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trustedteflreviews · 4 years
"Five star course and five star service"
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tefl online pro review, submitted by Michel Lentz.
Tefl Online Pro 120-hour online course review.
A very good program with a very effective office response throughout the course. I was originally booked onto a residential program in Madrid, but because of the Coronavirus I had to 180 degree change my plans. TEFL Madrid wouldn’t refund my course deposit. Lucky I only paid a deposit! Many…
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These 7 tips will help make your journey run smoother – whether you are making the trip abroad for a teaching English position, or just for a getaway break.
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This article looks at where our customer reviews are predominantly published, and the red-flag Online TEFL/TESOL review tactics of some of our competitors that should be taken with a generous pinch of salt.
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It was soon after when TEFL Online Pro won the Teachers’ Choice Award, 2019, when we first noticed the Reddit and forum posts appearing – attacking TEFL Online Pro with conspiracy theory slings of mud. At first, we didn’t really take much notice of them – they were so ridiculous that we brushed them off as prank posts.
But the false accusations grew over time and it has only recently been the case that we have been able to identify exactly who is behind the publication of this online abuse.
It is actually four schools – four of our Online TEFL/TESOL program competitors:
ESLinsider, ITTT TEFL, MyTEFL, and the TEFL Academy.
As the online attacks originated with Ian Patrick Leahy from the ESLinsider TEFL program, and the other three competitors have simply copy and pasted his misinformation, we will focus on ESLinsider in this article.
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We always place the customer first and our customers appreciate this high level of personal service. This can be seen by our consistently positive customer feedback.
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We constantly aim to find new ways of providing the best services for our customers, and we also strive to present all information regarding TEFL Online Pro in a clear, easy-to-digest format. This also applies to TEFL Online Pro reviews, so that our future customers can clearly, and transparently, read genuine feedback from customers who have gone through the process of course enrolment to course graduation.
With this in mind, we have decided to begin a TEFL Online Pro YouTube channel.
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We are so blessed that the vast majority of our customers are simply wonderful.
Why are our customers so wonderful?
One of the reasons is because at TEFL Online Pro we deliver on all of our promises and our customers really appreciate this commitment to our professional word.
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Language schools, universities, current English teachers, and recent Online TEFL/TESOL course graduates take part in the Online TEFL/TESOL international certification course Teachers’ Choice Award, by voting for their favorite Online TEFL/TESOL international certification course program.
It is, therefore, an honor to have won this award for a fourth consecutive year.
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“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.” – Jack Kerouac, On The Road.
There can be no doubt that travel broadens the mind. Travel opens doors, removes window blinds, and allows you a glimpse of how other people lead their lives in different parts of the world.
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No matter where you decide to teach English, you can be rest assured that you will always be guaranteed to earn an above average local salary.
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As an English speaker, born into one of the de facto native English nations (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States of America) there are very few barriers for you to freely teach English around the planet, in the global locations where English tuition is sought after in high demand – which is pretty much anywhere in the world, with the exception of Antarctica.
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The TEFL & TESOL certification course industry is highly competitive.
The competitiveness between TEFL programs has several implications. On one hand, it can drive innovation and encourage institutions to improve the quality of their programs. On the other hand, it can lead to the proliferation of subpar programs that do not adequately prepare graduates for the challenges of teaching English online or abroad.
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Enrolling in your tefl online pro international Online TEFL/TESOL certification course is as easy as pie.
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TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is a growing field that has seen a lot of interest over the past few years. With the rise of the internet, it has become easier than ever to access TEFL reviews in video format, and YouTube has become the most popular platform for this.
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TEFL Online Pro Reviews Blog.
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