#teehee this was like- a good kick in the ass to work on some lil virgo things that ive put on the backburner sdjfhsfs
sunthyme · 8 months
Okay, now is technically the last one before my prefect design lol. OOPS I FORGOR fuck well here they finally are lol...
😭Other Side Characters😭
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I drew so many cutie patooties in this batch omg they're adorable. But first we'll kick off with the Royal Blade characters!
Because I'm not spelling out his whole damn name 💀
(he/she/they/it/ whatever pronouns you can think of lol) Genderqueer - Pansexual
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Teehee I forgot to colour in the damn hair clips... I'm gonna kms /j
- Genderqueer cat. Any character based on the Cheshire Cat is genderqueer to me istg. Chenya is no exception.
- I kept most of her design the same but added in some heterochromia for funsies and used those colours for the hair clips and earrings. Xe is also Hispanic, idk it just felt right.
- Totally has ADHD. The impulsive thoughts are obvious with this one and I think that Neige serves as its impulse control. They made like, a pact of sorts (after their Headmage yelled at Chenya for doing something) that Chenya tells Neige whatever the impulsive thought is and Neige either tell Chenya 'No, you can't do that' or 'We can do this instead'.
- Broke asf. I dunno but I feel like Chenya has like the worst habit of impulse buying you've ever seen so they never carry money on they to try and avoid it at Trey and Riddle's recommendation. It's mostly worked as Neige buys anything Chenya needs when they go out anyways.
Speaking so much of Neige,
🐦Neige LeBlanche🐦
(he/him) Transmasc - Biromantic Asexual
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God I love how Neige came out, look at him!!! He's such a cutie patootie omgomg I love him sm
- Anyways, I was fighting my demons to not make him black and I lost. I dunno, we don't have enough sweet, cute black boys in media and that is a crime.
- I gave him some hairclips with cute lil charms on them and some of those silly little acne patches. Idk if he actually has acne, he totally could, but I think he'd wear them either way to like normalise not be ashamed of it, y'know?
- I gave him some cute little apple earrings which were a gift that Rook gave him after a concert with one of his letters lol. He wears most of the jewelry gifted to him at one point or another but he really likes the apple earrings.
- Has a crush on Vil. Idk how popular of a headcanon that is but as soon as they interacted, I felt like it made sense. I love the one-sided rivalry lmao with Vil hating his ass and he's just like, 'Omg, she's so pretty and cool and smart. Wow, I'm so glad we get to work together so much!' It's really funny ngl.k
- Loves to crochet, knit, and sew. All are kinda skills he picked up while caring for the dwarves but they're his favourite to do. He's made Chenya a few sets of mittens (because for some super mysterious reason, they always go missing) and a quilt at some point.
- Likes anything with apples in it, pies, drinks, you name it. Fall is his favourite season because of apple cider alone (otherwise it'd be spring).
Onto the Kingscholars!
🦁Cheka Kingscholar🦁
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He's so cute!!! I love him omg I'd actually love to babysit him look at those eyes
- I kept his design also pretty on model, darken his skin a smidge and textured his hair to match Leona's. Smacked some dimples and birthmarks on as if he wasn't cute enough already.
- The gold eyeliner is like a royal thing, maybe be specific to the crown line or maybe Leona's just too fcking lazy, probably the later.
- He's actually really good at chess. He's played many games with Leona, even though he didn't get it at first, but now he can beat most people who play him (still not Leona lest he really screws up something). Most of his birthdays, he gets a new pretty chess set and he has a little display of them in his room.
Now for his dad! The only character here without a canon design (as far as I know... which I'm upset about).
👑Farena Kingscholar👑
(he/him) - Heterosexual
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I woulda also made a design for his wife but I don' think she even has a name?? So maybe in the future.
- I based him more on Leona, trying to make sure that Cheka didn't just get his trait lmao. I think that he got his piercing actually after Leona got his because the palace staff were criticising him for it so Farena went and got one.
- I dunno, he's giving bi wife energy. It helps that the women of Sunset Savannah are buff and cool and I'm so mad we never saw them 😭😭😭 I wanna see Leona's sister-in-law so bad ;^;.
- He's not as much into the intellectual side of things like Leona is, would rather defeat people with strength which is why the two really don't get along super well. Though I think it's only perceived on Leona's side, I don't think Farena realises how much hurt Leona's had throughout his life.
- Angst aside, he doesn't get much in the way of free time what with all his royal duties and such. His favourite activities are spoiling his family and getting used as a weight for his wife's daily exercise!
We got even more other family characters incoming...
