#teddie (dyvj)
RO reactions to seeing the MC wearing their clothes?
Alistair: You can borrow those if you want. They look good on you!
Mal: Wow, you've got great taste, must be following some devastatingly handsome trailblazer, huh?
Wil: You know, if you like my style that much, we could always go shopping... but nice.
CG: *immediately flustered* Take those off—not in front of me. Somewhere else. W-what are you waiting for? Go!
Kay: *giggling of varying intensity depending on the overall size difference*
Teddie: *visible confusion* ...what are you doing?
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I don't know if any character so consistently makes me go 'fuck yeah' when writing them as Teddie.
He's just so done. All the time.
*MC gets into a jam*
*Teddie helps them*
"Are you fucking stupid?"
*Leaves without giving a chance to answer*
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
Wowee, that's been a lot of asks today! Flattered y'all have enjoyed the new update so much! I haven't answered everything but I will in time. Gotta balance work, of course.
I messed around a bit the other day using this picrew by @bananahkim to make renditions of the cast. It was a just-for-fun thing and they're not official (or strictly canon) by any means, but I enjoyed doing it!
Teddie, Alistair, CG, Wil, Mal, Kay!
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And who could forget our old pals?
Shauna, Prii (hmmm wonder when we'll see them next), Beth, Grant!
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Bonus! Dion! Guess he shaved?
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
On a scale of least to most slowburn, where do all of the ROs lie? Can you tag this question with #slowburn, please?
Sure can!
Yes Mal's on both ends.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
Who are the big spoons and who are the little spoons out of the ROs?
Hah! Fun.
Mal: flexibly spoony but kind of fidgety, making them annoying both ways.
Wil: Biggest spoon energy.
Kay: Little spoon but would like face to face cuddling even better.
Teddie: Tragically difficult/uncomfortable to either spoon or be spooned by. Which uh. Kind of sucks for him. Probably a little spoon at heart but hell if he's going to ask.
CG: Big spoon. She does not care if you're taller.
Alistair: Big spoon but very willing to little spoon if someone wants, and very cute about it.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so? (For the ROs)
Interesting question! Presumably from an ask meme I haven't seen!
Mallory: Doesn't not try to work things out, but for various to-be-elaborated reasons, are perhaps the least likeliest to try (with the possible exception of Grant). Mal would be the first to play the 'it's not you, it's me' card and walk away.
Wil: Sort of good. Empathic and willing to try, but probably a little too eager to accept 'hey it's not meant to be' if their opposite number doesn't seem to be receptive.
Teddie: He's not good at fixing relationships. He would make the attempt, but he quickly gets lost with this kind of thing and would struggle if the ball was solely or mostly in his court.
Kay: She's decent at it! She's got the attitude to meet in the middle and will hold her ground if she has to. That said, she's susceptible to insecurity and could start believing a partner is 'better off without her'.
CG: Complicated, difficult to answer. Her obligations and drives render certain compromises nigh impossible.
Alistair: The best at fixing out of everyone, so much so it almost inverts into a negative. He'll try all the way to his own detriment.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 4 months
3. things.
