#teeth scaling panchkula
kalradentalclinic · 1 year
Doctor for Scaling and Polishing Teeth in Panchkula
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Maintaining good oral health is important for overall well-being. If you're looking for a reliable and experienced dental scaling service, look no further than our team at Dr. Sanjay Kalra's Multispeciality Dental Clinic in Panchkula. We have years of experience helping people achieve and maintain healthy teeth and gums. Our scaling services are gentle and effective, and we always take the time to ensure that our patients are comfortable and happy with their results. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!
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doctorsanjaykalra · 3 years
6 Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath
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Are you upset due to your bad breath? Yes, it is embarrassing resulting in anxiety, low self-esteem, psychological distress, thereby impacting your social life. Surely, you must have taken some temporary measures to improve your condition; but that always does not give you a permanent solution. So this can soon become a matter of concern. Though most people do not give much importance to this in the beginning, halitosis or bad breath which persists for a long time is something that mints, mouthwash or a good brushing can’t solve, thereby needing to be treated upon.
Dr. Sanjay Kalra, reviewed as the best Dentist in Panchkula can help you with the specialized dental treatments offered by his Multi-Specialty Dental Clinic in Panchkula.
Know About the Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath
So before knowing how to treat it, one must know what can be the cause of halitosis. It can be any one of them
Poor oral hygiene, resulting in calculus deposits, deep pockets, which might harbor bacteria causing halitosis.
Dry mouth can be due to certain medications, excessive tobacco/alcohol consumption. Saliva is essential for our dental health
Eating sugary foods, foods with a strong odour like onion and garlic, caffeine consumption, and not rinsing one’s mouth immediately can lead to halitosis
Dieting can also be one of the causes. Low carb diets tend to produce a ketone breath.
Infections of the sinus, nose and throat issues may end up resulting in a postnasal drip leading to bad breath.
Certain other diseases like cancer, liver failure and some metabolic diseases can also contribute to halitosis.
Hence it is imperative to reach a correct diagnosis and one can do so by visiting the dentist.
Brush & Floss Frequently: It is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Toothpaste with antibacterial properties will help to reduce the odour.
Scrape Your Tongue: You must have noticed that your tongue frequently develops a whitish layer that can be a host for bacteria causing bad breath. So, it is recommended to use a tongue scraper or brush which has a built-in tongue cleaner.
Avoid Tobacco: Tobacco and tobacco-related products cause a lot of health issues including bad breath. So, quit smoking and live a healthy life.
Take Care of Your Gums: Along with taking care of your teeth, it is also imperative to take care of your gums. Gum disease is one of the main causes of bad breath. Sometimes professional cleaning/scaling is the only solution when other remedies don’t work.
Drink Plenty of Water: Bad breath can also be the result of a dry mouth. So drink plenty of water, chew sugarless gums and in cases of a chronic dry mouth it’s best to consult your dentist who may prescribe some medication that may stimulate the flow of saliva.
Clean Your Dentures: If you wear a denture, clean them post every meal or as directed by your dentist. It is necessary to clean your mouthguard and retainers every time you put them on.
Dr. Sanjay Kalra, often considered as the best Dentist in Panchkula, always recommends his patients not to neglect dental issues as these are the tell-tale signs of the underlying health issues.
Hence Dr. Kalra recommends visiting your dentist twice a year for a check-up and to undergo professional cleaning/scaling. Because the age-old adage “A stitch in time saves nine” is very relevant in dentistry!
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drhkbali · 3 years
Life Hacks for a Healthy Heart
Is your heart health at the highest of your priority list? If not, then you want to provides a thought thereto . A healthy heart is significant for a healthy body. Taking small steps towards your heart health is sweet to stay your ticker ticking
Heart disease accounts for nearly one-third of worldwide deaths. Heart diseases occur once we neglect our heart health due to our poor lifestyle and everyday habits. However, it's never too late for you to start out changing your lifestyle.