🐍Najima Viper🐍
(she/her) - Bicurious
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Fair warning, I haven't encountered any of the last three characters lol.
- I didn't change much here either, just added some red streaks to her hair and matched her palette to Jamil's.
- I don't know if her age is ever implied but I think she'd be younger than him by like a year. She went to a different school with Kalim's cousin (who they're like besties).
- I feel like Najima didn't get the same set of exceptions set on her growing up and so her relationship with the Al-Asims, while still not necessarily healthy, was nowhere near as damaging. I think that while Jamil definitely envies that, he'd rather die than make her go through the same thing as him.
Up next,
🧢Mama Spade🧢
(she/her) - Bisexual
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Never met her either 😭😭😭
- I based her off my Deuce design and really just added some more piercings. I actually toned down the blonde streaks but I think they'd both have just a few.
- I believe she has a small business??? Or something? I didn't read the wiki but her hat had a delivery service me thinks but I stan her having a small business.
- She loves her son very much and was super excited when she saw his new piercings. Also, super accepting when he came out, obvi and thinks that while Ace is a bit of a rascal, they do click together.
I don't have a ton for her but I want that event to come back pleaseeee 🙏🙏🙏
🐉Meleanor Draconia🐉
(she/they) Agender - Aromantic Pansexual
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- I had so much fun with her horns. I made them more branchy and I think a full grown dragon (well, like an old one) would basically have a web of antlers. I added some purple to the tips for the 🌸aesthetic🌸.
- Also added some wave to her hair. Malleus looked in her spitting image so I figured I'd give Levan's genes a chance lmao. They're also super tall, probably even taller than Mal herself and especially with the horns.
- I think she'd have left some things that Malleus ended up growing up with not realising they were from her, like a hair clasp, some assorted jewelry, a couple toys and items that Lilia gave him when he was old enough. Pieces of her for him to grow up with, y'know?
Anyways, I'm so sorry for this posting without anything lmao I was real tired last night! Prefect is next on the chopping block!
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estelle-skully · 5 months
Ramshackle tickle headcanons
Ohh god
oh goodness
its time
gadies and lentlemen, I now present to you, my ramshackle t-word headcanons (but just for the main three bc idk enough about any other characters yet)
First off: Vinnie!
she’s like 90% ler, doesn’t despise being tickled but she sure as hell will get revenge no matter what; she adores wrecking people because she thinks seeing people being tickled to pieces and laughing their asses off is some of the funniest shit ever
Girly pop is the kinda person to hear someone snort while laughing and point it out- same for people who blush a lot
she loves pissing people off and getting em hella flustered, again because she finds it funny
on occasion she gets really intense ler moods and will target whoever is closest to her
sometimes when she sees Stone being extra angsty she will wreck him
Skipp often goes to her when he is in a lee mood and she always teases him about it (“You know, for someone who lives on the streets, it’s pretty funny that you actually enjoy something as childish as tickling! How adorable!”)
Vinnie isnt really the kind of individual to deny being ticklish, but if someone asks then she’ll instantly reply “are you?” Without giving a clear answer; you pretty much have to figure it out yourself
she gets pretty violent when shes being tickled- theres a very high chance that you’ll get kicked or maybe even bitten 😭 she doesn’t actually intend on hurting anyone, its all instinct
speaking of violence, she also swears a lot and will throw every threat in the book your way
all in good fun tho <3
teehee next is Skipp
This little shit is a lee leaning switch- 60% lee, 40% ler
Even though he loves when he’s the lee, he also really enjoys pretending to be a tickle monster or some shit because it embarrasses his friends
mostly he goes after Stone because the tickle monster thing mostly works on him (also partially because one can’t really tickle Vinny for more than like ten seconds before she pulls a fucking uno reverse card 😭)
Skipp is the only person who can tell when Stone is in a lee mood (more on that later 🤭)
He isn’t embarrassed in the slightest about being ticklish but he is usually shy when he’s in a lee mood, hates straight up asking to be tickled so he usually drops little hints, which his friends quickly catch on to
he isn’t very mean as a ler, usually he’s more playful than relentless and occasionally will make little comments but doesn’t tease often
but as a lee
cutest little fuck EVER
he doesn’t try very hard to stop the tickles so he’ll either just kick his legs or do a lil happy stim of some kind
his laughter is all giggles and it’s just the sweetest ever
sometimes when he gets extra flustered he’ll cover his face with his hands
and he loves tickle hugs or cuddly tickles; prefers that over being obliterated, which is why sometimes Vinnie goes easier on him
Oki lastly, Stone!!! (My pookie!)