1. I forgot to tell you Alistair is simple trauma Bait. Sure let's romance a normal person.. I see you! 🥲
2. I hope you are doing well and have a great week ahead. Thanks for always answering my asks. I appreciate you! 😇
3. Okay so ROs reaction to MC being asked out in front of them..? (crushing stage vs. relationship stage) looking to see Mal and T's reactions especially because I like torturing myself 😭😅
Hi hello you, again! I don't know, should we count the same person asking question again? I lost the track a bunch of times, anyways. Number #5? #6? Whatever! Life's too short to worry about numbers on an Excel sheet with data next to it! Here's your carefully crafted answer using the best of our technologies (a keyboard that lights up)
"1. whaaaaat? I have no idea what you could mean by that…
2. Aww, I appreciate this a lot! 3 .This is a fun thought! Alistair, crushing: Oh damn. kay. Guess I didn't put myself out there enough. Suppose that's how it goes sometimes. Alistair: relationship: Uh. This got awkward. Like rando knows there's a thing, right? Kinda weird gonna be real. CG, crushing: What. you cannot be serious. since freaking when has Dime had game. CG, relationship: SEETHING how dare you, rando. You can't possibly understand Dime like I do. Get the fuck out of here. Mal, crushing: is laughing - wow, good on rando for beating me to the punch and shooting their shot. Never thought I'd see the day where I'm too slow. Mal, relationship: I mean, kinda disrespect not to bring me in on this conversation. whatever, it's up to MC what they want to do I guess, I'm not their boss. Teddie, crushing: …whatever. Didn't care anyway. [absolutely cares.] Teddie, relationship: what the fuck do you think you're doing asshole. Kay, crushing: Oh… alright. That's, fine. [it is not fine] Kay, relationship: visibly uncomfortable and caught between trying to assert herself and just pure embarrassment Wil, I'm actually a little stuck on! There are some under the surface things that I can't get into just yet due to spoilers which makes this tricky to answer. However, somebody asking first while they're crushing wil probably falls more on the side of faintly amused than really mad."
Hope you enjoyed this answer that has been made by the finest of our workers!
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 4 months
Do you have any physical description of the ROs?
Thank you thirteenth anon for coming to the fashion show with our latest super villains that we arrested. In any case, the best one will be released, and the others will have to do community services (become trees in a play). Which one do you pick?
"We got flashback descriptions, so I guess it was only natural that anon birds would enquire as to descriptions of the ROs! Kay: Stocky, somewhat husky build. Farmer's tan. She has very strange eyes, yellowish with horizontal pupils, and a pair of curling horns. Her hair is fluffy and grey-white. Usually zipped up in a hoodie and sweatpants, but when she's got to be active, say... for a villainous mission, she strips down to shorts and forgoes sleeves. (Which happens to reveal extra fluff on her arms and legs). Teddie: Fair skin, short brown hair, green eyes. On the shorter side, and not heavily built. Teddie's physical appearance is kind of dominated by his Extra Bones. He's always rocking a number of awkward protrusions from his body. For instance, during the first meeting half of his brow has an extra ridge sticking out of it, plus a large pauldron like plate on his shoulder. Shit sucks. Wil: Regardless of set gender, Wil looks more or less the same. Xe's very tall and toned, pale with short ash blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Black lipstick, black eyeliner. Just wears a whole lot of black to be honest. Studs, chains, buckles? All of those might make appearances in xer outfits. Boots, distressed jeans, a couple ear piercings. Great abs. Don't ask why I already know that detail. Mallory: I have to asterix Mallory since they do not actually look the same all the time. However, they're korean and have dark eyes and hair. Often a little ambiguous so far as gendered appearance goes. A casual dresser, but a fairly fashionable one. Always smiling a lot. Pay close attention. Control Group: Short and compact, a little bundle of muscle. Curly brown hair that's shoulder length when down, but usually isn't. Skin on the darker side of olive. Favours leather jackets, jeans, combat boots. Sharp eyes. Alistair: Tall and muscular, though we're not talking body builder here. Dark skinned and dark haired, which he pulls back in a braided tail. Clean shaven, wears glasses. Decent dresser, often rocking a backpack. Where do you think he keeps all the pasta? Habitual smiler, very expressive with his face."
My money is on Wil.
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what video games do the ro's/would the ro's play . would teddy fw dark souls. would mal fw league.
Hmm, let me think! Fun question.
Mal: Periodically gets into random gacha games, amasses a hoard of jpgs, never touches them again. Swears up and down they don't spend money on microtransactions, despite their absurd amount of resources. If they played league of legends they'd probably get banned swiftly for inting, as they'd realise it's a surefire way to troll annoying teammates.
Teddie: Can't really play input heavy games because of pain issues. would vibe with slow-paced turn-based strategy I think. Stuff that isn't time sensitive and he can do methodically. Watches Kay play things.
Kay: RPGs RPGs RPGs. Give her the final fantasy. Give her the mass effect. Give her the baldur's gate. Plays co-op with Teddie.