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Life Hacks for a Healthy Heart
By following simple life hacks for a healthy heart, you'll save yourself from various heart diseases. Your future self will appreciate you later for adopting these life hacks.
Cut down on salt
If your diet includes food high in salt, you're likely to possess high vital sign . Taking salt in excess quantity can increase the danger of heart diseases or strokes. The recommended daily intake of salt is 6g for adults and 3g for youngsters . you'll hamper on salt by reducing its usage in cooking. Processed foods contain salt in excess quantity. Therefore, you'll check their labels to understand what proportion salt you're eating in processed foods. Switch to a plant-heavy diet
What you eat daily features a direct impact on your heart health. A plant-based diet is cardiovascular-friendly as eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables reduces your risk of heart problems by 20%. However, foods with high-saturated fats are bad for your heart health. you'll include fiber-rich food in your diet as fiber is sweet to naturally cleanse your system. Green vegetables, whole grains, walnuts, beans, dark chocolates are suitable for your overall heart health. Exercise regularly for a healthy heart
It is ideal to exercise for about half-hour each day or a minimum of five days every week . Physical exercises are suitable for reducing the danger of heart diseases. Regular breathing exercises regulate your pulse and assist you to remain calm and composed. Laugh deep for your heart
Laughing is undoubtedly, one among the simplest medicines for a healthy heart. there's release of endorphins, every time you laugh deeply. the discharge of endorphins helps to extend blood flow within the body and to scale back stress. Spend a while on the activities and with the folks that cause you to laugh. It allows you to feel relaxed and keeps your mood cheerful. Get good quality sleep
Because of our hectic schedules, we don't get enough sleep. Chronic lack of sleep can cause various heart diseases. Our body responds to inadequate sleep by increasing levels of stress hormones, which may also raise vital sign and blood glucose levels. The National Institute of Health revealed during a study that adults need 7 to eight hours of sleep each night for his or her better heart health. Avoid late-night meals
You should eat your meals on time. Eating dinner immediately before getting to bed may increase overnight vital sign and therefore the risk of a attack . Moreover, eating late can cause indigestion and wreak havoc on your sleep. you want to attempt to eat your dinner anywhere between 7 to eight pm. Dark chocolates are good
You can satisfy your appetite with bittersweet chocolate . A bar of bittersweet chocolate is loaded with flavonoids, a plant-based nutrient mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are good in lowering vital sign , improving blood flow to the guts , and lowering the danger of developing blood clots. Some chocolates are full of processed sugars also as artificial flavors. you'll choose a chocolate candy with a minimum of 70% cocoa and may limit the serving size to only one small square. Don't stress out yourself
Too much stress can aggravate your vital sign . If you do not skills to manage your stress, then you'll easily get trapped during a stress cycle. It is important to react calmly to stressful situations. Keeping yourself positive and happy allows you to efficiently manage your stress. Observe good dental hygiene
Dental health is significant for overall health, including your heart. Bacteria within the mouth is that the reason behind certain blood diseases which can indirectly cause inflammation within the blood vessels. This bacteria increases the danger of getting heart attacks and strokes. you want to floss and brush your teeth daily to keep off gum diseases. Observe good dental hygiene
A healthy heart is important to measure a healthy life. Dr. HK Bali works towards the target of giving the simplest heart treatment to his patients. the simplest cardiologist in Panchkula, Dr. HK. Bali provides the simplest guidance on heart-related issues. His speciality includes coronary interventions, devices in coronary failure , and peripheral vascular interventions. together with his quite 25 years of experience in Cardiology, Dr. H.K Bali is an expert in handling complex heart surgeries. Ignoring your heart health are often dangerous. Call Dr. H.K Bali to urge timely treatment under his supervision.
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doctorsanjaykalra · 5 years
Benefits of Regular Visit to Your Dentists
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A famous quote reads that “My teeth don’t hurt, they must be healthy.” Just like your other body parts, your mouth requires a regular checkup as well. Many diseases show their symptoms first in your mouth. For this reason, it is essential that you pay regular visits to your dentist and maintain your oral hygiene.