for him I dont actually know, he’s giving big switch vibes so i think i wanna say hes like 50-50
like I mentioned earlier, Stone is sometimes tormented by lee moods, which he is immensely embarrassed by. Skipp almost has a super power to sense lee moods in people though, so even though Stone is good at hiding it, the lee mood inevitably is relieved by Skipp, and sometimes Vinnie, which he’d constantly deny but he really appreciates it
lil bro secretly doesn’t mind being tickled because he’s pretty touch starved, and in general he doesn’t really get to laugh/smile often because he usually isnt in the mood.
again, he would rather drink gallons of rat poison than admit that, though
he tried his best to hide his ticklishness from his friends the first few months they knew each other, keeping the secret like his life depended on it
of course, they found out eventually, though
(do yall want me to write a fic with the “trio finding out stone is ticklish” scenario because id love to)
most of the time his laughter is very loud, and like Vinnie, he swears at his ler, too
but a certain thing one might notice while tickling him is that he doesn’t really do much to fight back at all
that’s probably the biggest giveaway that he actually enjoys the tickles
buuuut also, if one were to get him in one of his less ticklish spots (like his belly and sides or something) he giggles and its SOOOOO CUTE
if you want to get him flustered, then comment on his giggling- he cant stand it
He also goes crazy over compliments and cute nicknames (call him pretty boy and he will die)
and also his face will go bright red (which im pretty sure is canon when he’s embarrassed, by the way- remember that scene in the thesis film, where the three fell through the clothesline and Stone was in the maid dress and Vinnie smirked at him? His face went BRIGHT red and he looked so pissed 😭)
when he’s in a ler mood, though…
bro is fucking terrifying
somehow he’s able to guess someone’s worst spots almost instantly and uses that against them
On occasion he will start something with Vinnie just to get tickled by her but its actually shocking how he can successfully get her pinned down, so their tickle fights are actually pretty equal
Any time Skipp shyly approaches him and does whatever it is he does to hint at his lee moods, Stone can’t help but be a bit envious that the guy can even give hints- he’s to embarrassed to give any indication whatsoever
but yeah sometimes he’ll tease Skipp a bit, but he wouldn’t dare tease Vinnie because she knows EXACTLY what makes him flustered and is not afraid to use it against him
he can say the dreaded t-word most of the time, but not when he’s in a lee mood. Cant stand hearing it either
andddd thats all i got!!! Man i love these three pests (compliment) so much they have my whole heart
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
Can you do a modern zuko x male reader where they vlog their day or they go on vacation. It’s okay if you can’t
a/n: ahhhh thanksies anonnie! i’ll try my best. zuko and m/n are camera transitions kings, i also have no idea on how airports work bc i’ve never been to one 💀💀, for their hotel room think of it was one of the waikiki resort hotel rooms w/ a balcony, i had fun with this!! lemme know if yall want a part 2!
lets get it yall!
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“Hello, Zuko here. Welcome back to our channel. So tomorrow we’re going to Hawaii and we’re gonna take you guys with us.” Zuko said as he shot finger guns to the camera. “Right now, M/N is in the bathroom packing the last bit of his things. He’s a procrastinator.” Zuko commented. “YOU ACT LIKE YOU DIDN’T WAKE UP AT 5AM TO EVEN START PACKING.” M/N’s voice yelled from the bathroom. “He’s a liar don’t listen to him. He’s hangry.” Zuko said as he smiled.
“I’m hangry?” M/N walked to him. “Hey hey wait.” Zuko said as he turned the camera to record him. “C’mere. Imma teach you a lesson, boy.” M/N said as he rolled up his sleeves. “No wait you don’t haVE TO.” Zuko squealed as M/N threw him over his shoulder. “PUT ME DOWN!” Zuko yelled as he banged his fists on his back. “Nah you can’t talk mess like that and expect me to not attack you.” M/N teased as he walked out of frame. Zuko yelped as M/N dropped him in a chair. He started tickling him. Zuko busted out laughing. “B-Babe no!” Zuko exclaimed as he rolled the chair back. He slid back into frame with M/N tickling his sides. “Shut up and feel my wrath, pretty boy.” M/N cackled as Zuko squirmed around.