CG: Played party games a lot when she was younger. The kind of ones you mostly only play when you have at least four people. Hasn't touched a console in a long time and wouldn't be seen dead mobile gaming.
Wil: Kind of embarassingly out of touch with video games. They played mario once when they were eight. Stares blankly at you when you ask them which mario. You receive the sinking feeling that they are genuinely not aware that there is more than one.
(it was paper mario)
Alistair: Bashfully admits that he does like to game now and then. It transpires that he is ridiculously good at various management/colony building style games like Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld. Dabbles in old RTS games. Hasn't played Nethack in a while but would pick it up like he never left if he played it again.
Spends actual hours making cool houses in the Sims. As a teenager he once did the thing where you take away the pool ladder to drown a sim, felt unbelievably guilty, never did that again.
Almost never plays multiplayer anything cause he gets anxious.
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Ye olde classic; what do the ROs want/need/dread to hear?
I don't think this means in a romantic sense? Sorry if it does!
Want: "You're someone I can trust and rely on."
Need: "You can only do your best, and your best is what you do."
Dread: "You meant to do it."
Want: "You're right, it's what's best."
Need: "You can open up sometimes."
Dread: "Nobody likes the real you."
Want: "You aren't a bad person."
Need: "You aren't a bad person."
Dread: "They know."
Want: "That's one badass girl."
Need: "It's going to be alright. You're valued."
Dread: [dysphoria inducing stuff I won't specify]
Want: "You make a difference."
Need: "You don't have to do it all yourself."
Dread: "You don't help anyone. You're a self-important meddler."
Want: "We've figured out the pain."
Need: "If you let down your walls, not everyone will hurt you."
Dread: "Something's happened to Kay."
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Got a couple RO asks for ya, but I'll send them separately in case they are too spoilery to answer at this point. How and Where do the ROs like to be kissed/kiss the MC?
I'm not sure whether this means where (body) or where (physical location) so it's gonna be a mix and match!
Mal: Anywhere, really. Especially if it'd catch other people by surprise. A, uh, thorough kisser, otherwise.
CG: On the mouth, hard, pressing MC against the wall of an alleyway.
Teddie: Tentative in initiating, the opposite once he gets started. Private kisses on the mouth, jawline, chest.
Kay: Chaste little kisses on the cheek. Giggles at getting kissed on the forehead.
Alistair: Kisses MC's hand on a park bench. Takes their face in his hands to gently kiss their nose, head, lips. Sleepy kisses to the top of his head while cuddling up close.
Wil: At present, too in their own head to brave kissing the MC, but would like to take them somewhere fun, have a good time, and kiss at the end of the date.
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When I think of Teddie I think of "does he bite? no he judges"
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plz enjoy my flawless photomanipulation skills.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
What are the ROs love languages?
I'm not amazing at these as it's not really how I think about affection, but here's where I'd hazard these guys to be.
Mal: Physical touch, with a side of quality time.
Wil: Physical touch, which is problematic for xem due to certain hangups xe's currently dealing with. Words of affirmation is second.
Kay: Quality time.
Teddie: Acts of service. Kinda. He's a doing rather than saying type of guy.
Alistair: Giving gifts, acts of service.
CG: Quality time.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 4 months
ROs MBTI types please? Thank you!
Hello tenth anon on this blog, are you by chance an employer looking for new employees using your work astrology? If so, here's your chance to hire someone using pseudo-scientific techniques!
"Writer is not super familiar with MBTI off the top of her head, so xe has leaned on taking a handful of tests in character!
Disclaimer that some of the characters are either right in the middle of one axis or another or have personal circumstances that heavily impact where they sit, so I wouldn't consider this to be sacrosant, but it's interesting to think about!
Mal - ESTP - T Wil - ENFJ - T Teddie - ISTP - A Alistair - ENFJ - A Kay - ISFP - T CG - ISTJ - A
Alistair in particular borders very close to ENFP, he just happens to be super organised in conjunction with his acts of spontaneous pasta."
I hope you will be able to employ someone for your minimum wage job as soon as possible!
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