing up, and our monitor won’t work with it.  We went through two different adapters and ended up buying a new monitor.  And then had to buy yet another cable.
Our version of Quicken is too old to run on this thing.  Which, honestly, I kind of expected--it was old when we got the old computer.  I found a different program with a free trial period, so tomorrow I’ll be setting that up.
And last but not least, it only imported our photos until August of 2012.  Which ... is not a thing that makes me happy.  Because, you know, I have this kid, so.  And Mr. Seldnei is fading fast, at this point, poor lamb.  So I did a little googling and found a suggestion online, and I may have found our up-to-date photo library, and it may be preparing itself for import right now (fingers crossed). 
We did find this video that I have no memory of: Z in his car seat, so maybe 2?  3?  And me with blonde hair.  Z wants to make a movie about little fingers who are best friends.  “Give me that movie,” he says, reaching for the camera.  So I let him have the camera, and he tells me which fingers are in the movie (index and ring; he doesn’t seem concerned that Mom is in pain trying to make this happen), and then he starts asking, “And then what happens?” which is exactly what I always did to him when he would tell me stories.
It’s very odd, seeing myself from 8 or 9 years ago, especially since I have no memory of this at all.  I looked younger and skinnier; I remember the boyo at that age, and it’s both easy and kind of difficult to see his current incarnation in there. 
Anyway, I hope we can find the video again after all of this is done.  And I kind of want to comb through all our old videos on the backup drives, now.
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seldnei · 5 years
Why did Google get rid of Inbox?!
Why can’t I find anything besides Mail that will just easily connect to my stupid personal email?
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seldnei · 6 years
My old iPad wouldn’t update past OS9. My phone is at OS11, but an iPhone 6 is a whole different vibe than an iPad (plus this is the middle-sized iPad). Anyway, that’s to say that the learning curve isn’t super steep, but things are just off enough that I feel like I have a new glasses prescription or something.
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seldnei · 6 years
I hate setting tech up.
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seldnei · 7 years
Fuck this fucking laptop I swear to god I just want to search my email WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM.
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seldnei · 8 years
I swear to god, my main resolution for 2017 is to get a fucking computer in this house that works as well as my goddamned phone.
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