“I’m gonna piss my PANTS STOP.” Zuko cried out between laughs. M/N stopped and pressed a kiss to his lips. Zuko hummed with a soft smile. “We’re gonna edit that out?” Zuko asked. “Keep it in. They deserve to see how cute you look when you laugh.” M/N said. Zuko scoffed and slapped his arm. “Shut up. My image will be ruined.” Zuko said dramatically. “What image? You realize our fans have edits of you smiling and laughing?” M/N said as Zuko looked at him. “They do?” He whispered. M/N snorted. “Yeah they do. You’re on Twitter everyday, Zu. What do you think those profile pictures are?” M/N whispered back, amused. M/N watched as Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. He started laughing when Zuko’s face dropped. “Cut the camera, deadass. I’m an idiot, hold on.” Zuko whined as he ran a hand down his face. M/N kneeled down laughing. “It wasn’t that funny stop itttt.” Zuko said as he used his hand to cover his face. He gently kicked M/N’s side, causing him to wheeze.
“I’m turning off the camera. See you guys tomorrow, I’m tired of getting clowned.” Zuko mumbled with a small smile. “It’s just that you looked so fucking confused, I couldn’t handle it.” M/N cried. “Bye.” Zuko said as M/N raised his hand to wave. He covered the camera with his hand.
M/N uncovered the camera with his hand. “And we’re back at the asscrack of dawn. It’s M/N here. Our plane is at 6am and we’re up at 3am. I already hate life.” He said as he wiped his eye. “Same here. Also why are you still wearing that bandana you can put on your durag. Isn’t that better for you?” Zuko commented as he looked at the f/c bandana. “Nigga why you still wearing that shirt you can put on your hoodie. Isn’t that better for you?” M/N said as he looked at Zuko. Zuko scrunched his nose and pushed M/N’s face away. “This is why we don’t speak early in the morning. His mouth is so rude.” Zuko whined. “You fell in love with me because of this mouth, sir.” M/N said. “Shush.” Zuko said as he covered M/N’s mouth. “Kinky.” His muffled voice said. Zuko groaned and wiped his hand off on M/N’s hoodie.
“I hate you.”
“Stop lying to yourself. You love me.”
“Yeah.... Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?? Guess I’ll just run away then.”
“Have fun.”
“You’re an asshole.” M/N chuckled. Zuko hummed with a smile. “But please change that bandana you look goofy with it.” Zuko said. “Garsh.” M/N commented as he set the camera down. He ducked out of frame and went to grab his durag. Zuko fixed his messy bun and threw on a hoodie. “Is that mine?” M/N asked from out of frame. “Yeah. Cry about it.” Zuko said, earning a pillow to the face. “Bitch.”
“Oh we’re talking about ourselves now?” M/N said with a false sense of surpise. “Low blow you lil shit.” Zuko grumbled. “I’m leaving you and asking Sokka to come with me instead.” He said. “Tah. You think Sokka’s gonna wake up at 3:30 in the morning on a Saturday? He’d skin you alive.” M/N commented. “Somewhere in the distant he woke up sneezing.” Zuko said dramatically. M/N chuckled. He picked up the camera and adjusted his backpack strap. “Autobots roll out.” He said, making Zuko rolled his eyes. “See yall in the airport, teehee.” M/N said as he held his hand up. “Did you have to say teehee like that.” Zuko said. “Stop shitting on my parade before I fart on your pillow.” M/N said. “You’re disgusting, why do I date you?” Zuko grimaced. “Because you’re stupidly in love with me and you’re whipped for my stupid ass.” M/N sang.
“N. e. ways. Before I was so rudely interrupted by this big baby—”
“I’m NOT a baby.”
“Uh I’m not finished—”
“I’m a grown MAN.”
“Oh my god, can you let me do what I need to do.”
“Go on.”
“Okay damn. As I was sayin—”
“I just think—”
“I’m gonna beat you with a tiki torch, Zuko. Shut UP. Let me do the fucking transition, fireboy.”
Zuko bit his lip to hide his smile. M/N huffed before smiling at the camera. Zuko waved. “See y’all in a few!” M/N said before covering the camera with his hand.
Zuko uncovered the camera. “Well hello there again. We’re in the airport now. It’s too bright in here.” He said quietly. “This tastes like shit. Like it makes me depressed even drinking it but caffeine.” M/N said as he grimaced at the taste. “I told you to not buy that brand. You don’t listen.” Zuko commented as he balanced the camera ontop of his suitcase. “It’s not even brand coffee.” He mumbled. “What is it then?” Zuko asked as he fixed his bun. “You wanna try?” He asked as he handed him the cup. Zuko took a sip and gagged. “That’s gonna give you some type of heart disease what the fuck is that? It tastes horrible!” Zuko exclaimed as he pushed the cup away. “Just a shit ton of caffeine shots and 5 hour energy.” M/N said.