Dr. Sanjay Kalra, the best dentist in Panchkula highlights some benefits of regular visits to your dentist:
Ensure Overall Hygiene of Your Mouth
A dentist performs an overall dental checkup of your mouth. He checks the health of your teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth. If he identifies any issues, he can schedule the required procedures to fix them. In addition to this, he cleans your teeth as thoroughly as possible and helps in improving your oral health as well.
Identify Issues
When you visit your dentist twice a year, your dentist can help you prevent dental issues from turning into big ones. Treating an oral disease in its early stages means that it would require less procedural sitting and less pain too. This also helps to save your time and money.
Remove Plaque
It is essential for you to go through a dental checkup twice a year for professional cleaning of your teeth. You might brush your teeth twice every day but simple brushing or flossing cannot remove the plaque from your teeth. And if the dental plaque isn’t removed in time, it hardens into tartar which requires a proper dental procedure. A professional dentist has special equipment to remove plaque from your teeth through a process called scaling which prevents cavities and gum diseases.
Enhance Your Smile
Dentists use a special paste with a gritty texture to polish your teeth. This procedure minimizes the appearance of stains on your teeth and results in a more white and bright smile.
Apart from all these reasons, a dentist also prevents you from losing teeth. Dr. Sanjay Kalra, the best dentist Tricity advises you to visit the dentist regularly to keep your teeth and gums healthy which prevents you from tooth loss.
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doctorsanjaykalra · 5 years
Flap Surgery: The Need
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Gingival flap surgery is a type of gum procedure. In this procedure, a dentist separates the gum from the tooth and folds it back in order to reach the root of the tooth and the bone. Flap surgery is often recommended to people with moderate and advanced periodontitis. In the initial stages of periodontitis, scaling and root planning is performed on the patient. If this treatment fails to eliminate the gum infection, then the flap surgery comes into the picture. In the surgery, a periodontist cleans the roots of a tooth and repairs the bone damage caused by gum diseases.
Dr Sanjay Kalra’s Multispecialty Dental Clinic, best dentist in Panchkula, will illustrate when one might need a flap surgery:
➢ Reasons You Would Need a Flap Surgery
Gum diseases are often painless, and if symptoms are not attended initially, it can lead to advanced periodontitis. The symptoms include:
i. Swollen, red or bleeding gums ii. Gums that move away from teeth iii. Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in mouth iv. Loose teeth v. Visible pus surrounding the teeth and gums
Consult a periodontist if any of the above-mentioned symptoms are evident in your mouth or teeth. A periodontist will go for a non-surgical treatment; if the problem persists he/she will go for flap surgery.
➢How is a flap surgery performed?
Your periodontist will first work on your oral hygiene by cleaning plaque and tartar from around your teeth. After numbing the area, he/she will use a scalpel to separate gums from teeth. The gums will then be lifted or folded back to form a flap. In this way, your periodontist can have access to the roots of your tooth and bones supporting it directly. He/she will then remove inflamed tissue from between the teeth and from any holes in the bone. Plaque and tartar are then cleaned with a procedure called scaling and root planning.
After ensuring that the plaque has been removed from the teeth, gums are then stitched back in place. Some stitches dissolve on their own while some need to get removed after a week or 10 days. The periodontist covers the surgical site with a bandage which is called periodontal pack or dressing.
You may feel minor discomfort after the surgery which can be relieved with pain killers. However, it is always suggested that precaution is better than cure, maintain your oral hygiene so as to avoid such a situation. In case of gums depigmentation in Chandigarh, follow three simple steps to ensure healthy mouth and teeth. First, brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Second, use an anti-bacterial mouthwash and toothpaste to kill bacteria. Third, visit your dentist twice in a year for a general checkup and cleaning.
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