#teen spirit 5.07
topazy · 7 months
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.07
“Why can’t Maggie be in here?”
An older woman with auburn hair named Deanna smiles at you. She was in charge of Alexandria, and she would be deciding if your group would get to stay or not. You didn’t mind talking to her initially, but what made you uneasy was her videoing your conversation and not allowing your sister to sit in the room with you.
“I won't bite,” she smiles. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable; I just want to ask you a few questions.”
When your group first arrived in Alexandria, everyone was made to hand their weapons over, and now being asked personal questions... it felt intrusive. Deanna straightens out old-fashioned flora curtains before wiping her finger along her bookcase, which was fully stacked. She smudges the dust between her fingers, then turns to you and asks, “How long have you been out there?”
“Uh, I’m unsure. Two years maybe.”
She sits down in the chair across from you and asks, “How did you all find each other?”
“When someone got shot, they were brought to my family's farmhouse so my dad could help save them.”
She looks intrigued. “Is your father a doctor?”
“No, he was a veterinarian.”
“Smart man. I’m assuming because you’re referring to him in the past tense, he’s no longer with us.”
“I lost my daddy not long ago.”
“Have you lost anybody else?”
“I lost my big brother Shawn, mom, and cousin Arnold all on the same day. Walkers attacked them. My dad and sister were killed by people.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she says, sounding sincere. “How old are you?”
Deanna shakes her head and says, “You are far too young to have lost so much. I truly am sorry. So, as far as I’m aware, Rick is the leader of your group.”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“How do you think he does?”
You thought you could handle a few more questions, but tears began to swell. You didn’t like being asked anything because it brought everything you'd been through back. “Rick is a good person; everyone in our group is. We’re a family.”
Your group was given two large houses to stay in for now, but so far everyone has just gathered into one and is taking turns cleaning up. Being in the walled-off community felt like being in a TV show where the rich housewives live in the suburbs. The only thing you felt was normal was Daryl cutting open a possum while sitting on the porch. Your eyes widen when Rick walks outside; he has showered and shaved off his beard, making him look like a completely different person.
But then again, you looked different. After showing Rosita how to braid your hair, a nice blonde woman named Jesse dropped off some clean clothes for you to wear, along with toys for Judith.
“Has anyone been there yet?” You point to the house next door.
“I don’t think so,” Carl says, looking up at his dad. “Can we go check it out?”
Hesitantly, Rick agrees. “You can go look; just be quick and stick together.”
The house next door was nearly identical, aside from a few decorations. Growing up on a farm, you’d never dreamed of living in a modern home built like this. Carol had come with you to check it out; she was now leaning out of the kitchen window, talking to the people who live in the house next door.
When you hear a thumping noise coming from upstairs, you jump and grab Carl’s wrists. “Shit, sorry.” Feeling heat rush to your cheeks, you let go. “I’m just on edge.”
“It’s fine.” Carl offers you his hand. “I get it; I’m scared all the time too.”
He loosely holds onto your hand as you walk up the stairs, and when you reach the room, the noise is coming from Carl. He pulls out his knife and waits for you to do the same before pushing the door open. The room looks like a typical teenage hangout spot; the floor was covered in magazines, comics, CDs, and weirdly designed pillows with posters of bands you’ve never heard of before pinned to the walls.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” Carl says, “These are probably things we would have been interested in if things were different.”
“Not me,” you sigh. “I would never have been allowed magazines with half-naked women on the cover. Shawn was grounded for two months when Maggie found a magazine with a woman wearing nothing but a bikini under his bed.”
Carl laughs while kicking a dusty blanket aside to see what’s underneath it. After a few moments of silence, he says, “You never talk about your brother much.”
A fleeting smile tugs at your lips. Being the youngest, Shawn completely doted on you, and as a child, you would follow him around like a shadow. He always had time for you. His death hit you so hard because you thought he would always be there to protect you, but he died trying to save your mom from walkers.
“Hey? You okay, you kind of zoned out there.”
Hearing Carl’s voice, you snap out of your thoughts and back to reality. “Yeah,” you say, smiling at him. “I was just thinking that my brother would have really liked you.”
You bite the insides of your cheeks to stop yourself from laughing. Judith looks so confused as an elderly couple. Natalie and Bob Miller fuss over her. It was clear there weren’t many kids around, and this was the first time anyone had seen a baby in years, so they were all excited to see Judith.
“Is that Jesse?” Carl asks quietly.