“Jesus fucking christ. How do you drink that crap? Give that to me. I’m getting you actual coffee so you don’t die of high blood pressure before the age of 50.” Zuko said, snatching the cup away. “Zukooooo.” M/N whined. Zuko stood up. “This is basically gasoline. As a matter of fact, no more coffee for you. I’m supposed to be the coffee addict but this here is death in a cup. I’m getting you go gurt or some shit.” He said as he left. “He’s a hater he just took my gasoline.” M/N whined. He sucked his teeth and grimaced. “It was pure fuel. Can you get high off of caffeine? I mean it is an adrenaline.” He said as he fixed his durag.
Soon Zuko came back with a water bottle and a smoothie. He sat down. “Drink some water to wash that god awful mix out.” Zuko said, tossing it to him. “You couldn’t hand it to me?” M/N mumbled as he opened it and drank some, swishing it around his mouth before drinking it. “What flavour’s the smoothie?” He asked. “Piña colada.” Zuko said as he gave it to him. “But aren’t we gonna have that in Hawaii?” He asked again. “Stop complaining before I take it.” Zuko groaned. M/N shook his head before drinking the smoothie. “See you guys soon.” Zuko said, covering the camera.
There was a montage of Zuko and M/N, going through baggage claim and boarding the plane before Zuko turned the camera to face them. They waved at the camera. Zuko covered it again.
M/N uncovered the camera. “Hey girl hey, I’m in a plane.” He said. “That was awful.” Zuko grumbled as he adjusted his seatbelt. “When will you brighten up? Is it because you’re pastey?” M/N asked. “Pastey? I’m not pastey.” Zuko said. “You need some vitamin D? The sun? That good ol melanin? Cuz your panties are in a twist.” M/N teased. Zuko only rolled his eyes.
M/N recorded the plane taking lift off. There was a monatage of the plane getting higher and higher off the ground till clouds started to show. He turned the camera to show him and Zuko. Zuko rubbed his eye and waved. M/N only smiled and pressed a kiss to Zuko’s cheek. Zuko closed his eyes and smiled. He covered the camera.
He uncovered the camera to show Zuko hugging his arm while sleeping. He cooed. “See how cute he is when he sleeps? Lil chubby ass cheeks. Lookin like a dumpling. I can’t even turn on my laptop because he’s hugging my arm. He’s just so....” M/N trailed off to fondly smile at him. He pressed a kiss ontop of Zuko’s head. “Since I’m editing this video before it comes out y’all gonna see some real mushy shit because we are simply two stupid guys in love. I know some of y’all just gon eat this shit up. See y’all in Hawaii.” He said softly before covering the camera.
Zuko uncovered the camera. “We’re in a car and M/N’s out like a light.” He said as he showed M/N’s head on his shoulder. “I like him when he’s quiet sometimes. S’nice. Forgot to mention we’re in Hawaii now.” He said as he showed the scenery that passed them by as they sat in the cab. “I can practically feel the jet lag so we’ll probably stop filming after we show you our hotel room and continue tomorrow.” Zuko said, leaning his cheek ontop of M/N’s head. “We’ll be back.” He said before swiping his hand down the camera.
Zuko’s hand swiped down the camera revealing their shoes walking down the sidewalk. There was a montage of them walking into the hotel, checking in, going up the elevator and walking to their room.
“Time for the big reveal.” M/N said as he held the keycard. Zuko hummed as he swiped the keycard and opened the door. They gasped as they looked at how cute the room was. “Bro... this is...” M/N said as he held the door open for Zuko. He walked inside showing the camera the whole room. “Cute.” Zuko mumbled. “Better than our room.” M/N said as he closed the door. M/N placed his luggage in the corner of the room and plopped down on the bed belly first. “Holy shit, Zu baby come HERE.” His muffled voice said. “Why what happened?” Zuko asked as he went to sit on the bed. “Oh my god.” He said.
“I know. Yeah no we’re gonna sleep and cuddle the rest of the day cut the camera.” M/N said as he turned to lay on his back. He kicked his shoes off and pulled Zuko down. Zuko squealed before he moved his head to lay ontop of M/N’s. He kicked his shoes off. ���Welp. We’re gonna knock out. Bye.” Zuko said with a smile. M/N waved and covered the camera.
