#teenytiny steeb army
r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
I just want to let you know that I’ve read ignition a total of 4 times and it is epic. You are ridiculously talented and I cannot thank you enough for that story. The way you have fleshed out those characters is incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Also, I need a full fledged Darcy/Thor story. O.M.G. I am a complete Darcy/Steve/Bucky stan, but the way you write Thor and Darcy has me convinced I will switch 100000%. There’s not enough of them out there. Please, I beg of you. Lol. Once again, thank you for the masterpiece that is ignition. You outdid yourself. 🔥
Wow, I just—thank you. Also, four times?! That story is 300k long at two complete arcs. Good freaking work, anon! You are a trooper and I am stupidly happy that you enjoyed Ignition enough to revisit. I poured a lot of my soul (ha) into that story. It means so much when folks enjoy it with me.
Thor and Darcy. I’ll convert all of you, you just wait 😉😏
I’ve been itching to get back into writing Ignition. One more part to Butterfly Effect, then the third arc begins... and after that, we get our Thor/Darcy mythical romance adventure 🥰
Thank you for all of the support and your patience!
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
I am caught up on Ignition
I’m not ok?!
I can’t
I died
Rip in peace me
(Also be the bravest bi to have ever bi-ed 2morrow I believe in you and am sending you all of the chaotic!bi Bucky and disaster!bi Steve energy I possibly can)
Oh no 😩 I’m sorry, love! No dying! Not allowed. I promise to resurrect all of you. But really, I hope you are able to process and unpack it all a bit. Maybe read some fluff? Drink something warm and comforting? Snuggle under a soft blanket?
EEK!!! Thank you so much!!!! I’ll take it. No matter what happens, just putting myself out there will be good—I hope 😂
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
Let me just tell you. The SCREAM that came out of me when Jane went for Thanos?!? Woke up the ENTIRE house!! 😱 Ohmygod ohmygodOHMYGOD!! Like I'm trying to keep positive, but how very DARE YOU make me so upset before work?!? I stayed up until 1am waiting for this chapter to drop, (eventually going to sleep) and had to read it this morning. I'm now officially Late For Work™️ (of which is ALL YOUR FAULT (just joking, I love you, never change!)) and will have to send you a breakdown analysis of my thoughts tonight when I can re read this chapter. Just... Wow friend. That chapter was definitely worth all the wait and hooooollllleeeeyyyyyy shit ❤️🥺👌🏻😍
YASSSS. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING LONG IVE WAITED FOR LADY THOR TO COME FORTH?! Since chapter 1! I hinted at it all the way back then and and and eeeeek. I’m so glad you liked it! But also lmao your poor house 😂
I hope you had some good coffee or tea this morning to help you get ready for work (and I hope you weren’t too late!).
I wish I could tell you all how giddy I am seeing you all react to this chapter. It’s what this entire fucking story has built to. Well, this chapter and the next. IM READY (or maybe not).
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
Sending you some love 💜💜
Love you, friend 🥰 I’d even let you teach me how to roller derby (is that the right way to say it?).
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
How are you so GOOD at writing?!?
I also love the way you write Jane. Irl my dumb ass decided to become a scientist and I love the nerd becoming the frickin’ goddess of thunder. I actually almost cried. Like, really good crying! I felt like I was *there* while reading it. What do I have to do to get Marvel to hire you???
Can I apologize for apologizing? Because I wanna.
OH MY GOD! I love that you were able to connect with Jane in that way. That is so special and makes my heart so happy. Her entire development was one aspect of Ignition that I looked forward to the most. It was also something I wasn’t entirely sure I would be able to pull off—it’s a big thing.
What type of science are you in, you brilliant human being?
And to answer your final question—ha! Let’s start a petition so we can help Marvel fix their shit.
Thank you for loving my story with me!!
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
You are so welcome ❤️ TEENYTINYSTEEBS I am soft 😭🥺
It’s the best name, right? I am also very biased. But it’s so nice to say “my sweet baby TeenyTiny Steebs that I adore so much 🥺”
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
I think I’m crying and laughing today, too! We can all cry and laugh together like maniacs 😂😭
Thank you so much ♥️
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years
Throwing some fuzzy love your way today, Rev. If I could, I would wrap you up in all the soft, warm things and feed you all the good food. I just want to spoil you, okay? You do so much for us.
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Awwwww, TeenyTiny Steebs 🥺🥺🥺 You... I... we... Where can I sign up for snuggs? I love you all!!!