You look up and see his dad talking to her, “Yeah, she’s nice.”
“My dad seems to like her. He says we’re to go to her house later and meet her son, Ron.”
It was weird; the idea of being a normal teenager was starting to freak you out.
After showing you around his home, Ron led you and Carl up to his bedroom to introduce you to his friend Mikey and girlfriend Enid. You were still trying to wrap your head around the idea of returning to school in the afternoons, which was held in a garage, when Carl nudges you with his elbow to gain your attention.
“Sorry, what?”
Ron chuckles. “I said cool bracelet; where do you get it?”
“Em, Carl found them,” you mutter.
“Neat, kind of like a souvenir of the apocalypse.” He pushes his bedroom open. “Enid, Mikey, this is Carl and y/n.”
After an awkward introduction, Ron lists the different things that they do while hanging out, such as reading comics, playing video games, and playing pool. The fact they had electricity from solar panels was mind-blowing enough, but seeing all the stuff they had was leaving you speechless.
You smile at Enid as you sit on the edge of Ron's double bed, while Carol joins the other boys in playing video games. You thought it was a little bit in bad taste; they were playing a zombie video game, but don’t mind watching until a particular scene happens: one of the players finds a sword and begins decapitating the undead.
You and Carl exchange a look before you excuse yourself. “I gotta go; I need to help Maggie with something.”
Rick isn’t the slightest surprised when he enters Carl’s new bedroom and finds you in it as well. You were staring out the window in his room that overlooks the woods outside, watching as walkers gathered on the opposite side of the wall. While Carl lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Rick sits at the edge of the bed, asking, “How was Ron’s house?”
“What do you think of this place?” Carl asks him.
“Well, I think it seems nice.”
“Yeah, I like it here. I like the people, but they’re weak. And I don’t want us to get weak.”
The people here don’t have a clue what it’s like on the outside, and if the walkers broke through the wall, most of them would be dead in five minutes.
When Rick leaves, you go and sit on the floor with your back against the bed. You pick up one of the comics Carl found earlier, place it in your lap, and start to flip through. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you look up and ask, “What?”
Carl looks as if he’s struggling to say something; after a moment, he swings his arm lower and links his fingers with yours.
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dynamoe · 2 years
The April Winchell Collection of Smells like Teen Spirit Covers "Smells like something, all right"
Erdmöbel (5.5 MB)
Opium Jukebox (9.77 MB) from Music to Download Pornography By
Lullaby Version (5.07 MB) from Rockabye Baby!
Ituana (5.93 MB) Argentine piano lounge version
386DX (1.6 MB) Text-to-speech version by Lassigue Bendthaus, aka LB, aka Senor Coconut, aka 386DX
Abigail (3 MB) Dance version
Dokaka (3.2 MB) With the emphasis on kaka
Gregorian Chant (3.5 MB) Smells like nap time
Paul Anka (2.5 MB) Makes you want to drink Nyquil and crawl behind the armoire
Polka Version (3.5 MB) Thank God Kurt’s dead because this would have killed him
Ragnar Bjarnason (1.6 MB) If I could only have one piece of music on a desert island, it would be this. But I would probably kill myself after two weeks.
Rumal Noorkuu (3.1 MB) Ring-Ding G’Dang G’Dang!
Scala (3.9 MB) Belgian girl’s choir
Smells Like Electro (3.5 MB) by the fabulous Dsico
Smells Like Teen Booty (Soulwax) (3.1 MB) Nirvana/Destiny’s Child Mash-up
String Quartet (3.6 MB) Whatever. Nevermind.
The Bad Plus (5.2 MB)
Espiritu Adolescente by Mandragora Tango Orchestra (unreleased demo) (5.3 MB)
Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain (2.4 MB)
Weird Al (3.4 MB) -Still the best
All comments are April's. April Winchell is a DJ, cartoon voice, and curator of crap as well as the daughter of famous ventriloquist and original "Tigger" Paul Winchell. Her blog is missed.
bonus, via YouTube (will be updated as more are found)
Moog Cookbook (1996)
1960s Orchestral Cover - Postmodern Jukebox ft. Alisan Porter
1940s Swing Cover - Robyn Adele Anderson
8bit Universe - Chiptune
2CELLOS live at the Sydney Opera House
0 notes
topazy · 1 year
Tumblr media
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes x reader, Maggie Greene x sister reader
Warnings: character deaths, blood & gore, explicit language
5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07
6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06
96 notes · View notes