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jungshookz · 5 years
drabble where jimin is very clingy and friendly and y/n is really quiet and grouchy but warms up to jimin? oof pls or not its all cool ily and ur work sm
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→ pairing: park jimin x reader
→ genre: nonidol!au, college!au, jimin is bending over baCKWArds for u, brownies are the solution to every problem  
→ wordcount: 3k
→ note: thank u thank u!!!! i whipped this baby out in two hours because i got excited at the thought of grouchy y/n so if it’s a little choppy i apologize and ALSO i’m literally never getting over this gif of jimin 
(gif isn’t mine!)
jimin didn’t think it was possible for someone to be moRe quiet and grouchy than yoongi
but here you are
y/n y/l/n
physical proof that it is indeed possible for someone to be more quiet and grouchy than yoongi
it really is no wonder as to why you and yoongi get along so well (he’ll never admit that he’s a lil bit jealous of that fact)
the only difference between u and yoongi is that yoongi actually likes him
he’s pretty sure you hate him which isn’t great
because jimin likes to be liked!!!!!!!! in fact he loVEs to be liked!!!!!! in fact HE WOULD KILL TO BE LIKED
he’s most definitely a people person
you are not a people person
you don’t give a rat’s ass if someone doesn’t like you
that’s one less person to deal with biTch
you kinda just float around and do your own thing
you’re the complete opposite of jimin and usuaLLY he likes to stay away from people like you (no offence) ((and also yoongi is an exception))
..,.,so he can’t quite seem to figure out why he’s developed a teeny weeny little crush on you
“good morning, friends!” jimin chirps and plops down on the ground next to jungkook
you tilt your head up to roLL your eyes and resist the urge to get up and leave
“already?” yoongi snorts nudges your side with his elbow and you shrug in response before leaning back against your palms and crossing one ankle over the other
it’s not like you don’t like the guy
it’s just that you don’t like the guy
you don’t know what it is about him
maybe he’s too chipper for you
he talks too much
you fully support the notion that if there is a moment of silence it doesn’t always have to be filled up with bLabbing
silence is good
also he’s a try-hard
he seems to have a thing where he just neeDs evERyone to fall in love with him (which sounds exhausting to u)
evEryone who bumps into jimin immediately falls in love with him and you honestly?? don’t understand it
what’s so great about the guy?????
also his giggling is irritating and he does so much of it
not everything is funny
but to be fair you’re a pretty tough nut to crack
the last time you actually laughed was when jungkook tripped going up the stairs and his smoothie flew like ten feet up into the air and proceeded to splatter all over him ((you told him not to tell anyone this otherwise u would kick his ass but u ended up giving him your smoothie and u helped clean him up))
what else do you not like about jimin
the almost twinkly sound of his giggle 
how helpful and kind and caring and thoughtful and generous he is to everyone 
his pouty pillowy lips
his obviously dyed head of dirty blonde hair that always happens to be perfectly tousled and always looks so soft and silky and you would love to run your fingers through-
“y/n, you got any plans for the weekend?” jimin smiles brightly at you as he pulls his lunch out
you stare right back at him before raising an eyebrow and cocking your head to the side as if to say ‘do i fuckin look like i wanna tell u all about my weekend plans u nosy leech’
you shrug
jimin waits patiently for a response
and then it hits him that that was your response
taehyung clears his throat
“well if anyone wants to know about my weekend i’m going to go to this super cool flea market-“
“what do you have for lunch today, y/n? i-i have a sandwich! a turkey sandwich. do you like turkey sandwiches?” jimin tries again and taehyung lets out a quiet sigh before looking at the others like hEre we go again
“what’s not to like about a thin piece of meat in between two slices of white bread?” you respond cooly as you pluck at the grass
jimin buRsts into laughter before pointing a finger gun at you “good one! that was a good one!!”
jungkook winces and looks around to make sure no one else is observing this awkward exchange because yiKEs
“.,,.i don’t get the joke.” hoseok mumbles
jin shakes his head disappointedly “was that even a joke?? what was the punchline??”
namjoon presses his lips together before giving both jin and hobi a pat on the shoulder “.,.,.don’t worry bout it”
everyone knows about jimin’s crush on you
it’s not just limited to people in the group of course
everyone with working eyes knows about jimin’s crush on you
taehyung has tried many mAny times to tell jimin to just move on because it’s clear the romantic feelings aren’t being reciprocated and every time jimin opens his mouth to speak your eyes roll to the back of your head
you’re very nice once you warm up to someone and luckily taehyung has experienced that but he’s not sure if jimin is going to get the Nice Y/N package any time soon
he just doesn’t want jimin to get his heart broken that’s all 
“i don’t get it. what am i doing wrong??” jimin groans loudly and taehyung huffs because it’s obvious they’re not going to get through this movie tonight
he lowers the volume on the television before turning to glance at the other boy (who is currently screaming into a pillow) ((which is very hard to ignore)) 
“i’m telling you, bro - just give up. give uP!!!!!” taehyung snatches the pillow from jimin
jimin immediately pushes his bottom lip out in a pout “but-“
“she doesn’t like you. she doesn’t liKE YOU”
“you don’t know that!!!!!!”