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
I speak nothing but the truth! Seriously the number of fucks I have to give these days is further in the red than one of Donald Trump’s business ventures, so I do not have the energy anymore for insincere flattery. So you can know everything I say is 1000000% God’s honest truth!
As soon as I finish failing my survival analysis final I am so ready for a snuggle!!! I am saving the new chapter for this afternoon as a reward for not dying and I’m SO STOKED
Lmao that made me cackle. I feel you on the zero fucks left though! But also 😩 thank you.
Ahhh! Finals! You can do it!!! No dying! Must push through! I’m cheering you on 🥳 Take deep breaths, ground yourself, you’ve got this. You are brilliant and capable!
Enjoy the chapter this afternoon! 🥰🥰🥰
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
RQueen, I say this with all seriousness: that chapter was the most incredible thing I’ve ever read. I am reeling and in awe. Thank you with all my heart.
Goddamnit I need to not read this stuff after I’ve put on makeup. My emotions are precariously balanced today, so that just means a whole lotta tears.
Thank you for loving this story as much as I do. ♥️
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
okay I did Not relax this weekend and my semester ends in 56 minutes and I’m maybe seeing double BUT it’s fine everything is fine bc I have saved ch 31 of Ignition for this and we are in the clear to watch Monday bc at midnight academia’s hold on me shall wither heck yeah let’s go TeenyTiny Steebs!!!!
Congratulations babe!!! You did it!!! HURRAY! I’m so proud of you!!
But please tell me now you’ll relax? Drink some water and eat a little bit of food? Sleep? And then wake up and continue relaxing... maybe while watching Monday? 😉 What a reward that’ll be lmao.
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
also i hope your brain is being nice to you!!!!!
Oh sweetheart, I can only imagine the nerves you’ve got to be feeling. But remember this: you wouldn’t have been accepted into the program if you didn’t have what it takes. You’ve got this! I’m cheering you on, babe 🎉🥳
My whole life is pretty much about being unqualified to do much of anything (hello, high school drop out 💁🏼‍♀️). Instead I’ve had to come to the realization that no one ever feels adequately qualified (except for most straight white men). We have to find a way around that icky feeling and realize that we are a hell of a lot more capable than we realize and a lot of society’s qualifiers are bullshit anyway.
Final note on the sucky-ness of being an adult, to quote Tony from one of my oneshots: “I need an adultier adult—someone who can successfully adult.”
We all need someone who can successfully adult 😩
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
So I just binged Ignition on AO3 and Jesus fucking hell……this is the beat thing I’ve read in such a long time. If a story can pull intense emotions out of a person (my gut was clenching during the chapters from the final battle….I was reading at work and every time a customer came in, I wanted to snap for being interrupted lol) and make them almost feral with the need to JUST KEEP READING, you’ve done something special. I can’t wait for the third arc!!!
Ahhhh!!!! This made me smile so much! Thank you for checking out Ignition. It is a beast of a story lol. That final battle nearly killed me, so I totally get it but also relate so much to the whole ‘reading fic at work and getting pissed when I have to actually... work’ 😂
Third arc is coming as soon as my Andy fic is done. I’m stoked!
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
I finished my final
And the day went sideways
And now I need hugs from the TeenyTiny Steeb army 🥺
Oh no, love!!! Okay, let’s first celebrate that you finished your final. That is so exciting and I am very proud of you!
Now, as for the rest of the day, that just stinks. I’m so sorry it went all wonky. C’mere for a snuggle, yeah? We’ll get you some soup and a soft blanket ♥️ I hope you’re able to recuperate today!
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
What the fuck is wrong with people?! Take all the time you need, and thank you for the amazing story you’re bringing us! 💗
No clue. It was dumb to have that be the first thing I saw when I jumped onto Tumblr. I do think I’m lucky, I don’t really get much, if any, anon hate. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️
But thank you for being so sweet. I adore you 😘😘😘
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
1. I have been reading Ignition. Oh my God. It’s so good??? I 100% agree with the other poster, it absolutely feels like literature.
2. I am brand new to this party, so I do not know basically anything about you. But I also lost the pup I got at 11 years old last fall after over 14 years together, and a lot of your words feel very familiar. I’m a stranger, but I’m very sorry for your loss and my heart is with you ❤️
Hi new friend! First off 🥺😭 Thank you for the love and support. I am so glad you found Ignition and joined this wild ride.
Second, you are so kind. Truly kind. I have really been blown away by the sheer amount of folks who have messaged me or contacted me somehow over the loss of Luna. We all have lost animals in one way or another and I am so sorry for yours. The impact our pets make on us are truly eternal.
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