“jimin, come on! we’ve had this conversation like a hundred times and each time you say you’re going to get over her and then the next day you pull a ‘heY y/N do u like turkey SandWiches’ stunT and i swear you fall even more in love when she flicks hair over her shoulder and glares at you in response-“
“what the heLL are you two talking about so loudly?” tae and jimin both turn when yoongi makes his way down the stairs
he lets out a yawn before stretching his arms out “i’m taking a nap and it would be greatly appreciated if you’d just-“
“hyung, get over here and help me make jimin realise that y/n doesn’t like him!” taehyung whines
yoongi furrows his brows
“…why would i help you with that?”
tae gawks at him
“wha- why noT-“
“because y/n likes him. a lot.” yoongi states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world
jimin squAwks
yoongi immediately winces
maybe it was a bad idea to tell him that
“wait wait wAIT how do you know- like, did she tell you that she liked m- should i text her?? call her?????” jimin fumbles around for his phone and taehyung snatches it from him before he can do anything
“calm down, romeo.” yoongi snorts before taking a seat on the sofa chair and grabbing the remote  
“oh my god- he’s obviously fucking around with you, you dumbass.” taehyung scowls before glaring at yoongi “thanks a lot-“
“no, i’m serious!” yoongi raises his hands in defence “just don’t talk to her on monday and see what happens.”
“if i don’t talk to her then how will i-” jimin huffs and crosses his arms “whatever, tae’s right, you’re just fucking around with me-“
“no, i’m serious!!!!!” yoongi scoffs “don’t talk to her. see what happens.”
“don’t tell me you’re actually falling for this bullshit.” taehyung deadpans
he can see the gears click-click-clicking away in jimin’s little blonde head
jimin shifts in his spot and clears his throat “.,.it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try”
taehyung resists the urge to beat boTh jimin and yoongi to death with the throw pillow
monday rolls around pretty quickly
jimin is ready to taCKle the new week
but he’s also ready to tackle the new challenge of not talking to you and pretending as if you don’t exist
“good morning, everyone!” jimin greets brightly “how was your weekend…”
tae winces
o god
he’s already failed
smooth sailings so far
you look up from your phone immediately
your brows knit together in confusion
it’s not that you care or anything but like
usually you’re the first person he talks to after he sits down
it’s whatever
it’s not like you would’ve given him a good response anyway
“uh, it was alright! i didn’t do that much… how was your-“
“it was good! tae and i watched the new avengers movie which was super exciting!!” jimin pulls out his lunch and you spoT the familiar turkey sandwich
“oh hey!!! i watched that last week!! did you guys like it????”
you’re not really paying attention to the conversation between the guys 
he threw in some lettuce and tomatoes today!
and you see some mustard peeking out
you clear your throat quietly and sit up a little straighter as if expecting jimin to ask whether you like lettuce and tomatoes and spicy mustard in your sandwiches to whiCH you will respond ‘what’s not to like about lettuce and tomatoes and spicy mustard in my sandwiches?’ and he will respond with his usual HAHAHAHA GOOD ONE Y/N
jimin takes a bite of his sandwich and turns to listen to namjoon rambling about the avengers while jin whines and begs him to noT spoil the whole damn thing for him
jimin takes another biG bite and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand
his cheeks resemble that of a chipmunk
it’s cute
wait what
no it’s not
it’s gross
yeaH it’s grOSS
“ooh, you know what else i did over the weekend? i made brownies!” jimin perks up before turning to rummage through his bag
okAY NOW he’s definitely going to talk to you because he knows you like brownies (he’s brought everyone brownies on several occasions and you’ve always accepted them with a grunt and a barely audible ‘thanks’) and you know for a fact he’s going to offer them to you fiRST >:-)
and you can’t wait because ur favourite piece is the middle piece and u and yoongi always fight over it (obviously u always get it because jimin undoubtedly plays favourites)
“yep! fresH, homemade brownies for everyone!” jimin tosses the brownies at everyone around the circle and your toes wiggle in your shoes in anTicipation
you’ve been craving something sweet all day
“ooh, sweEt i got the middle piece.” yoongi mutters under his breath and your head snaps to look at the brownie piece he just caught
wait a sec-
okay maybe there’s another middle piece for you
you wait patiently and even find yourself offering a meek little smile in jimin’s general direction (which he deFINitely noticed and will shamelessly admit that it made his heart skip a beat)
and then jimin just-
he zips up his backpack
where’s your piece???  
you look around the circle and frown when you see everyone enjoying their brownies
“good brownie, jimin!” tae haMS it up after taking a bite
jungkook practically shoves the entire thing into his mouth like a maniac
meanwhile yoongi shoots jimin a subtle thumbs up before gesturing over to you
jimin’s eyes flicker over to you and you two lock gazes for a second before you’re flushing and looking down at the ground
you proceed to pluCK at the grass a little more aggressively than usual and jimin nEARLY coos when he notices your little pout
but also he feels kind of bad because his intention wasn’t to make u sad
“see you guys later!”
“uGh i’m going to late for my history lecture - bye guys!!”
“thanks for the brownies, jimin!”
usually you just sliP away quietly when the end of lunch rolls around but uh
you can’t help but feel like there’s a tiny issue here
“see ya later, loserrrr” yoongi gives your arm a little punch and you scowl before swatting at his hand
and then there were two
you turn to glance over your shoulder to see jimin packing his lunch bag up quietly
a part of you wants to just pretend this lunch didn’t even happen and just spRInt off the field as quickly as possible
and the other part of you-
“oh. hey!” jimin smiles politely and swings his backpack over his shoulder before pointing behind you “my next class is in the maple building so i- woAH”
needless to say jimin is very much surprised when you grab his wrist and yank him over so that that the two of you are standing directly under the oak tree
“how come i-“ you clear your throat before diverting your gaze to the ground
usually jimin is the one diverting his gaze
“-ʰᵒʷ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᶦ ᵈᶦᵈⁿ’ᵗ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵃ ᵇʳᵒʷⁿᶦᵉ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ”
“how come you didn’t get a brownie today?” jimin repeats “is that it? you just wanted a brownie?”
“well i- i don’t…“
“look, y/n, i actually have a class to get to, so if the brownie is all you’re wanting, i can just bake a new batch tonight and bring you one tomorrow.”
the apples of your cheeks go bright pink
“it’s not just the brownies…”
“then what is it?”
you hate this
your brows knit together in frustration before you look up at jimin with a little glare
“today, you didn’t… talk to me….  at all, and you didn’t…. ask me about my weekend,” you stumble a little over your words because this is a verY unfamiliar situation and you honestly don’t know what you want out of your soon-to-be ramble is but pOp off i guess “-a-and today you had tomatoes and lettuce and mustard in your sandwich and you didn’t ask me if i liked tomatoes and lettuce and mustard in my sandwiches because i would’ve replied with ‘what’s not to like about tomatoes and lettuce and mustard in my sandwiches?’ and then you would do your usual stupid dorky finger gun thing-“
you can’t seem to stop the straight up word vomit just floWing out of your mouth and you haven’t even noticed that you’ve taken a teeny step closer to jimin and he has done exaCtly the same
“and you always give mE a brownie first when you bring ‘em but i-i didn’t get one and not to mention you gave yoongi the middle piece but you already know that the middle piece is mY favourite- mMpH-!”
your brain immediately shuts down when jimin tugs you in and leans down to plant his lips against yours
and as cheesy as it is
time stands still
it almost feels like your soul floated out of your body
like you’re floating in space
this is.,., nice
his lips are awfully soft
and he smells good too
,.,.wait a second
jimin’s kissing you
you’re kissing jimin
you don’t get a chaNce to react before jimin pulls away
he giggles softly when you chase after his lips but soon enough you snap out of your little daze and stumble backwards a little
what is going on
what the heCK is going on
“you- i- we-“ you stammer and blink wiLdly at jimin
“we?” jimin tilts his head and smiles innocently “oh, by the way-“ he takes his backpack off one shoulder and digs through it
he holds out a neatly wrapped square “of course i brought a brownie for you. this batch was extra big so there were two middle pieces.”
you take it from him cautiously before unwrapping it
that’s a middle piece alright
the corner of your mouth twitches in a tiny smile before you let out a huff and whiP around to start trudging down the grassy hill
jimin’s shoulders droop in disappointment
maybe yoongi did set him up
oh god
and he kissed you too
that was wAY too bold of a move
now you’re definitely never going to talk to him again 
but it wasn’t his fault!!!!!! he thought that-
“oi! you coming?” jimin’s eyes widen when he sees you standing at the bottom of the hill with a hand on your hip “i’m not getting any younger here!!” you turn around and continue the trek off the field
jimin grins widely and pulls his backpack back on
he catches up to you in no time and his heart soArs when you clutch his hand in yours
“does this mean you’ll finally answer me when i ask you how your weekend was?”
“absolutely not.”  
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